Defines the known leaf values
public enum Leaf : uint
name | value | description |
BasicInformation | 0 |
Highest Function Parameter and Manufacturer ID |
ProcessorInfoAndFeatures | 1 |
Processor Info and Feature Bits |
CacheInformation | 2 |
Cache and TLB Descriptor information |
ProcessorSerialNumber | 3 |
Processor Serial Number |
DeterministicCacheParameters | 4 |
Processor Serial Number |
MonitorAndMwaitFeatures | 5 |
MONITOR and MWAIT Features |
ThermalAndPowerManagementFeatures | 6 |
Thermal and Power Management Features |
ExtendedFeatures | 7 |
Extended Features |
DirectCacheAccessInformation | 9 |
Direct Cache Access Information |
ArchitecturalPerformanceMonitoringFeatures | 10 |
Architectural Performance Monitoring Features |
ExtendedTopologyInformation | 11 |
Extended Topology Information |
ProcessorExtendedStatesInformation | 13 |
Processor Extended States Enumeration Information |
ResourceDirectorTechnologyMonitoring | 15 |
Intel Resource Director Technology (Intel RDT) Monitoring Enumeration Information |
ResourceDirectorTechnologyAllocation | 16 |
Intel Resource Director Technology (Intel RDT) Allocation Enumeration Information |
Sgx | 18 |
Intel SGX Enumeration Information |
ProcessorTraceEnumerationInformation | 20 |
Intel Processor Trace Enumeration Information |
TimeStampCounterAndNominalCoreCrystalClock | 21 |
Time Stamp Counter and Nominal Core Crystal Clock Information |
ProcessorFrequencyInformation | 22 |
Processor Frequency Information |
SystemOnChipInformation | 23 |
System-On-Chip Information |
HighestExtendedFunctionImplemented | 2147483648 |
Highest Extended Function Implemented |
ExtendedProcessorInfoAndFeatures | 2147483649 |
Extended Processor Info and Feature Bits |
ProcessorBrandString | 2147483650 |
Processor Brand String |
ProcessorBrandString1 | 2147483651 |
Processor Brand String |
ProcessorBrandString2 | 2147483652 |
Processor Brand String |
L1CacheAndTlbIdentifiers | 2147483653 |
L1 Cache and TLB Identifiers |
ExtendedL2CacheFeatures | 2147483654 |
Extended L2 Cache Features |
AdvancedPowerManagement | 2147483655 |
Advanced Power Management Information |
VirtualAndPhysicalAddressSizes | 2147483656 |
Advanced Power Management InformationVirtual and Physical address Sizes |
AmdEasterEgg | 2415919103 |
AMD Easter Egg |
- namespace iTin.Hardware.Specification.Cpuid