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qsc - Quasisymmetric Stellarator Construction

This code generates quasisymmetric stellarator configurations using a near-axis expansion, as detailed in Landreman & Sengupta, "Constructing stellarators with quasisymmetry to high order", J. Plasma Phys. 85, 815850601 (2019). This repository contains a C++ implementation of the method. For a python implementation, see pyQSC. For a fortran implementation, see here. The C++ version here was used for the paper Landreman, "Mapping the space of quasisymmetric stellarators using optimized near-axis expansion", J. Plasma Phys. 88, 905880616 (2022). This C++ version is best if you are doing large parameter scans or optimization, where speed is a priority. For use cases in which you can afford to spend 100 ms rather than 1ms to compute an equilibrium, you should consider pyQSC.

This code provides a standalone executable xqsc, which reads input files and writes output files. However a library libqsc.a is also generated, and you can write your own driver programs that link to this library.


  • A C++ compiler (C++11 standard)
  • CMake
  • BLAS
  • MPI
  • NetCDF (The C++ interface to NetCDF is not required, just the standard C interface.)

Building the code

From the root project directory, run

cmake .

If CMake has any trouble finding the required depencies, or if you want to tell it to use a different version of a compiler or library than the version it detected, you have two options. One option is to provide a flag when you call CMake, e.g. cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=mpiicpc . The second option is to edit the file cmake/knownHosts.cmake to add a case for your machine. In this file, CMake attempts to detect if it is being run on a known machine based on the environment variables, and if it recognizes the machine, appropriate settings for that machine are set.

Once CMake has completed successfully, then run


If the build is successful, the qsc library will be built in the project's lib/ directory, and the driver program xqsc will be present in the bin/ directory.

If you want to clear all CMake files to do a clean configure and build, you can run the ./clean_cmake script.

Single precision

By default the code uses double precision for all calculations, but it is also possible to build the code using single precision. To do this, run

cmake -DSINGLE=ON .

(Alternative flags like -DSINGLE=1 also work.) Then run make as before. The library and driver that are then compiled will be named libqsc_single.a and xqsc_single. I have not seen an advantage in practice to using single precision, so you almost certainly want to use the standard double-precision build instead.


After CMake has been run, the unit tests can be built and run by typing

make test

It is also possible to type make unitTests to build the tests without running them. The unit test executable is named unitTests and is placed in the project's tests/ directory.

Running the code

To run the code, type

<path-to-executable>/xqsc qsc_in.<extension>

where <path-to-executable> is usually bin. An output file will be generated, with the name qsc_out.<extension>.nc. The output files are in NetCDF format. You can browse the contents of the output files using ncdump qsc_out.<extension>.nc | less.

Input files

Input files should have filenames of the form qsc_in.<extension>. The input files use TOML format. Many example input files can be found in the examples directory. Please consult these examples for the typical variables that should be specified for each type of calculation. Every input file has a top-level option general_option which controls the type of calculation that is run.

Settings for general_option

general_option = "single"

For this setting, xqsc will solve the near-axis equations for a single configuration. The input parameters for this configuration are specified in the qsc section of the TOML input file (i.e. under [qsc].)

A calculation with general_option = "single" typically takes about 1 ms.

MPI is not used for this setting.

general_option = "opt"

For this setting, a single optimization will be run. The initial configuration is specified in the [qsc] section of the input file. The additional settings that determine the objective function and parameter space are specified in the [opt] section of the input file. One set of these parameters determines which variables are fixed or varied in the optimization, e.g. vary_eta_bar and vary_R0c. Another set of parameters determines which terms are included in the objective function, and if so, how strongly they are weighted. Examples of these variables are weight_grad_B and weight_B20. For any weights that are ≤ 0, the corresponding term is not included in the objective.

Optimizations typically use Fourier refinement, in which the number of Fourier modes in the axis shape is increased in stages. The number of steps of refinement is specified by the fourier_refine variable, an integer. If fourier_refine = 2, then optimization will be run with N, N + 1, and N + 2 sine and cosine modes in R and Z, where N is the number of sine/cosine modes in R/Z in the [qsc] list. The phi resolution for each stage can be specified in the nphi list.

A calculation with general_option = "opt" typically takes on the order of a second or a few seconds, depending on resolution and the number of Fourier refinement steps.

MPI is not used for this setting.

general_option = "multiopt"

For this setting, several stages of optimization are applied to one configuration. Each stage generally has a different objective function. In typical usage, you might have two multiopt stages. In the first stage, the objective includes just the ∇B scale length and B20, whereas the second stage also includes other objectives such as the ∇∇B scale length.

For multiopt runs, a [multiopt] section of the input file is required. In this section, a variable nopts specifies how many opt stages are to be performed. Each opt stage is exactly like a calculation with general_option = "opt", except the [opt] section in the input file is replaced with [opt0], [opt1], etc for the different stages.

As with general_option = "opt", the initial condition for the optimization is determined by the [qsc] list in the input file.

A calculation with general_option = "multiopt" typically takes on the order of a second or a few seconds, depending on resolution and the number of Fourier refinement steps.

MPI is not used for this setting.

general_option = "scan"

For this setting, a large number of configurations are computed. No optimization is performed. Input parameters are chosen randomly. MPI is used, and each process performs calculations independently of the others. Solutions are discarded if they do not meet certain criteria ("filters"), e.g. if the minimum aspect ratio is too large. In this type of scan, often the yield is low, in the sense that most configurations get filtered out.

MPI is used for this setting, so the executable should be launched appropriately, e.g. mpiexec -n 4 xqsc qsc_in.random_scan_small or srun xqsc qsc_in.random_scan_small. Running with just one MPI process will not cause an error, but you probably want to take advantage of MPI for large scans.

For this setting, the scan settings are defined in a [scan] section of the input file. Here, the minimum and maximum values for each input parameter are defined. You can also specify if each input parameter is distributed uniformly or logarithmically. The filters are also defined in this section. Examples of variables defining the filters are min_iota_to_keep, max_B20_variation_to_keep, and min_r_singularity_to_keep. The scan will run for a time specified by the max_seconds variable.

For this setting, the [qsc] list is still required. This list specifies all the input parameters for each configuration other than the ones that are set randomly during the scan.

general_option = "multiopt_scan"

For this setting, multiple "multiopt" optimizations are run. Each optimization typically has different weights or target values for the various terms in the objective function. Solutions are discarded if they do not meet certain criteria ("filters"), e.g. if the minimum aspect ratio is too large. Compared to general_option = "scan", the scans in general_option = "multiopt_scan" typically have higher yield, i.e. more configurations pass the filters. This is because each configuration is the result of an optimization rather than the result of random input parameters. However each configuration requires an optimization, so more time is needed for each candidate configuration.

This general_option = "multiopt_scan" setting is the one used for the large parameter scans described in Landreman, "Mapping the space of quasisymmetric stellarators using optimized near-axis expansion", J. Plasma Phys. 88, 905880616 (2022).

MPI is used for this setting, so the executable should be launched appropriately, e.g. mpiexec -n 4 xqsc qsc_in.multiopt_scan_QH_nfp4_small_keep_all_1 or srun xqsc qsc_in.multiopt_scan_QH_nfp4_small_keep_all_1. Running with just one MPI process will cause an error - you must use at least two processes. This is because process 0 is reserved for coordinating the scan, and at least one other process is needed to actually do computation.

A [multiopt_scan] section of the input file contains the parameters that define the scan. The key variables are params, params_min, params_max, params_n, params_log, and params_stage. These variables are each lists of the same length. Here, params is a list of strings, indicating which parameters to vary. A tensor-product scan is performed, in which the values considered for each variable are independent of the values of the other variables. The maximum and minimum values for each variable are determined by params_min and params_max. The number of values for each variable is set by params_n. The list params_log contains booleans, determining if the values for each variable are spaced logarithmically (true) or linearly (false). The variable params_stage determines which stage of the multiopt the corresponding variable applies to; a value of -1 indicates all stages.

The [multiopt_scan] section of the input file also contains the filter variables, e.g. max_B20_variation_to_keep. The input file should contain all the lists for general_option = "multiopt", such as [multiopt], [opt0], and [opt1]. Also the [qsc] list is still required, specifying the initial conditions for each optimization.

Note that the wallclock time for a multiopt_scan depends on how many values you choose to consider in the scan.

Interaction with pyQSC

For a qsc_out.<extension>.nc file generated by this C++ code, you can load the result into pyQSC using the from_cxx() method, for plotting and other analysis:

from qsc import Qsc

config = Qsc.from_cxx("")

This C++ repository provides the qscPlot script in the bin directory, which makes use of pyQSC for plotting configurations generated in C++.