id | elm | ||||
litvis |
@import "css/litvis.less"
import VegaLite exposing (..)
This document best viewed in litvis
I struggle to define what 'home' means to me. Partly because I think of home as many places, many people and many activities that give me the comfort of belonging. But I write this in the southern Lake District, that has been an important part of my feeling of home for 30 years.
Reflecting on the last month of the #30DayMapChallenge I also wonder if my academic home is as a cartographer, geographer, designer, artist, data visualizer or computer scientist.
I would like to capture these multiple facets of home in my final map this month.
Generate a series of terrain profiles of my familiar view looking south towards the Coniston Fells from Wansfell overlooking Ambleside.
Create vectors of along ridge lines in LandSerf, in arcs radiating from a single home viewpoint (western flank of Wansfell).
Extract profiles along horizon points as x,y text files using LandSerf's profile tool)
Scale distance along each profile from 0 to 1 in order to scale for perspective.
Combine profiles in single csv file adding an identifier for each profile.
path : String -> String
path file =
"" ++ file
The intention is to capture the late Autumn colours of the landscape. Low November sun in the afternoon stratifies the landscape giving it an exaggerated sense of depth and a warmth, despite the limited colour palette. I would also like to keep a structure in both Vega-Lite code and visual appearance that reflects my datavis home – these are just area charts showing elevation at selected distances from a single view point.
Vertical scaling with distance is exaggerated, which conveys the relief of the landscape more meaningfully than a "realistic" projection.
profiles : Spec
profiles =
w =
h =
w / 3
cfg =
configure << configuration (coView [ vicoStroke Nothing ])
profileData =
dataFromUrl (path "homeProfiles.csv")
[ parse [ ( "x", foNum ), ( "elev", foNum ), ( "profileID", foNum ) ] ]
skyData =
dataFromColumns []
<< dataColumn "x" (nums [ 0, 1 ])
<< dataColumn "y" (nums [ 500, 500 ])
trans =
<< calculateAs "datum.elev / pow(5 - datum.profileID,1.2)" "scaledElev"
skyEnc =
<< position X [ pName "x", pQuant, pAxis [] ]
<< position Y [ pName "y", pQuant, pScale [ scDomain (doNums [ 0, 500 ]) ], pAxis [] ]
cloudSpec =
[ skyData []
, skyEnc []
, area
[ maOpacity 0.5
, maFillGradient grLinear
[ grX1 1
, grY1 1
, grX2 1
, grY2 0
, grStops [ ( 0, "white" ), ( 1, "black" ) ]
sunSpec =
[ skyData []
, skyEnc []
, area
[ maOpacity 0.4
, maFillGradient grLinear
[ grX1 1
, grY1 1
, grX2 0
, grY2 1
, grStops [ ( 0, "white" ), ( 1, "rgb(255,165,0)" ) ]
profileEnc =
<< position X [ pName "x", pQuant, pAxis [] ]
<< position Y
[ pName "scaledElev"
, pQuant
, pScale [ scDomain (doNums [ 0, 500 ]) ]
, pAxis []
<< color
[ mName "profileID"
, mOrdinal
, mScale [ scScheme "greys" [ 0, 1 ] ]
, mLegend []
profileSpec =
[ profileData
, trans []
, profileEnc []
, area [ maInterpolate miBasis, maOpacity 1 ]
[ cfg []
, width w
, height h
, layer [ sunSpec, cloudSpec, profileSpec ]