- FAKE build, powershell bootstrap
- nuget download - [https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/latest/nuget.exe]
- protoc - Google.Protobuf.Tools
- swig - Install-Package swigwintools -Version 3.0.12
- cpp-client [http://downloads.jboss.org/infinispan/HotRodCPP/8.2.0.Alpha1/infinispan-hotrod-cpp-8.2.0.Alpha1-WIN-x86_64.zip]
- unziping - ICsharpZipLib cannot unzip the cpp-client
- update NLog
- update protobufs
- create nuget package for C++
- create nuget package for C#
- NUnit
- Run NUnit with NUnit.Runners (NUnit 2.x)
- server build
- publish nuget package
- release + git tag
- update NUnit
- NUnit run using dotnet test
- IKVM tests
- OpenSSL 1.x
- doxygen
- remove NLog and introduce .NET core logging
- [/] multiplatform
- async/await API