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How to install VMware Workstation Player on Windows 10

(ref: VMware - Official Site)

Go to downloads and select Open Source. Scroll down to Desktop & End-User Computing and select VMware Player.

Download VMware Workstation Player 15.5.6.

After the file is downloaded, restart your computer and open your from downloads: VMware-player-15.5.6.exe

Proceed with the guidelines given:

  1. Accept the terms in the Licence Agreement
  2. Mark the Enchanced Keyboard Driver
  3. Press install and finish.

Wmware-player installation complete!

How to install Linux system on Vmware-player(need to enable VT-x from BIOS)


From the link, download your preferred linux system. In this case Linux Mint is used.

  1. VMware - setup

After downloading, open your WMware-player.

  • Select the Create a New Virtual Machine option
  • Select Custom (advanced) type configuration
  • Select I will install the operating system later
  • Select a Guest operating System :Linux and Version Ubuntu 64-bit
  • Name your Virtual machine (Linux Mint) and select it`s location
  • Maximize number of processors and storage
  • Create a new virtual disk
  • Store virtual disk as a single file
  • In processors select Virtualize Intel VT -x/EPT
  • In New CD/DVD (SATA) select Use ISO image file and open with your linuxmint.iso disk
  • Press Finish

Your Linux Mint should now be ready, you can test by running it using Power on this virtual machine

  1. Linux Mint - setup
  • Select Start Linux Mint in the startup window
  • On the desktop press the Install Linux Mint disc
  • Installation type: `Erase disk and install Linux Mint

After some minutes, a window saying installation has finished should pop up. Press Restart Now

Linux Mint installation complete!

How to install OpenFOAM on ubuntu

(ref: The OpenFOAM Foundation)

Go to downloads select OpenFOAM v8.

OpenFOAM can be simply installed for the first time using the apt package management tool.

  1. Copy and paste the following in a terminal prompt:

    sudo sh -c "wget -O - | apt-key add -"
    sudo add-apt-repository
  2. Update the apt package list to account the new download repository location:

    sudo apt-get update
  3. Install OpenFOAM:

    sudo apt-get -y install openfoam6

OpenFOAM 6 and ParaView 5.6.0 are now installed in the /opt directory.

After the installation, add the following to the end of the file "~/.bashrc":

alias of6="source /opt/openfoam6/etc/bashrc"

OpenFOAM installation complete!

How to install Code_Aster


In order to install Code_Aster you need to install certain prerequisites by inserting the following in a terminal prompt:

sudo apt-get install gcc g++ gfortran cmake python3 python3-dev python3-numpy tk tcl bison flex liblapack-dev libblas-dev libopenblas-dev libboost-python-dev libboost-numpy-dev zlib1g-dev nedit geany vim ddd
sudo apt-get install checkinstall openmpi-bin libx11-dev grace gettext libboost-all-dev swig libsuperlu-dev

You can check if the prerequisites are installed by using synaptic and search for a specific:

sudo synaptic

If the colour is green in the box, the software is installed. If not, you can mark the box and press Apply.

When all the prerequisites are installed you can proceed with the installation of Code_Aster.

  1. Installation of Code_Aster

From main menu, press DOWNLOAD and select Code_Aster. For non-commercial usage you should select the stable version.

Code_Aster is installed by inserting:

sudo python3 install --prefix=/opt/aster144
  1. After the build complete, to make host file for parallel calculation. (Write the description to the mpi_hostfile):
echo "$HOSTNAME cpu=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l)" > /opt/aster/etc/codeaster/mpi_hostfile

add the following to the end of the file "~/.bashrc"

After the installation, add the following to the end of the file "~/.bashrc":

alias aster144="source /opt/aster144/etc/bashrc"

Code_Aster installation complete!

How to install Salome-Meca


  1. Installation

From main menu, press DOWNLOAD and select Salome-Meca.

  • Uncompress the file and launch the install:
tar xvf Salome-Meca-2017.0.2-LGPL-2.tgz && ./

Select language English/French and proceed.

To launch Salome-Meca:

cd appli_V2017.0.2

Salome-Meca installation complete!