- artwork:
- taggable
- has many merchandise
- merchandise:
- released_at
- belongs to artwork
- transaction:
- taggable
- sale_price
- list_price
- sold_on: Date instead of DateTime
- has many goods
- expenses:
- taggable
- amount
- event:
- taggable
- total_sales
- started_at
- ended_at
- has many expenses
- has many transactions
- Taggable:
- class method: tagged_with
- helper method for DB migration
- JSONB array column of tags
- EventTransactions
- Bulk CSV File import
- Wrap everything in DB transaction
- Create event
- Create transactions
- Bulk CSV File import
- Compare one merchandise against another
- Scope each to specific event
- Scope each to events by tag
- Revenue over time
- Scope by tag
- Scope by merchandise tag
- Comparable with other revenues over time
- Distribution of sale prices
- Distribution of transcation's sale_amounts
- Comparable by specific events
- Comparable by event's tags
- Distribution of event's total_sales
- Comparable via tags
- Distribution of transcation's sale_amounts
- Most common paired artworks/merchandise
- Scoped to a specific event
- Scoped to event's tag