Prerequisites • Exercise 1 • Exercise 1.1 • Exercise 2 • Exercise 3 • Exercise 4 • Exercise 5
In order to be able to solve the exercises described in this tutorial a software development environment with git, Java 11, Maven 3.8, Docker, docker-compose, a Java IDE like Eclipse or IntelliJ, a BPMN Editor like the Camunda Modeler a and minimum 16GB of RAM is needed.
git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
- An installation guide for Linux, Mac and Windows can be found here: installation guide
- The most basic git CLI commands are described here: commands
Processes for the DSF are written using the Java programming language in version 11. Various open source releases of the Java Developer Kit (JDK) 11 exist, you are free in your choice.
When implementing DSF processes, we use Maven 3.8 to manage the software project's build, reporting and documentation workflow.
- An installation guide for Maven 3.8 can be found here: installation guide
- The most important maven commands are described here: commands
In order to download DSF packages from the GitHub Package Registry using Maven you need a personal GitHub access token with scope read:packages
. This GitHub documentation shows you how to generate one.
After that, add the following server
configuration to your local .m2/settings.xml
. Replace USERNAME
with your GitHub username and TOKEN
with the previously generated personal GitHub access token. The token needs at least the read:packages
<settings xmlns=""
To be able to test the implemented processes, we use a test-setup based on Docker and docker-compose. This allows us to simulate multiple organizations with different roles and run the processes across "organizational boundaries".
- An installation guide for Docker and docker-compose can be found here: installation guide
- The most important Docker commands are described here: Docker commands
- An overview of docker-compose commands are described here: docker-compose commands
The following entries are required in the hosts
file of your computer so that the FHIR servers of the simulated organizations can be accessed in your web browser. On Linux and Mac this file is located at /etc/hosts
. On Windows you can find it at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
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For the development of the processes we recommend the use of an IDE, e.g. Eclipse or IntelliJ:
- An installation guide for Eclipse can be found here: Eclipse installation guide
- An installation guide for IntelliJ can be found here: IntelliJ installation guide
To simplify modeling of BPMN processes, we recommend a graphical editor, e.g. the Camunda Modeler:
- An installation guide for the Camunda Modeler can be found here: installation guide
The minimum hardware requirements to run all simulated organizations as part of the Docker test-setup is 16 GB of RAM.
Prerequisites • Exercise 1 • Exercise 1.1 • Exercise 2 • Exercise 3 • Exercise 4 • Exercise 5