Choosing the best option from a set of options
Search Algorithms that maintain a single node and searches by moving to a neighboring node. This differs from algorithms like BFS and DFS as they maintain multiple nodes in the frontier. Let's imagine an example where given 4 houses, you have to place 2 hospitals such that the distances from the houses to the hospitals are minimized.
We can think of the above example from a more abstract perspective using state-space landscapes. Each bar represents a particular configuration of hospitals and the height of each bar generally represents some function of that state. In this case, it could represent the path cost.
The function we are trying to optimize while finding the global maximum from a number of states.
The function we are trying to optimize while finding the global minimum from a number of states. In the case of houses and hospitals, this function would be used for distance.
Starts at a given state. If left state is higher, goes left. If right state is higher, goes right. If both are less, terminates.
Starts at a given state. If left state is lower, goes left. If right state is lower, goes right. If both are higher, terminates.
function Hill-Climb(problem):
current = initial state of a problem
neighbor = highest valued neighbor of current
# If none are better, then return
if neighbor better than current:
return current
# Go to higher value
current = neighbor
It doesn't always find the global maximum/minimum
Variant | Definition |
Steepest-Ascent | Choose the highest valued neighbor |
Stochastic | Choose randomly from highest valued neighbors |
First Choice | Choose the first highest valued neighbor |
Random-restart | Conduct Hill Climbing multiple times |
Local Beam Search | Chooses the k highest-valued neighbors |
Even with these variants, hill climbing poses the problem that we'll never reliably be able to find the global maxima or minima. Hill climbing never decides to go to a worse state and ultimately, we will need to do that in order to find the best case(example of why above).
- Early on, higher "temperature": more likely to accept neighbors that are worse than current state.
- Later on, lower "temperature": less likely to accept neighbors that are worse than current state.
function Simulated-Annealing(problem, max):
current = initial state of problem
for t = 1 to max:
# calculated temperature based on time, in this case, t (How far into the process we are).
T = temperature(t)
neighbor = random neighbor of current
ΔE = how much better neighbor is than current
if ΔE > 0:
current = neighbor
# In some cases, we want to choose a worse neighbor and this is based on two things, the temperature and
# how much worse the neighboring state is compared to the current: T and ΔE.
With probability e^(ΔE/T), set current = neighbor
This allows us to dislodge ourselves and explore spaces which will ultimately have the best values.
Two machines
costs $50/hour to run,X2
costs $80/hour to run. Goal is to minimize cost. -
requires 5 units of labor per hour.X2
requires 2 units of labor per hour. Total of 20 units of labor to spend. -
produces 10 units of output per hour.X2
produces 12 units of output per hour. Company needs at least 90 units of output.
Hard Constraints: Constraints that must be satisfied in a correct solution.
Soft Constraints: Constraints that express some notion of which solutions are preferred over others.
Unary Constraints: Constraint involving only one variable(A ≠ Monday).
Binary Constraints: Constraint involving two variables(A ≠ B).
An example of constraint satisfaction could be the problem of exam scheduling where you have a list of students, classes and exam days and we will need to figure out on what days to schedule exams for classes so that no student is taking two exams on the same day. Given students, classes, and exam days:
{1, 2, 3, 4}
{A, B, C, D, E, F, G}
Exam Days:
{Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday}
Such that:
Student | List of Classes |
1 | A, B, C |
2 | B, D, E |
3 | C, E, F |
4 | E, F, G |
We can come up with a constraint graph that models precisely this. A connection between nodes A and B signifies they cannot be on the same day. Nodes B and F, for example, can be on the same day because there is no connection between them(no student is taking both B and F).
Definition: When all the values in the variable's domain satisfy the variable's unary constraints.
Let's say students A and B can take on a domain of variables:
Constraints: {A ≠ Mon, B ≠ Tue, B ≠ Mon, A ≠ B}
For A to be node-consistent, we have to remove Mon from A's domain and then, the new domain({Tue, Wed}), satisfies A's unary constraints. Now for B, we would similarly have to remove Tue and Mon from B's domain so that it becomes node-consistent. Now, we've considered all the unary constraints but we have yet to consider the binary ones.
Definition: When all the values in the variable's domain satisfy the variable's binary constraints.
Concept: For X to be arc-consistent with respect to Y, remove elements from X's domain until every choice for X has a possible choice for Y.
After making A and B node-consistent, we ended with these values:
A : {Tue, Wed}
B : {Wed}
From the logic point of view, A is arc-consistent with B when B has a choice(that is consistent) with all values of A. In the above situation, when A takes on the value of Tue, B has a choice of Wed that doesn't violate the constraints. However, when A takes on the value of Wed, there is no possible choice for B to make that doesn't violate the constraints. If B were to take on Wed, it would violate A ≠ B. To fix this and make A arc-consistent with B, we would have to remove Wed from A's domain. Then, We can conclude that A = Tue, B = Wed.
For a single arc:
= constraint satisfaction problem
# Makes X arc-consistent with respect to Y
function Revise(csp, X, Y):
revised = false
# Loop through all possible values in X's domain
for x in X.domain:
# If no possible value y in Y's domain given x, delete x
if no y in Y.domain that satisifies constraint for (X, Y)
delete x from X.domain
revised = true
return revised
For entire CSP:
function AC-3(csp):
queue = all arcs in csp
while queue non-empty:
(X, Y) = DEQUEUE(queue)
if REVISE(csp, X, Y)
# If something was revised and X has no values left, the problem is unsolvable
if size of X.domain == 0:
return false
# If there are values in X, we want to make sure they are still arc-consistent after the revision
for each Z in X.neighbors - {Y}:
ENQUEUE(queue, (Z, X))
return true
Given this example:
Arc-consistency considers just two variables so it's quite easy to make all nodes here arc-consistent with their neighbors. This means AC-3
won't be able to solve this problem on its own but, we can use search algorithms along with it to do so.
- initial state: empty assignment (no variables)
- actions: add a {variable = value} to assignment
- transition model: shows how adding an assignment changes the assignment
- goal test: goal test: check if all variables assigned and constraints all satisfied
- path cost function: all paths have the same cost
The main idea of backtracking search is to assign variables values and if the var = value
assignment doesn't lead to any violations of the constraints, we can add it to the assignments. Then, call backtrack recursively on the new assignment to make sure all variables are consistent but if this call fails, that means var
can't be equal to value
. We would then remove it from the assignment and then move on to the next value in var
's domain.
function BACKTRACK(assignment, csp)
# If all variables have been assigned values, return assignment
if assignment complete:
return assignment
var = SELECT-UNASSIGNED-VAR(assignment, csp)
for value in DOMAIN-VALUES(var, assignment, csp):
# If the value doesn't cause an issue, add it to assignments as a possible value
if value consistent with assignment:
add {var = value} to assignment
# Call backtrack after the new (var, value) has been added. If there are no problems, return that result
result = BACKTRACK(assignment, csp)
if result ≠ failure:
return result
# If there was a problem that means var can't take on that value so remove it from assignment
remove {var = value} from assignment
Main idea: When we make a new assignment to X, calls AC-3 starting with a queue of all arcs(Y, X) where Y is a neighbor of X.
To improve the efficiency of how we solve these problems, we could go back to the idea of inference. In this algorithm, we enforce arc-consistency every time we make a new assignment to make sure we can eliminate values when possible. We can add this into the backtracking algorithm to get:
function BACKTRACK(assignment, csp)
# If all variables have been assigned values, return assignment
if assignment complete:
return assignment
var = SELECT-UNASSIGNED-VAR(assignment, csp)
for value in DOMAIN-VALUES(var, assignment, csp):
# If the value doesn't cause an issue, add it to assignments as a possible value
if value consistent with assignment:
add {var = value} to assignment
# INFERENCE: New things we can infer along with maintaining arc-consistency
inferences = INFERENCE(assignment, csp)
if inferences ≠ failure: add inferences to assignment
# Call backtrack after the new (var, value) has been added. If there are no problems, return that result
result = BACKTRACK(assignment, csp)
if result ≠ failure:
return result
# If there was a problem that means var can't take on that value so remove it from assignment along with all inferences
remove {var = value} and inferences from assignment
return failure
- Minimum remaining values (MRV) heuristic: select the variable that has the smallest domain
- Degree heuristic: select the variable that has the highest degree(
that has the highest connections).
- Least-constraining values heuristic: return variables in order by number of choices that are ruled out for neighboring variables
- Try least-constraining values first