Virtosu Sava
email: [email protected]
- IDEs: CLI - nano, vim, emacs
- Languages: bash, python, perl, ruby
- Frameworks:
- Technologies: The power of vim and scripting languages
- Understanding and using CLI (basic level)
- Ability to work remotely (remote code editing)
- Creating a script that will compile multiple projects (source codes) with resulting multiple programs
Laboratory work is considered as successfully passed after fulfilling the following steps:
- You must elaborate a Report which will contain your work-flow and your conclusions. - Laboratory work paper Dead Line is due to next laboratory, and the report most be sent to my email in an appropriate format (such as PDF format). - Laboratory work paper must have at least: 2 pages - Laboratory work paper must have a conclusion of: 0.5 pages
- You must elaborate a prototype program, and show how it work during the classes
- You must pass the quiz
- install vim and necessary plugins
- install emacs and necessary plugins
- for Basic Level (grade 5 || 6):
- write a script that will compile chosen HelloWolrdPrograms projects
- for Normal Level (grade 7 || 8):
- complete previous requirement
- make your script to output compilation results for each project
- for Advanced Level (grade 9 || 10):
- complete previous requirements
- for each successful compilation create a commit with message "success message"
- for each unsuccessful/failed compilation (one of):
- send an e-mail (to preset address) with compilation details
- post a ticket in some issue tracker. add compilation details
- for Bonus Level:
- nothing here today. try tomorrow.