- 16 scRNAseq samples of meningeal endothelial cells were sent for sequencing
- Samples were prepped with 10x Genomics 3' Expression kit
- Sequenced ~5000 cells at 50k read pairs per cell.
- In this experiment we treated E3 and E4, male and female mice (12-month-old), with a control diet or a PLX5622 diet
- PLX5622 ablates MHC-II high myeloid cells in the meninges
- Specifically, we want to view the effects on the transcriptome on BECs and LECs
- This will then be correlated with the effects on the morphology of the meningeal lymphatics and our existing behavior data
- There are 8 groups and 2 biological replicates per group (each replicate consisting of cells pooled from two animals)