The required packages and corresponding version are shown as follows:
- Python == 3.10
- GCC == 10.2.0
- MPFR == 4.1.0
- CUDA >= 11.7
- Pytorch >= 1.13.1
- Transformers >= 4.28.0
- Flash-Attention >= v1.0.5
- Apex == 23.05
- GPU with Ampere or Hopper architecture (such as H100, A100)
- Linux OS
After installing the above dependencies, some system environment variables need to be updated:
export CUDA_PATH={path_of_cuda_11.7}
export GCC_HOME={path_of_gcc_10.2.0}
export MPFR_HOME={path_of_mpfr_4.1.0}
export PATH=${GCC_HOME}/bin:${CUDA_PATH}/bin:$PATH
export CC=${GCC_HOME}/bin/gcc
export CXX=${GCC_HOME}/bin/c++
Clone the project InternEvo
and its dependent submodules from the github repository, as follows:
git clone [email protected]:InternLM/InternEvo.git --recurse-submodules
It is recommended to build a Python-3.10 virtual environment using conda and install the required dependencies based on the requirements/
conda create --name internevo python=3.10 -y
conda activate internevo
cd InternEvo
pip install -r requirements/torch.txt
pip install -r requirements/runtime.txt
Install flash-attention (version v1.0.5):
cd ./third_party/flash-attention
python install
cd ./csrc
cd fused_dense_lib && pip install -v .
cd ../xentropy && pip install -v .
cd ../rotary && pip install -v .
cd ../layer_norm && pip install -v .
cd ../../../../
Install Apex (version 23.05):
cd ./third_party/apex
pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./
cd ../../
Users can use the provided dockerfile combined with docker.Makefile to build their own images, or obtain images with InternLM runtime environment installed from
The configuration and build of the Dockerfile are implemented through the docker.Makefile. To build the image, execute the following command in the root directory of InternEvo:
make -f docker.Makefile BASE_OS=centos7
In docker.Makefile, you can customize the basic image, environment version, etc., and the corresponding parameters can be passed directly through the command line. For BASE_OS, ubuntu20.04 and centos7 are respectively supported.
The standard image based on ubuntu and centos has been built and can be directly pulled:
# ubuntu20.04
docker pull internlm/internlm:torch1.13.1-cuda11.7.1-flashatten1.0.5-ubuntu20.04
# centos7
docker pull internlm/internlm:torch1.13.1-cuda11.7.1-flashatten1.0.5-centos7
For the local standard image built with dockerfile or pulled, use the following command to run and enter the container:
docker run --gpus all -it -m 500g --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --cap-add=IPC_LOCK --shm-size 20g --network=host --name myinternlm internlm/internlm:torch1.13.1-cuda11.7.1-flashatten1.0.5-centos7 bash
The default directory in the container is /InternEvo
, please start training according to the Usage.