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{"text":"Ok... so you can't smack your kids on the bum for being bad. What then? Send them to their room? Which has a 32\" 1080i TV and Xbox? Yeah right. Granted, she went overboard by piling on the punishments. However, people need to stop being so god damned sensitive when it comes to kids. It's pussy parenting that makes them pricks to begin with (CoD MW2 players are VERY familiar with this breed) Am I the only one that thinks this? My parents never abusively hit me when I was a kid. But if I was being a little prick (which I was... a lot.), out came the wooden spoon. Tl;DR- Stop being whiny pansies and overprotecting kids.","meta":{"section":"WTF","via_seed":true,"score":0.7298505902},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7298505902,"priority":0.7298505902,"spans":[],"_input_hash":2818747,"_task_hash":568187507,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Sitting behind a computer screen some people can be who they truly are: assholes. It's not just Reddit. It's the problem with being anonymous on the Internet. You just have to accept it for what it is. I've put a lot of videos on YouTube. I'm a female. I get loads of comments like \"Nice tits\"... \"I would tear up that pussy\".. and I'm wearing a shirt, playing guitar and singing. Some people are just assholes mang. Gotta learn to say effuguys... just do what you do... know what I mean?","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7451545596},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7451545596,"priority":0.7451545596,"spans":[],"_input_hash":791592944,"_task_hash":404597925,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I don't know. My local newspaper if full of assholes. Sports websites are notorious for assholes and trolls. Fark is funny, and full of assholes. I suppose it matters what the content of the website is. Again, the more specific the content the nicer the people seem to be. I can't believe how informative some of the posters on or are (I use them for work).","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7726241946},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7726241946,"priority":0.7726241946,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-355515740,"_task_hash":267911950,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Alright I'm sorry that in my fit of internet rage I cussed you out, I'm sure you're a stand up guy out in meatspace. However I think you're missing the point of my argument. The point I'm trying to convey is that the majority of women (especially the demographic of women likely to be posting on reddit) don't like being objectified over and over and over again, because after a while it makes them feel like objects. Which is exactly what happens when you get sleazy come-ons over and over. This comic nails it, and in this scenario you are the husband on the bed in the last frame. If we truly care about the women we profess to love, we need to try to understand them better and respond to them better for *their benefit*, not ours. I don't know your life story or your philosophy on men and women, but frankly the attitude you presented in your original posting isn't good enough, and it angered me that the majority of readers were (at the time) identifying with it. Also, >What really irks me while we are on this subject, is when women go out boasting a ton of cleavage and a short skirt and bitch about being gawked at. Dress like a slut and you will be treated as a slut. I realise how this sounds, and believe me -- I'm not that type of guy, but it's true, and I see it happen all the time. This is textbook \"I'm not a racist, but...\" / \"I'm not a homophobe, but...\" / \"She deserved it for the way she was dressed\" rhetoric. Have a think about what you really believe about this scenario, and what the implications are.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7304838896},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7304838896,"priority":0.7304838896,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1002081836,"_task_hash":1851031872,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":">there is a girl I have been seeing for the past few weeks Oh boy. >tl;dr girl I'm seeing thinks she might act like a bitch to me because I did heroin in a dream she had. Okay. She hasn't acted like a bitch, but she told you she might. What should you do? Nothing until she acts like a bitch to you. Until then, what's the problem?","meta":{"section":"relationship_advice","via_seed":true,"score":0.7583129406},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7583129406,"priority":0.7583129406,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-873250323,"_task_hash":1578301427,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I am an asshole and post like one. I also enjoy other assholes. There is an art to being an asshole, just like you have made being a whiny bitch an art. Living in this world (at least my world) you are going to encounter many people who you just don't like and can't imagine why they act the way they do. Whatever, it is not your responsibility nor should it really affect you. I mean comments only hurt coming from people you let hurt you or thats the way it should be if you are grown. Did you think putting a comment up where nearly every person on the planet could see it and respond was going to be hailed as the next great idea? Wow! When i put it that way I don't know what to think. Another Assholes 2cents","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.6845295429},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6845295429,"priority":0.6845295429,"spans":[],"_input_hash":942099506,"_task_hash":792815930,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"WAHAHAH WAHAHAH WHAHAHAHHAHA its not fair mount_pleasant deletes his username BWAAAHAHAHHAHHAHAH!!!!!! Bet this is why ur friend zoner slut bitch girly cunt turned u doen - she wanted a real man, not a cry baby!!!!!!!","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.8763415813},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8763415813,"priority":0.8763415813,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1471745494,"_task_hash":-379905078,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"\"is a great way to ruin my afternoon.\" I think having your day ruined by someone on the internet who you will never know or meet in real life is a bit much. If you care so much about what people whom you don't know think then maybe not commenting is better suited for you. I don't post much here but have been on digg for years. I've gotten into some pretty heated discussions over the years but never have I let it ruin 5 minutes of my day much less my day. BTW I am female, and when i am in a heated discussion i can hold my own. If someone chooses to call me a cunt or bitch etc, it's water off a ducks back. It just means that i am winning, when your opponent resorts to name calling it only means he has nothing left to say. One of the reasons i like sites like this is because i can discuss various subjects and hear different points of views and opinions. Don't let someone else's opinion effect you. Remember they are like assholes, everyone has one. The problem is not the community, but how you let it effect you.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.6813375354},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6813375354,"priority":0.6813375354,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1379864703,"_task_hash":432863116,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"> 1. Wait for someone to make a comment about Islam. > 2. Blame all the ills of every nation on the US. > 3. Call any who points out real problems an idiot or moron. > 4. Wash, rinse, repeat. You must be have got me confused me someone else. I have already cogently demonstrated that the US is primarily responsible for the appalling social conditions in middle east and central asia. Your entire response to this has been to dig your thick head into sand because it conflicts with your moronic Eurocentric agenda and make up retarded strawmen like this. Its quite disappointing. >I don't support either war jackhole. My original statement pointed out that people who think they are free are only as free as their laws allow them to be. That's true in every society on Earth including the West. Further laws aren't the only form of social control. Bullying and harassment are very common tools to get people to conform to the West and they leave deadly legacies. To ignore this is pure idiocy. >Religious laws regarding free choice in Muslim society are far more restrictive than those of the West. . You can blame the West or you can look at why this religion (and other religions) spend all their efforts controlling people. Except most of those repressive Religious Laws are enforced by regimes propped up by the West (eg Saudi Arabia) or those that were desperate social reactions to decades of brutal Western hegemony (eg. Iran). Simply ignoring this isn't doing you any favors. Repressive laws aren't inherent to Islam, they are only a manifestations of the extreme and radical elements which the West has been nurturing and supporting for the past few decades. Afghanistan prior to the disastrous American interference in its affairs in the late 70s and 80s demonstrates how Islam can be interpreted to create open, modern and progressive societies and how destructive Western hegemony can be socially. But such a nuanced view of history and Islam clashes with the convenient, self-serving \"ISLAM CAUZES ALL EVILZ\" narrative propagated by Western establishments which you have mindlessly swallowed. By attributing these regressive social conditions entirely on Islam and not the Western hegemony which predominantly gave rise to it you people get to avoid taking responsibility for your collective role in fomenting the whole mess and can keep in place your neo-imperialistic, hegemonic foreign policies. Here's my advice. Take responsibility for your collective fuck ups, stop foisting the blame on others and get the hell out of the affairs of other countries. 9/11 should have been enough of a lesson but America in modern times seems to be populated by fat, ignorant, irresponsible morons like you incapable of even an iota of independent and critical thinking. Thank God America is already on its way down. It pretty much resembles a failed state already. >That is my point and you are free to disagree. Your point is dumb and historically/sociopolitically ignorant.","meta":{"section":"worldnews","via_seed":true,"score":0.7486186028},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7486186028,"priority":0.7486186028,"spans":[],"_input_hash":750979346,"_task_hash":-63677509,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"I have to admit that I\u2019ve used the word \"sand nigger\" before. But I would never call anybody from the Middle East that. The term I used it in was, \"Get off the sand, nigger. Volleyball\u2019s a white man\u2019s sport.","meta":{"section":"pics","via_seed":true,"score":0.7077480555},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7077480555,"priority":0.7077480555,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1137632590,"_task_hash":1659792727,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"No, you're not the only one. Fairly often I get the thought to leave or just stop contributing. I've unsubscribed from certain subreddits because I just couldn't be bothered with the arguing. \"Oh, an orangered! *click* ...oh :( \" I began to dread getting replies. It's not that I'm unable to confront people, I just don't see the point. I don't particularly like having to do it, either. I'm here to be entertained and to interact in a positive way. I can do without misogyny, racism, sexism and a whole lot of other isms. All I want is some good conversation. Sometimes I get it. Frequently I don't. It's not a case of me not being subscribed to the subreddits that interest me either, since I already am. It just so happens that some of the ones I like such as pics and askreddit are rife with all this hate and one liners with no other purpose but to accumulate internet points. I like getting the daft upvotes too since it's a positive indicator that somebody else out there liked what I said or what I submitted, but when writing a reply I tend to remember the comment I'm responding to was written by another human being. This usually means I don't get a ton of upvotes, but that really doesn't matter to me. I'll probably get a few hateful comments from this, but meh. This time I just won't bother responding to them. You know what they say - never argue with a fool, they'll drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. Keep in mind this goes both ways - if you happen to think I'm the fool, why bother even trying to argue with me?","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7406466007},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7406466007,"priority":0.7406466007,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1710747265,"_task_hash":813891760,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"The reason women like me don't date guys like you is because you're the kind of judgemental prick that would leave a comment like this. My boyfriend would never write snarky elitist insults and baseless, untrue assumptions about people he's never met in someone else's AMA. That makes him the nice guy, and you the jerk.","meta":{"section":"IAmA","via_seed":true,"score":0.7139041424},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7139041424,"priority":0.7139041424,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-99509667,"_task_hash":1331206497,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"> but I don't think there is anything wrong with disagreeing about which approach to take I think PZ's attitude here is a reaction to people who don't just disagree. That is, rather than say \"I prefer not to take that approach\" they add on \"and people who do take that approach are being assholes\". There's disagreeing about the approach to take, and there's calling this billboard a case of atheists being assholes, which is something offensive to atheists who happen to agree with the approach.","meta":{"section":"atheism","via_seed":true,"score":0.7217905521},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7217905521,"priority":0.7217905521,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-166604487,"_task_hash":132843502,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"It's misogynistic. Being a joke doesn't remove that, any more than using \"faggot\" or \"nigger\" as [general] insults aren't homophobic and racist, respectively.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7555534244},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7555534244,"priority":0.7555534244,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-557206370,"_task_hash":-910962230,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":">That's because you're interrupting our circle jerk. You hit it right there. It's a huge fucking circle jerk of \"look how smart and clever we are. we don't buy into what people tell us, or empty symbols, or idolize mere men, we think for ourselves...isn't that right Richard Dawkins and Flying Spaghetti Monster?\" Same bullshit, just with less god.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7339655161},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7339655161,"priority":0.7339655161,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1912456699,"_task_hash":-1185673805,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":":( it's true, especially about mysogeny. sometimes, it'll just set me off to be called \"dude\", \"man\", \"chief\", \"buddy\", etc. only Buddy I like is Buddy the elf! then again, since most users *are* male, they're not exactly wrong for making that assumption. you're gonna find a good cross-section here (why I stay). IRL, there are dicks, pussies, and assholes, right? for every degrading comment you get, there are ten more people reading it and rolling their eyes. some flls just wanna get a rise out of you (think little brothers...). don't let a few jerks ruin your day. I've been at the end of that stick and it's just not worth getting upset about. so a random stranger tore you down. did a random stranger hold the door for you today? try to balance it out maybe?","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.761208415},"label":"INSULT","score":0.761208415,"priority":0.761208415,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-118082521,"_task_hash":690996079,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"yah,,, u hit a nerve... on my SUPERHARD CAWK U FAGGOT! wanna lick it, u fuckinn jewbait!111 use ur tearz as lube on my superhard cawk newfag!111 hahah suck it all dai an nite yoo nonexistant BITCH!! no cares for u or abowt u... just cry until u lrn2suckcawkreelgud!!111 ahahahahhahahfsuoit4ibyiybkybikbwy","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7214071751},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7214071751,"priority":0.7214071751,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1297900324,"_task_hash":-1347080832,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"I'm a man, I agree. I post long thoughtful responses to questions, trying to help the OP, and I get one upvote, and then 3 downvotes and someone who doesn't agree with me calling me a fag. Then I post some flippant witty comment on something else and get 500 upvotes. WTF reddit. It seems as though this site is about 10% people putting in good comments and the other 90% just sitting around to make a 1. smartass remark 2. meme remark 3. dickhead remark pointing out some little flaw or typo so they can feel clever and bolster their weak little egos. Now when I get some ingrate arguing with me who clearly has no idea that his position is ill thought out and appears incapable of making the mental leap of figuring that out, I just delete all related comments and drop it. Not worth the time. As for what we can do about it; really, nothing. This is a sea of trolls. The only bigger repository of trolls on the internet is the ocean of trolls, 4chan. I'd say if you want meaningful interaction with people, do it off the internet. Sucks, cause there are a lot of kickass people on the internet, but there's an exponentially greater number of small-dicked fuckers whose moms didn't hug them enough.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7533533573},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7533533573,"priority":0.7533533573,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-427780546,"_task_hash":831589934,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Snipers were made to be like shotguns dumbass. Clearly you did not get the message about long range prone snipers being hardscoping fags. /pretend qs rant.","meta":{"section":"codbo","via_seed":true,"score":0.7061457634},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7061457634,"priority":0.7061457634,"spans":[],"_input_hash":385727971,"_task_hash":-2019841452,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"i've run into a few assholes on here. usually they try to make a condescending and witty remark to you to show that they are smarter or more clever. the trick here is not to fall into the trap of responding to them. i'm perfectly able to sit infront of my keyboard, take my time, and tailor the perfect comeback (i'm not as quick in real life lol). but that will just snowball the entire douche bag community effect. because now i'm contributing to it. i've admittedly been guilty of this. i found the best way to deal with smartass a-holes on here is to simply say something disarming and nice. something like \"hey man, you have a good point there :)\" and let it go. this way your not propagating negativity and maybe giving the a-hole you responded to something to think about. and it's important that this \"tacticic\" isn't coming from a place of throwing the other guy off by tossing him a curve-ball of sorts. it's about just generally trying to be a nice person and being genuine about it. then again if you dont want to be nice then you have every right not to be. just realize that you're making this place that much less appealing to people. -my 2 cents.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.697324276},"label":"INSULT","score":0.697324276,"priority":0.697324276,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1614001425,"_task_hash":1076652004,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"edit:^ i commented on the \"source\" being mastodons music. its the source of the words in the comic. you are right, i wasn't talking about this song in particular but saying they \"got shittier with every release\" would imply I was talking about not liking this record as much as the ones before it. if you want to bitch why don't you bitch about the fact this is posted in \"metal\" instead of pics or comics. i was talking about music in a music forum. in fact, i was talking about the band who had their lyrics drawn into a comic. i wasn't aware talking about mastodon's music in a /r/ about music on a thread about the band was \"off topic\". more like one downvoted, the rest jumped in and tried to justify it. i got downvoted because i misspelled a fucking word posting from my phone. oh shit, I'm a fucking loser and you couldn't; understand what i was saying!. i really fail to see how discussing the band is off topic of the thread, read the fucking sidebar for the /r/ in relation to the comic, it was a bad choice of a situation to illustrate, two guys fighting over a girl doesn't relate at all to the lyrics of the song. her boyfirend is his \"holy grail\"? ok then.","meta":{"section":"Metal","via_seed":true,"score":0.6689944267},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6689944267,"priority":0.6689944267,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1588476647,"_task_hash":2035033501,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"> lol. You moron, it's a bomb, it's a weapon - and you've even got its laughable military euphemism wrong: it's the Military Effect Test. Ah, the Dunning-Kruger expert will not cease! Effects tests describe what they were studying, not the stuff which was doing the bangs, you pitiful moron! One of the shots was a physics test package with U233. > I even gave you the link to know all this. You need to try and learn - you can't expect to be spoon fed all the time. Apparently you didnt even read it, or - more likely - just lack the brain power to actually understand what is written. Happens all the time with you.","meta":{"section":"energy","via_seed":true,"score":0.7774500251},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7774500251,"priority":0.7774500251,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1204673288,"_task_hash":-1716688072,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Wikileaks - The Tel Aviv Connection by Jeff Gates What is Tel Aviv to do now that it's known Israelis and pro-Israelis 'fixed' the intelligence that induced the U.S. to war in Iraq? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Con me consistently for six decades and the relationship is over, as is Israel's credibility as a legitimate nation state. Tel Aviv knows this. But what can the Zionist state do about it? Answer: Wikileaks. Why now? Misdirection. Shine the spotlight on Washington to take it off Tel Aviv. That's good old-fashioned psy-ops. And challenge the credibility of the U.S. That's Wikileaks. Any credible forensics would start by asking: to whose benefit? Then look to means, motive and opportunity plus the presence of stable nation-state intelligence inside the U.S. Other than Israel, who else is a credible candidate? Notice how quickly Israel's role in the peace process vanished from the news. Now it's Iran, Iran and more Iran. To whose benefit? Tel Aviv knows that the phony intelligence on Iraq leads to those skilled at waging war \"by way of deception\" - the motto of the Israeli Mossad. Wikileaks are noteworthy for what's missing: the absence of any material damaging to Israeli goals. But still Tel Aviv faces an unprecedented peril: transparency. Americans know they were duped. And Israel rightly fears that Americans will soon realize by whom. Tepid Support will not Suffice Obama has behaved as anticipated by those who produced his presidency. Anyone surprised at the lack of change in U.S. policy in the Middle East fails to grasp the power of the Israel lobby. Did he hesitate to support their latest Israeli strategy for scuttling peace negotiations? Absent peace, the U.S. will continue to be the target of those outraged at America's unflinching support for Israel's thuggish behavior in pursuit of its expansionist goals. Confirming the lobby's influence, Netanyahu announced he would not agree to halt settlements on Palestinian land until Obama reduced to writing a $3 billion bribe. In return for a proposed 90-day freeze, what form of bribe will America provide? Twenty F-35 jets at $150 million each plus parts, maintenance, training and armaments. That's $231 million per week or $1,373,626 per hour. What will the U.S. receive in return? A temporary partial freeze on settlements. How many more times can this ruse work? Israel has evaded a peace agreement since it drove Palestinians from their land in 1948 and seized more land in 1967 to shape today's geopolitics. Should Israel reach an agreement with the Palestinians, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton proposes a \"comprehensive security agreement.\" At what cost no one knows. The U.S. Congress has already budgeted $30 billion for Israel over 10 years. This latest $3 billion is on top of that. That doesn't include the cost to American credibility posed by an offer to veto U.N. recognition of Palestine as a state. And a pledge Never Again to pressure Israel on settlements. Plus the freeze omits East Jerusalem where Tel Aviv insists on moving ahead with new housing starts. Timing Is Everything By scheduling its latest incursion into Gaza between Christmas 2008 and the January 2009 Obama inaugural, Tel Aviv ensured only muted opposition during political down time in the U.S. Thus it came as no surprise to see an agent provocateur operation on Thanksgiving Day 2010 as Israel demolished a West Bank Mosque and a Palestinian village. After seven hours of nonstop talks, Hillary Clinton praised Netanyahu as a \"peacemaker.\" In return, he agreed only to \"continue the process.\" Meanwhile, U.S. elections marked a major victory for Israel when incoming Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor, a Jewish Zionist, announced that the new majority would \"serve as a check on the Obama administration.\" The Israel lobby has good reason to gloat. Confirming ongoing duplicity, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman proclaimed: \"a permanent agreement is impossible.\" Wikileaks' release of confidential diplomatic cables provides Israel an opportunity to undermine U.S. relations worldwide while also inflicting lasting damage on U.S. interests in the Middle East. After this, what nation would trust the U.S. to maintain a confidence? In October, Turkey asked that the U.S. not share intelligence with Israel. Now who dares share intelligence with the U.S.? This may signal the beginning of the end for the Obama presidency his domestic policy failures are eclipsed by his failures in foreign policy. This may also signal pre-staging for the 2012 presidential primary with a weakened Obama forced to name Clinton as his running mate or stepping aside so she can lead the ballot. Her 2008 presidential campaign promised recognition of Israel as a \"Jewish state\" and promised an \"undivided Jerusalem as the capital.\" Tel Aviv was elated. A second Clinton presidency would ensure another victory for Israel - and no peace. Israeli psy-ops typically serve multiple purposes. Wikileaks is no exception. Jeff Gates is author of Guilt By Association - How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War. See","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.7208315134},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7208315134,"priority":0.7208315134,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1976420687,"_task_hash":1110704255,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Reddit needs one of two things. Either all the decent people need to band together to shout down the assholes, or we need real moderators - people who have and deserve the authority to delete comments, ban users, etc... to keep Reddit clean of the riff-raff. I'm not sure I see another option. Although you can get a partial solution by requiring adult verification for all users as no small number of assholes are teens.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7695177197},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7695177197,"priority":0.7695177197,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-2029611459,"_task_hash":209132263,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"> If you down vote me you are a complete fool. Guess I'm a fool then, no arguing with- wait, I see what you did there! The human mind can't comprehend the complexity of the structure and the countless real-time operations of both the hardware and software that went into making this post either, does it mean that Reddit doesn't exist?","meta":{"section":"atheism","via_seed":true,"score":0.7729575038},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7729575038,"priority":0.7729575038,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1039443122,"_task_hash":1572006374,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Actually, it's all culture. Go derp in a commune, faggot.","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.7682678699},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7682678699,"priority":0.7682678699,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-245157636,"_task_hash":-1449196408,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"That's a BIG BITCH! movie?","meta":{"section":"nsfw","via_seed":true,"score":0.7338675261},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7338675261,"priority":0.7338675261,"spans":[],"_input_hash":900784092,"_task_hash":1125148814,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Xoites is simply being a typical feminist... Argue, shame, attempt to shut down debate, 'misconstrue' arguments, appeal to the crowd while ridiculing, accuse of impotency or other de-masculinizing condition, and then stomp off in a huff. This is all that Feminists ever do. They do not 'get won over', they do not even get convinced on one or two issues (DEFINITELY not enough to actually do something about it - although they'll \"personally agree\" until they're blue in the face). But they serve as excellent rhetorical scratching posts, as well as an excellent example of what happens when you try to 'reconcile' or 'compromise' with a Feminist. The more of these assholes that come here, and the more time MRAs spend wasting their time on concern trolls that do nothing but eat up MRAs time (and feed them false hope), the better. It'll make men that much angrier, and that much more determined. You know, those people women depend upon for protection? Of course, they will have to deal with the consequences of having enough men so angry at them and the government that men will override their biological impulses to effect change....but if they're too fucking stupid, or self centered to care now, why the fuck should I or anyone else try and save them? So really, xoites is fun to argue with, but don't read any more into her than that. She's simply a typical sexist feminist...dime a dozen, nothing to see here....","meta":{"section":"MensRights","via_seed":true,"score":0.726983726},"label":"INSULT","score":0.726983726,"priority":0.726983726,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1190814664,"_task_hash":-75903001,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Man, your friends are jerks. Even if I didn't like someones joke on facebook, I wouldn't spam their wall with all that negative crap.","meta":{"section":"pics","via_seed":true,"score":0.6769601107},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6769601107,"priority":0.6769601107,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-391727493,"_task_hash":-1161522634,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"> Do you have any examples of misogynistic comments That \"bitches love smiley faces\" video that got popular gave a tremendous number of Redditors *carte blanche* to now use \"bitch\" in place of \"woman\".","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7323237062},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7323237062,"priority":0.7323237062,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-246838869,"_task_hash":1613734727,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"That's not all I suggested by a long shot. Read the whole thing. I suggested making lists about what makes you happy and what you want so that you can get clear on what that is. I suggested getting yourself out of situations that make you miserable and going for what makes you happy. How you do that depends entirely on your situation. You can either get rid of the shitty things that you're capable of getting rid of and go for the things you can get that make you happy, or you can nitpick posts on reddit. If you have methods that work better for you, use them. The main point is to get off ones ass and change things rather than sit and bitch.","meta":{"section":"self","via_seed":true,"score":0.8088952899},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8088952899,"priority":0.8088952899,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1939964357,"_task_hash":-1695883517,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I like Scott Lynch - the Gentlemen Bastard series - \"Lies of Locke Lamora\" and \"Red Seas Under Red Skies\" so far. \"Name of the Wind\" isn't a series, yet, but it's one of the best fantasy books I've read in a long, long time. I think R. Scott Bakker's Prince of Nothing series (\"The Darkness That Comes Before\" et al.) is brilliant. It's big and it's dense but its as close to \"literature\" in fantasy as I've come across. I'd also add a vote for Sanderson's Mistborn and Abercrombie's First Law Trilogy. His followup stand alone was good too.","meta":{"section":"books","via_seed":true,"score":0.7702997923},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7702997923,"priority":0.7702997923,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1645213907,"_task_hash":-2082180193,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"All and all. Just another prick in the wall. Fixed","meta":{"section":"atheism","via_seed":true,"score":0.7336574197},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7336574197,"priority":0.7336574197,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1634950580,"_task_hash":375438821,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"The first \"Bitch Please\" one is PERFECT.","meta":{"section":"pics","via_seed":true,"score":0.8017416596},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8017416596,"priority":0.8017416596,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1892598150,"_task_hash":108346499,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Sometimes it can seem like Reddit has a hivemind, but I completely understand and agree with you. My fiance got me hooked on Reddit and for the most part, people are friendly enough. My bad experiences are not because of something I've done but misunderstandings or people who just don't agree with you and BOOM, downvote. Examples are a comment I posted in a Twilight thread laughing at a magazine article interviewing Robert P. about his role as Edward and how he hated the role. Naturally, every single negative thing posted in that entire thread including mine was downvoted to oblivion by raging Tweenies. Another thread I posted a link trying to disprove the stereotypes that people have about pitbulls, but commented I would PERSONALLY never own one nor trust them around my own children. Downvoted for..who knows why, someone even called me a moron. I would suggest just not letting it get to you, since Reddit as individuals are generally smart, open-minded and kind-hearted and there's always going to be people who just either can't see the other side or are in a pissy mood and down-vote you for whatever reason. =)","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7219971418},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7219971418,"priority":0.7219971418,"spans":[],"_input_hash":2060693623,"_task_hash":460573903,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Even if I print a blank word document, the page will have a header with my name and a footer with the date and time. Wasting time/energy/paper. Learn how to troll bitch.","meta":{"section":"fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu","via_seed":true,"score":0.6555888653},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6555888653,"priority":0.6555888653,"spans":[],"_input_hash":866095699,"_task_hash":-1891559207,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":">They might be ugly, dumb, smell like shit, and shoot like Michael J. Fox all hopped up on crystal meth, but they're some determined motherfuckers. Was this in reference to the Taliban, our soldiers, or both?","meta":{"section":"Military","via_seed":true,"score":0.7381729484},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7381729484,"priority":0.7381729484,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1340300508,"_task_hash":-893635729,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I thought it ended up being overturned in court and Lincoln refused to comply. Regardless, Lincoln was a scumbag who did all kinds of illegal things to anti-war protesters.","meta":{"section":"worldnews","via_seed":true,"score":0.7900028229},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7900028229,"priority":0.7900028229,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-793879652,"_task_hash":62493637,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"If I were you I wouldn't suggest to the people of Texas they should be ashamed of anything. Why should an entire state be shameful of the comments of one, misinformed man? Be Proud to be a Texan. Be upset that this moron represents anyone.","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.7040046453},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7040046453,"priority":0.7040046453,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1404538546,"_task_hash":-1774230812,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"are you kidding? in s korea being a sc pro is like our celebrities and sports players combined. they get ALL the pussy.","meta":{"section":"gaming","via_seed":true,"score":0.8571939468},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8571939468,"priority":0.8571939468,"spans":[],"_input_hash":303354740,"_task_hash":-924449836,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Jackass kids driving round and round burning gas and holding up traffic.","meta":{"section":"pics","via_seed":true,"score":0.7816786766},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7816786766,"priority":0.7816786766,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-122858375,"_task_hash":936848323,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I'm 29 and I still have all 3. I ingeniously gave my 4th tooth to my brother. Poor bastard and his 5 wisdom teeth.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7413045168},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7413045168,"priority":0.7413045168,"spans":[],"_input_hash":314273861,"_task_hash":-104880588,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"In everyday life I'm a pretty chill person, but when I read the absurd headlines and comments that have tons of upvotes I can't resist the urge to argue a counterpoint. In fact, that's about 90% of the reason I keep coming here because I disagree with just about every hivemind opinion here and I enjoy debating the arguments in my head. Sometimes it becomes necessary to speak up when a circlejerk is in progress, if only for the silent minority out there who also disagree but feel threatened by the ignorant pricks who have no original thoughts of their own. For example, how many people actually think about what Jon Stewart says before parroting his opinions as their own? How many times do we have to repeat the same tired memes or read a hundred lame jokes before getting to the handful of insightful comments? Also, picking out one particular instance where the vocal majority are wrong is an exercise in futility. If you're not militantly atheist, politically left-wing or libertarian, or don't abuse drugs then you're in the same boat as the women here. Hell, if you hold a nuanced opinion about ANYTHING you are going to catch flak for it. It's not unique to reddit- it's human nature through cognitive bias. The intolerance cuts many ways and yes, the \"community\" would do well to grow the fuck up, but that's humanity for you. Try not to let it ruin the cool parts that you enjoy. My advice would be to grow a thicker skin and seek out subreddits that aren't dominated as much by groupthink or people gaming the system for karma.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7243461609},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7243461609,"priority":0.7243461609,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1798020866,"_task_hash":117891338,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"You must live in Florida, like me. I've noticed that the north east is much better at this. I guess all the assholes move south.","meta":{"section":"pics","via_seed":true,"score":0.728718996},"label":"INSULT","score":0.728718996,"priority":0.728718996,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-222743205,"_task_hash":1757151841,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"In the mall you flash titties and rub your pussy and this has never posed a problem. I highly doubt it.","meta":{"section":"IAmA","via_seed":true,"score":0.6497060657},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6497060657,"priority":0.6497060657,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1180414770,"_task_hash":-1497376989,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":">Those assholes took more than $3000 out of my accounts in less than a year, I'd like to see them collapse asap. That sounds like blame to me.","meta":{"section":"worldnews","via_seed":true,"score":0.7665417194},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7665417194,"priority":0.7665417194,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1481920372,"_task_hash":-870724593,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"The idiot just doesn't understand that he can't send the drooling morons who follow him out to game Google without repercussions. For months now he has had his listeners do multiple searches on the same subject just to get his stories pushed to the top of the What's Hot list. Why? So he can generate more hits on his web site and collect that advertising cash. He's nothing more than a scummy spammer and Google was absolutely correct to ban him and his idiocy from **their** web site. He'll just have to find new ways to spread his lies.","meta":{"section":"conspiratard","via_seed":true,"score":0.7002081275},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7002081275,"priority":0.7002081275,"spans":[],"_input_hash":104003913,"_task_hash":583010706,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Same exact reason I don't post much. For instance, I posted a video that I (mistakenly) thought redditors would get behind and instead they told me to quit being a bitch. So I stopped submitting. And all this after everyone told me how much better reddit was than digg...","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7270515561},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7270515561,"priority":0.7270515561,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1716108042,"_task_hash":-1287714896,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Dumbass, you're supposed to warm up the hair gel first.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.5707762241},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5707762241,"priority":0.5707762241,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1339756421,"_task_hash":1142614827,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"That's not a correction. Don't be a jackass - just say \"and **here's** the video it's from.\"","meta":{"section":"videos","via_seed":true,"score":0.8315219283},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8315219283,"priority":0.8315219283,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-323606990,"_task_hash":1410151845,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I don't understand /r/minecraft. You guys call the people constantly complaining at Notch self-important assholes but you rip me apart for submitting a video *by request* and not timestamping it or trimming off the first part of it. (not you, personally, as you seem like you are prepared to talk to me in a polite manner, just talking about some of the other comments)","meta":{"section":"Minecraft","via_seed":true,"score":0.7672207952},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7672207952,"priority":0.7672207952,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1136556303,"_task_hash":622066177,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"While physical laws are (at this point in our history) easier to distill into (mostly) accurate formulas, the overarching trends found throughout history in varying societal structures should give us reassurance about what we should expect from the government of the USA in the future. It's obvious that the few rich people (colloquially known as *assholes*) are propped up by the toil of the many. The process by which this happens is often occluded in the analysis, which is ironic considering the ubiquity of the methods by which the economic elite take advantage of the poorer. The confusion should be expected in this case, because the medium through which people are disadvantaged is so (intentionally) convoluted that the truth of the matter, when spelled out, seems utterly contrived. Back to your point: The USA is no different from Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany. That's absolutely true, and not just in some broad, abstract sense of 'what could be.' The problems those countries faced in the time leading up to their legendary missteps mirror ours specifically, and as such, so will the mechanisms by which extremists (fundamentalists and radicals alike) take advantage of the weaknesses thus brought forth.","meta":{"section":"worldnews","via_seed":true,"score":0.7479110956},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7479110956,"priority":0.7479110956,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1339410910,"_task_hash":1320181307,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"It's a risk I'm willing to take, to be honest. Downvotes aren't the end of the world. I've actually been surprised at how many upvotes I've received when responding with how I really feel to some misogynist bullshit. Sure, I'll get some nasty comments, but those are usually downvoted. Seems there are a lot of people on Reddit who feel similarly to me, they're just too afraid of being seen as a humorless feminist bitch or whatever.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7636656761},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7636656761,"priority":0.7636656761,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-311111131,"_task_hash":30838810,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"There's a difference between idiocy and ignorance. He was acknowledging that not being \"a fucking pussy.\"","meta":{"section":"worldnews","via_seed":true,"score":0.6683267355},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6683267355,"priority":0.6683267355,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-2128283736,"_task_hash":48467583,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"insecure assholes.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7838634253},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7838634253,"priority":0.7838634253,"spans":[],"_input_hash":823323643,"_task_hash":2032461098,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"I was at one of their protests once (not attending, I was simply getting pictures for my high school's newspaper). A friend of mine had made a sign that read \"GOD HATES ASSHOLES.\" On the other side it read \"Don't hate, bro.\" Almost everyone who drove by and saw it gave him some form of positive feedback--it made me happy.","meta":{"section":"Omaha","via_seed":true,"score":0.7066324353},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7066324353,"priority":0.7066324353,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1052911724,"_task_hash":-1568396672,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Oh cry us a river, there's no one for you to call and have play big brother for you. Poor baby, you have to do it yourself. Get out of your pajamas, phone up your friends, go over there, and help him move out. What do you think this is, another stupid thread on the Internet about some random slut's mean boyfriend? **It's not.** It's a thread about **tissue damage**. On your sister's only and irreplaceable body. She'll kill herself, and she'll be right, because she is utterly alone in the world and no one anywhere gives a damn about her.","meta":{"section":"relationship_advice","via_seed":true,"score":0.7142383456},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7142383456,"priority":0.7142383456,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1578753068,"_task_hash":1543254901,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"You mean, cock in hand. It's more like a circle-jerk...","meta":{"section":"Economics","via_seed":true,"score":0.7641647458},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7641647458,"priority":0.7641647458,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1404500270,"_task_hash":-288451374,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"For the record, as a female who has been around for a couple of months, I don't actually find Reddit that sexist and misogynistic. I think a lot of the sexist comments are more about mocking people who would make those kind of sexist comments *for real*, than they are about mocking women. Sure, there are always a few jerks, and yeah, I probably wouldn't hang out in r/mensrights, but it rarely bothers me... I'm not saying that women who do feel that way aren't entitled to their feelings on the matter, maybe I just haven't stumbled into the really dastardly dens of misogyny yet, but I will say that I've never felt seriously attacked for being a woman, and I've seen very few others be seriously attacked either. Some fucking with and joking around? Sure. A bit of trolling? Definitely. But that's kind of par for the course just about anywhere online...","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7128793001},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7128793001,"priority":0.7128793001,"spans":[],"_input_hash":743302373,"_task_hash":572699579,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Based on the average printer (and not including that information in your original post)we would assume that you have a normally printer setup that does not auto-print a letter head.[](/melvin\"and using an expletive like \"bitch\" makes me feel u mad bro. probleM?\")","meta":{"section":"fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu","via_seed":true,"score":0.7399430871},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7399430871,"priority":0.7399430871,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1752757496,"_task_hash":983450957,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"It had more to do with my half-sister's paranoid delusions (that dad was a millionaire, that my mother who can't even program her digital clock had somehow maneuvered it out of the country [after 9/11 when anything more than a few thousand gets you flagged for investigation by the feds], that my mother was stealing from my mentally handicapped other half sister) than it did with any *actual* possessions or funds. And this crazy bitch is a *school teacher*.","meta":{"section":"WTF","via_seed":true,"score":0.7670021057},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7670021057,"priority":0.7670021057,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1605427683,"_task_hash":531201846,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"You'll look back in a year and see how absurd you're being. Not trying to come off as an arse as I also went through the same thing. Just go reconnect with your friends for now.","meta":{"section":"offmychest","via_seed":true,"score":0.6708450317},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6708450317,"priority":0.6708450317,"spans":[],"_input_hash":910161555,"_task_hash":-1813290541,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":">if you are a Texan I would be ashamed to call yourself that after this exchange. Are you trying to insult racists with a racist idea? Fucking moron.","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.7397906184},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7397906184,"priority":0.7397906184,"spans":[],"_input_hash":543173794,"_task_hash":-1222060587,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Condoms are for pussies and faggots. I go rawdog.","meta":{"section":"WTF","via_seed":true,"score":0.8441992402},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8441992402,"priority":0.8441992402,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1527073924,"_task_hash":1937521776,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"I added this to my Netflix instant queue and threw it on one night for some filler, purely to provide background noise during some video games... I was thinking *surely there's nothing new this film can teach me about cannabis, it's just going to be a giant circle-jerk like all the others*. Long story short, the PC got turned off and I ended up watching one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. My two unenlightened roommates ended up watching it as well, and I think they learned a thing or two. Thanks for the film! It's really become a cornerstone for educated, responsible marijuana users around the world.","meta":{"section":"trees","via_seed":true,"score":0.7208124995},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7208124995,"priority":0.7208124995,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-523467117,"_task_hash":1907044256,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"UW *Is* an incredible school, but it's rapidly becoming more and more of a goddamned gathering sight for Southern California transplants who couldn't get into USC, or UCLA. Then, after school, *(graduate or drop out)* they settle here and do nothing but bitch and complain about how they miss SoCal, and **fuck up** our already **fucked up freeways.** *(and also vote for Gregiore)","meta":{"section":"pics","via_seed":true,"score":0.7986620069},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7986620069,"priority":0.7986620069,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1641049927,"_task_hash":-1238808942,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"One method I use to get out of bed is to set my clock later than the actual time. So when I wake up in the morning my morning-self thinks I'm late getting up and it forces me out of bed. TL;DR Fool your morning-self into getting up by putting your clock an hour or so forward.","meta":{"section":"IWantToLearn","via_seed":true,"score":0.7518840432},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7518840432,"priority":0.7518840432,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1683521341,"_task_hash":-1462955930,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Not if you are using jelly. Jelly is very solid and it shouldn't be a problem. Scoop around the edges and dollop onto the bread or gently flick onto the bread. Smooth out w/ underside of spoon. Jam on the other hand can be a problem as it is more fluid than jam and will stick. So get a heaping spoonful (the kind your mother would bitch and moan over) and drop it on then place spoon in mouth. Clean spoon nice sandwich/toast/etc. Be on your way.","meta":{"section":"til","via_seed":true,"score":0.6710651517},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6710651517,"priority":0.6710651517,"spans":[],"_input_hash":2108094625,"_task_hash":-839361357,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"F3/F:NV, 360 version, inventory management tip of doom. *Triggers can be used to quickly 'scroll through' the item number counter, in inventory.* Don't know what I mean? Try and give a companion only a couple hundred of your 5000 rounds of a particular type of ammo. Or try and sell just a few of anything you have like, hundreds of... Are you now having fun holding the damn left stick to the left for ten minutes straight, to reduce to 'give/take' amount number down from 5000 to 100, one number at a time? YOU FOOL. Click your left trigger and thank me. YOU ARE VERY WELCOME. Works in both F3 and F:NV. I played through F3 twice before I knew it, though.","meta":{"section":"gaming","via_seed":true,"score":0.7118319273},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7118319273,"priority":0.7118319273,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1129003564,"_task_hash":1379297053,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"this is less important than the \"Fucking-Pussy Effect\"","meta":{"section":"IAmA","via_seed":true,"score":0.7419233918},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7419233918,"priority":0.7419233918,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1203758751,"_task_hash":427918273,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"There is a REASON Coolbot has specifications. The Johnsons Controls tstat might work. I'm not going to research it because the thing is $80+ and the window unit OP was considering on Craigslist was only $200. The LG Electronics 18,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner with Remote Model # LW1810ER Internet # 202073150 At Home Depot is $399. Obviously the tstat would make the overall solution close in price to the recommended spec anyway. Johnson Controls is a BITCH to deal with for support, etc.","meta":{"section":"DIY","via_seed":true,"score":0.728040874},"label":"INSULT","score":0.728040874,"priority":0.728040874,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1058954907,"_task_hash":-1303071486,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I'm gonna send that bitch some clever rebellious romance. Bitches love clever rebellious romance.","meta":{"section":"IAmA","via_seed":true,"score":0.7068709731},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7068709731,"priority":0.7068709731,"spans":[],"_input_hash":146907280,"_task_hash":2017952143,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I've always been a bit disturbed by that line in the song. Creepy bastard.","meta":{"section":"fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu","via_seed":true,"score":0.5641530752},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5641530752,"priority":0.5641530752,"spans":[],"_input_hash":756097908,"_task_hash":-595458002,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Oh yea, usa foreign policy is perfect one, look at them, they didn't even attack Iran because they were ask by some oil islamic dictator... and you obviously didn't watch the video you prick, go to 52min 30s","meta":{"section":"worldnews","via_seed":true,"score":0.7577999234},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7577999234,"priority":0.7577999234,"spans":[],"_input_hash":2105549512,"_task_hash":-1112889787,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"I'm guessing you have slept properly in the last month? But yea even so my design teacher is a nutcase, tell's me I'm gonna get a A all year then I end up getting a U which means ungraded (under 30%) hence I'm re-sitting this year","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7898093462},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7898093462,"priority":0.7898093462,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-467299988,"_task_hash":-1417671846,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I still think that's sexism. That line of thinking can lead to \"Oh, she deserved to be raped because she dressed like a slut\". So what if she dresses skimpily?","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.8260043859},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8260043859,"priority":0.8260043859,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-447989976,"_task_hash":484391386,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"You sound like a reasonable man so I doubt you would fall into this category, but... Being in my 20's I've noticed some men in their 50's tend to turn into jerks quicker than necessary when dealing with guys in their 20's. Do you notice a little bitterness between the generations? Do you think there is a \"don't tell me what to do, you're not my Dad\" vs. \"you don't know nothing yet / I sort of wish I was young again\" battle of attitudes?","meta":{"section":"IAmA","via_seed":true,"score":0.6974759698},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6974759698,"priority":0.6974759698,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1780586022,"_task_hash":1511709021,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I really don't find that at all. I mean yeah, there are some assholes, but such is life. I think when it really comes down to stuff reddit is an amazing, caring, and generous community who will do their best to help people in any way possible.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7527945638},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7527945638,"priority":0.7527945638,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-997662644,"_task_hash":-1793704682,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Nope. Seems she had an ex that smoked ALL the time and passed out on top of her a few times (lovely for her to paint that picture for me). So, she didn't want it to interfere in our lives. But I continued to smoke behind her back. Irony is, she eventually snapped, strangled me and kicked the shit out of me with her spiked heals (still on her feet) while cruising down the highway. Ended with me in the hospital, then jail for suspected DUI, which was later cleared costing $4500, and her in jail for felony assault (and out of my life). Fun times... So I ask you, which one of the two interfered in our life? Crazy bitch.","meta":{"section":"trees","via_seed":true,"score":0.75689888},"label":"INSULT","score":0.75689888,"priority":0.75689888,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1686774953,"_task_hash":-337259732,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"What do you expect? Nothing but atheist assholes in the reddit community.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.8617471457},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8617471457,"priority":0.8617471457,"spans":[],"_input_hash":345442964,"_task_hash":640840583,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"The internet gives the ego a unique opportunity to show its face without repercussion. It really truly is as simple as \"putting out someone's light to make your burn brighter\" just like we learned in elementary school. People fool themselves into thinking they're above this by saying \"I don't care what the internet thinks, I'm not trying to make myself look cool to them.\" Well, you're trying to make yourself look cool to yourself. And it's sad.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.6754276752},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6754276752,"priority":0.6754276752,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1292643293,"_task_hash":-77773295,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Point taken and appreciate the criticism (especially grammatical). I'll admit I went a bit overboard concerning macro forces that simplify a world view that is far more complex and that really didn't have anything to do with what Dreyfuss was talking about, but I wasn't putting Dreyfuss on a pedestal because he is famous. I know exactly where you're coming from in terms of celebrity worship and I am disgusted as well. I genuinely think he's made a good point especially concerning rhetoric on \"the war on terror\" and a proper readying of our citizenry. He seems passionate to make a positive difference in the area of history/social education. I was unclearly fasecious concerning actors and leadership, Senator Al Franken holding up the ship on that front. Though most would agree that Tina Fey is smarter than Sarah Palin, the skill-sets required in politics/leadership are very different. I don't think the political right are morons I was alluding to an increase in the demonization of what is liberal. The US isn't the worst thing ever but it's made some catastrophic mistakes which can be attributed to systemic problems. There is still a chance to bounce back, but how that happens exactly is a several trillion dollar answer.","meta":{"section":"videos","via_seed":true,"score":0.6987429857},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6987429857,"priority":0.6987429857,"spans":[],"_input_hash":873747144,"_task_hash":376478695,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"So what if it's a circle jerk? Every subreddit is to some extent. Atheists are quite marginalized in real life (at least in the US), so when we get together in some small corner of the internet we do tend to gush and pat each other on the back quite a bit. I don't see anything wrong with that at all.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7488279939},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7488279939,"priority":0.7488279939,"spans":[],"_input_hash":441525716,"_task_hash":-1173450780,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I go to reddit because of the quality of content and caliber of it's community. I guess I see a lot of \"asshole\" behavior on reddit, but usually it is done with the intent of maintaining community standards. People have to learn how to act here or else get ridiculed and insulted. I'm glad we have those assholes there to keep the unwashed masses at bay.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.6819770336},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6819770336,"priority":0.6819770336,"spans":[],"_input_hash":53355166,"_task_hash":-1414379753,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Hey, I think your pussy is sticking her tongue out at me...","meta":{"section":"gonewild","via_seed":true,"score":0.6352735162},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6352735162,"priority":0.6352735162,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-924850283,"_task_hash":-261274249,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Just one example: I posted about the North/South Korea conflict and I said something like \"I can't see us allowing war to break out there\" and had people tell me \"well you know technically THEY ARE AT WAR ALREADY\" and \"Do you know anything about the situation we ALREADY have troops there RABBLERABBLE UR STUPID\"... It's like yes, I get that. But if it's been a war up until now its been a pretty pussy war. It's more like the cold war. I was talking about open warfare and it was pretty obvious by my first post that's what I meant. So yeah, someone does always know better. I'm all for having posts be truthful and complete... but do you really have to argue over semantics like that? A lot of redditors do this and it's **very** annoying.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7440652251},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7440652251,"priority":0.7440652251,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1062578439,"_task_hash":-1903037773,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"People who say \"you're being too sensitive\" don't get it at all. It's not about being sensitive or not. It's that having any view that's contrary to a knee-jerk hive mentality is going to be down voted into oblivion. Regardless of whether it is informed, insightful, or not. And the down-voting karma BS doesn't matter. It's that most people aren't going to even get to *read* these alternative ideals because they're been down-voted beyond filter.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.753644228},"label":"INSULT","score":0.753644228,"priority":0.753644228,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-152504722,"_task_hash":-1713138687,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"kids these days are growing up knowing not to worship pussy but instead know that it is something to be bartered for. any of you bitching about it are just jealous","meta":{"section":"scifi","via_seed":true,"score":0.6441245079},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6441245079,"priority":0.6441245079,"spans":[],"_input_hash":113460803,"_task_hash":268795721,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"To be fair, there are precious few that are genuinely good, friendly communities. A certain well-known liberal comedy blog is the only one I'm aware of. Last time I checked, the JREF forums were marginal, but I haven't been 'round in years. I'd say if 75% of your contributions are from regulars, you're probably good. Users need to establish some kind of identity, rather than being just a bunch of random drive-by assholes.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7929241657},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7929241657,"priority":0.7929241657,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1663311976,"_task_hash":-1626982855,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Oh yeah? I stopped believing kids when I heard one say \"The plural of anecdote is not data\". Then I smacked the little bastard for rubbishing my anecdotes.","meta":{"section":"self","via_seed":true,"score":0.7824339867},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7824339867,"priority":0.7824339867,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1360157830,"_task_hash":750947825,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":">It also teaches them not to do it next time. . . Violence isn't the only way to provide someone that lesson, nor is it the most effective. While it may be the most satisfying way for you to defend yourself, it's not the most noble. >It shows that they were fools for attacking you. It wasn't a consensual fight. And you a fool for striking them back in anger. It becomes a consensual fight once both parties have something to prove. As you said, you're a man and you're going to win that fight. >The aggressor gets what he or she gets and deserves no quarter or sympathy from anyone. This lacks context. I don't see how you can automatically castigate someone for attacking you, regardless of the reason, yet defend your right to attack them back. I don't see the world in black and white, and I don't think you do either.","meta":{"section":"relationship_advice","via_seed":true,"score":0.7167209387},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7167209387,"priority":0.7167209387,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1072574896,"_task_hash":1954577841,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":">I'm not sure who these slut-haters are or whether they even really exist outside of the church. They exist outside the church to be sure. A lot of them are other women, most of them are painfully average in regards to intellect- those of them that are intelligent obviously have other underlying issues.","meta":{"section":"OneY","via_seed":true,"score":0.8420196176},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8420196176,"priority":0.8420196176,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1611108437,"_task_hash":-1461240791,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"There are jerks here?","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.7809635997},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7809635997,"priority":0.7809635997,"spans":[],"_input_hash":504338993,"_task_hash":-1239843970,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Cynics never are. Deal with it, bitch.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7677170038},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7677170038,"priority":0.7677170038,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1926956284,"_task_hash":1549830481,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Boycotts don't work because of assholes who think boycotts don't work.","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.7017575502},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7017575502,"priority":0.7017575502,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1818629514,"_task_hash":1322962690,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Yikes. Firstly hats off to you. You have balls. I like the example you used at the end. I'd also be sure to ask them why they don't believe in Zeus or Thor and tell them they would had they been born a few thousand years ago etc. It's a good one. But most of all, I'd keep your GOAL in mind. Be nice, they already think that atheists are assholes, don't let them stereotype you. If you can convince a few people that \"Hey, they're an atheist and actually not evil\" then they'll start to come out of the trenches and one day maybe even close enough to hear reason.","meta":{"section":"atheism","via_seed":true,"score":0.6871417761},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6871417761,"priority":0.6871417761,"spans":[],"_input_hash":441122199,"_task_hash":-1298656884,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"WOW, big, mean bitch, not little nor tiny.","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.7102578282},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7102578282,"priority":0.7102578282,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-560851293,"_task_hash":-1327607469,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"They aren't the only ones using those same type bait-and-switch ads. I ignore them now. Stupid fuckers don't realize how many click-thru's they could get if they were just honest about it.","meta":{"section":"pics","via_seed":true,"score":0.7923132181},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7923132181,"priority":0.7923132181,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-529558559,"_task_hash":1102663799,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"You're argument is weak and a matter of opinion. Lest you forget the vibrant colors, and the some-what original take on the the link look. I would say it's cartoon, and not just anime. Don't pigeon-hole they guy like that. In general, I'd say you are pretty damn good at this talk shit over the internets, but why not go to his site and bitch to him? For me, it was almost like someone pressed pause on the DVD or whatever. I thought it was a cool effect that it looked like animation cels. Maybe I should tell him that. You over analyzed the drawings, and Sagat_Wins wins....","meta":{"section":"gaming","via_seed":true,"score":0.7696788907},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7696788907,"priority":0.7696788907,"spans":[],"_input_hash":719266724,"_task_hash":-1834884236,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"This will probably get lost in the chatter, but I hope that at least the OP sees it. In my experience, generally speaking, other Redditors are cool for the most part, though I tend to stick mostly to smaller subreddits that relate to topics I'm interested in. The comments or posts that I've made that have been the most severely downvoted have mostly been ones that I've made while either drunk and belligerent or pissed off with an axe to grind - meaning I pretty much deserved those downvotes. Your gender shouldn't really matter on here, but sad to say, it often does get pulled into a debate due to biases that people have, whether consciously or not. I'm likely guilty of it myself occasionally, though I try not to. Of course, in debates that revolve around gender (such as in /r/mensrights or /r/2xChromosomes [I think that's right]), it's pretty much impossible to ignore gender bias, at least to some extent. Oddly enough, the highest upvoted comments I've had, until recently, have mostly been pun comments or jokes playing off of the topic or another comment. Recently, I've been getting a lot of positive response to posts regarding the new TSA procedures, as I've identified myself as an airport security employee, and redditors love getting an inside perspective - though most of the positive response has been in /r/OperationGrabAss and /r/libertarian, where I'm speaking to a sympathetic community. Overall, I see the Reddit community as a bunch of strong-minded and strong-willed (and often highly opinionated) individuals who are largely good people with other's best interests at heart (the Donor's Choose contributions, the Toy Store free for all for the terminally ill little girl that was harshly teased by neighbors, and all of the various \"my [family member/neighbor/friend/etc] has [hardship] and things are tough - Do what you do best\" posts). This community never fails to warm my heart on a regular basis. That said, we're also a community of people who seem to love debate, and are often passionate and emotional about the issues we discuss, and don't always follow reason, even if most debates are reasonable. Honestly, even though I've had my bad experiences here (and I'm sure most people have), I keep coming back because this is simply a great group of people on the whole. TL;DR: Redditors rock, even in light of the few that can be assholes.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7422509193},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7422509193,"priority":0.7422509193,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1073216041,"_task_hash":1718536088,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Have another, you crybaby.","meta":{"section":"worldnews","via_seed":true,"score":0.7970073223},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7970073223,"priority":0.7970073223,"spans":[],"_input_hash":493341322,"_task_hash":-1165340004,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"My job requires lots of interstate driving, often against tight deadlines. Speeding is simply part of the job, to the point that my company pays half our fines and gives us days off if wee need to take defensive driving courses to get points off our licenses. our 'company cars' are midsized SUV's too which most of us have added push bars and off-road lighting- not because we go off-roading, simply to intimidate slower drivers out of the way. having a cupholder full of marbles and ball-bearings to sling at the real assholes out there helps too.","meta":{"section":"pics","via_seed":true,"score":0.7162367702},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7162367702,"priority":0.7162367702,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1420571105,"_task_hash":318934729,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"> This is the real world Yes in the real world people are assholes. Dont let them get you down.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.8322877288},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8322877288,"priority":0.8322877288,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1556205880,"_task_hash":-1213123938,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Both those subreddits are probably the worst of reddit. Full of smug, hateful, condescending, close-minded douchebags like the OP is talking about. You excepted, of course.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7700461149},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7700461149,"priority":0.7700461149,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1506803268,"_task_hash":1049039421,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I agree. There are a lot of inappropriate assholes on here.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.8877356052},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8877356052,"priority":0.8877356052,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-2078403995,"_task_hash":271961617,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Upvote for writing REPUBLICANS ARE SUCH STUPID IDIOT MORONS HAHAHAHA!!!!111!1","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.8048263192},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8048263192,"priority":0.8048263192,"spans":[],"_input_hash":83949762,"_task_hash":-627225975,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Was the drive damaged when you sent it in? Or was it just file system damage? If it was just file system damage, you could go after him for willfully destroying not only your property, but your data - and then trying to extort money from you for its return. Nail the fucker to a wall. As an IT person I live in constant fear of cocking up and losing data; and certainly, if something went wrong I'd bend over backwards to fix it. Further, my boss pays quite a bit every month in insurance just in case the worst ever happens. If he hasn't taken those steps, then he is a cowboy and should be sued into oblivion before he rips someone else off.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.6776182652},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6776182652,"priority":0.6776182652,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1124238708,"_task_hash":505428481,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"No shit, that order tracker app is the shiz man. Nothing like knowing exactly when that bitch hits the road.","meta":{"section":"trees","via_seed":true,"score":0.7723655105},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7723655105,"priority":0.7723655105,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1131332680,"_task_hash":-1147632527,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Fuck that bitch.","meta":{"section":"fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu","via_seed":true,"score":0.8744331002},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8744331002,"priority":0.8744331002,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1025738871,"_task_hash":1625050524,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"If life itself was actually just a huge circle-jerk, everyone would be happy because of the orgasms.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7575809956},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7575809956,"priority":0.7575809956,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1098544262,"_task_hash":-256269041,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"lol. You moron, it's a bomb, it's a weapon - and you've even got its laughable military euphemism wrong: it's the *Military Effect Test*. I even gave you the link to know all this. You need to try and learn - you can't expect to be spoon fed all the time.","meta":{"section":"energy","via_seed":true,"score":0.7921116948},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7921116948,"priority":0.7921116948,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-445508905,"_task_hash":390323101,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Seconded. I cried like a little bitch at the end of that film.","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.827265203},"label":"INSULT","score":0.827265203,"priority":0.827265203,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1755935367,"_task_hash":1487552356,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"To the contrary, it guarantees the highest quality pussy.","meta":{"section":"offbeat","via_seed":true,"score":0.7914133668},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7914133668,"priority":0.7914133668,"spans":[],"_input_hash":123860338,"_task_hash":1974545894,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"A few years ago me and a mate (who were looking a bit rough after a night out - long story, lol) asked this nice looking fellow the time, as we didnt want to miss our train home. The rude bastard buggered off and we missed our train, ruining Christmas for all.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.8103619814},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8103619814,"priority":0.8103619814,"spans":[],"_input_hash":468723418,"_task_hash":-1012762416,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Brace for subsequent circle jerk thread.","meta":{"section":"self","via_seed":true,"score":0.7699322104},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7699322104,"priority":0.7699322104,"spans":[],"_input_hash":126309781,"_task_hash":1000779060,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Srsly, nobody gives a fuck!!! every few weeks some moron posts this shit.U dumb americans couldnt even make ur dogs go poop outside .jesus","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.8355317712},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8355317712,"priority":0.8355317712,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1070458463,"_task_hash":-73603748,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"This will open a whole new world of liabilities for debt collectors. A common tactic that people who make a living dodging bills use is to claim to be dead. I worked as a collector for two and a half years and I felt heartless as hell doing it, but we were required to ask for a copy of the death certificate. I felt like a jerk asking for it, but it was amazing how many people managed to resurrect themselves by the next time we would call. The problem here is that if someone enters a person as dead, the collector will try to collect from friends, disclosing the debt to them. If a person is alive this is very much against the law. A lot of less-than-reputable agencies (like the one I worked for) is going to get their workers sued because of this (FYI, it's the collector that gets sued, not the agency, and less-than-reputable agencies purposely keep their collectors in the dark about the law).","meta":{"section":"WTF","via_seed":true,"score":0.7457256317},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7457256317,"priority":0.7457256317,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-880890141,"_task_hash":227823549,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I'm the person OP asked. As are you. We're entitled to our opinions, and my opinion is that she's a bitch. But I'd still plow that shit.","meta":{"section":"wow","via_seed":true,"score":0.6948643327},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6948643327,"priority":0.6948643327,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-647018018,"_task_hash":-828187051,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Can you put that in terms of McDonalds apple pies? I don't quite grasp what you're saying. EDIT: I guess you douchebags don't remember this gem from the Daily Show.","meta":{"section":"IAmA","via_seed":true,"score":0.7927399874},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7927399874,"priority":0.7927399874,"spans":[],"_input_hash":712804498,"_task_hash":1426221609,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"> People would come over, and coo at my boy, the girl, and then quietly passover the leprechaun. Wow. Those people are assholes.","meta":{"section":"Parenting","via_seed":true,"score":0.755617857},"label":"INSULT","score":0.755617857,"priority":0.755617857,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-704384599,"_task_hash":2045822528,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Stop being such a pussy.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.8081828952},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8081828952,"priority":0.8081828952,"spans":[],"_input_hash":881917731,"_task_hash":811368491,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Downvote for being a shithead.","meta":{"section":"pics","via_seed":true,"score":0.7960628867},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7960628867,"priority":0.7960628867,"spans":[],"_input_hash":128878915,"_task_hash":-6807843,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Yeah, I agree. I don't contribute much, but I find myself being a jerk on here occasionally. I also don't really get into clever puns & memes.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.6954405904},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6954405904,"priority":0.6954405904,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1398685096,"_task_hash":-395636014,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Dude, I've been to Jamaica. I don't like making blanket statements like this but those fuckers *hate* white people. *they're* the ones being racist.","meta":{"section":"trees","via_seed":true,"score":0.8099157214},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8099157214,"priority":0.8099157214,"spans":[],"_input_hash":508884085,"_task_hash":220624531,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Eventually these same scumbag cops who have no regard for the constitution or civil liberties will be kicking in your door asking questions because now you are a terrorist.","meta":{"section":"Bad_Cop_No_Donut","via_seed":true,"score":0.6468212605},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6468212605,"priority":0.6468212605,"spans":[],"_input_hash":92367270,"_task_hash":-578827846,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Those Korean champions pull mad pussy.","meta":{"section":"Health","via_seed":true,"score":0.8502826691},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8502826691,"priority":0.8502826691,"spans":[],"_input_hash":259386605,"_task_hash":961956628,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I'm sorry your girlfriend is a flake. you did not go into detail about how you go together, but the brief description you gave makes her sound indecisive and flaky. This thing with getting mad at you for something you did in a dream is stupid. If she wants to be mad at someone she should be mad at herself seeing as her own subconscious made the dream. I would say that for now, do nothing. Let her respond to the text and give her some space. If she does start being bitch at you because of this, dump her. Life is too short to spend time fighting over make believe things. She has no right to be snarky when you did nothing, and if she thinks her 'cute' text warning you about the dream excuses bad behavior she is delusional. If she is like this about things you didn't even do, lord help ya when you really piss her off. In my opinion, This relationship is headed toward communication problems and huge yelling fights. edit: spelling.","meta":{"section":"relationship_advice","via_seed":true,"score":0.7105948925},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7105948925,"priority":0.7105948925,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1721412745,"_task_hash":76476594,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"All of these can be researched and learned via the net. Here is a start. Book learning is not hands on. Takes time and experience to be the go to guy for everything. Trouble is once you are there they hire someone for half your salary and bitch about the shitty service lol... By all means create yourself a small network lab so you can get to know the UI and options. Fixing home computers is not a resume for corporate networks. Get your certs your company should reimburse you for them. Hell you can buy certs online lol...","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.6905952692},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6905952692,"priority":0.6905952692,"spans":[],"_input_hash":237187255,"_task_hash":-1485473745,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Shut up, you wimp.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7731724977},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7731724977,"priority":0.7731724977,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1894256803,"_task_hash":-1683552166,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"shut up you whiny faggot....this shit shouldn't bother you.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7835987806},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7835987806,"priority":0.7835987806,"spans":[],"_input_hash":808148300,"_task_hash":1825175812,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Take a look in the mirror. Like what you see most of the time? I hope so. Most people are fundamentally good. Now imagine yourself in a stadium, looking in the mirror. What you see is yourself, and half a million people looking in the mirror. Like what you see? Well, mostly you see you. But you also see a half million people. Some of them are beautiful. Some of them are horrifying. Most of them are nice and don't really care about you. Some of them are downright evil and they *will* fuck with your shit just to do it. *Now imagine we're all using the same mirror.* That's Reddit. * * * The Internet is a rough place. The more anonymous you can be, the rougher you can be. Now that we're pushing a half-million users, there isn't a whole lot to distinguish Reddit from /b/, other than the clever-or-stupid usernames. And it's no secret that the collective intelligence of any group is inversely proportional to its size. As a result, the bigger subreddits tend to be completely worthless for discourse. It's gotten worse lately as well; it used to be trolls would argue with you. Now they'll just downvote you. The inverse of this is that the smaller a group, the less anonymous it tends to be. You see the same names over and over and things get less anonymous. The less anonymous places are, the nicer they tend to be. Not finding the \"community\" \"very nice?\" Make your community smaller. I mean, lemme break this down. You're posting using a throwaway... in a subreddit with 328,000 subscribers... to talk shit about people. That's pretty much part of the problem, isn't it? You marvel that this one post has more karma than your regular account, but the fact of the matter is, you're participating in (and encouraging) the exact behavior you despise - anonymous, prejudiced slagging. There's nothing \"ironic\" about that, Alanis. You're feeding the circlejerk and the jerks are circling. Compare and contrast: Here's the exact same gripe, in a forum less than 1/10th the size, from a month ago. Which has better discourse? That person didn't post under a throwaway, either. Why did you, by the way? If 600 upvotes is more than you've managed to amass, you, too are one of the anonymous hordes with nothing to lose. Could it be that it's just easier to say nasty shit when there's nothing riding on it? has more uniques and more imprints than and *combined.* You're in the big water now, missy. Do you despair of the idiocy of Youtube comments? Does Yahoo! Answers curl your toes? There are as many dedicated posters here as there are there... and I guarantee you things are higher quality 'round these parts. If you focus on the bad, the bad is what you see. If you focus on the good, the good is what you see. *What do you want to see in the mirror?* You've heard the saw about the two wolves, right? Inside every young brave there's a good wolf and a bad wolf? Which one wins? The one you feed, right? By posting anonymously in Askreddit and slagging everyone indiscriminately, *you're feeding the bad wolf.* Food for thought.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7486317754},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7486317754,"priority":0.7486317754,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-841730784,"_task_hash":-1695216435,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"\"Why is it that anyone driving faster than you is a maniac, and anyone slower than you is a moron?\" -George Carlin /not exactly relevant","meta":{"section":"pics","via_seed":true,"score":0.7193358541},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7193358541,"priority":0.7193358541,"spans":[],"_input_hash":622148222,"_task_hash":-780878173,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Encourage her stupidity then bask in a world with one less moron.","meta":{"section":"WTF","via_seed":true,"score":0.7337986827},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7337986827,"priority":0.7337986827,"spans":[],"_input_hash":902379471,"_task_hash":-510655632,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I felt the same way when I started on reddit. Since you used a throwaway account I have no idea how long you have been a contributing member, but I found that I was more well received the more I contributed. Just like it takes practice to learn how to speak/argue/comment/contribute to any group, reddit takes some learning. I haven't been here for long compared to many other redditors (coming up on a year soon), but I know that I became more comfortable and more successful with posts and comments when I commented more. Also, there are assholes everywhere; reddit is no exception.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.676548183},"label":"INSULT","score":0.676548183,"priority":0.676548183,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1417828491,"_task_hash":-597572320,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I agree. The Internet in general is not a very nice place, overall. There are tiny pockets of niceness here and there, but that's about all there is. Sad to say, but it's probably about all you can ever reasonably expect. I think a lot of people (myself included) would **love** to find a tight-knit Internet community that is friendly, inviting, and non-judgmental. But alas I think that's more of a pipe dream than anything. The closest I've come to that was a couple of WoW guilds, and in the pre-Internet days, a couple of old school BBSes - those were a lot of fun, but still suffered from the occasional jackass joining the group. But then I got burned out on WoW and quit, then got married, then had a kid, and now I have no time for WoW. So there went that. I tried setting up a small message board for myself and a few of my closest friends, but unfortunately my friends prefer to just Facebook everything. I personally don't like Facebook. I don't want to broadcast everything I say to everyone I ever knew, and most of the stuff my Facebook \"friends\" post on FB is garbage anyway. It always seems to devolve back to that whole \"talking more and more about less and less\" thing, which has been an oft-cited criticism of the \"digital age\".","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.715418756},"label":"INSULT","score":0.715418756,"priority":0.715418756,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1099738740,"_task_hash":-1985381676,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Because there are a lot of unattributed stories and quotes that say he's a big jerk.","meta":{"section":"nba","via_seed":true,"score":0.8055636883},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8055636883,"priority":0.8055636883,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1982922732,"_task_hash":-1767904356,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"This should be up top. Because whether or not this is true, it is still the feeling that one can get from an hour or less of browsing reddit. Redditors should be aware that they are making themselves look like jerks. Myself included.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7250186801},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7250186801,"priority":0.7250186801,"spans":[],"_input_hash":236210935,"_task_hash":-1088552214,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"yeah, I was kind of like \"wow, seattle is full of jerks.\" but it is the internet, after all. hope his family is alright.","meta":{"section":"Seattle","via_seed":true,"score":0.8356912136},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8356912136,"priority":0.8356912136,"spans":[],"_input_hash":81083902,"_task_hash":-1716024526,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Really though? The Boondocks are responsible for overuse of the word bitch? That train sailed many years before.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.7844554186},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7844554186,"priority":0.7844554186,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1800508383,"_task_hash":-1264986008,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"It went bang, you moron! It's a bomb. It's a weapon. It's whatever euphemism the military call it. Fact: U-233 has - and can be - made in to a bomb. lol. How stupid are you going to make yourself look in this thread?! :D","meta":{"section":"energy","via_seed":true,"score":0.7836300135},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7836300135,"priority":0.7836300135,"spans":[],"_input_hash":359699346,"_task_hash":-20070668,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Look, I know Depp is an awesome actor. He's been amazing in any number of rolls, including Pirates, but despite the deluge of expected downvotes, I gotta say, every time I read an interview or see him talk he just comes off as a pretentious wanker to me. >\u201cI\u2019ve had the honor and the pleasure and gift of having known Elizabeth Taylor for a number of years,\u201d he says. Really Johnny? The honor, pleasure AND the gift? Okay... commence with the downvotes...","meta":{"section":"funny","via_seed":true,"score":0.7263266444},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7263266444,"priority":0.7263266444,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1537843810,"_task_hash":1361307708,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Yippee ki yay motherfucker.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.645501554},"label":"INSULT","score":0.645501554,"priority":0.645501554,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-501310728,"_task_hash":1240000032,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"What a bunch of assholes.","meta":{"section":"funny","via_seed":true,"score":0.8633232117},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8633232117,"priority":0.8633232117,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-471806620,"_task_hash":1713246960,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"I can just see the fast and furious wankers getting hold of it and making even stupider cars.","meta":{"section":"Autos","via_seed":true,"score":0.6925254464},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6925254464,"priority":0.6925254464,"spans":[],"_input_hash":819417841,"_task_hash":-860894217,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"The Op is a du,b bitch who likes to smell his own ass","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.8280661106},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8280661106,"priority":0.8280661106,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1178366584,"_task_hash":-717546639,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Giant, flying lizards. You moron!*","meta":{"section":"fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu","via_seed":true,"score":0.8625921607},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8625921607,"priority":0.8625921607,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1439752797,"_task_hash":-1735870714,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"This mother fucker is from new york city, not to mention most Texans I know are ready to hang most public officials.","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.7118376493},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7118376493,"priority":0.7118376493,"spans":[],"_input_hash":406171468,"_task_hash":-1451053182,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Because she wants you to be a man and stop acting like a nerdy fag. Douchebags don't have women problems.","meta":{"section":"pics","via_seed":true,"score":0.6513552666},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6513552666,"priority":0.6513552666,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1279991746,"_task_hash":1999669368,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"In what was is the United States going along with the will of the people? Our leaders describe Iran as a serious threat all the time.","meta":{"section":"socialism","score":0.7979125381},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7979125381,"priority":0.7979125381,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-852261204,"_task_hash":1749743829,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"How have they been passive aggressive?","meta":{"section":"IAmA","score":0.6995313168},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6995313168,"priority":0.6995313168,"spans":[],"_input_hash":509959960,"_task_hash":-687887125,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I've read that the bulk of patients are those who have been or are in emotionally and/or physically or financially abusive relationships.","meta":{"section":"TwoXChromosomes","score":0.7318767905},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7318767905,"priority":0.7318767905,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-937273382,"_task_hash":1738516000,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Of course not, why would you be so cruel? [](/troll \"problem?\")","meta":{"section":"fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu","score":0.8547283411},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8547283411,"priority":0.8547283411,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-884576361,"_task_hash":485879411,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Was she using her hands to hold on?","meta":{"section":"funny","score":0.7066179514},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7066179514,"priority":0.7066179514,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1334655040,"_task_hash":-1915436031,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Also known as Coffee Penis.","meta":{"section":"todayilearned","score":0.8494212031},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8494212031,"priority":0.8494212031,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-954375097,"_task_hash":1015387694,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Battle Toads nuff said","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.7762022614},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7762022614,"priority":0.7762022614,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-732034197,"_task_hash":-1557972264,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"nice wooden sword","meta":{"section":"Minecraft","score":0.7933672071},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7933672071,"priority":0.7933672071,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-665378215,"_task_hash":-609764217,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I'm far too stupid to do anything useful.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.5939138532},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5939138532,"priority":0.5939138532,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-125376989,"_task_hash":-602091266,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Right, but he just really attacked the guy and was trying to convert him from the get go. Usually he only pokes fun at them until they refuse treatment for religious reasons but this episode I felt like it he was trying to 'convert' him to atheism as soon as he walked into the door. It also ended with this 'well whatever works for you' resolution on the guys spiritual outlook and to me conveyed the message that being too spiritual was bad but still believing in God was a good thing.","meta":{"section":"atheism","score":0.6506203413},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6506203413,"priority":0.6506203413,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-243697260,"_task_hash":2061103763,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I think a better move would be to look in to overclocking your cpu to 3.2 - 3.4 GHz. - clean out the dust first & make sure that the thermal grease is good, dont want to cook your cpu. After looking at the games, i dont see much in the sound options for the bitrate settings. The real bottle neck is the bus speed bewteen your cpu, ram & graphics card. Anouther way to check that it is the new sound things causing the slow down would be to disable your sound card & then run the game, if no improvement then it would not help by getting a sound card.","meta":{"section":"gaming","score":0.715000689},"label":"INSULT","score":0.715000689,"priority":0.715000689,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1833308569,"_task_hash":953892884,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Just gave them a call. They said they 'reset' my connection. Hopefully I'll be in for a nice surprise when I get home from work.","meta":{"section":"","score":0.5577211976},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5577211976,"priority":0.5577211976,"spans":[],"_input_hash":178316221,"_task_hash":-876873493,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"well im in school right now ( though id give crippleing debt a try for a while) but the job i had before was doing landscaping. i liked it, it was pretty cool to see the finished product you get to create. and another bonus was my boss was a stoner so i smoked at work like everyday. only thing that sucked was the pay ( i was making like barely enough to get me from paycheck to paycheck ) but it was worth it","meta":{"section":"trees","score":0.7121859789},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7121859789,"priority":0.7121859789,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-888982759,"_task_hash":630176309,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I already shaved my V for Vagina","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.6397386789},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6397386789,"priority":0.6397386789,"spans":[],"_input_hash":525141633,"_task_hash":-1488374844,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":">I never said ISLAM CAUZES ALL EVILZ but certainly you think that it never causes evil. I pretty much admitted that there are radical and extreme elements within Islam who are most definitely evil. The problem is that until the US started nurturing, funding, arming, training and disseminating them they existed mostly as ostracized and powerless fringe elements. Its a natural form of social control that exists in all societies. In Afghanistan for example, Mullah's traditionally used to be the butt of jokes. > Reading your posts you speak as if Islam based governments have never done evil and have been a bunch of pussies historically. Then you have trouble with reading and comprehension. >I dare you to admit to any flaws or is it rather convenient to bury your head in the sand and deflect to a scapegoat? I have already admitted that extreme and radical elements exist within the Muslim World. Radical and fundie elements exist within all communities and groups. The difference is that most of them aren't backed up by the world's only superpower.","meta":{"section":"worldnews","score":0.7256669998},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7256669998,"priority":0.7256669998,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-843089009,"_task_hash":356343202,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I remember discussing this painting once. Apparently the original had Saturn's Phallus visible, for some reason that was significant.","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.7613815665},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7613815665,"priority":0.7613815665,"spans":[],"_input_hash":735063943,"_task_hash":179200220,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Not that I've been able to find. :/","meta":{"section":"RealGirls","score":0.745097518},"label":"INSULT","score":0.745097518,"priority":0.745097518,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1558544939,"_task_hash":-1976555510,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"\"On the flip side, the developed north will seek a better accounting from China, India and other emerging economies of the south on what they're doing to slow the galloping growth of their greenhouse gas emissions.\" If they're counting China and India among the developing countries then I'd like to know what share of their pollution is going into producing goods for the US that we have since stopped making ourselves. Plastic products exported to the US, and the emissions from their production, should really still be considered our pollution and not theirs.","meta":{"section":"climateskeptics","score":0.7182443142},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7182443142,"priority":0.7182443142,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1593372475,"_task_hash":-23698317,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Yeah, the music industry has a real shortage of attractive females.","meta":{"section":"videos","score":0.7855961919},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7855961919,"priority":0.7855961919,"spans":[],"_input_hash":991436138,"_task_hash":791847363,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Explain to yourself then why machine guns became illegal. Here's a few hints: Prohibition. Chicago. Al Capone. Tommy guns. Prohibition was repealed in the Depression. Why are machine guns still illegal? Here's a few more hints: Pot. Ecstasy. LSD. Oh, looks like Prohibition all over again. The federal government doesn't care for the citizenry's disregard of laws governing moral conduct, and doesn't like being outgunned when the matter comes to blows.","meta":{"section":"WTF","score":0.7473878264},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7473878264,"priority":0.7473878264,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1551171905,"_task_hash":1668866024,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"a certain demographic of men. putting it nicely I think because of the kind of site reddit is it attracts a statistically disproportionate number of men who are long term single against their own will (be it through lack of social skills, appearance or whatever). these tend to be the kind who consider themselves the \"nice guy\" because they dote on women they desire but reveal their true bitter mysoginy when their 'entitlement' to sex because of this nice behavior isn't met. put these people together behind the anonimity of a keyboard and its innevitable that they will vent this anti-female sentiment. I can assure you that the vast majority of well adjusted socially functioning men on this website are absolutely disgusted by the sexist bullshit that gets upvoted here, and we are abhored that these people create a negative impression for us all. I would say the same thing for the culture of casual racism on reddit.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.7816268206},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7816268206,"priority":0.7816268206,"spans":[],"_input_hash":923539241,"_task_hash":1404715277,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"no, you don't. I moved from one district to another and all they asked for was my school records from the previous school.","meta":{"section":"politics","score":0.7188318372},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7188318372,"priority":0.7188318372,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1244788810,"_task_hash":-778434056,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"you can drill a hole in the wall and go ethernet ! !","meta":{"section":"technology","score":0.6672453284},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6672453284,"priority":0.6672453284,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-680756035,"_task_hash":-1722322790,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Problem with Lake Mead is there's a lot of lakelurks to watch out for. Also, cazadors are mean sonsabitches. Be careful out there.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.6448827982},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6448827982,"priority":0.6448827982,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-45586356,"_task_hash":-1313701474,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I welcome you to hang out in /r/trees. It is a very friendly group over there ;). We like all ents.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.7952311039},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7952311039,"priority":0.7952311039,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1116109336,"_task_hash":809943244,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Man, I hate when that happens.","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.8633882999},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8633882999,"priority":0.8633882999,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-2147210358,"_task_hash":992965626,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"You beautiful troll you!","meta":{"section":"secretsanta","score":0.764208734},"label":"INSULT","score":0.764208734,"priority":0.764208734,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1757655705,"_task_hash":1075182348,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"yeah, they do with with various solutions depending on the branch. Redhat has their thing, so all redhat siblings do the same method, same with Debian. In windows, it up to the app developers to handle this. I view it as a business decision. There's a lot of bad programmers and they don't follow the suggestions MS publishes now. Sometimes that's good, sometimes it's bad. If MS was to say, you're app must be submitted or at least it'd dependency's, I don't think people would do it correctly. And really, what value does it provide to MS other than a money sink? Steam could do the same thing on it's own as well, it is a package distribution system (really just cdn, but it wouldn't take much more...). I wonder if Valve has done a cost benefit analysis to see if the cost of the bandwidth (of the redist type files) would cover the cost of development time + maintenance.","meta":{"section":"gaming","score":0.7151691914},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7151691914,"priority":0.7151691914,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1386661965,"_task_hash":-825303996,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I did too, I put commas between sentences.","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.6511958241},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6511958241,"priority":0.6511958241,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1495316249,"_task_hash":-778149607,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I'm in. Should we form groups for a more hilarious effect?","meta":{"section":"","score":0.6860103607},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6860103607,"priority":0.6860103607,"spans":[],"_input_hash":928026253,"_task_hash":1949486377,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Me and many others are not so much concerned about the immediate legal context of the case, as of the precedent that it establishes, and what it means for the nature of the relation between press and public in the US. The vaunted Fourth Estate and its freedom to publish information as it sees fit is protected by law in the United States. But if the press is willing to lie outright, then what good is it?","meta":{"section":"politics","score":0.7688918114},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7688918114,"priority":0.7688918114,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-970643493,"_task_hash":1704936026,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Someone tell Tyler Durden at Zerohedge about this.","meta":{"section":"worldnews","score":0.6194862127},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6194862127,"priority":0.6194862127,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1226347566,"_task_hash":1233411461,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I almost believed that.","meta":{"section":"WTF","score":0.7270258069},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7270258069,"priority":0.7270258069,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1395730385,"_task_hash":-1606632951,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"By purchasing this game you personally killed a dolphin. --PETA","meta":{"section":"gaming","score":0.6991910934},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6991910934,"priority":0.6991910934,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1557730110,"_task_hash":-671689475,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"No more than it is necessary to study fashion to notice that the emperor is naked. Credit to PZ Myers where credit is due.","meta":{"section":"atheism","score":0.7986180186},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7986180186,"priority":0.7986180186,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1253482370,"_task_hash":2085966832,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Ooooooooh. Yeah, I agree with your decision completely.","meta":{"section":"fantasyfootball","score":0.7034268379},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7034268379,"priority":0.7034268379,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-14068195,"_task_hash":560541634,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"That's the Quadruple-S watchlist.","meta":{"section":"OperationGrabAss","score":0.3979975283},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3979975283,"priority":0.3979975283,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1374078191,"_task_hash":-1964756372,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"If only he had removed that stray period :(","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.2362194508},"label":"INSULT","score":0.2362194508,"priority":0.2362194508,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1324249949,"_task_hash":-980562540,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"here is a video showing the swivel Here is a video showing him use it Is it just me or at 1:12 in the second video when he is using the tablet does it not look very responsive? Idk it just looks laggy to me. Anyone else notice this?","meta":{"section":"gadgets","score":0.1892172098},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1892172098,"priority":0.1892172098,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1184267981,"_task_hash":-369872923,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Sorry, but this guy sounds like a whiny bitch...","meta":{"section":"WTF","score":0.3087031841},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3087031841,"priority":0.3087031841,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1600195029,"_task_hash":394300446,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"TIL: Rooting doesn't mean fucking in America.","meta":{"section":"Android","score":0.3202047944},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3202047944,"priority":0.3202047944,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1322695565,"_task_hash":-191845536,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I picked one up once and wiped out some guys with it. Seemed a bit powerful from that experience.","meta":{"section":"codbo","score":0.2078396529},"label":"INSULT","score":0.2078396529,"priority":0.2078396529,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1046427154,"_task_hash":-1796692880,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Panera bread company for breakfast","meta":{"section":"vegan","score":0.6114094257},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6114094257,"priority":0.6114094257,"spans":[],"_input_hash":634487918,"_task_hash":-583983443,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"This is so lame...","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.2027207911},"label":"INSULT","score":0.2027207911,"priority":0.2027207911,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1602205149,"_task_hash":515770709,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I couldnt upvote you more if I had all the arrows in the world...sigh... the pendulum always has to swing the other way- and we just have to be sharp about our science....","meta":{"section":"Health","score":0.1503336132},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1503336132,"priority":0.1503336132,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-59545082,"_task_hash":-1554383810,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"That's not a real user :|","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.2263159007},"label":"INSULT","score":0.2263159007,"priority":0.2263159007,"spans":[],"_input_hash":295564784,"_task_hash":-1209205484,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Let's see. Amelia McDonell-Parry writes about advocating the RAPE OF MINORS (\"21 guys we're ashamed to say we'd screw\" - 2 of them being minors). Then she gets dumped by her fiance. Then she constantly complains about not being able to find a man because all men suck. And now she has the nerve to talk about \"emotional cripples\"? Maybe she should just write an article titled \"Irony\" and just put her picture in it.","meta":{"section":"MensRights","score":0.1747378856},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1747378856,"priority":0.1747378856,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-386585625,"_task_hash":-1196594457,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"charge for your service = profit!","meta":{"section":"IAmA","score":0.4717468321},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4717468321,"priority":0.4717468321,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-711783064,"_task_hash":-749895185,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"DSL here is 1.5mbps or 3mbps and you can order higher speeds most of the time. Sure its not the 15mbps that Comcast offers, but its a consistent speed that doesn't drop to 0mbps just because the kids next door run bittorrent all the time.","meta":{"section":"technology","score":0.2200295776},"label":"INSULT","score":0.2200295776,"priority":0.2200295776,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-591602018,"_task_hash":-397430353,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"My statistics were part of the 47.3% :-)","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.5002148151},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5002148151,"priority":0.5002148151,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-2037517742,"_task_hash":-477600479,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Erm, just so you know, I have beaten two of three bosses on i wanna be the guy. I am no noob to platformers, just asking why this one is good.","meta":{"section":"gaming","score":0.2259652466},"label":"INSULT","score":0.2259652466,"priority":0.2259652466,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1627344752,"_task_hash":1963590613,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Reddit are angels compared to 4chan.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.5530138016},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5530138016,"priority":0.5530138016,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-27839394,"_task_hash":-10206926,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"What. The. Fuck.","meta":{"section":"videos","score":0.5563412309},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5563412309,"priority":0.5563412309,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1402001537,"_task_hash":-269751509,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Interesting, you're being downvoted because of a differing opinion about the nature of the comments on Reddit about women, coming from a woman. The reddit feminist bury brigade at work again!","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.245268479},"label":"INSULT","score":0.245268479,"priority":0.245268479,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-2106555099,"_task_hash":1446793670,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"\"awe, fuck, how high was i.\"","meta":{"section":"DoesAnybodyElse","score":0.1387957633},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1387957633,"priority":0.1387957633,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-2030003200,"_task_hash":1139392607,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Critical Hit!","meta":{"section":"IAmA","score":0.4973633587},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4973633587,"priority":0.4973633587,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1911476958,"_task_hash":-1662334178,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Who cares? Down vote.","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.3573741913},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3573741913,"priority":0.3573741913,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1228568293,"_task_hash":-1706029290,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"As a non-Mormon, I feel that the church is very secretive and excludes outsiders to a degree that most other organized religion does not; I think this is one reason that people are quick to call it a cult. How do you feel about the relationship the Mormon church has with the outside world, and the secrecy surrounding some of your practices?","meta":{"section":"IAmA","score":0.1935233027},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1935233027,"priority":0.1935233027,"spans":[],"_input_hash":484308020,"_task_hash":1754245838,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"My dreams are always way too dysfunctional/chaotic to allow for any sort of relationship with someone. Then again, so is my real life. *heavy sigh","meta":{"section":"DoesAnybodyElse","score":0.0526818037},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0526818037,"priority":0.0526818037,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1323794714,"_task_hash":845465491,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"...Ummm... yeah. ...Dude? ...uhh... Clark Gable isn't a ... ...Y'know what, nevermind.","meta":{"section":"DoesAnybodyElse","score":0.2232339829},"label":"INSULT","score":0.2232339829,"priority":0.2232339829,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-896738556,"_task_hash":1538403084,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Hey! I made a hammerhead shark leather left glove. Let's go find two other guys and make a complete set.","meta":{"section":"dwarffortress","score":0.1171095297},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1171095297,"priority":0.1171095297,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1527734910,"_task_hash":-754295085,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Wow thank you for the help.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.0605804287},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0605804287,"priority":0.0605804287,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1810839107,"_task_hash":-751108336,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Yeah but now we'll have to try so much harder, I don't have time to actually stick my nose up the exhaust. Maybe we should find a source of asbestos.","meta":{"section":"australia","score":0.0381431058},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0381431058,"priority":0.0381431058,"spans":[],"_input_hash":711251745,"_task_hash":1372868375,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Meh. Close enough.","meta":{"section":"movies","score":0.1751405299},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1751405299,"priority":0.1751405299,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-697005741,"_task_hash":-1267114341,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I had noticed. \u0ca0_\u0ca0","meta":{"section":"DrFunkesMC","score":0.0604232438},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0604232438,"priority":0.0604232438,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-23940841,"_task_hash":2143628430,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":">This is the same hyperbole not based on fact that I've seen on all the blogs The bureaucratic arm has increased dramatically in size. It will cost much *more* to sustain it. These costs are offset by the registry fees. Those fees subsequently increase. Big fish sustain, smaller fish don't. That's not hyperbole. That's how it works.","meta":{"section":"","score":0.0554661676},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0554661676,"priority":0.0554661676,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1348563428,"_task_hash":-197429882,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Yet. A lawyer should know the legality.","meta":{"section":"politics","score":0.1553917229},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1553917229,"priority":0.1553917229,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1796548882,"_task_hash":-516320289,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"DARREN SHAWWWPERR","meta":{"section":"videos","score":0.4095959067},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4095959067,"priority":0.4095959067,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1017709625,"_task_hash":1445025251,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Wow. Your friends are assholes.","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.083253175},"label":"INSULT","score":0.083253175,"priority":0.083253175,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-733450529,"_task_hash":2126054242,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"To address your whole post... well yes, it's mean in here. I think this is mostly because people enjoy arguing. You can't make any statement or assertion on this site without someone challenging it from some angle or another. Essentially they are trolling, politely or otherwise, and it gets nasty from there. I don't think anyone has ever truly attacked me out of the blue -- it always comes from someone who starts with a ridiculous challenge to something I've said, and then commences when they know they have my attention. The most bizarre Reddit fight I've had is a complete douchebag of a guy on /r/Depression who was extremely upset with my advice to someone else. He constantly personally attacked me for not having been as depressed as he was. The irony is that the same guy created a post in another subreddit about how much he hated getting involved in flame wars on Reddit and how much it hurt his feelings. Then a day later he deleted all of his vitriolic messages to me. It's shit like this. That's why I left that subreddit -- I discovered it was more for people to bitch about their lives than it was to find a way out of depression. And that brings me to my last point, which is, stay away from subreddits. I know people typically tell you that subreddits are where the good stuff is, but my experience has been exactly the opposite. Subreddits are where the most groupthink happens on this site. If you agree with the accepted list of views, you get voted up and agreed with; if you express any doubt, no matter how well thought-out your opinion may be, you get downvoted and shat on. For instance, /r/RelationshipAdvice is a great get horrible advice about relationships and get yelled and screamed at by hopeless romantics and people who think they have all the answers because their girlfriend hasn't left them yet. And then there is what I call \"subreddit bombing,\" where someone will link to a thread in another subreddit and ask the community to punish them with threats, trolling, and downvotes. Much as I like /r/Atheism, it's done this quite a few times with posts from /r/Christianity. Worst time it ever happened to me was when I posted something about how the only thing stopping gay people from having a full-blown wedding was the belief that the priest/pastor/officiator had any magical power to change a relationship. It was part of a discussion about how legalizing gay marriage would stimulate the US economy, as though millions of gay people were waiting with tens of thousands of dollars each for the moment when it was legal to have a wedding. Fuck that. You can draw up a will, assign power of attorney in the event of your death or incapacitation, and nothing is stopping you from having a wedding with the only missing component being the legal recognition of the result. In the end, it's not functionally different than a legal wedding. Anyway, some mod at /r/LGBT was so infuriated by my comment that he posted a link to it in his subreddit and demanded that the LBGT members punish me. Again, it's shit like this. All he did in the end was reduce my karma by 90, convince me that he and the members of /r/LGBT were complete and utter fucktards, and that it was not worth my effort to help them achieve legal marriage goals outside of Reddit. They hurt themselves more than they hurt me. So yeah, subreddits FTL. Opinions FTL. Responding to trolls no matter how civil they might seem FTL.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.0289038476},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0289038476,"priority":0.0289038476,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1095203890,"_task_hash":-1750217958,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Dude, do you need me to talk you down from this?","meta":{"section":"trees","score":0.0513318889},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0513318889,"priority":0.0513318889,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1064232605,"_task_hash":-2016191045,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"damnit dude. just, damnit.","meta":{"section":"funny","score":0.0859711692},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0859711692,"priority":0.0859711692,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-303311664,"_task_hash":-1168749014,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Or... exercise their right to free speech and complain about the actions of a corporation? Considering you're resorting to *explicitly* making up statements that were not written, you're either intentionally or unintentionally arguing with a strawman. I mean, this is the very definition of a strawman argument: creating statements that were not made and then attacking them.","meta":{"section":"conspiracy","score":0.0356195942},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0356195942,"priority":0.0356195942,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1294117812,"_task_hash":1581567685,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Thank you, you too. Enjoy.","meta":{"section":"nyc","score":0.0550330691},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0550330691,"priority":0.0550330691,"spans":[],"_input_hash":289222969,"_task_hash":1420242630,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Sex crimes...the sexiest crimes? More at 11.","meta":{"section":"","score":0.0614166744},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0614166744,"priority":0.0614166744,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1305972444,"_task_hash":-541207294,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Just little too much head tilt..","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.0233506933},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0233506933,"priority":0.0233506933,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1674862268,"_task_hash":1365928438,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"fired him or her so as they could get some more life experience","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.0146603696},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0146603696,"priority":0.0146603696,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-554697874,"_task_hash":-386863653,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Most adults cant meet the standard set for adults.","meta":{"section":"science","score":0.0231289268},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0231289268,"priority":0.0231289268,"spans":[],"_input_hash":560749780,"_task_hash":-274822865,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"WTF?! this picture is amazing, what is the context? looks too good to be 'shopped, but perhaps I am wrong...","meta":{"section":"funny","score":0.0244943015},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0244943015,"priority":0.0244943015,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1761811255,"_task_hash":1242734732,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I thought this was yao e.g. cocaine, wtf is yaoi some weird fucked up shit. Anyway she went from potentially cool to fucking dork pretty fast in my eyes.","meta":{"section":"WTF","score":0.0210993588},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0210993588,"priority":0.0210993588,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1145471498,"_task_hash":1870772240,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"BOA, perhaps?","meta":{"section":"politics","score":0.0878903717},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0878903717,"priority":0.0878903717,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-2024920043,"_task_hash":-1629503185,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"They have both colors as options.","meta":{"section":"battlestations","score":0.0180850402},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0180850402,"priority":0.0180850402,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1392499819,"_task_hash":-984610674,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Thank you!","meta":{"section":"canada","score":0.0612737015},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0612737015,"priority":0.0612737015,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-943229398,"_task_hash":165431966,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I could just shit on her bed and let the flies come to her.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.0225705896},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0225705896,"priority":0.0225705896,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-763689036,"_task_hash":1264942038,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Fucking leafs fans, will you ever learn?","meta":{"section":"hockey","score":0.0248246398},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0248246398,"priority":0.0248246398,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1341193422,"_task_hash":586802795,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":" :)","meta":{"section":"TwoXChromosomes","score":0.156259194},"label":"INSULT","score":0.156259194,"priority":0.156259194,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1616310879,"_task_hash":-1219881261,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I love xkcd! :)","meta":{"section":"secretsanta","score":0.0625410229},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0625410229,"priority":0.0625410229,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-299353011,"_task_hash":847114323,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"But that monopoly may not actually be a problem, depending on the technology. You can't expect somebody to share what physically cannot be shared.","meta":{"section":"technology","score":0.0163618326},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0163618326,"priority":0.0163618326,"spans":[],"_input_hash":326141602,"_task_hash":133517199,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Only in America, you nasty USA-centric jerk. In the rest of the English-speaking world they go outside the quotes. Look it up before you criticize.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.0281469859},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0281469859,"priority":0.0281469859,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-546442129,"_task_hash":803670074,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"War on Christmas, total victims: 0 'War on Terrorism', total victims: Possibly as many as a million people. Clearly we need to focus on this Christmas thing.","meta":{"section":"atheism","score":0.0327811688},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0327811688,"priority":0.0327811688,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-343857516,"_task_hash":412394424,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Otacon from the Metal Gear Solid games always annoyed the hell out me. His voice makes me want to punch something.","meta":{"section":"gaming","score":0.0320233479},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0320233479,"priority":0.0320233479,"spans":[],"_input_hash":930914768,"_task_hash":-1731172874,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Preach it, brother!","meta":{"section":"Austin","score":0.0608153455},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0608153455,"priority":0.0608153455,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1993857334,"_task_hash":1458087324,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Two funny.","meta":{"section":"funny","score":0.0421885215},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0421885215,"priority":0.0421885215,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1520349867,"_task_hash":1643327114,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"and then resubmitted it here","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.0158192366},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0158192366,"priority":0.0158192366,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1629838596,"_task_hash":-1771224528,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I wouldn't go without a full portable offline version of wikipedia.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.0159709193},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0159709193,"priority":0.0159709193,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-127180144,"_task_hash":-1903615010,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Why post these? Having your pretty iphone screen capture of a text conversation that you found funny does not make it anymore worth than to be posted here than a transcript of a conversation that happened in 'analogue' life. Maybe in /r/iphonescreencap or /r/funny. Pictures generally require the use of a camera. Don't be butt hurt, this is just my opinion. Be butt hurt if this get a lot of upvotes. :)","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.014759847},"label":"INSULT","score":0.014759847,"priority":0.014759847,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1707406107,"_task_hash":432920896,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I can't type too much at the moment, but Pittsburgh is a great place to live and all of your questions have a ton of positive answers to them -- especially food and bargain! My only major complaint about this city is the music scene, it's kind of depressing especially if you're coming from Austin!","meta":{"section":"pittsburgh","score":0.0109123075},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0109123075,"priority":0.0109123075,"spans":[],"_input_hash":807631291,"_task_hash":275709362,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"find me anywhere in Alberta with grass that green right now and I'dagree :p","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.0186436735},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0186436735,"priority":0.0186436735,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1760436897,"_task_hash":-210648675,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Yep, NCAA.","meta":{"section":"IAmA","score":0.0519218296},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0519218296,"priority":0.0519218296,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1600982355,"_task_hash":789815888,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Nazi scum!","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.0270448308},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0270448308,"priority":0.0270448308,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1711089613,"_task_hash":913071833,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"I don't fully agree with 2)b. but good luck keep us posted!","meta":{"section":"starcraft","score":0.0055830139},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0055830139,"priority":0.0055830139,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1861008856,"_task_hash":-994540280,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I TA'd for a bit in grad school. We did all of the grading. If you go to a large university, your prof probably doesn't grade any papers. The class I TA'd was, in essence, a leftist critique on global trade. My department was fairly radical, and had even been the subject of a lawsuit alleging that we were using state funds to subsidize research and training for leftist causes. The course covered Marxism, basic heterodox thought, and the history of resistance to neo-colonialism. I had republicans in my class, as did the other TAs. We made a conscious effort to control our biases and only grade on the substance of an argument, not the underlying politics. The stupid republicans got the same grade as the stupid lefties. Throughout my academic career, I've never seen any prof/adjunct/TA do otherwise. I wouldn't take it to your Ombudsman's or Dean's office. If your prof has tenure it won't make a lick of difference. That's actually part of the reason that we have tenure, so that professors can engage in politically unpopular work. If you have an issue with his politics, take the email to a leftist campus group. They love that kind of shit. Unless you're in the South (where half of the econ departments are shilling for billionaires), that prof is likely to be the exile of his department anyways, and his professional life probably sucks balls. I mean, he's surrounded by educated people all day, right? Wouldn't be fun if you're the petty type that uses terms like \"PMSNBC\" :-)","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.0056177345},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0056177345,"priority":0.0056177345,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1377709851,"_task_hash":801003957,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"In many countries he would have already been shot in the back of the head and buried in a ditch. Whatever penalty he gets, he should consider himself lucky.","meta":{"section":"todayilearned","score":0.0053644665},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0053644665,"priority":0.0053644665,"spans":[],"_input_hash":30379071,"_task_hash":-1454989891,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"whats the confusion?","meta":{"section":"trees","score":0.0149195548},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0149195548,"priority":0.0149195548,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-308689341,"_task_hash":-1999440684,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"guess i miss read. anyway, i figured since you enjoy citing things that are essentially the same as when tea partiers read their random slander mail, that you'd fall for that trap. oh well, silly me. it seems you have the intelligence of that slightly above a 5th grader.","meta":{"section":"energy","score":0.0055190851},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0055190851,"priority":0.0055190851,"spans":[],"_input_hash":930176591,"_task_hash":1851657061,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"I've looked, of course. It looks normal to me.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.0047944733},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0047944733,"priority":0.0047944733,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1573778460,"_task_hash":-1251783542,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"DAE feel like alcohol makes sex POSSIBLE? FTFY","meta":{"section":"DoesAnybodyElse","score":0.0086050704},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0086050704,"priority":0.0086050704,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-908272908,"_task_hash":514608672,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Gotta confess, I'm a little scared of someone who wants one of these things as badly as you do. What the hell do you need this thing for?","meta":{"section":"guns","score":0.008617511},"label":"INSULT","score":0.008617511,"priority":0.008617511,"spans":[],"_input_hash":457687551,"_task_hash":934508320,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Driving is inherently risky. Its a risk we take because of the utility it gives us. We'd all be safer if the speed limit was 45mph, as well. Of course, if someone *is* okay with going 75mph on a clear sunny day on a lightly congested freeway, you going 65 and making a stream of cars switch lanes to move around you isn't making anyone safer. Or will you be going 55, since that's safer than 65 regardless of what's posted? Either way, be courteous of everyone - even those trying to kill themselves.","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.005799633},"label":"INSULT","score":0.005799633,"priority":0.005799633,"spans":[],"_input_hash":395739916,"_task_hash":212892748,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":">if I'm traveling at the speed limit and passing vehicles on the right. No, he is doing it right. If that statement wasn't there I'd agree.","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.0047532101},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0047532101,"priority":0.0047532101,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-116680022,"_task_hash":1709441346,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"4) Do not drive above the speed limit","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.0081741204},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0081741204,"priority":0.0081741204,"spans":[],"_input_hash":254565564,"_task_hash":-1273710425,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I had to turn it on to get the joke.","meta":{"section":"blog","score":0.0084076887},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0084076887,"priority":0.0084076887,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-730629730,"_task_hash":790638259,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Of course! This was the second \"easy\" one. Technically it is called \"Sesame Street Presents: Follow that Bird\" but I'm not that picky.","meta":{"section":"GuessTheMovie","score":0.0063620722},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0063620722,"priority":0.0063620722,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-2011699958,"_task_hash":1252146284,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Am likink. Plz to ask the nice lady to be paintink the Bill & Ted Time Travelling Phone Booth, too. Now, why do I feel like Pitr from UserFriendly all of a sudden?","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.0073600891},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0073600891,"priority":0.0073600891,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1744578782,"_task_hash":-1929900904,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Bahaha, try $30.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.0103853047},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0103853047,"priority":0.0103853047,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-284947085,"_task_hash":418671166,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"where can we get this in poster form???","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.0166906659},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0166906659,"priority":0.0166906659,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1659377703,"_task_hash":-656848869,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I'm so happy to hear this, you have no idea.","meta":{"section":"TwoXChromosomes","score":0.0048494488},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0048494488,"priority":0.0048494488,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-413813431,"_task_hash":-1010452354,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"That's what I'll say when I get caught robbing a convenience store . Do you think it will work?","meta":{"section":"collapse","score":0.0060993424},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0060993424,"priority":0.0060993424,"spans":[],"_input_hash":48277394,"_task_hash":92357727,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Yep, you were bored. /awesome sketch","meta":{"section":"IDAP","score":0.0113180857},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0113180857,"priority":0.0113180857,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-643857698,"_task_hash":1202235157,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"nice job, genetic disaster.","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.0106579},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0106579,"priority":0.0106579,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1351986968,"_task_hash":-1285441522,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"It seemed like it started fine but was at least two seconds off towards the end.","meta":{"section":"atheism","score":0.0061316001},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0061316001,"priority":0.0061316001,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1608344331,"_task_hash":505251121,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"upvoted for lols.","meta":{"section":"movies","score":0.0131871812},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0131871812,"priority":0.0131871812,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1597055598,"_task_hash":-832045317,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Historically, getting tailgated by someone on a city street would make me slow down. Now though, it's just not worth the risk of violence, so I will often do a 'reverse pass': I move over to an adjacent lane, and the tailgater flies past, I move back over, and all is well.","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.0040469146},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0040469146,"priority":0.0040469146,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-2014521833,"_task_hash":152663618,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Thank you!","meta":{"section":"Simpsons","score":0.0149190007},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0149190007,"priority":0.0149190007,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-943229398,"_task_hash":165431966,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"It looks sort of disgusting.","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.0049830782},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0049830782,"priority":0.0049830782,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1725631557,"_task_hash":-322105146,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I would suggest you try **Weaponlord**. It can feel a bit odd sometimes, but for an SNES fighting game it is pretty crazy. The rather unique gameplay elements have made it stay clear in my mind 15 years after first playing.","meta":{"section":"gaming","score":0.0059179151},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0059179151,"priority":0.0059179151,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-95874270,"_task_hash":1762740262,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Conversation between two people that have to use them; 1: \"hey\" 2: \"hey\" *awkward silence","meta":{"section":"comics","score":0.0031776933},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0031776933,"priority":0.0031776933,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1559167523,"_task_hash":1462216186,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"When a government agency promises that a tracking technology will only us it for one thing, you can be assured that they will soon be used for much more.","meta":{"section":"bayarea","score":0.0036050756},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0036050756,"priority":0.0036050756,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1398706956,"_task_hash":1078003354,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Dreamy doesn't begin to describe what you've blessed us with.","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.0034691473},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0034691473,"priority":0.0034691473,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1909108679,"_task_hash":1363109257,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Any Aronovsky, Scorcese, Tarantino, or sci-fi BluRay films?","meta":{"section":"gameswap","score":0.0046486808},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0046486808,"priority":0.0046486808,"spans":[],"_input_hash":231598822,"_task_hash":-1346934902,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"pretzel sticks?","meta":{"section":"funny","score":0.0083854161},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0083854161,"priority":0.0083854161,"spans":[],"_input_hash":2139608136,"_task_hash":-1700692839,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"le test ninja edit declares victory","meta":{"section":"codbo","score":0.0074671507},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0074671507,"priority":0.0074671507,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1431894188,"_task_hash":179421299,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I'm always surprised this doesn't happen more often. I've thrown up several times from over-exertion. I can't think of much more physically demanding than an MMA fight.","meta":{"section":"MMA","score":0.0022412785},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0022412785,"priority":0.0022412785,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1744530610,"_task_hash":-1824955582,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":" is amazing helpful if you have the time to read the 400+ pages. The first 2 chapters are extremely useful for new players. While the other chapters are dedicated to most of the different play styles in eve.","meta":{"section":"Eve","score":0.0035810817},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0035810817,"priority":0.0035810817,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1862969001,"_task_hash":-1177316209,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Honestly I've never used anything more than a text editor. Even for the forum I made once, the complex CMS I made for my old site, everything was just in notepad, and all the references to everything, where things lead to, where they came from, what strange code did, was all in my head.","meta":{"section":"webdev","score":0.0033714287},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0033714287,"priority":0.0033714287,"spans":[],"_input_hash":176347731,"_task_hash":5070490,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":">Buh, you mean your two-paragraph attack on Radix2? Nah, no argument there, he/she can defend themselves. Did you make another point besides that? Perhaps you should make it more clear. Sorry that you can't comprehend such a complicated argument. Radix2 decided his/her position was the only \"sensible\" one by painting those who oppose the death penalty as taking the sensible position. As if his idea of sensible was infallible and those who opposed his position were not sensible. Such an approach is hilarious because it's a self-proclaimed level of grandeur of his own position. A person without the sense to attempt to disguise such a fallacious argument would have probably have put it more like, \"Only smart people are against execution these days.\" It's ridiculous. >Ok, I'm not appealing to emotion. You absolutely are. You are attempting to appeal to the emotions of people who may have feelings against the behavior of various countries who are engaged in capital punishment as a means to attack the act of capital punishment. When you bring up X type of government not having it you are projecting the idea that Y government does have it. X governments are, of course, desirable/respectable/etc in your and others' world view while Y governments are not. As if pointing to a country who performs genocide and also performs capital punishment makes the act of capital punishment wrong. Just because a country who performs acts that some people may find deplorable doesn't mean every single act they perform is horrible. Your argument is linking capital punishment with other acts performed by a country. Your argument points someone to look at a X country and compare to a Y country, see every single horrible act they are involved in and then have them think about the fact Y country also engages in capital punishment. It's a clear appeal to emotion. How about having someone address capital punishment on it's face, as an issue, rather than trying to link it with some oppressive regimes so you can appeal the emotion that comes with such a link? If you want to talk capital punishment itself, as an item to be used in the justice system, to deal with criminals who have done the most heinous crimes conceivable, give me a call. If you want to talk capital punishment, as it has been used and abused throughout the history of mankind and how Y country does it and X country doesn't, don't bother; I don't give a fuck how some jackass leader A years ago did whatever the fuck when abusing this approach. All it reminds me of is some dumbass telling me I can't smoke a fucking joint cause some stupid fucking idiot B years ago ran someone over.","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.4769491255},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4769491255,"priority":0.4769491255,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1868615340,"_task_hash":837159032,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"That diabetic prick was asking for it...walking around all us well folks breathing his dirty diabetic breaths...he deserved 22 Id say the cop is a hero...okay to be fair I didn't mean a word of that and I hope the cop isnt a cop anymore...these fuckers are dangerous...and if they cannot learn to control themselves then they should be security guards.","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.5754958987},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5754958987,"priority":0.5754958987,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-2065402993,"_task_hash":69222346,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"You're not paying attention. > Right. So general announcement to that affect. Everyone who **went to devilsadvocado's page and down-voted everything** is going to find themselves either out of karma or banned (we haven't decided which) in the next 24 hours if they don't undo it. That's just not cool. \"down-voted everything\" *not* down-voted his post complaining about douchebags acting like douchebags.","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.5122330189},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5122330189,"priority":0.5122330189,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1395150746,"_task_hash":1820309724,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Sounds like you're putting the pussy on a pedestal. Don't put the pussy on a pedestal.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.4214541316},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4214541316,"priority":0.4214541316,"spans":[],"_input_hash":435841574,"_task_hash":-1217863780,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"They should have let the fucker keep pouring coffee over his head for a really long time.","meta":{"section":"offbeat","via_seed":true,"score":0.4103904963},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4103904963,"priority":0.4103904963,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1803485801,"_task_hash":395354424,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Uh no. But thanks for playing. When you really want help and not a handout perhaps there will be someone left to give you a break. Whatever you do, don't ask me. Jackass.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.3970535696},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3970535696,"priority":0.3970535696,"spans":[],"_input_hash":237461684,"_task_hash":-949040085,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Did you even look at the links? is anything but right-wing. Moron.","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.5526953936},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5526953936,"priority":0.5526953936,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-229555355,"_task_hash":-859522978,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"If I had a son and I saw him getting paid to fuck the women I jerk off too it would be the proudest moment of my life.","meta":{"section":"IAmA","via_seed":true,"score":0.4205830991},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4205830991,"priority":0.4205830991,"spans":[],"_input_hash":2060225225,"_task_hash":-881734757,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Because you're a faggot, alright!","meta":{"section":"WTF","via_seed":true,"score":0.3677228093},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3677228093,"priority":0.3677228093,"spans":[],"_input_hash":12989063,"_task_hash":23205335,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"I didnt say she was a liar. I dont watch her show. I do know she doesnt call out the numerous democrats and their shady deals. So yeah, pussy out and back that shit up. When does she or any of the other democrat liberals go after 'their own'. They dont. Just like the republican mouth pieces dont go after their own. Retard.","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.3919517994},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3919517994,"priority":0.3919517994,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-758788589,"_task_hash":1042586957,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"> No one is going to make your life better for you except for yourself. And there lies the problem. Most of our lives are pretty damn good, despite all the issues we like to bitch about. And we spend most of our energy keeping it that way. And BTW, don't kid yourself about things being better outside the US. It's the same in all western democracies. Some countries may have more of a culture for strikes or demonstrations, but these days those are only used for short-term self interests. You think France is such a great example? Noticed how France's corrupt anti-piracy laws basically threw civil rights out of the window without a hint of protest?","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.4170107245},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4170107245,"priority":0.4170107245,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-629299068,"_task_hash":-583365225,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"You are being a condescending jackass with your flowery essay comebacks","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.6092307568},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6092307568,"priority":0.6092307568,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1906414416,"_task_hash":-1804243112,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"As awesome as that was, I'm sure the hardcore republicans will just call her \"unpatriotic\" and go on rants about how she's wrong. Fuckin' morons.","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.593116641},"label":"INSULT","score":0.593116641,"priority":0.593116641,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-683196781,"_task_hash":-1482069237,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Not trying to be a jerk or anything, but if you are going to spend $130 on a pair of headphones, why don't you just buy speakers? I know nothing about audio technology but this seems silly to me unless you are stuck in a dorm or have roommates/family. Is there an advantage to this?","meta":{"section":"gaming","via_seed":true,"score":0.5042154789},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5042154789,"priority":0.5042154789,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-73230506,"_task_hash":-1990406109,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"You're right, but she's a total bitch for offing the dog without telling him. It's shitty to do to kids and downright condescending to do it to an adult.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.4612311721},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4612311721,"priority":0.4612311721,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1122430579,"_task_hash":-1239791702,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"fat bastard better drop off, he is in my dead pool!","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.4242275655},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4242275655,"priority":0.4242275655,"spans":[],"_input_hash":323676119,"_task_hash":-145837059,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"If you're worried about the assholes bugging you you could just turn off your phone.","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.3273805678},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3273805678,"priority":0.3273805678,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1175598463,"_task_hash":961960860,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"It's not that the retirees are assholes *per se,* but most of them worked hard for several decades and in their old age have the mentality that they've paid their dues and want to be rewarded with an environment that corresponds to their years-in-the-making mental picture of what \"the good life\" is. For most of them, that picture obviously does not include things like schools and kids.","meta":{"section":"WTF","via_seed":true,"score":0.5071618557},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5071618557,"priority":0.5071618557,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1029890017,"_task_hash":-1313544323,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"They suck im sorry but they suck ass. Hardcore punk is more like fucking agnostic front or circle jerks, black fucking flag. Socail D is in the same pop punk bullshit as the clash and the ramones, they never started punk they started the ending of it. long live crass.","meta":{"section":"Music","via_seed":true,"score":0.553347826},"label":"INSULT","score":0.553347826,"priority":0.553347826,"spans":[],"_input_hash":896276111,"_task_hash":658752670,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"It's not going to work. You are changing nothing. Making fake accounts to try and make your lies appear to come from another is just simply pathetic. Pathetic, dude. You, little fool, are fucking pathetic.","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.403886646},"label":"INSULT","score":0.403886646,"priority":0.403886646,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-715984757,"_task_hash":2128081701,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"We've got Shrimp and Pork Egg Rolls, along with our sacrilege won tons, waiting in the freezer for their fate in the hot oil. Wife is drinking her Vodka tonics, I've got Founders Dirty Bastard and a few homebrews. Happy New Year everyone!","meta":{"section":"food","via_seed":true,"score":0.4171881676},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4171881676,"priority":0.4171881676,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1322534251,"_task_hash":979775733,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Aww c'mon Azradesh and Judgej2 - give peas a chance! Irony? Sarcasm? its only a bit of fun! now lets hug it out bitch - thats what men say.","meta":{"section":"funny","via_seed":true,"score":0.4931005538},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4931005538,"priority":0.4931005538,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-332480777,"_task_hash":-1588432264,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"My advice, quit being a prick and don't use it. It's way overpowered as it is. No way in hell can a riot shield stop at least half of the weapons in the game like it does.","meta":{"section":"xbox360","via_seed":true,"score":0.5387284756},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5387284756,"priority":0.5387284756,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1637107134,"_task_hash":-1248016739,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"I'm sorry but I'll never stop watching my Fox News whores. Yea bitch, gimme the news. gimme it how i like it","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.4729248285},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4729248285,"priority":0.4729248285,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-2091197329,"_task_hash":446481134,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Yeah, your wife was gangbanged in a \"classy\" way, I guess that changes everything! I can't think of things sadder than seeing some dude whose wife was being gangbanged by choice, while he held the camera (a whole other level of loser moron btw)... trying to somehow have the upper hand on someone pointing out the obvious dysfunctional nature of the act. Having your wife participating in a gang bang, and you not only encourage it but actually film it is not \"approaching sex like a casual party game.\" It is a whole new level of disfunction. And no mater how hard you try to blame the messengers that is not going to change.","meta":{"section":"IAmA","via_seed":true,"score":0.491553545},"label":"INSULT","score":0.491553545,"priority":0.491553545,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-139369964,"_task_hash":1442696455,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Yes fucktard, she has an agenda. I doubt you'd understand it, it's based on ethics and honesty. I always wonder how stupid the people who attack those who tell the truth are. It seems really stupid. The worst part is she provides the facts and you STILL comment like a moron.","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.5559940934},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5559940934,"priority":0.5559940934,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1254382211,"_task_hash":1010222856,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"People are dicks...Jesus. Most of Tycho's stuff is not vocal. :-) Sorry about the assholes.","meta":{"section":"Music","via_seed":true,"score":0.431558013},"label":"INSULT","score":0.431558013,"priority":0.431558013,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1007967226,"_task_hash":-1233132064,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I have been preaching this for years. I have been in this country since 1985, I was only 4. I have not left the country since then except for 8 months (not continuous) last year. I have noticed this trend since I was 12. However, I only voiced my opinion one time and the feds showed up at my house. So I have kept my mouth shut. It is very much time for the citizens of america to stand in the face of the govt. and \"remind\" them that they work for us, not the other way around. The basic fear that exists in the average spineless american is something that those in power rely on. The fact that you are not willing to sacrifice the small comforts you have to actually make the world a better place is part of the fuel used by corporate america and its govt. cronies to keep the average american in their place, working and in debt until they die. That way, they can effectively stifle personal growth, keep creativity to a minumum, and retard forward progress. All three can destroy the system as it is. The best course of action: organize in your community and boycott large corps. (walmart, att, verizon, merck, amazon, bestbuy). then, if you work at one of these places, arrange a day where no one goes to work. these corporate fat cats would be nothing without the workers. I bet if the people of this country sat at home one day, those corporate assholes would change their tune super fast. and whoever said that thing about multiculturalism brings division, you are wrong. this country was founded on fact, that is why this country has become so great. so great in fact that people still want to move here even with all the bullshit. so in conclusion, fuck wal-mart, don't use ur cellphone for the internet and only call when you have to, and arrange in ur community to kick the corporations out of your neighborhood (start a community garden, shop from local stores and stay away from the national chain stores). remember what this country was founded on... We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.5118502378},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5118502378,"priority":0.5118502378,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1641693386,"_task_hash":-1455488130,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"I would agree, but did we really need \"you weak, selfish prick?\"","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.4573211074},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4573211074,"priority":0.4573211074,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1683451887,"_task_hash":2132327117,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"i've given up on voting or really participating at all in our \"democracy\". the only vote that REALLY matters is with your dollar. and it's just that simple - don't buy shit from douchebags and america will be a better place","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.4442846477},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4442846477,"priority":0.4442846477,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1573463571,"_task_hash":1212580992,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I don't take it personally. Hearing the other side is part of the reason I'm doing this. Don't let it own you or the assholes have won.","meta":{"section":"IAmA","via_seed":true,"score":0.4496364295},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4496364295,"priority":0.4496364295,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1413404408,"_task_hash":1648994354,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Thank you for provingthe point that no one will say, but everyone believes: that you are a jackass. You didn't have to come in here and ay that but you did. It's not even a valid response. Fuck you, you piece of shit.","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.4254946411},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4254946411,"priority":0.4254946411,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1073177273,"_task_hash":611379292,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"For some reason our (American, as thats the only thing I can rightly speak about from experience) culture is cool with women comforting themselves with such things because they are viewed as emotional and weak. Men on the other hand are viewed as \"tough\" and shouldn't have to resort to those things to feel ok. Major religions are exempted because most people don't look at the same way as these sorts of things (though it should of course.) For example: A woman could have a bad day, and go eat a quart of chocolate ice cream to feel better, and no one would blink. But a guy doing the same thing would get jibes for being a \"pussy.\" Again, I'm not saying its right, but its true, and I think its related in some way.","meta":{"section":"atheism","via_seed":true,"score":0.4948900342},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4948900342,"priority":0.4948900342,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-925060788,"_task_hash":-324335375,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Blue Moon will happen in N. America too dumbass.","meta":{"section":"science","via_seed":true,"score":0.4055875838},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4055875838,"priority":0.4055875838,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1934371754,"_task_hash":-248914705,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"What? I'm sorry I lost track of time and didn't give you a timely reply. I'm sorry you think I'm a moron but I would like to strongly state that I feel my ideas are backed by well-researched facts and your summary dismissal of them is quite hurtful to me.","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.5337733626},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5337733626,"priority":0.5337733626,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1840478826,"_task_hash":1565868843,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"As a cyclist I'd say the following to: > The other day, I had my walk sign, and a guy on a bike almost ran me over. He looked at me like I was the one in the wrong. Clothesline the fucker. There's no excuse for that kind of douchebaggery; especially when cyclists are often on the receiving end of it from motorists.","meta":{"section":"IAmA","via_seed":true,"score":0.5398932099},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5398932099,"priority":0.5398932099,"spans":[],"_input_hash":432651784,"_task_hash":2038685764,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"She really needs to trim her pussy hair.","meta":{"section":"pics","via_seed":true,"score":0.4634721279},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4634721279,"priority":0.4634721279,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1782309004,"_task_hash":535813871,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Do you even know what metric means, you moron?","meta":{"section":"scifi","via_seed":true,"score":0.4148670733},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4148670733,"priority":0.4148670733,"spans":[],"_input_hash":278910653,"_task_hash":-495515151,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Yup, I thought this might happen; I wasn't calling you an ass, I was just adding that those who act like jerks are asses. By dating another girl you fall under the category of \"stronger version of walking away.\"","meta":{"section":"fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu","via_seed":true,"score":0.5139346123},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5139346123,"priority":0.5139346123,"spans":[],"_input_hash":87054823,"_task_hash":-500464451,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"You're a moron.","meta":{"section":"WTF","via_seed":true,"score":0.4471809268},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4471809268,"priority":0.4471809268,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-551484255,"_task_hash":-804415766,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"fired? This moron should be executed with a bullet to the back of the head. And lastly, get in line if you disagree because you're dead flesh in this universe. KILL ALL theists NOW. repeat.","meta":{"section":"atheism","via_seed":true,"score":0.4072613418},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4072613418,"priority":0.4072613418,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-309394986,"_task_hash":-1278163658,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"This guy sounds like a Markov Text generator from nutcase websites. Hey! That gives me an idea! > The Illuminati conspiracy theory which holds that globalism, with God. The Illuminati develop could in control, not outside of the mind. Their alleged to the Illuminati. According to develop could in the International Monetary Fund, the words of His overall goals. The Illuminati conspiracy is summarized in the lake of the Illuminati conspiracy and manipulate the super powers of Satan, tools to understand about the Illuminati conspiracy. Popularized in the Illuminati conspiracy, the International Monetary Fund, the Illuminati supposedly have overcome the Illuminati. Does the antichrist, the points on the direction of the Illuminati conspiracy. generated off some conspiracy site > EARTH STANDING STILL I defy God have a hell on Harmonic Time Cube Collection of the heinous hoax they are dumb, ignorant, educated ONEness posture will be returned to be light from the whites are dumb, educated stupid and midnight The Cube Collection of Earth into Opposite values cancel out for holocaust deserved The Value of Earth for all life it revolves around the highest office on Harmonic Time notches that your ONEness posture will not rotate around Earth has ruled over Earth No Dark and Light Domain Hell cometh to fight back guess where that came from?","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.4775857329},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4775857329,"priority":0.4775857329,"spans":[],"_input_hash":808368772,"_task_hash":1411136726,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Liberman is awesome, and commy healt care is for morons, its won't work, let the market in and health care would train 20million more docs and commodify it and same with drugs and bam a ok. Its governmetn shortening supply with regualtions and corps buying off gov for monopoly is the problem. Oranges and apples are plentifual same should be for docs fuck the AMA and its limiting number of grads due to wanting t keep wage high stupid commies communism never works and if it did why no free mansion and ferrari for all?","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.5000237823},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5000237823,"priority":0.5000237823,"spans":[],"_input_hash":715555411,"_task_hash":-26673434,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":">That's just not cool. Yes it was. You simply lack a sense of humor. Personally I thought people's reactions were awesome. It was a foreseeable outcome of his post. If he didn't want his Karma to tank then he wouldn't have posted that hunk of troll bait in the first place. Also, I think you're being quite the douchbag for stepping into a matter of this nature. That is just my opinion though. I tend to be outspoken.","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.4107079506},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4107079506,"priority":0.4107079506,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1979504440,"_task_hash":-161237563,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"I once accidentally killed a weapons merchant on RE4 right before the level changed and couldn't get him back, moved on to the next bit and it was just impossible (where you first meet those spikey motherfuckers you need a sniper rifle with infra-red scope to kill), had to start from scratch... i know that's totally irrelevant but i feel your pain.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.5587007403},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5587007403,"priority":0.5587007403,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1433929645,"_task_hash":2142656563,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I would imagine being Limbaugh's doctor would create a scenario something like the recent House episode, The Tyrant. I say kill the bastard!","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.4370635152},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4370635152,"priority":0.4370635152,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-418098009,"_task_hash":209103021,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"You're welcome, you fucking shithead.","meta":{"section":"Music","via_seed":true,"score":0.4460455775},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4460455775,"priority":0.4460455775,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1632819782,"_task_hash":-962824166,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"This. We have every right to bitch.","meta":{"section":"tf2","via_seed":true,"score":0.4139733911},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4139733911,"priority":0.4139733911,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1062711090,"_task_hash":2004299341,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"And not be a teammate. Act as one and maybe people won't be a bitch.","meta":{"section":"tf2","via_seed":true,"score":0.4056452215},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4056452215,"priority":0.4056452215,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-553286580,"_task_hash":1049633879,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"that's a lot of dead motherfuckers","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.7615322471},"label":"INSULT","score":0.7615322471,"priority":0.7615322471,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-97813034,"_task_hash":48877009,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"You are a troll and a dumbass.","meta":{"section":"atheism","via_seed":true,"score":0.4848119915},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4848119915,"priority":0.4848119915,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-375908794,"_task_hash":-604382178,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"So apparently you wankers want to take back the colonies... I do like myself a damn good fight. Bring it hither!","meta":{"section":"funny","via_seed":true,"score":0.4533726871},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4533726871,"priority":0.4533726871,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1349924209,"_task_hash":-927358355,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Damn old people in general. Fuckers need to get with the times or get the fuck out.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.5657882094},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5657882094,"priority":0.5657882094,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1221612924,"_task_hash":-1511521390,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"someone needs to invent a vibration adjustment for phones. some phones vibrate way too much. like my first blackberry. i think that was in about 2001 or something. i was in court and all careful to turn my ringer off but it was in the outside pocket of my briefcase and it was a really small courtroom. fucker sounded like thirty bumblebees. and whoever it was, wouldn't quit calling me. the judge was making faces and it wasn't my turn to argue my motion yet, and i was trying to figure out what to do because i didn't know how to turn it off completely, and i was kind of trying not to let on that it was mine. eeesh. fortunately there was a coat rack and everyone had piled their briefcases in the back by it so i wasn't sitting right next to mine. but it bumblebeed through the whole morning.","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.590646863},"label":"INSULT","score":0.590646863,"priority":0.590646863,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1035265763,"_task_hash":-1697924515,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"im bidding ...if i win im gonna leave feedback saying \"A+++KILL THAT BITCH\"","meta":{"section":"funny","via_seed":true,"score":0.4181524813},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4181524813,"priority":0.4181524813,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1164045014,"_task_hash":-268738790,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"What happened in this man's mind: He flew out the window into a tennis club, moving so quickly that his clothes caught on fire. He quickly grabbed a brown fire extinguisher and put himself out, which left him naked with only mild burns. While running back to his apartment, he found a ferocious wolf about to attack an innocent woman. Mustering all his strength, he choke slammed the monster and saved the woman's life. She was so happy she screamed with joy! After the police arrived and took him back to the station, and he grinned broadly as they took his picture for the medal. Theennn he came down and was like oh fucking motherfucker.","meta":{"section":"WTF","via_seed":true,"score":0.5202260613},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5202260613,"priority":0.5202260613,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1628236105,"_task_hash":1181453142,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"There were some desperate mother fuckers going to the movies in February. Madea Goes to Jail made 41 mil on the opening week. You would have to pay me to watch that shit.","meta":{"section":"movies","via_seed":true,"score":0.432590574},"label":"INSULT","score":0.432590574,"priority":0.432590574,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-847489948,"_task_hash":1927312536,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Dressing up in Aluminium foil will not fool the Google armies","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.3759947717},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3759947717,"priority":0.3759947717,"spans":[],"_input_hash":165972504,"_task_hash":-630142415,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"You look like 'cutthroat bitch' from House. Also, I only see one picture...","meta":{"section":"gonewild","via_seed":true,"score":0.375120014},"label":"INSULT","score":0.375120014,"priority":0.375120014,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1149474540,"_task_hash":-994177682,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"I'm sorry if I sound like a dick...but...GET YOUR ARSE OUT THERE!!! Post a profile on a dating site, or a social site or something. You said you're better right. I've been there too friend. Perhaps not as badly as you. It's seems scary at first, but...really, you need to do this. Just go to a fucking bar or a cafe and just talk to someone. Or meet someone from online. And then do it again and again. Trust me. You're the only one stopping you. ed: it's been a shitty decade for me too! The next is damn well going to be better.","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.4740363657},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4740363657,"priority":0.4740363657,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1248115125,"_task_hash":316427674,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Basically, I moved here unprepared, Living in a hostel,moved into a temporary situation and got tossed two day later, I found another one after ending up in a shelter for a day, Well besides the guy wanting my nbunghole I had all the time in the world to get into school and find something workable, I botched every interview, so I didn't find something workable and ran out of time as the guy got impaitent with me for not giving said bunghole, I also sold my laptop several times, so I ran out of time and moved into a hostel a went to more interviews, I botched all of those as well. I stayed with a friend until about now and luckily she's awesome but I'm out of time and money as I decided the best option was to be out be seen in order to make connections(You can read that as drinking to much) I on the scraps on my unemployment and I can either wait it out until the end of January or run. which aren't actually options at all.","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.5488886237},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5488886237,"priority":0.5488886237,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1595159955,"_task_hash":1018721257,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Find simple pleasures instead of spending money. Hike, bike, take public transportation, walk up stairs, make love, look up at the clouds in the sky, or stars at night. Relax my shoulders and neck. Grow a garden. Smile at strangers, but don't be anybody's fool. Appreciate the gift of life, and sleep soundly at night.","meta":{"section":"Frugal","via_seed":true,"score":0.3958278596},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3958278596,"priority":0.3958278596,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1710856504,"_task_hash":-438277598,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"bitch more","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.5878924727},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5878924727,"priority":0.5878924727,"spans":[],"_input_hash":18020054,"_task_hash":1845724893,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"True. Even those of us who monitor how long you're connected to a particular site/port raise a bit of an eyebrow if we notice your workstation connecting to a local ISP home IP instead of the typical work domains/ip's... Connection statistics are a bitch.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.5691725016},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5691725016,"priority":0.5691725016,"spans":[],"_input_hash":166502008,"_task_hash":-1119163085,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Hey, go easy on him here. He's got a lot at stake. If he doesn't come up with the money in 48 hours, god's going to turn him into a lying money-grubbing hypocritical scumbag.","meta":{"section":"atheism","via_seed":true,"score":0.3299597204},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3299597204,"priority":0.3299597204,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-970652717,"_task_hash":1755208626,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Apparently reddit is partial to pussy.","meta":{"section":"WTF","via_seed":true,"score":0.4350346625},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4350346625,"priority":0.4350346625,"spans":[],"_input_hash":180666492,"_task_hash":-668098085,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"That's my assumption. If you can't say no, then at least leave with some dignity. when I see stuff like this I don't feel bad for either party. The woman was being a bitch, and the guy would rather have the comfort of not being alone than being happy. You get what you give.","meta":{"section":"funny","via_seed":true,"score":0.4534196556},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4534196556,"priority":0.4534196556,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1949413575,"_task_hash":1871169263,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Dressing up in aluminium foil wont fool Google armies","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.3373904228},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3373904228,"priority":0.3373904228,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-216725655,"_task_hash":-1410934207,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"To be honest, I can't conjure up a lot of sympathy people who play a game but don't know the basic game mechanics. If that makes me a jerk, then it does.","meta":{"section":"tf2","via_seed":true,"score":0.4811910689},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4811910689,"priority":0.4811910689,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1086547221,"_task_hash":-144830832,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I work private security at a hospital. When those assholes act up could you simply throw them out instead of beating them up? If they get hurt they come to me and swear that it was me that beat them, and now I have to deal with it. Either that or hire me with you so I can be the one beating them up.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.4600060582},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4600060582,"priority":0.4600060582,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1000044363,"_task_hash":2095037930,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"you lucky bastard","meta":{"section":"sex","via_seed":true,"score":0.4956074357},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4956074357,"priority":0.4956074357,"spans":[],"_input_hash":822806981,"_task_hash":1056721518,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"i work at a large canadian courier company. Spend the 2 dollars more and invest in a proper fucking box, assholes.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.4508088529},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4508088529,"priority":0.4508088529,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1464766737,"_task_hash":2028119202,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Lil Wayne - Pussy Money Weed *kidding* I have to go with troublemaker by Weezer. my friend left me in his house alone. time for mischief!","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.3546442986},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3546442986,"priority":0.3546442986,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1399229614,"_task_hash":-1087687510,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"_facepalm_ Upvoted, you magnificent bastard.","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.3875584006},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3875584006,"priority":0.3875584006,"spans":[],"_input_hash":462869065,"_task_hash":1964841361,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"That bitch is homely.","meta":{"section":"pics","via_seed":true,"score":0.3781172633},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3781172633,"priority":0.3781172633,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1268797968,"_task_hash":-267294594,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Sherlock Holmes: All we have to do is follow the tracks, Watson. It's fool proof! Watson: *Where the...? I don't even-","meta":{"section":"pics","via_seed":true,"score":0.4605485797},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4605485797,"priority":0.4605485797,"spans":[],"_input_hash":406518437,"_task_hash":-1498577710,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Hair is the most filthy thing. Supposedly more so then a fly so I say, your roommate is a dirty bitch who needs to learn to clean up after herself :)","meta":{"section":"pics","via_seed":true,"score":0.5178080797},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5178080797,"priority":0.5178080797,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-233895643,"_task_hash":1691749467,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"[while dunking the Dude's head in the toilet] Thug: Where's the money, Lebowski? Where's the fucking money, shithead? The Dude: It's uh... uh... it's down there somewhere, let me take another look.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","via_seed":true,"score":0.4278028011},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4278028011,"priority":0.4278028011,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1103129106,"_task_hash":-2099354620,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Inflation is a bitch huh. Get ready for more price increases as the value of our funny money falls through the floor!","meta":{"section":"Economics","via_seed":true,"score":0.4761152565},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4761152565,"priority":0.4761152565,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-385677214,"_task_hash":-64932606,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"The AK-47.... for when you absolutely, positively **have** to kill every motherfucker in the room","meta":{"section":"zombies","via_seed":true,"score":0.6014091969},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6014091969,"priority":0.6014091969,"spans":[],"_input_hash":576469398,"_task_hash":587701038,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I'd bang that chinese bitch on the left.","meta":{"section":"fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu","via_seed":true,"score":0.4472851753},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4472851753,"priority":0.4472851753,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-300998086,"_task_hash":-343992865,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"My blackjack is a similar device and has the same problem. If I have some change in my pocket and that bastard vibrates I might make the entire building's walls resonate..","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.4257183373},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4257183373,"priority":0.4257183373,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1782961143,"_task_hash":-1704174213,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"You do not understand the first thing about what was being said. The article was about what your staff should do, not what you should do as a diner in a restaurant. DID YOU EVEN READ IT... fucking retard. As a diner I bet I treat my server better than you, dimwit. Go back to mourning your sister, (who's probably fine, if you even have one) and BE SMARTER.","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.5074948072},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5074948072,"priority":0.5074948072,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1537970938,"_task_hash":1881127252,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Honestly I wouldn't want an apology, bullys taught me valuable shit about dealing with assholes. Who else would teach me to stand my ground and throw a fucking punch when necessary.","meta":{"section":"IAmA","via_seed":true,"score":0.4843317866},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4843317866,"priority":0.4843317866,"spans":[],"_input_hash":21508322,"_task_hash":1757628394,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Agreed. I said \"Twenty ten\" before, but now I want to say it the longest ways possible just to piss this prick off.","meta":{"section":"offbeat","via_seed":true,"score":0.5807858109},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5807858109,"priority":0.5807858109,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1337573472,"_task_hash":1463415393,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"funny, i think it should be the opposite. in a modern educated democratic society it should be an embarrassment to associate oneself to a group of people that have historically been oppressors and murderers and thieves. the royal families of today have nothing without all the sins of their ancestors. how did they get all their land and property? their money? maybe there's something important about being awarded a knighthood that i'm not aware of? does it go only to entertainers that sell us movies and music the way that governments sell us war? or is there another purpose other than circle jerks for the rich and famous?","meta":{"section":"entertainment","via_seed":true,"score":0.5078434348},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5078434348,"priority":0.5078434348,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-522297570,"_task_hash":741308061,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Lol they are afraid of getting beat up by a bunch of fags.","meta":{"section":"Equality","via_seed":true,"score":0.384603858},"label":"INSULT","score":0.384603858,"priority":0.384603858,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1010137672,"_task_hash":-1363283177,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"It's a type of knowing. There is no explanation you just know. Sometimes like a sixth sense. Men probably have it too but women are probably hyper-intuitive to keep children from harm. Women have been taught to ignore this \"sixth sense\" because there is no explanation for why it occurs. **Edit:** Someone just posted here in 2XC a link to The Business of Being Born and the trailer states that women in the U.S. are basically told that they don't know how to give birth - properly. We're not allowed to rely on nature because men and machines know what's best for our bodies. When I was pregnant I didn't go to a doctor until I was around 6 months. The nurse that treated me was an utter fucking bitch to me. So I'm a bad mother because I don't follow man rules. Maybe religion is based on women rules. Men have sports and war. How come women can't have God? God does not start wars. MEN do.","meta":{"section":"TwoXChromosomes","via_seed":true,"score":0.5034962893},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5034962893,"priority":0.5034962893,"spans":[],"_input_hash":2071130754,"_task_hash":-1587136763,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"They thought fags would take over in the 2000's.. too bad they didn't make rainbow colored pen drives back then.... they would have been better as a storage device, and probably work better for bartering with the rainbow brigade","meta":{"section":"pics","via_seed":true,"score":0.4558948874},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4558948874,"priority":0.4558948874,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1521443626,"_task_hash":922022018,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"No, we're not voting on the game of the decade, we're voting for our favorite game. Also, fuck reddiquette fuckers.","meta":{"section":"gaming","via_seed":true,"score":0.5026105046},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5026105046,"priority":0.5026105046,"spans":[],"_input_hash":2051646216,"_task_hash":1725359176,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"\"Hawaii to many Americans seems like a foreign place.\" Mele Kalikimaka you stupid son of a bitch!","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.5609869361},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5609869361,"priority":0.5609869361,"spans":[],"_input_hash":611044987,"_task_hash":1047717358,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"I do. I hate the unnecessary noise pollution created by mobile phones. Put that shit on vibrate you inconsiderate assholes. No one gives a shit about your clever ring tones. If you are in a restaurant, museum, or any other place please excuse yourself and take your phone call outside. If your call isn't important enough to go outside the immediate area where you won't disturb anyone, then you shouldn't be answering it in the first place.","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.433916539},"label":"INSULT","score":0.433916539,"priority":0.433916539,"spans":[],"_input_hash":294848544,"_task_hash":-439289650,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Whoa! This changes everything! No - wait. No it doesn't. It means nothing, you snarky, trying-to-make-a-stupid-point, no life FOOL. There. I'm done.","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.43140468},"label":"INSULT","score":0.43140468,"priority":0.43140468,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1446274001,"_task_hash":1551329884,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"If you're going to claim to be better than him, then you have to actually BE better than him. Nothing pussy about not being a hypocrite.","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.3941789865},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3941789865,"priority":0.3941789865,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-206098391,"_task_hash":1567034984,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Generally speaking, how was/is your relationship with actual soldiers in Iraq? I was a young (20-21) year old Sergeant in Iraq in ~2005, and I was in charge of logistic combat patrols in the Tikrit AO. For the most part the various PMC's and operators were very cool, and respected my position. But there were a few times where I basically had to yell: \"listen motherfucker, this is my patrol, and these are my vehicles, if you want to get to Speicher, you're going to shut the fuck up and listen to the combat briefing\". Oh, also, what kind of qualifications do they look for for non combat positions (if those exist). I had a combat MOS, and was a Non-Com, but I've been out for ~5 years. There are days when I just want to say \"fuck being a computer nerd\" and go back to Iraq, where life is easy.","meta":{"section":"IAmA","via_seed":true,"score":0.5098705292},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5098705292,"priority":0.5098705292,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1585506392,"_task_hash":-1753628662,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Fair enough, but maybe you should show how its NOT the case in this instance. Are you assuming or do you have some solid evidence that no one else can produce? Its fine to have an opinion, but to fully back a side without supporting evidence is still just your opinion. Opinions are like assholes.......","meta":{"section":"UFOs","via_seed":true,"score":0.4170119762},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4170119762,"priority":0.4170119762,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1999832875,"_task_hash":-1041001967,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":">FBI/Customs let passengers from another flight co-mingle with the passengers of flight 253 while the most important investigation in 8 years was pending. If that was the most important investigation in the last 8 years this country is in great fucking shape. This guy is probably exaggerating every little slightly incorrect detail that was mis-published for a reason. Have some patriotism and trust that the government can deal with national security better than you can, you self centered attention whoring prick.","meta":{"section":"WTF","via_seed":true,"score":0.511295855},"label":"INSULT","score":0.511295855,"priority":0.511295855,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1108136851,"_task_hash":-1808707496,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Ha, morons are out in full tonight.","meta":{"section":"pics","via_seed":true,"score":0.3534394205},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3534394205,"priority":0.3534394205,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1187774974,"_task_hash":-160960139,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"What really bothers me is people who have long music ringtones set for their text message tone. My roommate and sister both do this. Even worse, my roommate is a jackass and sits their and lets it ring before he turns off the alert, even when it is in FUCKING ARMS REACH. I want to grab the phone and smack him with it every time this happens. Nobody wants to hear the same damn song 50 times in a day, so please, shut it the fuck off.","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.4953530729},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4953530729,"priority":0.4953530729,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1041985600,"_task_hash":-342150713,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"So the flat earth society threatens to bomb any store that sells globes. Where does cowardice end? Constitutionally you are correct, it's not a violation of the first amendment. I'll conceed that willingly. But culturally we are collectively handing over western civilization to shitheads. Piece by piece, book by book.","meta":{"section":"atheism","via_seed":true,"score":0.4285150766},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4285150766,"priority":0.4285150766,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1166355039,"_task_hash":2123347217,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I think 12 is too young to use the term 'douchebag'. At 12 you can be a 'dumb punk' or a 'little prick'. Douchebaggery starts at 16.","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.548235476},"label":"INSULT","score":0.548235476,"priority":0.548235476,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1527766239,"_task_hash":-907671958,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"The guy calls the reddit community 12 yo douchebags for downvoting his comments and then his comments get downvoted. Seriously what did he expect would happen? He is clearly the one acting like an asshole.","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.5713858604},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5713858604,"priority":0.5713858604,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-149289847,"_task_hash":247333852,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"you conservative blood sucking bitch, come fight me.","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.4812556803},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4812556803,"priority":0.4812556803,"spans":[],"_input_hash":536481078,"_task_hash":1703421383,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"Well, then you're one hell of a confused moron.","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.4172988236},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4172988236,"priority":0.4172988236,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-827479930,"_task_hash":-1962762828,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"This is a complex question that deserves a nuanced, erudite answer that I am too drunk to give now. At this moment, I would say that comparing Americans to the French is going to be a source of endless disappointment. Hell, you would even be disappointed if you compared the French to the Germans in the same respects. Anyway, the thing you are missing is that the problems facing America now have been, in a way, centuries in the making. Read Ben Franklin's Autobiography and you will see all of the horse shit wisdom this country was founded upon. For example, the appearance of industriousness is more important than being industrious according to Franklin. And fucking then, let's not forget the Puritans. There are puritanical ideas floating around in America this very day that were never allowed to come to fruition in Europe **because they kicked those assholes out**. Sorry for the drunken rant. But if you take nothing else away from this, take away my recommendation of Max Weber's *The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism*.","meta":{"section":"politics","via_seed":true,"score":0.4269137681},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4269137681,"priority":0.4269137681,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1857876256,"_task_hash":-1914907089,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Whore, cunt, slut in no particular order.","meta":{"section":"","via_seed":true,"score":0.4610251486},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4610251486,"priority":0.4610251486,"spans":[],"_input_hash":849480615,"_task_hash":2123031079,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"All the survivors start a new community of natives. Another plane crashes on the island, and history (or future...) repeats itself.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.5683101416},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5683101416,"priority":0.5683101416,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1034730039,"_task_hash":745513662,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"They shot unarmed people - I call that at least manslaughter. That it should come to trial is in the public interest. Nobody should be above the law and the fact is that people were getting contracts with weapons who shouldn't have been. They are an undisciplined, unprofessional rabble, subject to no laws. Oh, I don't go from this incident but from what the soldeirs have been saying. It is probably a good think that you aren't going to chance your ass in a foreign country where the locals have been upset by such actions. This is an exceptionally good way to create enemies for the future.","meta":{"section":"politics","score":0.4572359025},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4572359025,"priority":0.4572359025,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-618175347,"_task_hash":1141112493,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I can confirm this. I have a Crackberry.","meta":{"section":"","score":0.4277902842},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4277902842,"priority":0.4277902842,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-2039092517,"_task_hash":-1062812647,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I am REALLY surprised you can drive that car, I've been looking for something to drive because I'm tired of my big suv. I'll have to check out the neons, I'm guessing most of your weight isn't in your waist? Also, that you can find comfortable restaurants. Booths are the bane of my existence.","meta":{"section":"IAmA","score":0.3993985653},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3993985653,"priority":0.3993985653,"spans":[],"_input_hash":91635018,"_task_hash":-1398023173,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Oh my god, why am I checking reddit now?","meta":{"section":"self","score":0.4629885554},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4629885554,"priority":0.4629885554,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-932254451,"_task_hash":-254896603,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"pretty sluts vs ugly sluts, woo hoo","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.5066124797},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5066124797,"priority":0.5066124797,"spans":[],"_input_hash":30043179,"_task_hash":1493217980,"answer":"accept"}
{"text":"You mean Darth Vader is basically Cheney with a mask.","meta":{"section":"politics","score":0.3214167058},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3214167058,"priority":0.3214167058,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-633629781,"_task_hash":926274909,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"The story was not what I was expecting. I am sorely, sorely disappointed. Nice name though.","meta":{"section":"WTF","score":0.5554401278},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5554401278,"priority":0.5554401278,"spans":[],"_input_hash":647313219,"_task_hash":475586681,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"With the hat to match","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.3617531359},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3617531359,"priority":0.3617531359,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1222239701,"_task_hash":231554779,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Having a good party?","meta":{"section":"self","score":0.390050739},"label":"INSULT","score":0.390050739,"priority":0.390050739,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1141563943,"_task_hash":1218268592,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I'm spending the evening with Anna Karenina.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.4438219666},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4438219666,"priority":0.4438219666,"spans":[],"_input_hash":2063651418,"_task_hash":756632038,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Even less for the women who kill their newborns and dump them in garbage cans. Double standard yadda yadda yadda...","meta":{"section":"MensRights","score":0.5195891857},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5195891857,"priority":0.5195891857,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1593846551,"_task_hash":-367384092,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Haha, thats hilarious. You have awesome Grandmas","meta":{"section":"todayilearned","score":0.5131605864},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5131605864,"priority":0.5131605864,"spans":[],"_input_hash":93457739,"_task_hash":290737432,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I would guess the majority of people eating Ramen are college students on a budget. Highly capable of boiling water.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.429980129},"label":"INSULT","score":0.429980129,"priority":0.429980129,"spans":[],"_input_hash":634188188,"_task_hash":1849429464,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"If you don't count Tupac.","meta":{"section":"IAmA","score":0.2270433754},"label":"INSULT","score":0.2270433754,"priority":0.2270433754,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1643165926,"_task_hash":-276002084,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"When I lived in Germany, I had a friend who told me that his grandfather had died in a concentration camp. He fell from a sentry tower.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.5322272182},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5322272182,"priority":0.5322272182,"spans":[],"_input_hash":635548529,"_task_hash":31927596,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Not as much time as I've spent in jersey.","meta":{"section":"","score":0.2987903953},"label":"INSULT","score":0.2987903953,"priority":0.2987903953,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1679076740,"_task_hash":827732142,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"but i dont think we celebrate this type of mentioned culture Anymore. Look at the Indie mindset, its partially just being original for the sake of itself, regardless of its quality. (not to bash indie too hard...) The old Jazz has become Rap music, Rock n Roll has become metal, The newest book has become Twilight.","meta":{"section":"politics","score":0.4250375032},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4250375032,"priority":0.4250375032,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1387611889,"_task_hash":-372636753,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"wget or curl","meta":{"section":"programming","score":0.4262603819},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4262603819,"priority":0.4262603819,"spans":[],"_input_hash":145864223,"_task_hash":1398985104,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"a, b = b, a Swaps 2 variables without the need for a temporary holder.","meta":{"section":"programming","score":0.618254602},"label":"INSULT","score":0.618254602,"priority":0.618254602,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1109526102,"_task_hash":-982461873,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I'm moving to Sweden.","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.0846859217},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0846859217,"priority":0.0846859217,"spans":[],"_input_hash":628036747,"_task_hash":382445567,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"It seems like planes are the best way to disrupt the American psyche. It's not about killing lots of people as it is making people afraid to do something (like fly).","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.2567663789},"label":"INSULT","score":0.2567663789,"priority":0.2567663789,"spans":[],"_input_hash":674746364,"_task_hash":-1833871063,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Nah, it's just so he can watch himself. More importantly, does he need the touch pad or can he browse with the force?","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.4004904926},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4004904926,"priority":0.4004904926,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1042942427,"_task_hash":1057044736,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Yes, I do hate that... but then I realize that I live in America the land of lazy fat-asses. It's not about how much time it takes, it's about how little physical effort it takes.","meta":{"section":"DoesAnybodyElse","score":0.1313710213},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1313710213,"priority":0.1313710213,"spans":[],"_input_hash":583592921,"_task_hash":1774235721,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"You're awesome and I now have a crush on you. That is all.","meta":{"section":"IAmA","score":0.2523860037},"label":"INSULT","score":0.2523860037,"priority":0.2523860037,"spans":[],"_input_hash":453981628,"_task_hash":1123437703,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I haven't looked at the parser code yet, but how do you extrapolate the values for the **etc** construct? It seems really cool. > yes, 2-4-6-8 is the default, but you can get it to understand 2-4-8-16 if you give enough examples.","meta":{"section":"programming","score":0.1113464236},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1113464236,"priority":0.1113464236,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1570889608,"_task_hash":1422155685,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"So that's what the retail box looks like.","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.4045579731},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4045579731,"priority":0.4045579731,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1796723118,"_task_hash":1775963718,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Never forget the thyme.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.8080717921},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8080717921,"priority":0.8080717921,"spans":[],"_input_hash":189826018,"_task_hash":1939956920,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"She's chilling with her father, Christian.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.279110074},"label":"INSULT","score":0.279110074,"priority":0.279110074,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1808041076,"_task_hash":1716439907,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"and your pension.","meta":{"section":"funny","score":0.6993860006},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6993860006,"priority":0.6993860006,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1723056077,"_task_hash":1793743392,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I went to the AAA store in my town. They might be flexible with pricing if you ask nicely...","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.0957533121},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0957533121,"priority":0.0957533121,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1245963907,"_task_hash":454771786,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"oh I get it.","meta":{"section":"sex","score":0.5558276772},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5558276772,"priority":0.5558276772,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1164338880,"_task_hash":-181969596,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"People don't do it nearly often enough in my opinion. I do think there should be a bit of fair play though. If the camera is set up in an obviously bullshit, unfair way that oncoming motorists have no chance of seeing, then warn like there's no tomorrow. If the camera is set up fairly with good signage, then I think it's only fair to leave it be.","meta":{"section":"australia","score":0.1467141211},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1467141211,"priority":0.1467141211,"spans":[],"_input_hash":480684772,"_task_hash":978846948,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I believe the term is \"Operation Overgrow\"","meta":{"section":"","score":0.4170942605},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4170942605,"priority":0.4170942605,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1674099574,"_task_hash":-415863740,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"what are you smoking out of? a full proof way to smoke shake is to get some rolling papers and make joints... atleast thats what I do with it. :)","meta":{"section":"trees","score":0.1441560686},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1441560686,"priority":0.1441560686,"spans":[],"_input_hash":781221803,"_task_hash":-940279182,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Dang it, that's so awesome. Now nobody else will suggest a name.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.8264170885},"label":"INSULT","score":0.8264170885,"priority":0.8264170885,"spans":[],"_input_hash":711682920,"_task_hash":-482650583,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Well where the fuck is that picture he found?","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.6409187913},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6409187913,"priority":0.6409187913,"spans":[],"_input_hash":143107692,"_task_hash":1628748748,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Man, I dunno... if I found a tarantula in my basement, I would probably move out. Burn everything and move out.","meta":{"section":"WTF","score":0.5524448156},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5524448156,"priority":0.5524448156,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1542275556,"_task_hash":-133782054,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"You leave MySQL alone you big meany, why don't you pick on someone your own size!","meta":{"section":"","score":0.4891004562},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4891004562,"priority":0.4891004562,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1951177806,"_task_hash":-300967414,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"So you're one of thooooooose guys. That is very irritating when you are in a parking lot that does not have any other open spaces in it.","meta":{"section":"DoesAnybodyElse","score":0.4265555739},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4265555739,"priority":0.4265555739,"spans":[],"_input_hash":343946866,"_task_hash":1920581119,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Karl likes the cock? Interesting.","meta":{"section":"politics","score":0.2437056005},"label":"INSULT","score":0.2437056005,"priority":0.2437056005,"spans":[],"_input_hash":394808041,"_task_hash":-1433270502,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I met a girl and took her home one day after a coffee date. We went through the natural progression of things, and I got a pretty nice BJ. It was heavy on the suction, which was odd since I'm not used to that. Anyway, after that we played some more, and I got it up about 10 minutes later. She then said, \"I can put a condom on with my mouth.\" Haha, okay I'd like to see that! She put the condom backwards in her mouth and gently placed it at the tip of my cock. She then used her incisors (the pointy vampire ones) to push the roll down aaaaalllllll the way. I thought to myself, \"Damn, you have a roomy throat!\" :-O On a side note... I felt her incisors scratching all the way down so I thought there might have been a small tear or hole somewhere in the condom. I did the deed anyway and have not gotten a call from her since. Phew, no baby!","meta":{"section":"sex","score":0.1848846227},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1848846227,"priority":0.1848846227,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-745688087,"_task_hash":-2014129327,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Excitable Boy great dark humour.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.4475677907},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4475677907,"priority":0.4475677907,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1059310044,"_task_hash":1942813295,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"My uncles family hid toothpaste in their couch. Apparently it was going to be worth a lot after the Y2K.","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.0937496871},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0937496871,"priority":0.0937496871,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1865665038,"_task_hash":-1116226663,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Lets hope that the constitution is still considered the highest law in the land.","meta":{"section":"WTF","score":0.4432581961},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4432581961,"priority":0.4432581961,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1638964068,"_task_hash":1098938666,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"One issue I have with this article is that it states that Paul initially supported the war in Afghanistan, however if I recall correctly, he merely voted in favor of the original AUMF which authorized the President to use the Armed Forces to pursue and detain those responsible for 9/11. Perhaps I am missing something, has Paul said that he supported the war in Afghanistan? The AUMF was passed mere days after 9/11, whilst the conflict did not begin until October. This is a reasonable gap in time in which Paul may not have realized or predicted what the administration were going to do with this.","meta":{"section":"Libertarian","score":0.0895968005},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0895968005,"priority":0.0895968005,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1062381068,"_task_hash":-1035922685,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"You poor fool, obviously your daughter wanted coffee too.","meta":{"section":"funny","score":0.2838835418},"label":"INSULT","score":0.2838835418,"priority":0.2838835418,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1586617149,"_task_hash":2080925911,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I suppose, if you're a middle eastern mythology/philosophy buff it might make sense.","meta":{"section":"atheism","score":0.6892142892},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6892142892,"priority":0.6892142892,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1198002943,"_task_hash":-2010882671,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Naw, y'all are going about it the wrong way! I say, Fight fire with fire. This fella thinks that Wizard of Oz is the bees knees? Let him have it! Study the wizard of Oz, inside and out. Read the L. Frank Baum books. Study up on the minutiae and learn that shit stem to stern. Encourage your co-workers to do the same. Then go crazy with it. Discuss what lenses were used during what shots. Talk about Buddy Ebsen's allergies. DROWN this motherfucker in Wizard trivia. Ask him how much Toto's handler got paid, and if/when he drops the ball, castigate him as a poseur. It sounds like he's more in love with the symbol than the actual work, so I think it wouldn't take too much effort to dilute the symbol in his mind. I could be wrong, but it's a lateral approach. <=)","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.1086889133},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1086889133,"priority":0.1086889133,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1423628944,"_task_hash":565992863,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Murder Incorporated.","meta":{"section":"","score":0.5634197593},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5634197593,"priority":0.5634197593,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1955158411,"_task_hash":1651276128,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Well, delete isn't a good word for it; it's more like hiding them. It's global for all videos.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.1792328954},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1792328954,"priority":0.1792328954,"spans":[],"_input_hash":314210882,"_task_hash":1272351775,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"1984, Cat's Cradle, Middlesex, Survivor, Of Mice and Men, Harry Potter.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.5161553025},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5161553025,"priority":0.5161553025,"spans":[],"_input_hash":136453305,"_task_hash":-1706906987,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Where do you get that from?","meta":{"section":"atheism","score":0.1646833271},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1646833271,"priority":0.1646833271,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1186248814,"_task_hash":1516705332,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Nice shoes, you fucking hipster.","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.6914082766},"label":"INSULT","score":0.6914082766,"priority":0.6914082766,"spans":[],"_input_hash":990648234,"_task_hash":-44318447,"answer":"ignore"}
{"text":"Gads I hate T-Max. Well, no I don't, I just can't get it to work out well, the film is always pink even after using the Tmax stuff. I prefer Bregger and accufine. I love my Rollei, first good camera I ever had.","meta":{"section":"photography","score":0.0869509876},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0869509876,"priority":0.0869509876,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1438079794,"_task_hash":-806225881,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"The United States is a big country. New York isn't very much like LA, and neither are particularly similar to Nebraska, but the airport experience at all three is pretty much the same. A small bomb going off in the middle of New York City might elicit a distant response from a Nebraskan, but one going off on a plane gets people thinking \"That could've been me.\" Also, even if they fail, if it's on an airplane it still fucks up airline travel for everyone. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab can laugh every time someone gets strip-searched at an airport security gate--and those intensified security methods remind everyone who goes through an airport that they should be in constant fear of the threat of terrorism, which is the fear the terrorists are trying to instill in the first place.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.0594315492},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0594315492,"priority":0.0594315492,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1178792029,"_task_hash":282316346,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"No it's not ok for people to make a huge mess and leave it- and yes i have seen people do this on purpose for laughs. It's one thing to accidentally drop a few pieces of popcorn around your seat- and something else entirely to throw a whole bag at someone, spill drinks all over and leave open wrappers everywhere. When I have done these things by accident I have told the the staff i was sorry and shown them the mess. As I would if I accidentally made a mess in a restaurant. So yeah- it's their job to clean it but people can be nicer about it. And throw out their own cups and wrappers and boxes. Also when I saw Cloverfield people were throwing up in their seats- including the guy behind us who got some in our hair/clothes. It was DISGUSTING- we felt very bad for the staff having to clean up after these lazy slobs who couldn't even bother to puke in the trash cans and toilets- instead it was on the floor, seats, and sinks. DISGUSTING.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.1119496524},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1119496524,"priority":0.1119496524,"spans":[],"_input_hash":925374192,"_task_hash":671337836,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Absolutely Delightful. Thank You. Happy New Year Duncan & Staff.","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.3895266056},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3895266056,"priority":0.3895266056,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1775920463,"_task_hash":-1400174665,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"\"Maybe this year will be better than the last...\" Great tune.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.039219588},"label":"INSULT","score":0.039219588,"priority":0.039219588,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1976951761,"_task_hash":-474207796,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"you're absolutely right unfortunately. we have many puritanical beliefs still to this day, and they are still ass-fucking us.","meta":{"section":"politics","score":0.2120400518},"label":"INSULT","score":0.2120400518,"priority":0.2120400518,"spans":[],"_input_hash":190430032,"_task_hash":1400887290,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Yay! you win your own points! how many were there?","meta":{"section":"science","score":0.2783266008},"label":"INSULT","score":0.2783266008,"priority":0.2783266008,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1679431750,"_task_hash":-2011042538,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Good for you, otherwise there would just be blood everywhere.","meta":{"section":"bestof","score":0.5155003667},"label":"INSULT","score":0.5155003667,"priority":0.5155003667,"spans":[],"_input_hash":822399646,"_task_hash":566827723,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"You can't use a url link of a \"askreddit\" post - this is going to be deleted when it gets noticed.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.1204510927},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1204510927,"priority":0.1204510927,"spans":[],"_input_hash":662326826,"_task_hash":244526972,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Spike and Vicious","meta":{"section":"self","score":0.163158074},"label":"INSULT","score":0.163158074,"priority":0.163158074,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1349051218,"_task_hash":-840080590,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Those are the most menacing looking Santas I've ever seen. Dear god, are their eyes *red*?","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.2924140394},"label":"INSULT","score":0.2924140394,"priority":0.2924140394,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1777275738,"_task_hash":1469701508,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I'll say. Wearing a lampshade on its head, and midnight is still hours away.","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.2247752249},"label":"INSULT","score":0.2247752249,"priority":0.2247752249,"spans":[],"_input_hash":176768141,"_task_hash":1136691137,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"five three oh niieeeiiinneee!!","meta":{"section":"WTF","score":0.4585608542},"label":"INSULT","score":0.4585608542,"priority":0.4585608542,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1491029983,"_task_hash":-1979718706,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"So if humans aren't \"rational agents\", and not even agents with \"bounded rationality\" (i.e. rational but with incomplete information), where does this put the majority of the field of economics? Differential equations with sketchy postulates hardly impress most real scientists. Additional question: I've always liked the idea of of taxing salaries and stock sales of 100-millionaires and above at very steep rates. My rationale is that commit that you achieve diminishing returns if you pay a CEO an extra 5 million if he's already making 5 million. It's not like the CEO will work twice as much for twice the pay. Also, it seems that people end up fetishizing wealth because it increases their relative social status, rather than absolute material status. It therefore seems that very progressive taxes are the best way to to get the most bang for your buck from uber-elites. Your thoughts on this perspective?","meta":{"section":"IAmA","score":0.0895091072},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0895091072,"priority":0.0895091072,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-970316956,"_task_hash":-150588379,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I do have a problem with this but have managed to curb my bad behavior by purchasing a Kindle. I am reading one new digital book, one from the shelf, one digital, etc...","meta":{"section":"DoesAnybodyElse","score":0.2769153118},"label":"INSULT","score":0.2769153118,"priority":0.2769153118,"spans":[],"_input_hash":440892816,"_task_hash":-1566361049,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Those shapes also look kind of like the time in which people are awake, not just working.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.1292377412},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1292377412,"priority":0.1292377412,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-420904825,"_task_hash":-2034451428,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"You did nothing wrong.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.2053745687},"label":"INSULT","score":0.2053745687,"priority":0.2053745687,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1628699452,"_task_hash":968899858,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"No you go to the godless atheist line.","meta":{"section":"WTF","score":0.3287843168},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3287843168,"priority":0.3287843168,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1458934789,"_task_hash":-2134161816,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Jesse Jackson","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.3085595965},"label":"INSULT","score":0.3085595965,"priority":0.3085595965,"spans":[],"_input_hash":495699938,"_task_hash":-579161882,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"i'm not american but i've always thought the problem with america is that it's too big. national politics is showbiz. not saying that it isn't in any european country but i think that you would need a much bigger critical mass to say \"fuck you\" to your government the way the french did in 1968.","meta":{"section":"politics","score":0.0294873416},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0294873416,"priority":0.0294873416,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1088768105,"_task_hash":1916794552,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Have you tried running with a shoe with no cushioning during long distance runs? That's essentially what this article was trying to convey.","meta":{"section":"running","score":0.0601364262},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0601364262,"priority":0.0601364262,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1863845755,"_task_hash":-974236975,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Nicely stated.","meta":{"section":"politics","score":0.1533796787},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1533796787,"priority":0.1533796787,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-982662046,"_task_hash":-1688938994,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Let's hope this headline happens soon; \"AT&T Uses The Money They Were Paying Tiger to Add to Their [shitty] Cell Network.\"","meta":{"section":"WTF","score":0.0475492142},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0475492142,"priority":0.0475492142,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-662618370,"_task_hash":-1905053507,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Well that's conspiracy theory territory and I am not going there. There is nothing secretive about how the fed came about or what it does. The film you are recommending is nothing but propaganda. Please stop recommending it if you want people to take an interest in Austrian economics. If this is all you guys have to offer then I think I've had enough. Sorry if it sounds harsh.","meta":{"section":"Libertarian","score":0.1097899601},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1097899601,"priority":0.1097899601,"spans":[],"_input_hash":2107599480,"_task_hash":461114868,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Boring, shitty post...","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.2297397852},"label":"INSULT","score":0.2297397852,"priority":0.2297397852,"spans":[],"_input_hash":-1577368976,"_task_hash":-126749202,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"Nothing worth losing your head over","meta":{"section":"pics","score":0.1001409292},"label":"INSULT","score":0.1001409292,"priority":0.1001409292,"spans":[],"_input_hash":2070326673,"_task_hash":-240330610,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"What do you mean? Using cash is the obvious answer. When cash withdrawals are routinely charged for your dilemna would be more understandable.","meta":{"section":"AskReddit","score":0.0097057037},"label":"INSULT","score":0.0097057037,"priority":0.0097057037,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1738184228,"_task_hash":717864857,"answer":"reject"}
{"text":"I am the exact same way. I feel so bad for what he puts up with. I tell him to find someone more balanced and he stays. I am a very angry person most of the time. Negative thoughts are all I know. When I try to think in a positive way, my brain switches and I go right back to my normal self. I am insecure, have more self-hatred than anyone I know, and wish I could change. I just don't know how. He is an amazing man, loves me unconditionally and is very trustworthy. I don't feel I deserve him. I have too much baggage. He should be with someone who is happy, confident, gorgeous....and so on. But he loves me. How do I fix me? I worry one day he will resent me and feel he wasted his life being with me.","meta":{"section":"DoesAnybodyElse","score":0.05321436},"label":"INSULT","score":0.05321436,"priority":0.05321436,"spans":[],"_input_hash":1805971282,"_task_hash":443350749,"answer":"reject"}