📖 Upload as Material in Google Classroom:
- Slides (make a copy for your program - upload the copy)
- Coding Exercise(s)
📝 Upload as Assignment in Google Classroom (5 points):
- Exit Ticket (DO NOT MAKE A COPY - upload as link)
👋 Welcome & Do Now (5) :
- This section starts with a greeting and a brief activity to engage students and prepare them for the lesson's objectives, focusing on reviewing loops.
➰ forEach Loops (10) :
- This segment delves into the forEach loop, illustrating how it operates on each element of an array.
- It includes explanations, syntax, and examples to demonstrate how to implement forEach loops in practical scenarios.
✚ Create/Update/Add HTML (10) :
- Instruction on using:
- createElement to generate new HTML elements
- innerHTML for updating the content of these elements, and
- appendChild for adding them to the DOM.
- Each method is explained with its purpose, usage, and impact on web page dynamics.
🔄 Review (15) :
- A comprehensive review session that reinforces key concepts covered in the lesson.
- Ensure students have a solid understanding of loops and DOM manipulation.
👋 Exit Ticket & Closing (5)
- Direct students to the Exit Ticket in Google Classroom, ensuring all questions are answered.
- Summarize key takeaways, remind students to submit the exit ticket, and provide any closing remarks.
- n/a