The lender may preemptively call updateCommitment
function to modify the commitment that is about to be accepted
The lender may preemptively call updateCommitment
function to modify the commitment that is about to be accepted
File: LenderCommitmentForwarder.sol
303 function acceptCommitment(
304 uint256 _commitmentId,
305 uint256 _principalAmount,
306 uint256 _collateralAmount,
307 uint256 _collateralTokenId,
308 address _collateralTokenAddress,
309 uint16 _interestRate,
310 uint32 _loanDuration
311 ) external returns (uint256 bidId) {
312 address borrower = _msgSender();
314 Commitment storage commitment = commitments[_commitmentId];
316 //make sure the commitment data adheres to required specifications and limits
317 validateCommitment(commitment);
319 //the collateral token of the commitment should be the same as the acceptor expects
320 require(
321 _collateralTokenAddress == commitment.collateralTokenAddress,
322 "Mismatching collateral token"
323 );
324 //the interest rate must be at least as high has the commitment demands. The borrower can use a higher interest rate although that would not be beneficial to the borrower.
325 require(
326 _interestRate >= commitment.minInterestRate,
327 "Invalid interest rate"
328 );
329 //the loan duration must be less than the commitment max loan duration. The lender who made the commitment expects the money to be returned before this window.
330 require(
331 _loanDuration <= commitment.maxDuration,
332 "Invalid loan max duration"
333 );
335 require(
336 commitmentBorrowersList[_commitmentId].length() == 0 ||
337 commitmentBorrowersList[_commitmentId].contains(borrower),
338 "unauthorized commitment borrower"
339 );
340 //require that the borrower accepting the commitment cannot borrow more than the commitments max principal
341 if (_principalAmount > commitment.maxPrincipal) {
342 revert InsufficientCommitmentAllocation({
343 allocated: commitment.maxPrincipal,
344 requested: _principalAmount
345 });
346 }
348 uint256 requiredCollateral = getRequiredCollateral(
349 _principalAmount,
350 commitment.maxPrincipalPerCollateralAmount,
351 commitment.collateralTokenType,
352 commitment.collateralTokenAddress,
353 commitment.principalTokenAddress
354 );
356 if (_collateralAmount < requiredCollateral) {
357 revert InsufficientBorrowerCollateral({
358 required: requiredCollateral,
359 actual: _collateralAmount
360 });
361 }
363 //ERC721 assets must have a quantity of 1
364 if (
365 commitment.collateralTokenType == CommitmentCollateralType.ERC721 ||
366 commitment.collateralTokenType ==
367 CommitmentCollateralType.ERC721_ANY_ID
368 ) {
369 require(
370 _collateralAmount == 1,
371 "invalid commitment collateral amount for ERC721"
372 );
373 }
375 //ERC721 and ERC1155 types strictly enforce a specific token Id. ERC721_ANY and ERC1155_ANY do not.
376 if (
377 commitment.collateralTokenType == CommitmentCollateralType.ERC721 ||
378 commitment.collateralTokenType == CommitmentCollateralType.ERC1155
379 ) {
380 require(
381 commitment.collateralTokenId == _collateralTokenId,
382 "invalid commitment collateral tokenId"
383 );
384 }
386 bidId = _submitBidFromCommitment(
387 borrower,
388 commitment.marketId,
389 commitment.principalTokenAddress,
390 _principalAmount,
391 commitment.collateralTokenAddress,
392 _collateralAmount,
393 _collateralTokenId,
394 commitment.collateralTokenType,
395 _loanDuration,
396 _interestRate
397 );
399 _acceptBid(bidId, commitment.lender);
401 _decrementCommitment(_commitmentId, _principalAmount);
403 emit ExercisedCommitment(
404 _commitmentId,
405 borrower,
406 _principalAmount,
407 bidId
408 );
409 }
When the borrower calls acceptCommitment
function, it will verify the minimum principal, maximum collateral and other information, but does not verify whether the marketId is the same as expected. As a result, malicious borrowers can call updateCommitment
function to modify marketId in advance.
marketId affects the loan actually received by the borrower, for example, different marketId means different marketplace fee.
Manual Review
It is recommended to check whether the marketId is expected in acceptCommitment