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Installation instructions for dweb-mirror development environment

See [] for more info

These documents are for people who want to work on code either for dweb-mirror or dweb-archive. For non developers see ./

Note these are currently tested on Mac OSX only, I would love someone to test on Linux and submit changes on the repo (or just send me a corrected version of this file)

Automatic Installation

The easiest way to install is to use ./, the installation script. If it fails on your platform, it should exit at the failing step, and you can edit it and run it again, and contribute your improvements.

curl -o- -L | bash

Manual Installation

This will depend on your platform but some hints.

You will need:

  • Node version 10 or later
  • Yarn version 1.0.0 or later
  • Git
  • Npm (the one installed by Node should be fine)

(The installer gets all these if missing)

It seems to help package updating etc if you install node-pre-gyp and cmake

sudo yarn add node-pre-gyp cmake

You'll need to clone the repositories from Git, use lerna and yarn to install them and then crosslink them.

This is non-trivial to get right which is why we built the installer !

  1. Clone the repositories
mkdir -p ~/git
cd ~/git
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone --branch mitra--release
  1. run yarn install
yarn --cwd dweb-transports install
yarn --cwd dweb-archivecontroller install
yarn --cwd epubjs-reader install
yarn --cwd bookreader install
yarn --cwd dweb-archive install
yarn --cwd dweb-mirror install
yarn --cwd iaux install
  1. iaux is a multi-repo and needs lerna run
yarn --cwd iaux run lerna bootstrap
yarn --cwd iaux run lerna link
  1. add each package repository to yarn's links, to make development changes accessible. If you already have these packages linked, change the steps appropriately.
yarn --cwd dweb-transports link
yarn --cwd dweb-archivecontroller link
yarn --cwd epubjs-reader link
yarn --cwd bookreader link
yarn --cwd iaux/packages/ia-components link
  1. tell yarn to use the linked development versions
yarn --cwd dweb-archive link @internetarchive/dweb-transports
yarn --cwd dweb-archive link epubjs-reader
yarn --cwd dweb-archive link @internetarchive/bookreader
yarn --cwd dweb-archive link @internetarchive/dweb-archivecontroller
yarn --cwd dweb-archive link @internetarchive/ia-components
yarn --cwd dweb-mirror link @internetarchive/dweb-transports
yarn --cwd dweb-mirror link epubjs-reader
yarn --cwd dweb-mirror link @internetarchive/bookreader
yarn --cwd dweb-mirror link @internetarchive/dweb-archivecontroller
  1. webpack repos to development versions
yarn --cwd dweb-transports run webpack --mode development
yarn --cwd dweb-archive run webpack --mode development
yarn --cwd epubjs-reader run grunt
  1. install http-server
yarn global add http-server

3. Edit configuration

If you are doing anything non-standard, then you'll need to create and edit a local configuration file. Otherwise the application will create it the first time its needed.

cd ~/git/dweb-mirror

cp ./dweb-mirror.config.yaml ${HOME} # Copy sample to your home directory and edit, 

and edit $HOME/dweb-mirror.config.yaml for now see configDefaults.yaml for inline documentation.

  • directories if you plan on using places other than any of those in dweb-mirror.config.yaml (/.data/archiveorg, and any USBs on Rachel3+, NOOBS or IIAB)
  • archiveui/directories you probably do not need to change this as it will usually guess right, but it points to the “dist” subdirectory of wherever dweb-archive is either cloned or installed by npm install.
  • apps.crawl includes a structure that lists what collections are to be installed, I suggest testing and then editing

Note that directories specified in the config file can be written using shell or unix conventions such as "~/" or "../".

4. Test browsing

  • From a command line:
cd ~/git/dweb-mirror && ./internetarchive --server &
  • starts the HTTP server
  • the startup is a little slow but you'll see some debugging when its live.
  • Try going to http://localhost:4244
  • Or from another machine: http://archive.local:4244 or http://<IP of your machine>:4244
  • open http://localhost:4244/details/prelinger?transport=HTTP&mirror=localhost:4244 to see the test crawl. If you don’t get a Archive UI then look at the server log (in console) to see for any “FAILING” log lines which indicate a problem

Expect to see errors in the Browser log for

Expect, on slower machines/networks, to see no images the first time, refresh after a little while and most should appear.

5. Test crawling

cd ~/git/dweb-mirror
./internetarchive --crawl

Without arguments, crawl will read a set of files into into the first (already existing) directory configured in ~/dweb-mirror.config.yaml or if there are none there, in ~/git/dweb-mirror/configDefaults.yaml.

Look in that directory, and there should be sub-directories appearing for each item, with metadata and/or thumbnails.

You can safely delete any of the crawled material and it will be re-fetched if needed.

6. IPFS (optional)

(Note IPFS is not currently being tested for dweb-mirror and this may not work)

Install IPFS, there are several strategies in that should at least cover your Mac, but it might need editing if you have an odd combinations.

cd ~/git/dweb-mirror

Now start the daemon, first time it initializes and configures a repo

start_ipfs daemon  & 

If it complains that 8080 is in use, then you missed editing start_ipfs and can fix this with

ipfs config Addresses.Gateway /ip4/
start_ipfs daemon &

Allow ipfs to start, once it says Daemon is ready, Ctrl-C out of it

In the future to update IPFS you can ...

cd ~/git/dweb-mirror && ./

should update it.

7. Auto-starting

On Mac OSX

TODO - this doesnt appear to work on OSX, and needs investigation

If you want the server to start automatically when the mac boots. Run the following commands in a terminal window

Edit org.archive.mirror.plist and change the line ${HOME}/node_modules/@internetarchive/dweb-mirror/internetarchive to ${HOME}/git/dweb-mirror/internetarchive or wherever you have installed dweb-mirror to be the path to "internetarchive"

sudo cp ~/git/dweb-mirror/org.archive.mirror.plist /Library/LaunchAgents/org.archive.mirror.plist
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/org.archive.mirror.plist

Restart your machine and check that http://localhost:4244 still works.

On Linux

Some variation of the code in ./ will be needed, this hasn't been tested as for development we always run the server manually in the debugger,

8. Making changes

You can make changes in the UI in dweb-archive, iaux/packages/ia-components, bookreader or dweb-archive-controller then:

cd dweb-archive ; webpack --mode development -w &

This will watch for changes so that any edits you make are immediately reflected on either of the servers and testable with a browser page reload

If you make change to dweb-transports:

cd dweb-transports ; webpack --mode development -w &

If you make changes to dweb-mirror, then ctrl-C out of the server and restart it.

cd dweb-mirror ; ./internetarchive -sc &

9. Running without dweb-mirror e.g. to develop in dweb-transports

To run without dweb-mirror,

cd ~/git/dweb-archive/dist

This will run a local server that can be accessed at


The code will be run from your local server, but will access content at

FUTURE: Updating dweb-mirror for a developer

cd ~

Should update all the packages from the GIT repo's and re-install, and is fairly quick if nothing much has changed.