This server is used as gRPC server and it's running at port :50051 by default. It receives a request ID, product ID and user ID. It calculates the discount rules according to the received information and returns a discount percentage.
- Node.JS
- Postgres 9.6
- gRPC
Service 1: Individual product discount
- This service received a product and an user ID and returns a discout
- The discount application rules are:
- If it's user's birthday, the product will have a discount of 5%
- If it's blackfriday (25/11 for this test), the product will have a discount of 10%
- The discount can't exceed 10%
- app: contains the application entrypoint
- database: methods to access the database
- discount: business logic implementation and discount application
- grpc: wrapper for grpc communication
To run it locally, download the dependencies:
npm install
Define the environment variables for database (POSTGRESQL_URL
), for instance:
Start the application:
npm start