Current state of this doc: Basically stable but with a very specific configuration. Need to explore other configs, including using JeOS for the VM nodes, GPU integration and using SUSE Enterprise Storage
For these tests, we configured:
One VM for the single master node:
4 vCPU, 4GB RAM, 56GB HDD (6.9GB used after KF deployment)
Two VMs for worker nodes:
4 vCPU, 4GB RAM, 16GB HDD (12GB used after KF deployment)
12 vCPU, 16GB RAM, 48GB HDD (19GB used after KF deployment)
Minimal installation of SLES15SP1, with container registry
All were deployed on the same 20 core/64GB server
Install and enable Docker on all nodes
Can be on the same bare-metal host or elsewhere, however, better on the same host if deploying to VMs that are behind a NAT router
Having a LAN routable IP on the host/VM is helpful to be able to reach the web UI
Basic NFS deployment
Can use
sudo showmount -e
on the server to verify its serving andsudo showmount -e <NFS server IP>
from the worker nodes to verify they have everything needed to mount
Tried not to reuse cluster names between attempts to avoid unexpected conflicts
Verify compatability between the Kubeflow version and the K8s version:
As of early Fall 2020, v1.0.2 seems to be the best with K8s >= v1.15
Use the "From existing nodes (Custom)" option
Leave "Cloud Provider" set to None
Under Advanced Options:
Disable Nginx ingress
Enable Pod Security Policies Support
Select the unrestricted Default Pod Security Policy
On the next screen, select "etcd" and "Control Plane" (deselect the "Worker" option)
Copy the docker run command and paste it onto the command line of the Master VM
Click Done and wait for cluster to show green "Active"
Select the "Edit" option from the right side of the cluster line
Deploy Rancher agent container with the Worker option on the worker node VMs
Click Save and wait for cluster to show green "Active"
From top menu bar, point to "Global" or the cluster name, then select the cluster name just below it
Select the "Kubeconfig File" button
Copy the configuration into the ${HOME}/.kube/config file on a server with kubectl installed
From top menu bar, point to "Global" or the cluster name, then point to the cluster name just below it, then select "Default" project
From top menu bar, select "Apps", then select "Launch"
Search for "nfs-client-provisioner", then select it
Under "Answers", paste the following into the first "Variable" answer box:
nfs.server=IPAddress nfs.path=FullyQualifiedPath storageClass.defaultClass=true
Replace "IPAddress" with the hostname or IP address of the NFS server (RKE master node in these tests)
Replace "FullyQualifiedPath" with the fully qualified path of the NFS share
Select "Launch" at the bottom of the page
Pull and apply the MetalLB manifests
kubectl apply -f kubectl apply -f # On first install only kubectl create secret generic -n metallb-system memberlist --from-literal=secretkey="$(openssl rand -base64 128)"
It can be useful to configure MetalLB with at least one IP address that will not be auto-assigned and then specify that IP address for a critical service that should not be allowed to lose its external IP address to external DNS mapping. |
Set at least the default IP range and, optionally, the reserved IP range that will not be auto-assigned (Note that IP ranges can also be defined by CIDR notation. Adjust these variables and the configmap file as needed.)
Create the MetalLB configuration file for layer 2 routing. See for other routing options and for lots of configuration options
cat <<EOF> metallb-config.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: namespace: metallb-system name: config data: config: | address-pools: - name: default protocol: layer2 addresses: - ${DEFAULT_IP_RANGE_START}-${DEFAULT_IP_RANGE_END} - name: rsvd protocol: layer2 auto-assign: false addresses: - ${RESERVED_IP_RANGE_START}-${RESERVED_IP_RANGE_END} EOF
Create configmap:
kubectl apply -f metallb-config.yaml
Verify the configuration was applied correctly (especially review the IP address pool):
kubectl get configmap config -n metallb-system -o yaml
Verify the MetalLB load balancer is running:
kubectl get all -n metallb-system
Test deploying a pod and service into the kubeflow namespace that picks an IP address from MetalLB (must have at least one IP not in use):
Create the kubeflow namespace:
kubectl create ns kubeflow
Create the manifest for an nginx pod and load balancer service:
cat <<EOF> nginx-metallb-test.yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx spec: selector: matchLabels: app: nginx template: metadata: labels: app: nginx spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx:1 ports: - name: http containerPort: 80 ## START: Default StorageClass PVC test ## To disable testing PVC creation via the default StorageClass comment ## out all lines from here through "## END: Default StorageClass PVC test" volumeMounts: - mountPath: /mnt/test-vol name: test-vol volumes: - name: test-vol persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: nginx-pvc --- kind: PersistentVolumeClaim apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: nginx-pvc spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 1Gi ## END: Default StorageClass PVC test --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: nginx spec: ports: - name: http port: 8080 protocol: TCP targetPort: 80 selector: app: nginx type: LoadBalancer EOF
This will also test that a PVC can be created and attached to a pod by way of the default storage class. If this is not desired, comment out the appropriate lines, as described in the file. |
Create the pod, service, and (optionally) the PVC:
kubectl apply -f nginx-metallb-test.yaml -n kubeflow
Verify the pod is "Running", the persistentvolumeclaim is "Bound", and the service has an "EXTERNAL-IP":
kubectl get pod,pvc,svc -n kubeflow
Test that the service is reachable through the load balancer IP address from outside the cluster:
IPAddr=$(kubectl get svc -n kubeflow | grep -w nginx | awk '{print$4":"$5}' | awk -F: '{print$1":"$2}') curl http://${IPAddr}
An HTML encoded output should be displayed that includes the phrase "Thank you for using nginx."
When finished with testing, delete the pod and service:
kubectl delete -f nginx-metallb-test.yaml -n kubeflow
This guide assumes Istio was installed when the RKE cluster was instantiated. |
Ensure the cluster name is shown in the top menu bar
Point to "Tools", then select "Istio"
Select the appropriate version (1.4.10 for these tests)
Under "Ingress Gateway", select "True" to enable
Under "Select Type of…", select "LoadBalancer"
Leave "Load Balancer IP" empty to allow MetalLB to assign an IP address
(Optionally) Provide an IP address that is assigned to MetalLB but not in use
It can be useful to configure MetalLB with at least one IP address that will not be auto-assigned and then specify that IP address for a critical service that should not be allowed to lose its external IP address to external DNS mapping. |
Select "Save" at the bottom of the page
Wait until Istio becomes green
Validate the istio-ingressgateway has received an IP address:
kubectl get svc -A | egrep --color 'EXTERNAL-IP|LoadBalancer'
(Optionally) Validate an external connection to an internal Istio service:
Use the curl command to connect to a few of the PORT(S) listed for the istio-ingressgateway, i.e.
curl http://{$IPADDR}:15020
At least one of the ports should return "404 page not found"
Install the kfctl utility and place it in /usr/local/bin:
wget tar xvfz kfctl_v1.1.0-0-g9a3621e_linux.tar.gz sudo mv kfctl /usr/local/bin kfctl version
Configure the following variables (adjust as needed)
export KF_NAME=kubeflow-deployment export BASE_DIR=${HOME} export KF_DIR=${BASE_DIR}/${KF_NAME} export CONFIG_URI="${KF_DIR}/kfctl_k8s_istio.v1.0.2.yaml"
Create and enter the ~/kubeflow-deployment directory:
mkdir -p ${KF_DIR} && cd ${KF_DIR}
Download the kfctl.yaml config file:
The following section of the kfctl_k8s_istio.v1.0.2.yaml manifest will install and enable Istio
If Istio is installed and enabled, comment out the following lines, near the top of the kfctl_k8s_istio.v1.0.2.yaml file
- kustomizeConfig: parameters: - name: namespace value: istio-system repoRef: name: manifests path: istio/istio-crds name: istio-crds - kustomizeConfig: parameters: - name: namespace value: istio-system repoRef: name: manifests path: istio/istio-install name: istio-install
Download the Kubeflow build files:
kfctl build -V -f ${CONFIG_URI}
This section assumes there is not an adequate pod security policy available in the cluster and/or the user needs help in configuring one. The PSP created here is the most privileged and the least secure PSP possible. Use at your own risk. |
Create the PSP manifest file:
cat <<EOF> kubeflow-privileged-psp.yaml apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodSecurityPolicy metadata: annotations: '*' name: kubeflow-privileged-psp spec: allowPrivilegeEscalation: true allowedCapabilities: - '*' fsGroup: rule: RunAsAny hostIPC: true hostNetwork: true hostPID: true hostPorts: - max: 65535 min: 0 privileged: true runAsUser: rule: RunAsAny seLinux: rule: RunAsAny supplementalGroups: rule: RunAsAny volumes: - '*' EOF
Create the new PSP:
kubectl apply -f kubeflow-privileged-psp.yaml
Save a copy of the kustomize/kubeflow-roles/base/cluster-roles.yaml file:
cp -p kustomize/kubeflow-roles/base/cluster-roles.yaml /tmp/
Edit the kustomize/kubeflow-roles/base/cluster-roles.yaml file
Search for kubeflow-kubernetes-admin
Ensure the "resourceNames" refers to the correct PSP to be used. |
Insert the following lines under the "rules:" section of the kubeflow-kubernetes-admin ClusterRole:
- apiGroups: - policy resourceNames: - kubeflow-privileged-psp resources: - podsecuritypolicies verbs: - use
Search for kubeflow-kubernetes-edit
Insert the same lines under the "rules:" section of the kubeflow-kubernetes-edit ClusterRole
Save and close the file
Verify that only the intended changes were made to the file:
diff kustomize/kubeflow-roles/base/cluster-roles.yaml /tmp/cluster-roles.yaml
Ensure these variables are still set correctly:
echo ${KF_NAME} echo ${BASE_DIR} echo ${KF_DIR} echo ${CONFIG_URI}
Start the deployment:
kfctl apply -V -f ${CONFIG_URI}
From another terminal, use the following command to monitor the kubeflow deployment:
watch 'kubectl get pods -A | egrep -v "Completed|Running"'
Over time, the number of pods that are in a state of
should decrease.
Use the follow command to find the load balancer IP address (under EXTERNAL-IP) to connect to the Kubeflow UI:
kubectl get svc -n istio-system | egrep 'EXTERNAL-IP|LoadBalancer'
Connect to the Kubeflow UI through a web browser pointed to the external IP address on port 80
During the first, successful test it took several hours for all of the deployments to deploy their pods. I really thought it was one of the worst failures to date, but many hours later I discovered virtually everything deployed correctly. |
On every attempt at least one pod had not deployed correctly. If there are only a few, or less, Navigate to "Workloads" in the "Default Project" and delete one, wait for it to re-deploy correctly, then move on to the next one. It can take several minutes for each pod to finish re-deploying correctly. |
I am still experiencing a situation where the kubeflow-edit cluster role loses the entries for the pod security policy that is assigned to it in the ~/kubeflow-deployment/kustomize/kubeflow-edit.yaml file. The result is that Jupyter Notebook can’t deploy servers due to lack of a compatible PSP. |