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Nexius edited this page Mar 15, 2020 · 18 revisions

AimSync (packetid: 203)


Called when a player is aiming or about once per second if not.

Parameters (for incoming packet):

Value type Parameter Short description
PR_UINT8 packetId The ID of the packet
PR_UINT8 camMode The current GTA camera mode
PR_FLOAT3 camFrontVec The current direction of player's aiming on the X, Y and Z axes
PR_FLOAT3 camPos The position of the player's camera on the X, Y and Z axes
PR_FLOAT aimZ Up/down character aiming
PR_BITS (2) weaponState The state of a player's weapon
PR_BITS (6) camZoom The game camera zoom level
PR_UINT8 aspectRatio The aspect ratio of a player's camera

Related SA-MP callbacks:

  • None (but some data can be received indefinitely using GetPlayerCameraMode, GetPlayerCameraFrontVector, GetPlayerCameraPos etc.)

Example (as incoming packet):

const AIM_SYNC = 203;

IPacket:AIM_SYNC(playerid, BitStream:bs)
    new aimData[PR_AimSync];
    BS_IgnoreBits(bs, 8);
    BS_ReadAimSync(bs, aimData);

    //Anything you want to see here

    return 1;