To install the development environment, please follow these steps:
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-files
Then, the pre-commit will run automatically when you commit.
To run the unnitests:
create a .envs file with
Then, run the following command:
The KILI_API_KEY is your api key from a KILI account. Warning: do not commit your api key. This configuration should also allow you to run the tests with vscode Tests Explorer. To run some tests, you should contact a team member to allow you access to the test-project.
To run pylint:
pylint kiliautoml --rcfile pyproject.toml --output-format=colorized
To run one end-to-end test:
python -m pytest -s -v tests/e2e/
To regenerate the mock data, follow the instructions in (kiliautoml/utils/