Using this library should be as easy as this:
SolarSystemCatalog:= TVSOP.Create; // use the VSOP for planets
StarCatalog:= TFK5.Create('/path/to/data/files'); // use the FK5 star catalog
Observer:= TTopocentricObserver.Create(SolarSystemCatalog.GetBody(plEarth)); // we make the observation at the Earth
Observer.SetPosition(ALat,Along,AHeight,ATimeZone,ADayLightSavings); // position of observation
Observer.SetLocalTime(Now); // time of observation
for Body in SolarSystemCatalog.Bodies do // iterate through solar system bodies
View:= Observer.Observ(Body); // make the observation and get a view of the body at the observer coordinate system
drawBody(View.RADecR); // call a function to draw the planet on the screen
for Star in StarCatalog do // // iterate through stars
View:= Observer.Observ(Star); // make the observation and get a view of the body at the observer coordinate system
drawBody(View.RADecR); // call a function to draw the planet on the screen
But we can set some advanced options if we need:
SolarSystemCatalog:= TJPLEphem.Create('/path/to/data/files'); // use the JPL Ephemerides for planets and Moon
StarCatalog:= TFK5.Create('/path/to/data/files'); // use the FK5 star catalog
EOP:= TEOP.Create('/path/to/data/files'); // where to get Earth Orientation Parameters for high precision computations
TimeServer:= TFB2001.Create; // use Fairhead and Bretagnon model to transform from TT to TDB
LightDeflectionModel:= TSunLightDeflection.Create(SolarSystemCatalog); // use a light deflection model with only the sun
Observer:= TTopocentricObserver.Create(SolarSystemCatalog.GetBody(plEarth)); // we make the observation at the Earth
Observer.Precision:= opRelativistic; // use relativistic aberration computation for BCRS to GCRS
Observer.LightDeflectionModel:= LightDeflectionModel;
Observer.TimeServer:= TimeServer; // set the time server
Observer.EOP:= EOP; // set the EOP provider
Observer.SetPosition(ALat,Along,AHeight,ATimeZone,ADayLightSavings); // position of observation
Observer.SetLocalTime(Now); // time of observation
for Body in SolarSystemCatalog.Bodies do // iterate through solar system bodies
View:= Observer.Observ(Body); // make the observation and get a view of the body at the observer coordinate system
drawBody(View.RADecR); // call a function to draw the planet on the screen
for Star in StarCatalog do // // iterate through stars
View:= Observer.Observ(Star); // make the observation and get a view of the body at the observer coordinate system
drawBody(View.RADecR); // call a function to draw the planet on the screen
- the observation transforms from the barycentric reference system (BCRS) to the reference system of the observer.
- the transformation from the BCRS to the observer reference system can be classic (Galilean), including aberration of light, or relativistic, with precision of mas or µas, including gravitational light deflection.
- to the constructor is passed a solar system body as a planet or a satellite orbiting the sun, for example.
- all the time and position transformation is done in the concrete class (TbaricentricObserver; aberration, light deflection; TGeocentricObserver: UT1, UTC, TAI, TT, Precession, Nutation; TMoon: Librations)
- transforms the time scale from BCRS to GCRS.
- serve TT, TDB, TCG and TCB.
- it's an abstract class and the concrete class implements the periodic terms model.
- models: Fairhead and Bretagnon, Harada and Fukushima, EPM etc
- this class gets the Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP): celestial pole offsets (Δψ,Δε) or (ΔX,ΔY), polar motion (x,y), and Universal Time (ΔUT = UT1-UTC)
- historical through []
- future through IERS Bulletim A