diff --git a/src/response.ts b/src/response.ts
index f370843..17e5348 100644
--- a/src/response.ts
+++ b/src/response.ts
@@ -426,4 +426,186 @@ export class ApiResponse extends Macroable {
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has an ok (200) status
+ */
+ assertOk() {
+ this.assertStatus(200)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has a created (201) status
+ */
+ assertCreated() {
+ this.assertStatus(201)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has an accepted (202) status
+ */
+ assertAccepted() {
+ this.assertStatus(202)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has a no content (204) status
+ */
+ assertNoContent() {
+ this.assertStatus(204)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has a moved permanently (301) status
+ */
+ assertMovedPermanently() {
+ this.assertStatus(301)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has a found (302) status
+ */
+ assertFound() {
+ this.assertStatus(302)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has a bad request (400) status
+ */
+ assertBadRequest() {
+ this.assertStatus(400)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has an unauthorized (401) status
+ */
+ assertUnauthorized() {
+ this.assertStatus(401)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has a payment required (402) status
+ */
+ assertPaymentRequired() {
+ this.assertStatus(402)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has a forbidden (403) status
+ */
+ assertForbidden() {
+ this.assertStatus(403)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has a not found (404) status
+ */
+ assertNotFound() {
+ this.assertStatus(404)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has a method not allowed (405) status
+ */
+ assertMethodNotAllowed() {
+ this.assertStatus(405)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has a not acceptable (406) status
+ */
+ assertNotAcceptable() {
+ this.assertStatus(406)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has a request timeout (408) status
+ */
+ assertRequestTimeout() {
+ this.assertStatus(408)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has a conflict (409) status
+ */
+ assertConflict() {
+ this.assertStatus(409)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has a gone (410) status
+ */
+ assertGone() {
+ this.assertStatus(410)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has a length required (411) status
+ */
+ assertLengthRequired() {
+ this.assertStatus(411)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has a precondition failed (412) status
+ */
+ assertPreconditionFailed() {
+ this.assertStatus(412)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has a payload too large (413) status
+ */
+ assertPayloadTooLarge() {
+ this.assertStatus(413)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has a URI too long (414) status
+ */
+ assertURITooLong() {
+ this.assertStatus(414)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has an unsupported media type (415) status
+ */
+ assertUnsupportedMediaType() {
+ this.assertStatus(415)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has a range not satisfiable (416) status
+ */
+ assertRangeNotSatisfiable() {
+ this.assertStatus(416)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has an im a teapot (418) status
+ */
+ assertImATeapot() {
+ this.assertStatus(418)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has an unprocessable entity (422) status
+ */
+ assertUnprocessableEntity() {
+ this.assertStatus(422)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has a locked (423) status
+ */
+ assertLocked() {
+ this.assertStatus(423)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert that response has a too many requests (429) status
+ */
+ assertTooManyRequests() {
+ this.assertStatus(429)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/response/assertions.spec.ts b/tests/response/assertions.spec.ts
index 43fa370..ed19d37 100644
--- a/tests/response/assertions.spec.ts
+++ b/tests/response/assertions.spec.ts
@@ -12,6 +12,18 @@ import { test } from '@japa/runner'
import { ApiRequest } from '../../src/request.js'
import { httpServer } from '../../tests_helpers/index.js'
+import { ApiResponse } from '../../src/response.js'
+type ExtractAllowed = Pick<
+ Base,
+ {
+ [Key in keyof Base]: Base[Key] extends Condition
+ ? Key extends `assert${string}`
+ ? Key
+ : never
+ : never
+ }[keyof Base]
test.group('Response | assertions', (group) => {
group.each.setup(async () => {
@@ -19,6 +31,60 @@ test.group('Response | assertions', (group) => {
return () => httpServer.close()
+ test('assert response status { status } shortcut from { method }')
+ .with<
+ {
+ method: NonNullable void>>
+ status: number
+ }[]
+ >([
+ { method: 'assertOk', status: 200 },
+ { method: 'assertCreated', status: 201 },
+ { method: 'assertAccepted', status: 202 },
+ { method: 'assertNoContent', status: 204 },
+ { method: 'assertMovedPermanently', status: 301 },
+ { method: 'assertFound', status: 302 },
+ { method: 'assertBadRequest', status: 400 },
+ { method: 'assertUnauthorized', status: 401 },
+ { method: 'assertPaymentRequired', status: 402 },
+ { method: 'assertForbidden', status: 403 },
+ { method: 'assertNotFound', status: 404 },
+ { method: 'assertMethodNotAllowed', status: 405 },
+ { method: 'assertNotAcceptable', status: 406 },
+ { method: 'assertRequestTimeout', status: 408 },
+ { method: 'assertConflict', status: 409 },
+ { method: 'assertGone', status: 410 },
+ { method: 'assertLengthRequired', status: 411 },
+ { method: 'assertPreconditionFailed', status: 412 },
+ { method: 'assertPayloadTooLarge', status: 413 },
+ { method: 'assertURITooLong', status: 414 },
+ { method: 'assertUnsupportedMediaType', status: 415 },
+ { method: 'assertRangeNotSatisfiable', status: 416 },
+ { method: 'assertImATeapot', status: 418 },
+ { method: 'assertUnprocessableEntity', status: 422 },
+ { method: 'assertLocked', status: 423 },
+ { method: 'assertTooManyRequests', status: 429 },
+ ])
+ .run(async ({ assert }, { method, status }) => {
+ assert.plan(1)
+ httpServer.onRequest((_, res) => {
+ res.statusCode = status
+ if (status > 300 && status < 303) {
+ res.setHeader('Location', '/see-this-instead')
+ }
+ res.end('handled')
+ })
+ const request = new ApiRequest(
+ { baseUrl: httpServer.baseUrl, method: 'GET', endpoint: '/' },
+ assert
+ )
+ const response = await request
+ response[method]()
+ })
test('assert response status', async ({ assert }) => {