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Register the Netris CRDs in the Kubernetes cluster before creating objects.

Site Attributes

kind: Site
  name: santa-clara
  publicAsn: 65001                                    # [1]
  rohAsn: 65502                                       # [2]
  vmAsn: 65503                                        # [3]
  rohRoutingProfile: default                          # [4]
  siteMesh: hub                                       # [5]
  aclDefaultPolicy: permit                            # [6]
Ref Attribute Default Description
[1] publicAsn nil Site public ASN that should be used for external bgp peer configuration.
[2] rohAsn nil ASN for ROH (Routing on the Host) compute instances, should be unique within the scope of a site, can be same for different sites.
[3] vmAsn nil ASN for ROH (Routing on the Host) virtual compute instances, should be unique within the scope of a site, can be same for different sites.
[4] rohRoutingProfile "" ROH Routing profile defines set of routing prefixes to be advertised to ROH instances. Possible values: default, default_agg, full. Default route only - Will advertise + loopback address of physically connected switch. Default + Aggregate - Will add prefixes of defined subnets + "Default" profile. Full - Will advertise all prefixes available in the routing table of the connected switch.
[5] siteMesh "" Site to site VPN mode. Possible values: disabled, hub, spoke, dynamicSpoke.
[6] aclDefaultPolicy "" Possible values: permit or deny. Deny - Layer-3 packet forwarding is denied by default. ACLs are required to permit necessary traffic flows. Deny ACLs will be applied before Permit ACLs. Permit - Layer-3 packet forwarding is allowed by default. ACLs are required to deny unwanted traffic flows. Permit ACLs will be applied before Deny ACLs.

Allocation Attributes

kind: Allocation
  name: my-allocation
  prefix:                                   # [1]
  tenant: Admin                                          # [2]
Ref Attribute Default Description
[1] prefix "" Allocation ipv4/ipv6 prefix.
[2] tenant "" Users of this tenant will be permitted to manage subnets under this allocation.

Subnet Attributes

kind: Subnet
  name: my-subnet
  prefix:                                   # [1]
  tenant: Admin                                          # [2]
  purpose: management                                    # [3]
  defaultGateway:                            # [4] optional
  sites:                                                 # [5]
  - santa-clara
Ref Attribute Default Description
[1] prefix "" Subnet ipv4/ipv6 prefix.
[2] tenant "" Users of this tenant will be permitted to edit this subnet.
[3] purpose "" Describes which kind of service will be able to use this subnet. Possible values: common, loopback, management, load-balancer, nat, inactive.
[4] defaultGateway "" Optional. Use when purpose is set to management.
[5] sites [] List of sites where this subnet is available.

Switch Attributes

kind: Switch
  name: my-sw01
  tenant: Admin                                          # [1]
  description: My Switch01                               # [2] optional
  nos: cumulus_linux                                     # [3]
  site: santa-clara                                      # [4]
  asn: 4200000021                                        # [5] optional
  profile: my-profile                                    # [6] optional
  mainIp:                                   # [7] optional
  mgmtIp:                                      # [8] optional
  portsCount: 16                                         # [9]
Ref Attribute Default Description
[1] tenant "" Users of this tenant will be permitted to edit this unit.
[2] description "" Optional. Switch description.
[3] nos "" Switch OS. Possible values: cumulus_linux, sonic, ubuntu_switch_dev.
[4] site "" The site where this device belongs.
[5] asn automatically Optional. Switch AS numbers. If asn key isn't set, the controller will assign automatically from System ASN range.
[6] profile "" Optional. An inventory profile name to define global configuration (NTP, DNS, timezone, etc…).
[7] mainIp automatically Optional. A unique IP address which will be used as a loopback address of this unit. If mainIp key isn't set the controller will assign automatically from subnets with relevant purpose.
[8] mgmtIp automatically Optional. A unique IP address to be used on out of band management interface. If mgmtIp key isn't set the controller will assign automatically from subnets with relevant purpose.
[9] portsCount nil Preliminary port count is used for definition of topology. Possible values: 16, 32, 48, 54, 56.

Softgate Attributes

kind: Softgate
  name: my-sg01
  tenant: Admin                                          # [1]
  description: My Softgate01                             # [2] optional
  site: santa-clara                                      # [3]
  profile: my-profile                                    # [4] optional
  mainIp:                                   # [5] optional
  mgmtIp:                                      # [6] optional
Ref Attribute Default Description
[1] tenant "" Users of this tenant will be permitted to edit this unit.
[2] description "" Optional. Softgate description.
[3] site "" The site where this device belongs.
[4] profile "" Optional. An inventory profile name to define global configuration (NTP, DNS, timezone, etc…).
[5] mainIp automatically Optional. A unique IP address which will be used as a loopback address of this unit. If mainIp key isn't set the controller will assign automatically from subnets with relevant purpose.
[6] mgmtIp automatically Optional. A unique IP address to be used on out of band management interface. If mgmtIp key isn't set the controller will assign automatically from subnets with relevant purpose.

Controller Attributes

kind: Controller
  name: my-controller
  tenant: Admin                                          # [1]
  description: My Controller                             # [2] optional
  site: santa-clara                                      # [3]
  mainIp:                                  # [4] optional
Ref Attribute Default Description
[1] tenant "" Users of this tenant will be permitted to edit this unit.
[2] description "" Optional. Controller description.
[3] site "" The site where this controller belongs.
[4] mainIp automatically Optional. A unique IP address which will be used as a loopback address of this unit. If mainIp key isn't set the controller will assign automatically from subnets with relevant purpose.

Link Attributes

kind: Link
  name: sw01-to-sw02
  ports:                                                 # [1]              
  - swp15@my-sw01
  - swp15@my-sw02
Ref Attribute Default Description
[1] ports [] List of two ports

InventoryProfile Attributes

kind: InventoryProfile
  name: my-profile
  description: My First Inventory Profile                # [1] optional
  timezone: America/Los_Angeles                          # [2] optional
  allowSshFromIpv4:                                      # [3]
  allowSshFromIpv6:                                      # [4] optional
    - 2001:db8:acad::/64
  ntpServers:                                            # [5] optional
  dnsServers:                                            # [6] optional
  customRules:                                           # [7] optional
    - srcSubnet:                              # [8] optional
      # srcPort: ""                                      # [9] optional
      dstPort: "8443"                                    # [10] optional
      protocol: tcp                                      # [11] optional
Ref Attribute Default Description
[1] description "" Inventory profile description
[2] timezone "" Devices using this inventory profile will adjust their system time to the selected timezone. Valid value is a name from the TZ database.
[3] allowSshFromIpv4 [] List of IPv4 subnets allowed to ssh
[4] allowSshFromIpv6 [] List of IPv6 subnets allowed to ssh
[5] ntpServers [] List of domain names or IP addresses of NTP servers
[6] dnsServers [] List of IP addresses of DNS servers
[7] customRules [] List of custom rules. User defined rules to allow certain traffic
[8] customRules[n].srcSubnet "" Source Subnet
[9] customRules[n].srcPort "" Source port. 1-65535, or empty for any
[10] customRules[n].dstPort "" Destination port. 1-65535, or empty for any
[11] customRules[n].protocol "" Protocol. Valid value is udp, tcp or any

VNet Attributes

kind: VNet
  name: my-vnet
  ownerTenant: Admin                                     # [1]
  guestTenants: []                                       # [2]
  state: active                                          # [3] optional
  sites:                                                 # [4]
    - name: santa-clara                                  # [5]
      gateways:                                          # [6]
        - 2001:db8:acad::fffe/64
      switchPorts:                                       # [7]
        - name: swp4@rlab-leaf1                          # [8]
          vlanId: 1050                                   # [9] optional
        - name: swp7@rlab-leaf1
          state: disable                                 # [10] optional
Ref Attribute Default Description
[1] ownerTenant "" Users with permission to owner tenant can manage parameters of the V-Net as well as add/edit/remove ports assigned to any of tenants where user has permission.
[2] guestTenants [] List of tenants allowed to add/edit/remove ports to the V-Net but not allowed to manage other parameters of the circuit.
[3] state active V-Net state. Allowed values: active or disable.
[4] sites [] List of sites. Ports from these sites will be allowed to participate to the V-Net. Multi-site circuits are possible for sites connected through a backbone port.
[5] sites[n].name "" Site's name.
[6] sites[n].gateways [] List of gateways. Selected address will be serving as anycast default gateway for selected subnet. In case of multi-site V-Net, multi-site subnet should be configured under Subnets section.
[7] sites[n].switchPorts [] List of switchPorts.
[8] sites[n].switchPorts[n].name "" SwitchPorts name.
[9] sites[n].switchPorts[n].vlanId nil VLAN tag for current port. If vlanid is not set - means port untagged
[10] sites[n].switchPorts[n].state active Port state. Allowed values: active or disable.

BGP Attributes

kind: BGP
  name: my-bgp
  site: santa-clara                                  # [1]
  hardware: softgate1                                # [2] Ignoring when transport.type == vnet
  neighborAs: 23456                                  # [3]
  transport:                                         # [4]
    type: port                                       # [5] optional
    name: swp5@rlab-spine1                           # [6]   
    vlanId: 4                                        # [7] optional. Ignoring when transport.type == vnet
  localIP:                             # [8]
  remoteIP:                            # [9]
  description: someDesc                              # [10] optional
  state: enabled                                     # [11] optional
  multihop:                                          # [12] optional
    neighborAddress:                         # [13] optional
    updateSource:                       # [14] optional
    hops: 5                                          # [15] optional
  bgpPassword: somestrongpass                        # [16] optional
  allowAsIn: 5                                       # [17] optional
  defaultOriginate: false                            # [18] optional
  prefixInboundMax: 10000                            # [19] optional
  inboundRouteMap: my-in-rm                          # [20] optional
  outboundRouteMap: my-out-rm                        # [21] optional
  localPreference: 100                               # [22] optional. Ignoring when *RouteMap defined
  weight: 0                                          # [23] optional. Ignoring when *RouteMap defined
  prependInbound: 2                                  # [24] optional. Ignoring when *RouteMap defined
  prependOutbound: 1                                 # [25] optional. Ignoring when *RouteMap defined
  prefixListInbound:                                 # [26] optional. Ignoring when *RouteMap defined
    - deny le 32
    - permit le 24
  prefixListOutbound:                                # [27] optional. Ignoring when *RouteMap defined
    - permit
  sendBGPCommunity:                                  # [28] optional. Ignoring when *RouteMap defined
    - 65501:777
    - 65501:779
Ref Attribute Default Description
[1] sites "" BGP session site
[2] hardware "auto" Defines hardware for Layer-3 and BGP session termination. Ignoring when transport.type == vnet
[3] neighborAs 0 BGP neighbor AS number
[4] transport {} Physical port where BGP neighbor cable is connected or an existing V-Net service
[5] transport.type port Possible values: port or vnet
[6] "" Possible values: portName@switchName or vnetName
[7] transport.vlanId nil Ignoring when transport.type == vnet
[8] localIP "" BGP session local ip
[9] remoteIP "" BGP session remote ip
[10] description "" BGP session description
[11] state enabled Possible values: enabled or disabled; enabled - initiating and waiting for BGP connections, disabled - disable Layer-2 tunnel and Layer-3 address.
[12] multihop {} Multihop BGP session configurations
[13] multihop.neighborAddress "" -
[14] multihop.updateSource "" -
[15] multihop.hops 0 -
[16] bgpPassword "" BGP session password
[17] allowAsIn 0 Optionally allow number of occurrences of the own AS number in received prefix AS-path.
[18] defaultOriginate false Originate default route to current neighbor.
[19] prefixInboundMax 0 BGP session will be terminated if neighbor advertises more prefixes than defined.
[20] inboundRouteMap "" Reference to route-map resource.
[21] outboundRouteMap "" Reference to route-map resource.
[22] localPreference 100 -
[23] weight 0 -
[24] prependInbound 0 Number of times to prepend self AS to as-path of received prefix advertisements.
[25] prependOutbound 0 Number of times to prepend self AS to as-path being advertised to neighbors.
[26] prefixListInbound [] -
[27] prefixListOutbound [] Define outbound prefix list, if not defined autogenerated prefix list will apply which will permit defined allocations and assignments, and will deny all private addresses.
[28] sendBGPCommunity [] Send BGP Community Unconditionally advertise defined list of BGP communities towards BGP neighbor. Format: AA:NN Community number in AA:NN format (where AA and NN are (0-65535)) or local-AS

L4LB Attributes

kind: L4LB
  name: my-l4lb
  ownerTenant: Admin                                 # [1]
  site: santa-clara                                  # [2]           
  state: active                                      # [3] optional
  protocol: tcp                                      # [4] optional
    port: 31434                                      # [5]
    ip:                                  # [6] optional
  backend:                                           # [7]
  check:                                             # [8] optional. Ignoring when protocol == udp
    type: http                                       # [9] optional
    timeout: 3000                                    # [10] optional
    requestPath: /                                   # [11] optional. Ignoring when check.type == tcp
Ref Attribute Default Description
[1] ownerTenant "" Users of this Tenant will be permitted to edit this service
[2] site "" Resources defined in the selected site will be permitted to be used as backed entries for this L4 Load Balancer service
[3] state active Administrative status. Possible values: active or disable
[4] protocol tcp Protocol. Possible values: tcp or udp
[5] frontend.port nil L4LB frontend port
[6] frontend.ip Assign Automatically L4LB frontend ip
[7] backend [] List of backend servers. Possible values: ip:port
[8] check {} A health check determines whether instances in the target pool are healthy. If protocol == udp then check.type will be none
[9] check.type tcp Probe type. Possible values: tcp, http or none
[10] check.timeout 2000 Probe timeout
[11] check.requestPath / Http probe path. Ignoring when check.type == tcp

Nat Attributes

kind: Nat
  name: my-dnat
  comment: MY DNAT                                 # [1]  optional
  # state: enabled                                 # [2]  optional
  site: santa-clara                                # [3]
  action: dnat                                     # [4]
  protocol: tcp                                    # [5]
  srcAddress:                            # [6]
  srcPort: 1-65535                                 # [7]
  dstAddress:                     # [8]
  dstPort: "8080"                                  # [9]
  dnatToIp:                       # [10]
  dnatToPort: 80                                   # [11]
  # snatToIp:                        # [12]
  # snatToPool:                   # [13]
Ref Attribute Default Description
[1] comment "" Custom comment for NAT rule.
[2] state enabled Possible values: enabled or disabled.
[3] site "" The site where this rule belongs.
[4] action "" Rule action. Possible values: dnat, snat, accept_snat, masquerade.
[5] protocol "" Possible values: all, tcp, udp, icmp.
[6] srcAddress "" Match traffic sourced from this subnet.
[7] srcPort "" Match traffic sourced from this port. Ignoring when protocol == all or icmp
[8] dstAddress "" Match traffic destined to this subnet.
[9] dstPort "" Match traffic destined to this port. Ignoring when protocol == all or icmp
[10] dnatToIp "" The internal IP address to which external hosts will gain access as a result of a DNAT translation. Only when action == dnat
[11] dnatToPort nil The internal port to which external port will gain access as a result of a DNAT translation. Only when action == dnat
[12] snatToIp "" Replace the original address with the specified one. Only when action == snat
[13] snatToPool "" Replace the original address with the pool of ip addresses. Only when action == snat


Annotation keys and values can only be strings. Other types, such as boolean or numeric values must be quoted, i.e. "true", "false", "100".

Name Default Values Description "false" "true" or "false" Allow importing existing resources. "delete" "retain" or "delete" Resources reclaim policy.

Calico Integration

Calico nodes exchange routing information over BGP to enable reachability for Calico networked workloads. Netris can also integrate with your Calico CNI. It will create BGP peers with your cluster's nodes, then will disable Calico Node to Node mesh. For more details, get familiar with calico docs.

Add this annotation to enable Netris-Calico Integration.

kubectl annotate bgpconfigurations default'true'