Please create a sign-up form with React
- React with Hooks
- Do not use 3rd party npm libraries like React-Hook-Form, Material UI etc.
- Focus is on code structure/scalability and not on the design, but it should look clean and aesthetic
- Please follow the Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) programming principle.
- Include flow for obtaining/storing access token within the application
Signup form should contain the current fields:
- First name
- Last Name
- State*
- City*
- Password
*State and City will be dropdowns. City will be the outcome of state selection.
Expected validations:
- All fields are required
- Email should be valid
We will be leveraging the universal tutorial website below to get the state and city response
Instruction for accessing this API are under:
API Endpoint for getting states: States
API Endpoint for getting cities:[state name]
After all the validations are passed, perform the submit. (We are not making the API call) Submit should console log the body (POST request body - JSON)
firstName: ‘’,
lastName: ‘’,
state: ‘’,
city: ‘’,
email: ‘’,
password: ‘’,
Once complete, please compress and send it back to us for a review.
Good Luck!