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PIrANHA provides a set of tools for automating file processing and analysis in (phylo*=) phylogenetics, phylogenomics, and phylogeography.
NOTE: By convention, in all content we refer to this software package as "PIrANHA" and we write the name of the main script in the package as
Downloading PIrANHA is easy, with two options: local install or Homebrew install.
## 1. Download latest release using git and move into piranha directory:
cd ~ ;
git clone https://github.com/justincbagley/piranha.git ./piranha-master/ ;
cd piranha-master/ ;
## 2. Install:
cd install/ ;
chmod u+x ./* ;
local_piranha ;
cp local_piranha ~/bin/ ; # makes installer available from command line, for future use (assuming ~/bin/ is in $PATH, as usual)
Three Homebrew Install Options:
- Development (cutting edge) Homebrew install 'by-hand':
brew tap justincbagley/homebrew-piranha
brew update
brew install --HEAD piranha
echo "#################### HOMEBREW PIrANHA ALIAS:" >> ~/.bash_profile ;
HEAD_VERSION="$(which /usr/local/Cellar/piranha/*/piranha | sed 's/^.*piranha\///g; s/\/piranha//g')";
# Add alias to ~/.bash_profile for automatic loading:
echo "alias piranha=\"/usr/local/Cellar/piranha/${HEAD_VERSION}/piranha\"" >> ~/.bash_profile ;
source ~/.bash_profile ;
- Regular Homebrew install 'by-hand':
brew tap justincbagley/homebrew-piranha
brew update
brew install piranha
echo "#################### HOMEBREW PIrANHA ALIAS:" >> ~/.bash_profile ;
# Add alias to ~/.bash_profile for automatic loading:
echo "alias piranha=\"/usr/local/Cellar/piranha/0.4a3/piranha\"" >> ~/.bash_profile ;
source ~/.bash_profile ;
- Automated regular Homebrew install using installer:
cd ~ ;
git clone https://github.com/justincbagley/piranha.git ./piranha-master/ ;
cd piranha-master/ ;
cd install/ ;
chmod u+x ./* ;
brew_piranha ;
source ~/.bash_profile ;
# Make installer available from command line, for future use (assuming ~/bin/ is in $PATH, as usual):
cp brew_piranha ~/bin/ ;
Get the help text and a list of functions available in PIrANHA like so (notice <TAB>
for dynamic completion):
piranha -h
piranha -f <TAB>
piranha -f list
Get the help text for a particular function:
piranha -f <function> -h
Convert between DNA alignment formats like so:
# Convert FASTA to PHYLIP:
piranha -f FASTA2PHYLIP -f 1 -i <inputFASTA> -k 1 -v 1 # Single PHYLIP file
piranha -f FASTA2PHYLIP -f 2 -k 1 -v 1 # Multiple PHYLIP files
# Convert FASTA to VCF:
piranha -f FASTA2VCF -i <inputFASTA> -o <output>
# Convert Mega to PHYLIP:
piranha -f Mega2PHYLIP -i <inputMega> -k 1 # Single Mega file
piranha -f Mega2PHYLIP -m 1 -k 1 # Multiple Mega files
# Convert NEXUS to PHYLIP:
piranha -f NEXUS2PHYLIP -i <inputNEXUS> -v 1 # Single NEXUS file
# Convert PHYLIP to FASTA:
piranha -f PHYLIP2FASTA -i <inputPHYLIP> -k 1 # Single FASTA file
piranha -f PHYLIP2FASTA -m 1 -k 1 -v 1 # Multiple FASTA files
# Convert PHYLIP to Mega:
piranha -f PHYLIP2Mega -i <inputPHYLIP> -k 1 # Single PHYLIP file
piranha -f PHYLIP2Mega -m1 -k 1 # Multiple PHYLIP files
# Convert PHYLIP to NEXUS:
piranha -f PHYLIP2NEXUS -i <inputPHYLIP> -p <partitionsFile> -f NEX # Single PHYLIP file
piranha -f PHYLIP2NEXUS -m 1 # Multiple PHYLIP files
Concatenate DNA sequence alignments (e.g. genes) like so:
# Create <taxonNamesSpaces> file with getTaxonNames function (creates file '<numTips>_taxon_names_spaces.txt'):
piranha -f getTaxonNames -n <numTips>
# Concatenate PHYLIP alignments (e.g. 1 per gene):
piranha -f concatenateSeqs -t <numTips>_taxon_names_spaces.txt
# Complete (fill in missing individuals) and concatenate PHYLIP alignments:
piranha -f completeConcatSeqs -t <numTips>_taxon_names_spaces.txt
Trim DNA sequence alignments like so:
# Use trimSeqs to trim single PHYLIP alignment with default settings and PHYLIP output:
piranha -f trimSeqs -i <inputPHYLIP> -o phylip
piranha -f trimSeqs --input <inputPHYLIP> --output phylip
# Use trimSeqs to trim multiple PHYLIP alignments with default settings and PHYLIP output:
piranha -f trimSeqs -m 1 -o phylip
piranha -f trimSeqs --multi 1 --output phylip
# Use trimSeqs to trim PHYLIP alignments with custom gap handling and sequence conservation settings for trimAl:
piranha -f trimSeqs --multi 1 --output phylip --cons 60 --gt 0.1
# Use trimSeqs to trim PHYLIP alignments stringently, removing all sites with gaps:
piranha -f trimSeqs --multi 1 --output phylip --nogaps 1
# NOTE: You may also switch output formats to FASTA (--output fasta) or NEXUS (--output nexus) formats.
Phase consensus sequences from HTS (e.g. targeted sequence capture) using reference:
# Phase alleles with default settings (creates intermediate files and final, unaligned phased FASTAs):
piranha -f phaseAlleles -i <input> -o <output> -r <reference>
# Phase alleles while masking reference indels (insertions/deletions) in final, unaligned phased FASTAs:
piranha -f phaseAlleles -i <input> -o <output> -r <reference> -m 1
Run standard evolutionary analysis programs (run with -h for help text first):
# Run BEAST:
piranha -f BEASTRunner
# Run ∂a∂i:
piranha -f dadiRunner
piranha -f dadiUncertainty
# Run RAxML:
piranha -f MAGNET
piranha -f RAxMLRunner
# Run RogueNaRok:
piranha -f RogueNaRokRunner
# Run SNAPP:
piranha -f SNAPPRunner
Conduct post-processing of results from standard evolutionary analysis programs (run with -h for help text first):
# Process output from BEAST:
piranha -f MLEResultsProc
piranha -f BEASTPostProc
# Process output from ExaBayes:
piranha -f ExaBayesPostProc
# Process output from MrBayes:
piranha -f MrBayesPostProc
Use the documentation links in the sidebar at right to navigate this documentation and learn more about PIrANHA, and contact the author for technical support or raise an issue.
We are working on a paper describing PIrANHA while we develop towards major release v1.0 (hopefully later this year, in 2020). However, the alpha pre-release versions of PIrANHA have been used in several of our publications, including:
- Bagley, J.C., Hickerson, M.J. and Johnson, J.B., 2018. Testing hypotheses of diversification in Panamanian frogs and freshwater fishes using hierarchical approximate Bayesian computation with model averaging. Diversity, 10(4), 120.
- Bagley, J.C., Mayden, R.L. and Harris, P.M., 2018. Phylogeny and divergence times of suckers (Cypriniformes: Catostomidae) inferred from Bayesian total-evidence analyses of molecules, morphology, and fossils. PeerJ, 6, p.e5168.
- Bagley, J.C., Uribe-Convers, S., Carlsen, M., Muchhala, N., 2020. Utility of targeted sequence capture for phylogenomics in rapid, recent angiosperm radiations: Neotropical Burmeistera bellflowers as a case study. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. Available online. PubMed: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32081762. doi: https://doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2020.106769.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Bug fix requests? Feature requests for existing functions, or requests for new functions? If so, please get in touch here.
All code within PIrANHA v0.4a3 repository is available "AS IS" under a 3-Clause BSD license. See the LICENSE file for more information.
If you use scripts from this repository as part of your published research, please cite the repository as follows (also see DOI information below):
- Bagley, J.C. 2020. PIrANHA v0.4a3. GitHub repository, Available at: http://github.com/justincbagley/PIrANHA.
Alternatively, provide the following link to this software repository in your manuscript:
The DOI for PIrANHA, via Zenodo (also indexed by OpenAIRE), is as follows: . Here are some examples of citing PIrANHA using the DOI:
Bagley, J.C. 2020. PIrANHA v0.4a3. GitHub package, Available at: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.596766.
Bagley, J.C. 2020. PIrANHA. Zenodo, Available at: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.596766.
November 3, 2020 Justin C. Bagley, Jacksonville, AL, USA