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OCaml design framework for building batch-parallel "services". Based on "Concurrent structures made easy" study. Whilst the paper was written with a focus on batched data structures, it is discovered that the mechanism can be generalized to work on any type of "service" which stand to benefit from processing requests in batches. A "service" collectively refers to any software component that exposes a request API interface.



obatcher is primarily a design pattern for building efficient concurrent services. The key observation is that "processing a batch of a priori known operations in parallel is easier than optimising performance for a stream of arbitrary asynchronous concurrent requests". In other words, our approach works by separating (1) the processing of requests from (2) their reception in a parallel environment.

(1) Instead of having the hard task of optimizing concurrent services, we think it's much easier to optimize services that take a batch of operations as input. Additionally, an important and neccessary invariant is that:

only 1 batch may run at any time.

(2) However, designing services this way is unergonomic for users. It requires their programs to intentionally and efficiently collect requests in batches (e.g. array or list) before handing them of to the service. obatcher solves this by cleverly leveraging the scheduler to automate the collection of batches in a efficient and low latency way. From a usages perspective, interfacing with a batched service after composing over it with obatcher looks like any ordinary service that handles atomic requests.

Benefits of batch-parallel service design

Batch optimization & Incremental parallelism

The benefit of taking a batch of operations as input, is that it potentially enables optimizations based on the spread of operations. Furthermore, pre-analysis of operations can better advise the parallel strategy employed by the service. Another neat advantage of batched requests is that parallelism can be added incrementally across operations that are "known" to be independent rather than having to guarantee safety across all incoming concurrent operations to the service.

Picos scheduler swappable

obatcher depends on scheduler primatives to enable implicit batching transformation on services. As a consequence, it suffers from portability issues across different schedulers. To account for this, obatcher is built on top of picos. Picos provides the low-level building blocks for writing schedulers. By using the same picos primatives to implement obatcher, any picos scheduler is also compatible with obatcher.


A defining invariant of batched services is that only a single batch of operations runs at any time. To guarantee this, obatcher adds an efficient lock-free queue in front of the service to collect operations in batches before submitting it to the service. This design takes inspiration from Flat-combining. The research shows that this synchronization method provides better scaling properties as compared to employing naive coarse-grained locking.

Easy to test and reason about

Because services only handle single batches at any time, this makes it fairly easy to design tests that are reproducable just by fixing the same input batch.

Example usage

Concretely, obatcher library consist of 2 things. A signature of service and a functor against that signature. The service signature is simple but crucially expects users to implement their services to handle batches of operations. Services may then perform optimizations based on the spread of operations in the batch and furthermore leverge parallelism via primatives provided by the underlying picos scheduler to speed up processing.

module type Service = sig
  type t
  type cfg

  type 'a op
  type wrapped_op =
    | Mk : 'a op * 'a Picos.Computation.t -> wrapped_op
        (** [wrapped_op] binds the operation on the service with it's
        corresponding suspended continuation to run after its
        completion.  *)

  val init : ?cfg:cfg -> unit -> t
  val run : t -> wrapped_op array -> unit

A simple example of a counter that abides by this signature is

module BatchedCounter = struct
  type t = int ref
  type cfg = unit

  let init ?cfg:_ () = ref 0

  type _ op = Incr : unit op | Decr : unit op | Get : int op
  type wrapped_op = Mk : 'a op * 'a Computation.t -> wrapped_op

  let run (t : t) (ops : wrapped_op array) =
	Array.iter (function
	| Mk (Incr, comp) -> incr t; Computation.return comp ()
	| Mk (Decr, comp) -> decr t; Computation.return comp ()
	| Mk (Get, comp) ->  Computation.return comp !t)

The issue with this counter is that users now need to form explicit batches of requests. This can become incredibly complicated when software grows and is also a serious balancing act between optimizing for latency or for throughput. For that reason, we provide a functor that composes over your batched services to make batching work implicitly and return back to interfacing with the service with individual operations.

module Make : functor (S : Service) -> sig
  type t
  val init : ?cfg:S.cfg -> unit -> t

  val exec : t -> 'a S.op -> 'a
  (** [exec t op] is the API call for a singular operation on the
      service with operations being automatically batched before
      passed to the service *)

include Obatcher.Make (BatchedCounter)

let incr t = exec t Incr
let decr t = exec t Decr
let get t = exec t Get

Now running your program in a Picos scheduler, you have a thread-safe concurrent counter which synchronizes parallel requests and batches them before submitting them to the counter. Our batched counter is not very smart, it just processes requests in order like a Flat-combiner. To demonstrate some types of optimizations that we could do, we first realize that sequential consistency is preserved even if operations are reordered. In particular, we can say that all Get requests are processed at the beginning of the batch. For Incr and Decr, these operations are commutative which means we can use a parallel-for-reduce to gather the total change to the counter. As such we now have:

  let run (t : t) (ops : wrapped_op array) =
    let len = Array.length ops in
		let start = !t in
    let delta =
        ~n_fibers:(Domain.recommended_domain_count () - 1)
        ~start:0 ~finish:(len - 1)
        ~body:(fun i ->
          match ops.(i) with
          | Mk (Incr, comp) ->
              Computation.return comp ();
          | Mk (Decr, comp) ->
              Computation.return comp ();
          | Mk (Get, comp) ->
              Computation.return comp start;
        ( + ) 0
    t := (start + delta)

Batching in the wild

Databases commonly use batching to service many small IO requests. In such cases, the IO bandwidth of the system ends up being under-utilized with many wasted cycles because of the latency for each request. Waiting to collect a batch of requests to send at one shot effectively amortizes the cost of performing each singular request.

Nagles's algorithm is the network equivalent of request batching. The algorithm solves the small packet problem by batching packets before sending them out. This is used in many efficient TCP/IP networks.

With spectre and meltdown mitigations, the cost of each syscall context switch has increased. The new asynchronous interface in Linux - io-uring uses batch-processing help applications to reduce the overhead of system calls. Uring allows applications to queue up multiple IO requests for the kernel to perform and post them at one go with a singular system call. See examples/uring for an example of how we can use obatcher to wrap uring to get implicit batching.

obatcher is based on "batch parallel data structures (BPDS)". Unlike typical concurrent structures that use locks or careful ordering to prevent data races, BPDS specify that only one batch runs at a time. Synchronization of parallel operations are performed upon entry to the BPDS. Requests that are made when the BPDS is busy are sent to form a batch that runs next.


Request Latency

A frequent question about obatcher that comes up is:

"Does obatcher wait for a certain number of operations to queue before handing it off to the service?"

The underlying question here is "How do batches form?". obatcher does not wait for requests to form before launching a batch. The design is such that any incoming request will try to launch the batch immediately. If a batch is already in-flight, then it forms the next incoming batch because of the single batch in-flight invariant. Therefore, the answer is that batches form only when another batches are being processed which means that you can expect that your request gets serviced promptly.


A convenient feature of services following the obatcher design pattern is that there is a quick way to tell how efficient the underlying batch processing mechanism that you've implemented is against your expected rate of incoming concurrent requests. Functionally, the ideal observation you should make with respect to the number of request in each batch overtime is that it increases and then plateaus at some point. This indicates that the batch processing mechanism will eventually settle at some fixed point where it throttles at the optimal batch size. This occurs when the throughput of request processing matches that of the rate of incoming requests. Conceptually this works because the more requests there are in a batch, the faster the overall throughput will be. Therefore, the general rule of thumb is that if your batches just increase monotonically, the batch processing implementation needs some work. If the batches settle at some batch size, you're golden and you can work toward bringing that number down further. Finally, if you're consistently getting a batch size of 1, then your workload request rate might not be large enough to have required batch processing in the first place!


Our approach here is new with unfortunately few benchmarks. However, obatcher is designed almost identically to the one described in "Concurrent structures made easy". You can see from the results in the paper that batched structures scales much better than those where threads race for mutual exclusion.