- This change log moved from README.md
- 2020-04-15 ~ Theo ~ Ability to add more buttons and links to pop-up
Wish list items dealt with
- Improve Wikipedia workflow
- States to global map
- Rescale bars
- 2020-04-06 ~ Theo ~ Select scale linear or scale logarithmically
Wish list items dealt with
- 2020-04-15 ~ Way of testing that pop-up links are working << see sandbox/test-c19-wp-links
Wish list items dealt with
- 2020-04-15 ~ Case data chart: on open > scroll to bottom
- 2020-04-15 ~ Place data chart: on open > scroll to top
Wish list items dealt with
- 2020-03-30 ~ Theo ~ Multiple charts per pop-up
- Dark mode
Wish list items dealt with
- 2020-04-13 ~ Theo ~ JavaScript file for each country and region
- 2020-04-06 ~ Theo ~ In-world text as Three.js "SimpleText"
- 2020-04-06 ~ Theo ~ Bars as "little crowns" - flared
- 2020-03-24 ~ Theo ~ use Three.js fonts??
- Better display of text in placards??
- 2020-04-02 ~ Theo ~ Merge data from JHU and Wiki
- Data from CSVs to arrays of objects as opposed to arrays of strings as is current
Wish list items dealt with
- 2020-04-02 ~ Theo ~ Wikipedia charts appear in pop-up no click necessary
- 2020-04-02 ~ Theo ~ Mouse click AND mouse over
Wish list items dealt with
- 2020-03-30 ~ Theo ~ Drag and resize pop-up
- 2020-03-30 ~ Theo ~ Better maps for globe
covid-19-viz-3d v-2020-03-28-12-40-dev
- Bars now scaled linearly
- "New cases today" appear on ground
- Update splash screen
- Fix display of stats in left menu
- Add use GH API to get name of latest file in JHU folder
- Four charts to stable
- Add back recoveries data button, bars and stats
- Fix bars not showing up on load?
- Cleaned up getStats()
- Add select country and province
- Start hacking or reborn recoveries data
- Cleanup pop-up
- Emergency repairs after JHU database format change
- Switch to https://raw.githubusercontent.com to get latest
- dev and stable
version: 2020-03-23
- main.js > path to pathDataJhu
- html > add class to legend buttons
- Cleanup addIndicator() a lot
- Cleanup addIndicatorNew a little
- Stop rotation Add THR.onStop()
- html > add class to footer buttons
- Make placards opaque - improves fps and image quality slightly
- Change pop-up display from mouseover to mousedown
- computer matches phone / touch behavior
- enables you to see date and count of new cases bars in popup
- pop-up display set fro renderer.domElement instead of document
- enables interaction with pop-up
- Drop buttons from notes and settings
- Change to MMG data? Add mmg credit to Info
- Pop-ups many fixes
- Splash screen > update text
- stop console.log
- pop-up: cases/(gdp/pop)
stable v-2020-03-23-18-15
- Move init & assets path to html
From Reddit
Why do the death "black sleeves" look far bigger than the actual numbers suggest?
My answer The actual reason is that - currently - the heights are scaled via a square root of the number in question. This means bigger numbers are drawn much smaller than they really are.
If this were a 2D chart -it would be easy to have gridlines and legends that indicated the scaling, but this is not so easy to show in 3D,
And therefore - as your sharp eyes have pointed out - the indicated relations between cases and deaths appear to be wacky. My bad.
I think a better idea might be to calculate the height of the cases and then calculate the height of the deaths as: casesHeight * deathCount / casesCount
version: 2020-03-22-13-09
- Add separate groups for each case type
- convert legend to buttons
- Add global stats to buttons
- Move MMG data to pop-up
- Update dev index
- Add content to Notes & Settings ontoggle
- Add THR.drawPlacard()
- Add global stats in-world
- Add details to main menu
- Add back global statistics to left menu
- Add footer with buttons
- Toggle view of new, deaths etc
- only show new cases and hide the other stats?
- Add text to speech commentary
- Global statistics displayed in-world
COVID-19 New Cases by Date
- First commit
- Split style to style.css
- Spilt JavaScript to main.css
- Split three.js functions to thr-thee.js
- Remove geoJson popup data
- Make Null Island a better test case
- Pop-up: not show places if empty string
- Global stats: add Europe and rest of world
- Add resume autoRotate
- Restart rotation - after a period of no-interaction
- Add new geoJSON files to maps folder
- Load new geoJSON files
- Countries, states & China
- Add deaths/population & deaths/gdp to pop-ups
- Show global stats when not on mobile
- Add notes and settings card with details tag
- Change global statistics from button to details
- Add new cases to global statistics
- Update flare to bars new cases
- Add skybox of happiness
- Update meta tag and ?? popup text
- Remove Virgin Islands correction - no longer needed
- Global stats displays on start up
- deaths/cases % added to globals stats and to pop-ups
- Add spread to black bars
- Add new cases at top of bar
- 16-57 menu items reordered
- 17-17 ignores NAN is global cases summing
- Mortality rate: deaths divided by confirmed cases > show as increased radius of black cylinder
- Map showing country boundaries
- Added death and recovery bars
- Bar colors now red, black, green
- Indicators divided into cases, deaths & recovered
- First commit