Using Amazon Braket, as they provided us access to quantum computing technologies from multiple quantum hardware providers, including superconducting, trapped ion, neutral-atom, and photonic quantum computers. Learn more about these quantum hardware providers below.
: IonQ trapped-ion quantum computers are universal, gate-based machines using ionized ytterbium atoms. Two internal states of these identical atoms make up the qubits. The execution of computational tasks is accomplished by programming the sequence of laser pulses used to implement each quantum gate operation.
: Oxford Quantum Circuits (OQC) quantum computers are universal, gate-based machines based on superconducting qubits built using proprietary ‘Coaxmon’ technology. The Coaxmon design has a scalable, three-dimensional architecture that introduces the qubit control electronics perpendicular to the plane of the qubits.
:QuEra quantum computers are based on Rydberg atom qubits, which utilize internal states of individual Rubidium atoms that are trapped and manipulated using laser beams. QuEra quantum computers can simulate the behavior of other quantum systems through analog Hamiltonian simulation.
:Rigetti quantum processors are universal, gate-based machines based on superconducting qubits. The Rigetti Aspen series of chips feature tileable lattices of alternating, fixed-frequency and tunable superconducting qubits within a scalable architecture.
: Xanadu’s quantum computers are based on quantum photonics and use quantum light sources that emit squeezed-light pulses to support continuous-variable quantum computing, a paradigm that uses continuous quantum states known as qumodes. The Borealis device implements a specific protocol known as Gaussian Boson Sampling (GBS).