This is the documentation for the MakeHuman Plugin for Blender (MPFB).
If you just want to get up and running quickly, see the quick start guide.
New users will want to start with reading the following:
- What is MPFB?: A general introduction to what MPFB is and what it is capable of.
- FAQ: Some frequently asked questions about MPFB.
- Installing MPFB: Instructions on how to install the MakeHuman Plugin for Blender.
There are three main ways of getting/creating a human object:
- Create from scratch: Set up a new project for modeling
- Load preset: Load a preset
- Import from MakeHuman: Import a character from MakeHuman
The instruction on how to reshape the human character can be found in the modeling section. Note that modeling is only open for characters created within MPFB, ie not for characters imported from MakeHuman.
Before adding features such as clothes, you will normally want to set up rigging.
You can add body parts (such as teeth, hair, eyebrows...), set skin and manages clothes in the asset library.
Users who are already familiar with MPFB might be interested in the change log.
The following is functionality for creating MakeHuman assets, such as textures or clothes:
- MakeSkin: A tool for creating MakeHuman texture files (MHMAT) for both clothes and the body.