From the imp/
directory, initialize the project with the command:
make while
Implement a simple imperative language with the following abstract syntax:
type ide = string
type expr =
| True
| False
| Var of string
| Const of int
| Not of expr
| And of expr * expr
| Or of expr * expr
| Add of expr * expr
| Sub of expr * expr
| Mul of expr * expr
| Eq of expr * expr
| Leq of expr * expr
type cmd =
| Skip
| Assign of string * expr
| Seq of cmd * cmd
| If of expr * cmd * cmd
| While of expr * cmd
Use the following types to represent the values of expressions, and the configurations of the small-step semantics:
type exprval = Bool of bool | Nat of int (* value of an expression *)
type state = ide -> exprval (* state = map from identifiers to expression values *)
type conf = St of state | Cmd of cmd * state (* configuration = state | (command,state) *)
Refer to the tests for the concrete syntax of the language. For instance, the Euclid algorithm for computing the GCD can be written as follows:
while not a=b do (
if not a<=b then a:=a-b
else b:=b-a
Define the semantics of expressions in a big-step style:
eval_expr : state -> expr -> exprval
Define the semantics of commands in a small-step style:
trace1 : conf -> conf
The function trace1
can raise one of the following types of exceptions:
exception UnboundVar of string
exception NoRuleApplies
The exception UnboundVar
is raised when trying to access a variable
which has not been initialized, as in the following command:
y := x+1
Instead, the exception NoRuleApplies
is raised when the configuration
can no longer be reduced, i.e. it is already in state tagged St
Finally, define a function:
trace : int -> cmd -> conf list
such that trace n c
performs n steps of the small-step semantics
of the command c.
The small-step semantics of commands can be described by the following inference rules, where ==>
models the big-step evaluation of expressions and -->
models the small-step relation itself.
---------------------------- [Skip]
Cmd (skip, st) --> St st
st |- e ==> v
--------------------------------------- [Assign]
Cmd (x := e, st) --> St st[x |-> v]
Cmd (c1, st) --> St st'
------------------------------------- [Seq_St]
Cmd (c1;c2, st) --> Cmd (c2, st')
Cmd (c1, st) --> Cmd (c1', st')
----------------------------------------- [Seq_Cmd]
Cmd (c1;c2, st) --> Cmd (c1';c2, st')
st |- e ==> false
--------------------------------------------------- [If_False]
Cmd (if e then c1 else c2, st) --> Cmd (c2, st)
st |- e ==> true
--------------------------------------------------- [If_True]
Cmd (if e then c1 else c2, st) --> Cmd (c1, st)
st |- e ==> false
------------------------------------ [While_False]
Cmd (while e do c, st) --> St st
st |- e ==> true
-------------------------------------------------------- [While_True]
Cmd (while e do c, st) --> Cmd (c; while e do c, st)
st[x |-> v]
is notation for "x
bound to v
on top of st
", meaning that you must extend the state function with an additional binding mapping the string x
to the exprval v
Therefore, you need to implement an auxiliary function:
bind : state -> ide -> exprval -> state
such that bind st x v
yields the state st[x |-> v]
This is a bit tricky to implement, because the values of state
are functions. You can use the hint below if you can't figure it out by yourself.
Hint (click to reveal)
let bind st x v : state = fun y -> if x = y then v else st y
The initial state, from which all computations start, is the state with no
bindings at all. We call this state bottom
bottom : state
You will need bottom
for the implementation of trace
You will need two different parser rules to parse commands and expressions.
We suggest starting with expressions: reuse the expression syntax and semantics of arithexpr and modify it to fit the new expr
type. In particular, our new expressions must handle variables, integer constants and comparison operators.
Once you've fully implemented expressions, begin modelling the commands: add the new keywords to the lexer and tell the parser how to parse commands.
The start rule of the parser, which we have always called prog
, must yield ASTs of type cmd
You will probably have trouble with precedences. Menhir warn you of the presence of conflicts like this:
Warning: 2 states have shift/reduce conflicts.
Warning: 2 shift/reduce conflicts were arbitrarily resolved.
But it doesn't really help that much! It doesn't tell us which particular tokens are causing the conflicts. The following command often helps overcome this issue:
menhir --explain lib/parser.mly
This command will create a file parser.conflicts
under lib. Have a look at it. Here are a few lines of what I get:
** Conflict (shift/reduce) in state 39.
** Token involved: SEQ
** This state is reached from prog after reading:
WHILE expr DO cmd
[bla bla...]
** In state 39, looking ahead at SEQ, shifting is permitted
** because of the following sub-derivation:
WHILE expr DO cmd
cmd . SEQ cmd
** In state 39, looking ahead at SEQ, reducing production
** cmd -> WHILE expr DO cmd
** is permitted because of the following sub-derivation:
cmd SEQ cmd // lookahead token appears
WHILE expr DO cmd .
Basically, it's trying to tell us that it doesn't know what to do when parsing a program involving a sequence and a while command. Do we put the sequence under the while or vice versa? For a concrete example, the program:
while 0 <= x do x := x - 1; skip
can mean either:
while 0 <= x do (x := x - 1; skip)
(while 0 <= x do x := x - 1); skip
A similar problem arises between if-then-else and sequences. These conflicts can be solved in one of two ways:
- Assigning the right precedence to the tokens for
; - Adding parentheses to the command syntax.
Since the test programs use parentheses, follow the second approach.