JSDD > Make your own documentation with markdown
Writing down documentation whenever you find a way to do something new is a good way to memorize and learn.
I use the Markdown syntax (.md files) to write down my documentation. However stated so on this page, it seems that GitHub basic .md files display doesn't totally apply the GitHub Flavored Markdown syntax, hence a double paragraph character is necessary to display separated lines.
You may want to visualize your markdown files before pushing them online:
Chrome extension (click on FREE+ at top-right to install). This doesn't implement the GitHub Flavored Markdown syntax.
Or you can use this very simplistic solution actually providing these pages:
- .htaccess: to redirect *.md to md.php in root directory (defaults to README.md)
- Parsedown.php: a php md parser class (thanks to Emanuil Rusev)
- md.php: a little script to glue it all