You need to have ikarus, bher, and scheme-tools set up on your system. [bpm-dir]
is the absolute path for the bayesian program merging directory e.g. /home/ih/bpm/
(it is important to have the trailing '/'). [bher dir]
is the absolute path for the bher directory, e.g., /home/ih/bher-read-only/
Apply modifications to Bher:
Change into the factor-graphics directory:
cd [bpm-dir]
python "[bher-dir]" "[bpm-dir]"
Adjust path variables: Add
PATH=$PATH:[bher dir]:.
andIKARUS_LIBRARY_PATH=[bpm-dir]/scheme:[scheme-tools dir]:[bher dir]:.
to your .bashrc file.
To see if everything works you can do the following
cd [bpm-dir]/church/tests
Due to path issues, you currently have to run bher from the directory containing the church file being run if it uses eval.