Shared config for Travis CI for IIPC.
This set-up follows the general example given here, but extended to ensure snapshots are not deployed for pull-request builds.
In short Travis allow you to use secure environment variables to safely pass credentials to the build. That system also allows you to distinguish pull requests from normal builds, which is used here to avoid deploying snapshots unnecessarily.
language: java jdk: - oraclejdk7 before_install: "git clone target/travis" before_script: - "echo $JAVA_OPTS" - "export JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx1024m" - "echo $JAVA_OPTS" script: "target/travis/" # whitelist branches: only: - master env: global: - secure: "qDKjVdoe4Qcz4WfXiQydU7tyl51T62FUJrjqu4FUPBcgeQhFQiggwhpaE6xCOzOpxbsuBi2R1c8gMQf5esE5iDL5jZMu+kz++dYbuzMTd13ttvZWMW5wRPH0H8iHk609FP/RDtVKKBr7WO0JvvIAZEhWNHZrLXBrrKgdTey171g=" - secure: "FXGBKJNP9X7ePJfS4eYTZtoFo4RT1sxor34XxncSJr7uV6ggtZb4B4WNd16IlLcDk6E32sx8YoWdltaOGwQ5Vg/kux5Ko/wKZCoccS018Ln1bRT86dD1KoPY34rGoNJVQxe7J/1MPqpBKwmi2XCKfzpsEh3W7bbIqg8w9MEOOZA="