- Install all dependencies for backend
pnpm i
- start local docker database (or use a free one like Supabase)
# you will of course have to install docker beforehand
docker compose up -d
- setup environment variables
# adjust the values as needed.
cp .env.example .env
- start the apps
pnpm dev
- setup environment variables
# adjust the values as needed.
cp .env.example .env
- ensure docker is installed
docker build . -t flatshare-backend
docker run -d --publish 3000:3000 --restart always flatshare-backend
the tests are currently mainly focused around the database functions used in the assignment scheduler.
as you probably dont want to run the tests against your main database, the tests are setup to run via a different .env file, e.g. .env.test
setup .env.test:
touch .env.test # content DB_PASSWORD=postgres://***
run the tests:
pnpm test # or pnpm test:watch for "hot-reloaded" tests