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Feature File Documentation

Heidi M. Sosik edited this page Oct 16, 2016 · 18 revisions

v2 Feature File Content Description


Fea v2 label Description Units Additional resources
roi_number Region of interest (ROI) number, consecutive from original data acquisition NA
Area cross-sectional area of largest contiguous blob in ROI squared pixels MATLAB regionprops function
Biovolume volume estimate for the largest blob, assuming cross-sections in the third dimension are locally circular (solid of revolution for simple shapes; distance map based for complex shapes) cubed pixels Moberg and Sosik 2012; doi: 10.4319/lom.2012.10.278
BoundingBox_xwidth dimension along the x-axis of the smallest rectangle containing the largest blob pixels MATLAB regionprops function
BoundingBox_ywidth dimension along the y-axis of the smallest rectangle containing the largest blob pixels MATLAB regionprops function
ConvexArea area of the smallest convex polygon that can contain the largest blob (area of the convex hull) squared pixels MATLAB regionprops function
ConvexPerimeter perimeter of the smallest convex polygon that can contain the largest blob pixels MATLAB regionprops function; computed from ConvexHull
Eccentricity eccentricity of the ellipse that has the same second-moments as the largest blob (0 = circle, 1 = line segment) dimension- less MATLAB regionprops function
EquivDiameter diameter of circle with same area as largest blob pixels MATLAB regionprops function
Extent area divided by the area of the bounding box pixels MATLAB regionprops function
FeretDiameter INCORRECTLY computed in v2; maximum distance between any two points along the boundary of the largest blob ("caliper diameter") pixels MATLAB regionprops function; computed from ConvexHull
H180 Hausdorff distance (measure of how far two subsets of a space are from each other) between the largest blob and itself after rotation by 180 degrees along the major axis pixels HausdorffDist.m by Z. Danziger; MathWorks File Exchange;
H90 Hausdorff distance (measure of how far two subsets of a space are from each other) between the largest blob and itself after rotation by 90 degrees along the major axis pixels HausdorffDist.m by Z. Danziger; MathWorks File Exchange;
Hflip Hausdorff distance (measure of how far two subsets of a space are from each other) between the largest blob and itself after reflection across the major axis pixels HausdorffDist.m by Z. Danziger; MathWorks File Exchange;
MajorAxisLength length of the major axis of the ellipse that has the same normalized second central moment as the region pixels MATLAB regionprops function
MinorAxisLength length of the minor axis of the ellipse that has the same normalized second central moment as the region pixels MATLAB regionprops function
Orientation angle between the x-axis and the major axis of the ellipse that has the same second-moments as the blob degrees MATLAB regionprops function
Perimeter distance around the boundary of the largest blob pixels MATLAB regionprops function
RWcenter2total _powerratio
Solidity proportion of the pixels in its convex hull that are also in the largest blob (Area/ConvexArea) dimension- less MATLAB regionprops function
moment_invariant1 first moment invariant (invariant to scale, translation, and rotation) for shape indication DIPUM function invmoments;
moment_invariant2 second moment invariant (invariant to scale, translation, and rotation) for shape indication, computed for the largest blob DIPUM function invmoments; D27
moment_invariant3 third moment invariant (invariant to scale, translation, and rotation) for shape indication, computed for the largest blob DIPUM function invmoments;
moment_invariant4 fourth moment invariant (invariant to scale, translation, and rotation) for shape indication, computed for the largest blob DIPUM function invmoments;
moment_invariant5 fifth moment invariant (invariant to scale, translation, and rotation) for shape indication, computed for the largest blob DIPUM function invmoments;
moment_invariant6 sixth moment invariant (invariant to scale, translation, and rotation) for shape indication, computed for the largest blob DIPUM function invmoments;
moment_invariant7 seventh moment invariant (invariant to scale, translation, and rotation) for shape indication, , computed for the largest blob DIPUM function invmoments;
numBlobs number of separate connected blobs in ROI NA
shapehist_kurtosis _normEqD
shapehist_mean _normEqD
shapehist_median _normEqD
shapehist_mode _normEqD
shapehist_skewness _normEqD
summedArea Area summed for all blobs squared pixels MATLAB regionprops function
summedBiovolume Biovolume summed for all blobs cubed pixels MATLAB regionprops function
summedConvexArea ConvexArea summed for all blobs squared pixels MATLAB regionprops function
summedConvex Perimeter ConvexPerimeter summed for all blobs pixels MATLAB regionprops function
summedFeret Diameter INCORRECTLY computed in v2; FeretDiameter summed for all+ blobs pixels MATLAB regionprops function; computed from ConvexHull
summedMajorAxis Length MajorAxisLength summed for all blobs pixels MATLAB regionprops function
summedMinorAxis Length MinorAxisLength summed for all blobs pixels MATLAB regionprops function
summedPerimeter Perimeter summed for all blobs pixels MATLAB regionprops function
texture_average _contrast Average contrast of pixel gray levels inside blob after brightness adjustment so that 1% of pixels are saturated high and low MATLAB imadjust function; DIPUM statxture function,
texture_average _gray_level Average gray level of pixels inside blob after brightness adjustment so that 1% of pixels are saturated high and low NA MATLAB imadjust function; DIPUM statxture function,
texture_entropy Entropy (measure of randomness) of pixel gray levels inside blob after brightness adjustment so that 1% of pixels are saturated high and low MATLAB imadjust function; DIPUM statxture function,
texture_smoothness Smoothness measure of pixel gray levels inside blob after brightness adjustment so that 1% of pixels are saturated high and low MATLAB imadjust function; DIPUM statxture function,
texture_third_moment Normalized third moment pixel gray levels inside blob after brightness adjustment so that 1% of pixels are saturated high and low MATLAB imadjust function; DIPUM statxture function,
texture_uniformity Uniformity measure of pixel gray levels inside blob after brightness adjustment so that 1% of pixels are saturated high and low MATLAB imadjust function; DIPUM statxture function,
RotatedArea Area of largest blob after rotation to align major axis along x-axis squared pixels MATLAB regionprops function
RotatedBoundingBox _xwidth dimension along the x-axis of the smallest rectangle containing the largest blob after rotation to align major axis along x-axis pixels MATLAB regionprops function
RotatedBoundingBox _ywidth dimension along the y-axis of the smallest rectangle containing the largest blob after rotation to align major axis along x-axis pixels MATLAB regionprops function
Wedge01 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge02 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge03 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge04 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge05 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge06 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge07 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge08 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge09 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge10 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge11 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge12 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge13 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge14 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge15 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge16 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge17 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge18 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge19 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge20 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge21 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge22 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge23 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge24 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge25 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge26 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge27 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge28 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge29 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge30 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge31 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge32 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge33 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge34 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge35 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge36 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge37 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge38 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge39 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge40 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge41 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge42 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge43 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge44 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge45 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge46 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge47 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Wedge48 relative power in sequential radial wedge in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring01 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring02 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring03 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring04 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring05 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring06 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring07 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring08 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring09 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring10 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring11 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring12 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring13 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring14 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring15 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring16 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring17 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring18 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring19 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring20 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring21 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring22 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring23 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring24 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring25 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring26 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring27 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring28 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring29 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring30 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring31 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring32 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring33 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring34 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring35 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring36 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring37 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring38 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring39 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring40 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring41 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring42 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring43 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring44 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring45 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring46 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring47 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring48 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring49 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
Ring50 relative power in sequential concentric ring in frequency space (2-D FFT) for blob image dimension- less
HOG01 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG02 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG03 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG04 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG05 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG06 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG07 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG08 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG09 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG10 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG11 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG12 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG13 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG14 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG15 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG16 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG17 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG18 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG19 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG20 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG21 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG22 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG23 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG24 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG25 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG26 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG27 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG28 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG29 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG30 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG31 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG32 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG33 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG34 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG35 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG36 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG37 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG38 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG39 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG40 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG41 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG42 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG43 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG44 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG45 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG46 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG47 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG48 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG49 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG50 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG51 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG52 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG53 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG54 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG55 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG56 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG57 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG58 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG59 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG60 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG61 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG62 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG63 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG64 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG65 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG66 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG67 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG68 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG69 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG70 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG71 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG72 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG73 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG74 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG75 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG76 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG77 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG78 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG79 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG80 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
HOG81 sequential element of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (shape feature descriptors) for ROI HOG.m by O. Ludwig; MathWorks File Exchange;
Area_over _PerimeterSquared
summedConvex Perimeter _over_Perimeter
rotated_BoundingBox _solidity