Speaker: Emilia Muresan
Using Github's GraphQL API as a backend, we'll be working on a small client app in ⚛️ react-native + 🚀 apollo-client. This app will serve as a playground, and help us cover these topics:
- getting started with react-native: using expo vs. building projects with native code
- handling routing via react-navigation
- setting up apollo-client and executing some basic operations (queries, mutations)
- offline support
- styling using styled-components
This will be a presentation + live coding.
About Emilia Software Engineer, Frontend Team Lead @ Modus Create. Javascript and React enthusiast. Loves OSS. Volunteer developer @ JSHeroes.
- Check out the full source code: https://github.com/emimuresan/githubber
- Working with Github’s GraphQL API: https://developer.github.com/v4/guides/forming-calls/
- Chain React 2018 - The state of React Native by Ram N: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83ffAY-CmL4
- Building animations in React Native: https://blog.pusher.com/animation-react-native-part-1/