- to do: if user has a session cookie, disregard his IP, to allow login of IP-logged users
- to do: a proper mapping IP => user account (at the moment it is in yml config)
- to do: create user account on the fly + give him roles
- to do: add separate user roles (in the SF sense) for users logged in via login and via IP
- to do: inject the logger service so that we can easily trace how this is working
use tagged services for remoteUserHandler definition, to avoid injecting the container
add ldap handler example (it is quite widespread in use after all)
add a few more 'example' handlers for common services (twitter/fb/google ? do they all use oauth?)
to do: allow to use 2 fields to retrieve the user email if the 1st one is empty or invalid
to do: test: does ez native auth mechanism kick in before the remote one? If so ...
to do: make sure remote users can not log in into eZ with the hardcoded password (see RemoteUserHandler)
to do: store the password encrypted in the RemoteUser instead of plaintext
to do: store in the eZ users the remote-id from the remote service, just in case (done per-handler...)
to do: move ldap config from settings to semantic, for validation
to do: check if it is a good idea to remove the 'remoteuser' provider in app/security.yml. Remoteusers after all are not meant to be used as actual logged in users anyway
to do: add support for forgotpassword
to do: add more comprehensive logging
to do: add an interface for RemoteUserHandler classes
out of scope (but could be done):
- store pwd of remote user in ez user table, so that if remote server fails, user can still log in for a while