Points: 50 Category: Reverse Engineering
Best Stuff - Cheap Stuff, Buy Buy Buy... Store Instance: source. The shop is open for business at nc mercury.picoctf.net 34938.
- Always check edge cases when programming
I connected to nc mercury.picoctf.net 34938
and played around for a bit. There's only 40 coins in circulation which means the 100 coin flag is not something that can be bought.
You have 40 coins
Item Price Count
(0) Quiet Quiches 10 12
(1) Average Apple 15 8
(2) Fruitful Flag 100 1
(3) Sell an Item
(4) Exit
Choose an option:
After playing around for a bit, I sold a negative number of item.... and ended up with a negative value for money. Through this I realized I should also be able to buy negative numbers of items since the shop probably only checks if there are less than how many items are in their stock. I bought a negative number of items and sure enough, ended up with a large enough sum of coins to buy a flag.
Flag is: [112 105 99 111 67 84 70 123 98 52 100 95 98 114 111 103 114 97 109 109 101 114 95 98 97 54 98 56 99 100 102 125]
This looks like ascii so I wrote a quick Python script to get the flag