All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- New framework structure with sub commands - for analysis, install and download
- New pipelines: rd_dna (previous MIP), rd_dna_vcf_rerun (light rerun from rd_dna data) and rd_rna
- Install now has sbatch features
- Added initiation_maps for pipeline engine
- Changed family to case
- Changed output data dir structure to flat for each ID
- Removed call type value in file names
- Rename module time and cores to recipe time and core
- Renamed option
- Removed use of "p" before recipe names
- Add check for recipe when using start_with_flag
- Modify parsing of pedigree to allow new RNA DE keys Fix Clinical-Genomics#554
- Two-step model for reruns. Fix Clinical-Genomics#546
- Add input SV vcf for rd_dna_vcf_rerun to qc_sample_info. Fix Clinical-Genomics#548
- Added io to all recipes
- Updated GATK to version 4.0.11 for most GATK recipes
- Removed bed_cov and corresponding R scripts from rare disease analysis
- Removed variantannotation block - "--rio" now only operates on BAM block
- Refactored and updated Delly to "0.7.8". Removed small-indel calling for better speed.
- Use "--use-best-n-alleles" in freebayes and added default of "4"
- Add Expansion Hunter Fix Clinical-Genomics#442
- One case one Multiqc report Fix Clinical-Genomics#515
- Added exclude contig option. Fix Clinical-Genomics#509.
- Add UCSC genomicsSuperDups to annoation and rank model. Fix Clinical-Genomics#574
- Switched to using conda instead of source with conda e.g. "conda activate [ENV]" instead of "source activate [ENV]"
- Changed default for gatk_calculategenotypeposteriors to 0 (=no).
- Switched 1000G phase3_v4_2013-05-02 to gnomad r2.0.1 as default for gatk_calculategenotypeposteriors_support_set option
- Added switch to add all research variants to clinical file for MT. Required to display all MT variants in Scout clinical view as they are all deemed clinically relevant.
- Added gatk GatherBqsrReports to gather bqsr reports after parallelization
New Pipeline
- rd_dna
- rd_dna_vcf_rerun
New recipes Rd_dna
- cadd_ar
- sv_annotate
- sv_vcf_rerun_reformat
- vcf_rerun_reformat
- genomic_superdups_frac_match
- REVEL_rankscore
- CADD for indels
- MaxEntScan
- clinvar: 20180429 -> 20181028
- dbnsfp: v2.9 -> v3.5a (GRCh37)
- GRCh37_gatk_merged_reference_samples.txt
- GRCh37_mip_sv_svdb_export_-2018-10-09-.vcf
- VEPs cache: 91 -> 94
- GRCh37_loqusdb_-2017-05-22-.vcf.gz -> GRCh37_loqusdb_snv_indel_-2018-12-18-.vcf.gz
- rank_model: 1.21 -> 1.23
- svrank_model: 1.3 -> 1.5
- qc_regexp: 1.19 -> 1.20
- bcftools: 1.6 -> 1.9-h4da6232_0
- bedtools: 2.26.0 -> 2.27.1-he941832_2
- bwa: 0.7.15 -> 0.7.17-ha92aebf_3
- cadd: 1.4
- bwakit: 0.7.12 -> 0.7.15-1
- cutadapt: 1.14 -> 1.18-py27_0
- cramtools: 3.0.b47 -> 3.0.b127-2
- expansionhunter: 2.5.5
- delly: 0.7.7 -> 0.7.8-h278814d_3
- fastqc: 0.11.4 -> 0.11.8-0
- freebayes: 1.1.0 -> 1.2.0-py27h82df9c4_3
- genmod: 3.7.2 -> 3.7.3
- GATK: 3.8 -> (and some modules still use 3.8)
- htslib: 1.6 -> 1.9-hc238db4_4
- manta: 1.1.0 -> 1.4.0-py27_1
- multiqc: 1.4 -> 1.6
- peddy: 0.3.1 -> 0.4.2-py_0
- picardtools: 2.14.1 -> 2.18.14-0
- rtg-tools: 3.8.4-0 -> 3.9.1-1
- sambamba: 0.6.6 -> 0.6.8-h682856c_0
- samtools: 1.6 -> 1.9-h8ee4bcc_1
- stranger: 0.4
- svdb: 1.1.2 -> 1.3.0-py27h7eb728f_0
- tiddit: 2.2.5 -> 2.5.0
- vcf2cytosure: 0.3.0 -> 0.4.3
- vcfanno: 0.1.0 -> 0.3.1-0
- vep: 91 -> 94.4
- Increased ploidy when calling variants in the mitochondria. Fix Clinical-Genomics#507
- New option: 'start_with_program'
- Fixed chdir inconsistency. Fix #402
- Added boolean option to qccollect to evaluate plink_gender check with
. - Moved vcfcytosure processing to the last sv module
- Version 6.0.0. Clinical-Genomics#186