i18next comes with a lot of modules to enhance the features available. There are modules to:
- load resources, eg. via xhr or from filesystem (node.js)
- cache resources on client, eg. localStorage
- detect user language by querystring, navigator, cookie, ...
- post processors to further manipulate values, eg. to add sprintf support
The plugins need to support following APIs:
HINT: You can provide a singleton or a prototype constructor (prefered for supporting multiple instances of i18next).
Backend plugins are used to load data for i18next.
type: 'backend',
init: function(services, backendOptions, i18nextOptions) {
/* use services and options */
read: function(language, namespace, callback) {
/* return resources */
callback(null, {
key: 'value'
/* if method fails/returns an error, call this: */
/* callback(truthyValue, null); */
// or new since i18next v22.1.0
// read: function(language, namespace) {
// return new Promise((resolve) => {
// resolve({
// key: 'value'
// })
// })
// },
// optional
readMulti: function(languages, namespaces, callback) {
/* return multiple resources - useful eg. for bundling loading in one xhr request */
callback(null, {
en: {
translations: {
key: 'value'
de: {
translations: {
key: 'value'
/* if method fails/returns an error, call this: */
/* callback(truthyValue, null); */
// or new since i18next-multiload-backend-adapter v2.1.0
// readMulti: function(languages, namespaces) {
// return new Promise((resolve) => {
// resolve({
// en: {
// translations: {
// key: 'value'
// }
// },
// de: {
// translations: {
// key: 'value'
// }
// }
// })
// })
// },
// only used in backends acting as cache layer
save: function(language, namespace, data) {
// store the translations
create: function(languages, namespace, key, fallbackValue) {
/* save the missing translation */
{% hint style="info" %}
Using readMulti
is only supported when using the https://github.com/i18next/i18next-multiload-backend-adapter
{% endhint %}
Language Detector plugins are used to detect language in user land.
type: 'languageDetector',
async: true, // If this is set to true, your detect function receives a callback function that you should call with your language, useful to retrieve your language stored in AsyncStorage for example
init: function(services, detectorOptions, i18nextOptions) { // optional since v22.3.0
/* use services and options */
detect: function(callback) { // You'll receive a callback if you passed async true
/* return detected language */
// callback('de'); if you used the async flag
return 'de';
// or new since v22.3.0
// detect: async function () { // you can also return a normal Promise
// /* return detected language */
// return 'de';
// // or
// // return Promise.resolve('de')
// },
cacheUserLanguage: function(lng) { // optional since v22.3.0
/* cache language */
// or new since v22.3.0, but i18next will not await for it... so it's basically a fire and forget
// cacheUserLanguage: async function(lng) {
// /* await cache language */
// }
Post Processors are used to extend or manipulate the translated values before returning them in t
(Post Processors do not need to be prototype functions)
type: 'postProcessor',
name: 'nameOfProcessor',
process: function(value, key, options, translator) {
/* return manipulated value */
return value;
Override the built in console logger.
(loggers do not need to be prototype functions)
type: 'logger',
log: function(args) {},
warn: function(args) {},
error: function(args) {}
If you do not set the plugin type, you may get an error like this.
... No [plugin type] was added via i18next.use. Will not load resources.
If you are creating a class for your plugin, you may set the type like in the following example (the following is an example if you are making a backend plugin):
class Backend {
constructor(services, backendOptions, i18nextOptions){
// other required methods;
// ie. read, create, etc.
Backend.type = "backend";
export default Backend;
The constructor of your plugin (if the plugin is of type backend
or languageDetector
) will be called without arguments if you use the plugin as a class. Using the plugin as a class looks like this:
import i18n from "i18next";
import {
} from "react-i18next";
import i18nBackend from "my-custom-backend";
backend: {
// custom options
// other options
While using your plugin in this way, you may want to validate the options
passed into the backend property of the .init
method. A good way to validate them is to have a private method where you initialize your plugin.
class Backend {
constructor(services, backendOptions = {}, i18nextOptions = {}){
this.init(services, backendOptions, i18nextOptions);
init(services, backendOptions, i18nextOptions){
// Validate backendOptions
// other required methods;
// ie. read, create, etc.
Backend.type = "backend";
export default Backend;