Xamarin.Forms Azure Demo of a simple expense app with Azure Mobile Services online and offline sync with a backed SQLite database for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone.
By default TripExpenses uses a cross-platform Json Based file system, however you can add Azure Mobile Services easily by following:
Signup for an Azure Mobile Services account: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/mobile-services/
Open: XMLDataStore.cs and comment OUT the [assemby:Dependency()] flag
Create a new Azure Mobile Services Table Called "TripExpense"
Open “AzureDataStore.cs" in TripExpenses shared project
Comment IN the [assemby:Dependency()] flag
Edit: MobileService = new MobileServiceClient( "https://"+"PUT-SITE-HERE" +".azure-mobile.net/", "PUT-YOUR-API-KEY-HERE");