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[DeepLearning] Inference 때의 GPU 상의 메모리 할당 분석 및 정리 #33

heojae opened this issue Feb 15, 2021 · 6 comments


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heojae commented Feb 15, 2021

대주제 : 딥러닝 연산시 GPU 위에 얼마나 많은 양의 메모리가 쌓이는지 분석할 필요가 있다.

소주제 : 딥러닝 연산시 GPU 에 올라가는 memory 양을 분석하고, train modeinference mode 를 비교하여, 결과물을 낸다.


위 글을 보면서, 학습을 할 때의 GPU 상에 memory 가 쌓이는 순서 및 release 되는 방향에 대해서, 수치적으로 이해를 할 수 있었습니다.

하지만, 실제로 torch 에서는 cache 에 대해서도 고려를 해주어야할 필요도 있고, with torch.no_grad() 를 통해서, inference 를 할 때 또한, 생각을 해주어야 할 필요가 있습니다.

그렇기에, 이를 참고하여, 실제로 traininference 를 할 때, GPU memorytorch memory 에서는 어떠하게 다르며 이를 분석하고자, 아래와 같은 실험을 하게되었습니다. 대부분의 model infernce APIwith torch.no_grad() 를 사용을 많이하게 되어있는 데, 이를 수치적으로 어떠한 만큼 효율을 낼 수 있는지 보여주고 싶습니다.

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heojae commented Feb 15, 2021

원본 코드 변형 및 디렉토리 구조

저는 학습이 아닌 inference 관점에서, 분석하기 위해 원본 깃 레포 에서 필요한 부분만 빼내어서 변형하여 실험 하였습니다.

이걸 현재 레포에 추가할까 고민했지만, 레포와는 별개의 실험이니, 요기에 정리하기로 하였습니다.

  • 폴더 구조
접기/펼치기 버튼
import pandas as pd
import torch
from torchvision.models import resnet18

from utils.memory import log_mem, getMemoryUsage
from utils.plot import plot_mem

# TODO : 조건을 선택해서, 실험해보세요.
base_dir = '.'
is_no_grad = False
model = resnet18().cuda()
#, "")  # 모델 용량 확인용, 46.8MB

print("------------------------------------ after upload model to gpu ---------------------------------------------")
print(f"Allocated: {round(torch.cuda.memory_allocated(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)}MB, "
      f"'Max Allocated: {round(torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)}MB, "
      f" Cached: {round(torch.cuda.memory_cached(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)}MB, "
      f" Max Cached:  {round(torch.cuda.max_memory_cached(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)} MB, NVIDIA_SMI: {getMemoryUsage()} MB")

bs = 1
input = torch.rand(bs, 3, 224, 224).cuda()

mem_log = []
print("------------------------------------ after upload input to gpu ---------------------------------------------")
print(f"Allocated: {round(torch.cuda.memory_allocated(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)}MB, "
      f"'Max Allocated: {round(torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)}MB, "
      f" Cached: {round(torch.cuda.memory_cached(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)}MB, "
      f" Max Cached:  {round(torch.cuda.max_memory_cached(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)} MB, NVIDIA_SMI: {getMemoryUsage()} MB")

    if is_no_grad:
        with torch.no_grad():
            no_grad = "_no_grad"

            print("------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ----------------------------------")
            mem_log.extend(log_mem(model, input, exp='1'))

            print("------------------------------------ 2 Epoch ----------------------------------")
            mem_log.extend(log_mem(model, input, exp='2'))

            print("------------------------------------ 3 Epoch ----------------------------------")
            mem_log.extend(log_mem(model, input, exp='3'))

        no_grad = ""

        print("------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ----------------------------------")
        mem_log.extend(log_mem(model, input, exp='1'))

        print("------------------------------------ 2 Epoch ----------------------------------")
        mem_log.extend(log_mem(model, input, exp='2'))

        print("------------------------------------ 3 Epoch ----------------------------------")
        mem_log.extend(log_mem(model, input, exp='3'))

except Exception as e:
    print(f'log_mem failed because of {e}')

df = pd.DataFrame(mem_log)

plot_mem(df, exps=['1', '2', '3'], output_file=f'{base_dir}/baseline_memory_plot_{bs}{no_grad}.png')
접기/펼치기 버튼
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

def plot_mem(
    if exps is None:
        exps = df.exp.drop_duplicates()

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 10))
    for exp in exps:
        df_ = df[df.exp == exp]

        if normalize_call_idx:
            df_.call_idx = df_.call_idx / df_.call_idx.max()

        if normalize_mem_all:
            df_.mem_all = df_.mem_all - df_[df_.call_idx == df_.call_idx.min()].mem_all.iloc[0]
            df_.mem_all = df_.mem_all // 2 ** 20

        if filter_fwd:
            layer_idx = 0
            callidx_stop = df_[(df_["layer_idx"] == layer_idx) & (df_["hook_type"] == "fwd")]["call_idx"].iloc[0]
            df_ = df_[df_["call_idx"] <= callidx_stop]
            # df_ = df_[df_.call_idx < df_[df_.layer_idx=='bwd'].call_idx.min()]

        plot = df_.plot(ax=ax, x='call_idx', y='mem_all', label=exp)
        if output_file:

    if return_df:
        return df_

접기/펼치기 버튼
from torch.utils.checkpoint import checkpoint_sequential
import torch
from pynvml.smi import nvidia_smi

nvsmi = nvidia_smi.getInstance()

def getMemoryUsage():
    usage = nvsmi.DeviceQuery("memory.used")["gpu"][0]["fb_memory_usage"]
    return "%d %s" % (usage["used"], usage["unit"])

def _get_gpu_mem(synchronize=True, empty_cache=True):
    print(f"Allocated: {round(torch.cuda.memory_allocated(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)}MB, "
          f"'Max Allocated: {round(torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)}MB, "
          f" Cached: {round(torch.cuda.memory_cached(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)}MB, "
          f" Max Cached:  {round(torch.cuda.max_memory_cached(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)} MB, NVIDIA_SMI: {getMemoryUsage()} MB")
    return torch.cuda.memory_allocated(), torch.cuda.memory_cached()

def _generate_mem_hook(handle_ref, mem, idx, hook_type, exp):
    def hook(self, *args):
        if len(mem) == 0 or mem[-1]["exp"] != exp:
            call_idx = 0
            call_idx = mem[-1]["call_idx"] + 1

        mem_all, mem_cached = _get_gpu_mem()
            'layer_idx': idx,
            'call_idx': call_idx,
            'layer_type': type(self).__name__,
            'exp': exp,
            'hook_type': hook_type,
            'mem_all': mem_all,
            'mem_cached': mem_cached,

    return hook

def _add_memory_hooks(idx, mod, mem_log, exp, hr):
    h = mod.register_forward_pre_hook(_generate_mem_hook(hr, mem_log, idx, 'pre', exp))

    h = mod.register_forward_hook(_generate_mem_hook(hr, mem_log, idx, 'fwd', exp))

    h = mod.register_backward_hook(_generate_mem_hook(hr, mem_log, idx, 'bwd', exp))

def log_mem(model, inp, mem_log=None, exp=None):
    mem_log = mem_log or []
    exp = exp or f'exp_{len(mem_log)}'
    hr = []
    for idx, module in enumerate(model.modules()):
        _add_memory_hooks(idx, module, mem_log, exp, hr)

        out = model(inp)
        # loss = out.sum()
        # loss.backward()
        [h.remove() for h in hr]

        return mem_log

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heojae commented Feb 15, 2021

실험 Batch Size = 1

두 경우 모두, modelinput 의 사이즈는 동일하게 들어 갑니다. 하지만, modellayer 들의 output 을 저장하느냐에 따라서, 아래와 같이 다른 결과들을 낼 수 있었다고 판단됩니다.

  • 동일한 시작

    시작할 때에는 각 값에, 동일한 메모리가 할당 된것을 볼 수 있습니다.

Allocated: 44.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 44.7MB,  Cached: 64.0MB,  Max Cached:  64.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 539 MiB MB
------------------------------------ after upload input to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 45.3MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 541 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 45.3MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 541 MiB MB
  • train mode

    아래의 경우를 자세히 살펴보면, 1,2,3 epoch 모두 동일한 그래프를 그리고 있는 것을 확인할 수 있습니다.

    그러나, model의 layer 들을 거치면서, Allocated memory 가 계속 증가하는 것을 확인할 수 있었으며,

    NVIDIA SMI 결과 값 또한 증가하는 것을 볼 수 있었습니다.

    마지막 결과 값으로, 그래프 상 약 20MB 정도, Allocated Memory 가 증가한 것을 볼 수 있었습니다.


접기/펼치기 버튼
------------------------------------ after upload model to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 44.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 44.7MB,  Cached: 64.0MB,  Max Cached:  64.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 539 MiB MB
------------------------------------ after upload input to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 45.3MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 541 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 45.3MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 541 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 45.3MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 541 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 48.4MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 48.4MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB
Allocated: 51.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB
Allocated: 51.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB
Allocated: 51.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB
Allocated: 51.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB
Allocated: 53.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 53.7MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB
Allocated: 53.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 53.7MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB
Allocated: 53.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 53.7MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB
Allocated: 53.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 53.7MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB
Allocated: 54.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 54.8MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 54.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 54.8MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 55.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 55.2MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 55.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 55.2MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 55.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 55.2MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 55.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 55.2MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 56.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 56.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 56.7MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 56.7MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 56.7MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 56.7MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 56.7MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 56.7MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 57.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 57.9MB,  Cached: 72.0MB,  Max Cached:  72.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 591 MiB MB
Allocated: 57.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 57.9MB,  Cached: 72.0MB,  Max Cached:  72.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 591 MiB MB
Allocated: 58.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 58.3MB,  Cached: 72.0MB,  Max Cached:  72.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 591 MiB MB
Allocated: 58.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 58.3MB,  Cached: 72.0MB,  Max Cached:  72.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 591 MiB MB
Allocated: 58.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 58.3MB,  Cached: 72.0MB,  Max Cached:  72.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 591 MiB MB
Allocated: 58.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 58.3MB,  Cached: 72.0MB,  Max Cached:  72.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 591 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 59.4MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 59.4MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 59.8MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 59.8MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 59.8MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 59.8MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 59.8MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 59.8MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 59.8MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 59.8MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 60.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 60.2MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 60.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 60.2MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 60.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 60.6MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 60.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 60.6MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 60.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 60.6MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 60.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 60.6MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 62.5MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 62.5MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 62.5MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 62.5MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 62.5MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 62.5MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 62.5MB,  Cached: 74.0MB,  Max Cached:  74.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 593 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 62.5MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 62.5MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 62.5MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 62.5MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 62.5MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 62.5MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 62.5MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 63.7MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 63.7MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 63.7MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 63.7MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 63.7MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 63.7MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 64.4MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 64.4MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 64.4MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 64.4MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 64.4MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 64.4MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 64.4MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 64.4MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 64.4MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 64.4MB,  Cached: 76.0MB,  Max Cached:  76.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 595 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 64.4MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 64.4MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 64.4MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 64.4MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 64.4MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 64.4MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 70.1MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 70.1MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 70.1MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 70.1MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 70.1MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 70.1MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 70.1MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 70.1MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 70.1MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 70.1MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 70.1MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 70.1MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 70.1MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 70.1MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 70.7MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 70.7MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 70.7MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 70.7MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 70.7MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 70.7MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.0MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.0MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.0MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.0MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.0MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.0MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.0MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.0MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.0MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.0MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.0MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.0MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.0MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.0MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.0MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.0MB,  Cached: 78.0MB,  Max Cached:  78.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 597 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.3MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.3MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.3MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.3MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.3MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.3MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.3MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.3MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.3MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.3MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.3MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.3MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.3MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.3MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.6MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.6MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.6MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.6MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.6MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.6MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 2 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 51.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 51.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 51.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 51.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 53.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 53.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 53.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 53.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 54.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 54.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 55.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 55.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 55.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 55.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 57.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 57.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 58.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 58.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 58.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 58.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 60.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 60.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 60.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 60.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 60.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 60.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 3 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 51.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 51.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 51.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 51.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 53.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 53.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 53.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 53.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 54.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 54.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 55.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 55.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 55.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 55.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 56.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 57.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 57.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 58.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 58.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 58.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 58.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 59.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 60.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 60.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 60.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 60.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 60.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 60.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 61.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 62.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 63.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 64.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
Allocated: 65.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 91.7MB,  Cached: 104.0MB,  Max Cached:  104.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 631 MiB MB
  • inference mode

    아래의 경우를 자세히 살펴보면, 1,2,3 epoch 모두 동일한 그래프를 그리고 있는 것을 확인할 수 있습니다.

    또한, 모델의 용량input 용량 을 제외하면, 그래프 상으로는 6MB 정도이고, 터미널에 log 된 값에 따르면 20MB 순간 증가하였으나, 바로 감소하였습니다.

    그리고, 도중에 갑자기 증가하고 감소하는 것이 있는데, 이는 model layer 각각의 output 연산이 끝날 때를 의미하며, outputGPU memory 상에 계속 쌓이지 않는다는 것을 의미합니다.

    마지막 결과 값으로, 그래프 상 Allocated Memory 가 거의 증가하지 않았습니다.


접기/펼치기 버튼
Allocated: 44.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 44.7MB,  Cached: 64.0MB,  Max Cached:  64.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 539 MiB MB
------------------------------------ after upload input to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 45.3MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 541 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 45.3MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 541 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 45.3MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 541 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 48.4MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 48.4MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB
Allocated: 51.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB
Allocated: 49.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 68.0MB,  Max Cached:  68.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 587 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.3MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.3MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.3MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.3MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.3MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.3MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.3MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.3MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.3MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.3MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.3MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.3MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.3MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.3MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.3MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.3MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.3MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.3MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.3MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.3MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.5MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.5MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.5MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.5MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.5MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.5MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.5MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.5MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.5MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.5MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.5MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.5MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.5MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.5MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.5MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 52.5MB,  Cached: 70.0MB,  Max Cached:  70.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 589 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.6MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.6MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.6MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.6MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.6MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.6MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.6MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.6MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.6MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.6MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.6MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.6MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.6MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.6MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.6MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.6MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.6MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.6MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.6MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.6MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 615 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 2 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 51.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 49.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 3 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 51.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 49.1MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 47.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 46.0MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.8MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.5MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 71.7MB,  Cached: 96.0MB,  Max Cached:  96.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 623 MiB MB

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Owner Author

heojae commented Feb 15, 2021

실험 Batch Size = 128

두 경우 모두, modelinput 의 사이즈는 동일하게 들어 갑니다. 하지만, modellayer 들의 output 을 저장하느냐에 따라서, 아래와 같이 다른 결과들을 낼 수 있었다고 판단됩니다.

  • 동일한 시작

    시작할 때에는 각 값에, 동일한 메모리가 할당 된것을 볼 수 있습니다.

------------------------------------ after upload model to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 44.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 44.7MB,  Cached: 64.0MB,  Max Cached:  64.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 539 MiB MB
------------------------------------ after upload input to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 118.7MB,  Cached: 138.0MB,  Max Cached:  138.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 613 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 118.7MB,  Cached: 138.0MB,  Max Cached:  138.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 613 MiB MB
  • train mode

    아래의 경우를 자세히 살펴보면, 1,2,3 epoch 모두 동일한 그래프를 그리고 있는 것을 확인할 수 있습니다.

    그러나, model의 layer 들을 거치면서, Allocated memory 가 계속 증가하는 것을 확인할 수 있었으며,

    NVIDIA SMI 결과 값 또한 증가하는 것을 볼 수 있었습니다.

    마지막 결과 값으로, 그래프 상 약 2700MB 정도, Allocated Memory 가 증가한 것을 볼 수 있었습니다.

    또한, NVIDIA_SMI 결과 값또한, 3400MB 인것을 확인할 수 있습니다.


접기/펼치기 버튼
------------------------------------ after upload model to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 44.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 44.7MB,  Cached: 64.0MB,  Max Cached:  64.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 539 MiB MB
------------------------------------ after upload input to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 118.7MB,  Cached: 138.0MB,  Max Cached:  138.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 613 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 118.7MB,  Cached: 138.0MB,  Max Cached:  138.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 613 MiB MB
Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 118.7MB,  Cached: 138.0MB,  Max Cached:  138.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 613 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 510.8MB,  Cached: 530.0MB,  Max Cached:  530.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1049 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 510.8MB,  Cached: 530.0MB,  Max Cached:  530.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1049 MiB MB
Allocated: 902.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 922.0MB,  Max Cached:  922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB
Allocated: 902.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 922.0MB,  Max Cached:  922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB
Allocated: 902.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 922.0MB,  Max Cached:  922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB
Allocated: 902.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 922.0MB,  Max Cached:  922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB
Allocated: 1196.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1196.7MB,  Cached: 1216.0MB,  Max Cached:  1216.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1735 MiB MB
Allocated: 1196.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1196.7MB,  Cached: 1216.0MB,  Max Cached:  1216.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1735 MiB MB
Allocated: 1196.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1196.7MB,  Cached: 1216.0MB,  Max Cached:  1216.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1735 MiB MB
Allocated: 1196.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1196.7MB,  Cached: 1216.0MB,  Max Cached:  1216.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1735 MiB MB
Allocated: 1294.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1295.1MB,  Cached: 1316.0MB,  Max Cached:  1316.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1835 MiB MB
Allocated: 1294.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1295.1MB,  Cached: 1316.0MB,  Max Cached:  1316.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1835 MiB MB
Allocated: 1392.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1392.7MB,  Cached: 1414.0MB,  Max Cached:  1414.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1933 MiB MB
Allocated: 1392.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1392.7MB,  Cached: 1414.0MB,  Max Cached:  1414.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1933 MiB MB
Allocated: 1392.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1392.7MB,  Cached: 1414.0MB,  Max Cached:  1414.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1933 MiB MB
Allocated: 1392.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1392.7MB,  Cached: 1414.0MB,  Max Cached:  1414.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1933 MiB MB
Allocated: 1490.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1491.1MB,  Cached: 1512.0MB,  Max Cached:  1512.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2031 MiB MB
Allocated: 1490.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1491.1MB,  Cached: 1512.0MB,  Max Cached:  1512.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2031 MiB MB
Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1588.7MB,  Cached: 1610.0MB,  Max Cached:  1610.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2129 MiB MB
Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1588.7MB,  Cached: 1610.0MB,  Max Cached:  1610.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2129 MiB MB
Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1588.7MB,  Cached: 1610.0MB,  Max Cached:  1610.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2129 MiB MB
Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1588.7MB,  Cached: 1610.0MB,  Max Cached:  1610.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2129 MiB MB
Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1588.7MB,  Cached: 1610.0MB,  Max Cached:  1610.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2129 MiB MB
Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1588.7MB,  Cached: 1610.0MB,  Max Cached:  1610.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2129 MiB MB
Allocated: 1686.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1687.1MB,  Cached: 1708.0MB,  Max Cached:  1708.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2227 MiB MB
Allocated: 1686.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1687.1MB,  Cached: 1708.0MB,  Max Cached:  1708.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2227 MiB MB
Allocated: 1784.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1784.7MB,  Cached: 1806.0MB,  Max Cached:  1806.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2325 MiB MB
Allocated: 1784.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1784.7MB,  Cached: 1806.0MB,  Max Cached:  1806.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2325 MiB MB
Allocated: 1784.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1784.7MB,  Cached: 1806.0MB,  Max Cached:  1806.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2325 MiB MB
Allocated: 1784.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1784.7MB,  Cached: 1806.0MB,  Max Cached:  1806.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2325 MiB MB
Allocated: 1882.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1883.1MB,  Cached: 1904.0MB,  Max Cached:  1904.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2423 MiB MB
Allocated: 1882.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1883.1MB,  Cached: 1904.0MB,  Max Cached:  1904.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2423 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1980.7MB,  Cached: 2002.0MB,  Max Cached:  2002.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2521 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1980.7MB,  Cached: 2002.0MB,  Max Cached:  2002.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2521 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1980.7MB,  Cached: 2002.0MB,  Max Cached:  2002.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2521 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1980.7MB,  Cached: 2002.0MB,  Max Cached:  2002.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2521 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1980.7MB,  Cached: 2002.0MB,  Max Cached:  2002.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2521 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1980.7MB,  Cached: 2002.0MB,  Max Cached:  2002.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2521 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1980.7MB,  Cached: 2002.0MB,  Max Cached:  2002.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2521 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1980.7MB,  Cached: 2002.0MB,  Max Cached:  2002.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2521 MiB MB
Allocated: 2030.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2030.7MB,  Cached: 2052.0MB,  Max Cached:  2052.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2571 MiB MB
Allocated: 2030.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2030.7MB,  Cached: 2052.0MB,  Max Cached:  2052.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2571 MiB MB
Allocated: 2080.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2080.7MB,  Cached: 2102.0MB,  Max Cached:  2102.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2621 MiB MB
Allocated: 2080.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2080.7MB,  Cached: 2102.0MB,  Max Cached:  2102.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2621 MiB MB
Allocated: 2080.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2080.7MB,  Cached: 2102.0MB,  Max Cached:  2102.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2621 MiB MB
Allocated: 2080.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2080.7MB,  Cached: 2102.0MB,  Max Cached:  2102.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2621 MiB MB
Allocated: 2130.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2403.3MB,  Cached: 2426.0MB,  Max Cached:  2426.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2945 MiB MB
Allocated: 2130.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2403.3MB,  Cached: 2426.0MB,  Max Cached:  2426.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2945 MiB MB
Allocated: 2179.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2403.3MB,  Cached: 2426.0MB,  Max Cached:  2426.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2945 MiB MB
Allocated: 2179.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2403.3MB,  Cached: 2426.0MB,  Max Cached:  2426.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2945 MiB MB
Allocated: 2179.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2403.3MB,  Cached: 2426.0MB,  Max Cached:  2426.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2945 MiB MB
Allocated: 2228.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2403.3MB,  Cached: 2426.0MB,  Max Cached:  2426.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2945 MiB MB
Allocated: 2228.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2403.3MB,  Cached: 2426.0MB,  Max Cached:  2426.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2945 MiB MB
Allocated: 2277.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2403.3MB,  Cached: 2426.0MB,  Max Cached:  2426.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2945 MiB MB
Allocated: 2277.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2403.3MB,  Cached: 2426.0MB,  Max Cached:  2426.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2945 MiB MB
Allocated: 2277.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2403.3MB,  Cached: 2426.0MB,  Max Cached:  2426.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2945 MiB MB
Allocated: 2277.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2403.3MB,  Cached: 2426.0MB,  Max Cached:  2426.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2945 MiB MB
Allocated: 2228.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2403.3MB,  Cached: 2426.0MB,  Max Cached:  2426.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2945 MiB MB
Allocated: 2228.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2403.3MB,  Cached: 2426.0MB,  Max Cached:  2426.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2945 MiB MB
Allocated: 2228.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2403.3MB,  Cached: 2426.0MB,  Max Cached:  2426.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2945 MiB MB
Allocated: 2277.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2550.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2277.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2550.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2326.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2550.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2326.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2550.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2326.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2550.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2326.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2550.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2375.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2648.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2375.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2648.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2648.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2648.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2648.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2648.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2648.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2648.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2648.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2648.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2449.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2648.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2449.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2648.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2473.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2648.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2473.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2648.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2473.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2648.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2473.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2648.3MB,  Cached: 2700.0MB,  Max Cached:  2700.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3219 MiB MB
Allocated: 2498.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2716.4MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2498.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2716.4MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2522.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2716.4MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2522.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2716.4MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2522.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2716.4MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2547.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2716.4MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2547.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2716.4MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2571.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2716.4MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2571.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2716.4MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2571.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2716.4MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2571.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2716.4MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2547.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2716.4MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2547.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2716.4MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2547.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2716.4MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2571.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2789.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2571.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2789.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2596.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2789.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2596.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2789.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2596.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2789.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2596.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2789.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2620.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2620.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2657.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2657.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2669.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2669.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2669.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2669.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2681.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2681.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2694.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2694.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2694.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2706.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2706.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2718.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2718.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2718.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2718.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2706.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2706.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2706.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2718.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2718.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2730.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2730.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2730.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2730.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 2838.9MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2743.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2743.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3439 MiB MB
Allocated: 2756.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2756.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 2 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 902.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 902.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 902.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 902.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1196.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1196.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1196.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1196.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1294.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1294.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1392.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1392.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1392.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1392.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1490.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1490.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1686.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1686.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1784.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1784.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1784.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1784.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1882.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1882.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2030.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2030.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2080.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2080.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2080.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2080.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2130.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2130.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2179.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2179.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2179.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2228.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2228.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2277.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2277.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2277.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2277.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2228.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2228.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2228.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2277.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2277.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2326.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2326.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2326.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2326.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2375.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2375.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2449.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2449.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2473.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2473.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2473.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2473.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2498.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2498.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2522.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2522.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2522.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2547.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2547.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2571.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2571.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2571.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2571.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2547.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2547.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2547.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2571.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2571.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2596.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2596.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2596.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2596.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2620.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2620.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2657.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2657.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2669.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2669.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2669.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2669.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2681.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2681.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2694.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2694.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2694.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2706.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2706.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2718.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2718.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2718.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2718.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2706.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2706.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2706.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2718.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2718.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2730.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2730.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2730.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2730.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2743.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2743.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2756.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2756.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 3 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 902.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 902.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 902.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 902.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1196.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1196.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1196.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1196.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1294.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1294.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1392.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1392.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1392.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1392.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1490.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1490.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1686.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1686.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1784.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1784.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1784.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1784.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1882.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1882.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2030.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2030.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2080.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2080.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2080.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2080.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2130.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2130.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2179.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2179.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2179.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2228.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2228.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2277.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2277.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2277.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2277.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2228.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2228.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2228.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2277.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2277.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2326.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2326.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2326.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2326.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2375.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2375.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2424.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2449.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2449.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2473.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2473.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2473.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2473.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2498.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2498.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2522.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2522.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2522.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2547.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2547.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2571.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2571.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2571.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2571.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2547.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2547.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2547.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2571.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2571.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2596.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2596.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2596.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2596.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2620.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2620.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2645.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2657.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2657.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2669.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2669.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2669.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2669.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2681.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2681.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2694.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2694.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2694.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2706.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2706.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2718.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2718.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2718.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2718.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2706.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2706.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2706.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2718.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2718.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2730.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2730.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2730.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2730.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2743.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2743.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2755.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2756.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
Allocated: 2756.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB,  Cached: 2920.0MB,  Max Cached:  2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB
  • inference mode

    아래의 경우를 자세히 살펴보면, 1,2,3 epoch 모두 동일한 그래프를 그리고 있는 것을 확인할 수 있습니다.

    또한, 모델의 용량input 용량 을 제외하면, 그래프 상으로는 800MB 정도이고,

    그리고, 도중에 갑자기 증가하고 감소하는 것이 있는데, 이는 model layeroutput 을 의미하며, outputGPU memory 상에 계속 쌓이지 않는다는 것을 의미합니다.


마지막 결과 값으로, 그래프 상 Allocated Memory 가 거의 증가하지 않았습니다.


접기/펼치기 버튼
------------------------------------ after upload model to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 44.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 44.7MB,  Cached: 64.0MB,  Max Cached:  64.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 539 MiB MB
------------------------------------ after upload input to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 118.7MB,  Cached: 138.0MB,  Max Cached:  138.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 613 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 118.7MB,  Cached: 138.0MB,  Max Cached:  138.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 613 MiB MB
Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 118.7MB,  Cached: 138.0MB,  Max Cached:  138.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 613 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 510.8MB,  Cached: 530.0MB,  Max Cached:  530.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1049 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 510.8MB,  Cached: 530.0MB,  Max Cached:  530.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1049 MiB MB
Allocated: 902.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 922.0MB,  Max Cached:  922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 922.0MB,  Max Cached:  922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 922.0MB,  Max Cached:  922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 922.0MB,  Max Cached:  922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB
Allocated: 608.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 922.0MB,  Max Cached:  922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 922.0MB,  Max Cached:  922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 922.0MB,  Max Cached:  922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 922.0MB,  Max Cached:  922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 363.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 363.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 363.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 363.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 241.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 241.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 241.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 241.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 143.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 143.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 143.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 179.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 179.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 179.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 179.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 130.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 131.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 118.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB
Allocated: 119.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 119.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 2 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 902.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 608.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 363.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 363.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 363.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 363.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 241.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 241.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 241.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 241.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 143.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 143.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 143.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 179.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 179.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 179.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 179.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 130.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 131.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 118.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 119.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 119.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 3 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 902.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 608.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 412.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 363.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 363.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 363.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 363.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 265.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 241.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 241.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 241.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 241.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 192.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 143.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 143.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 143.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 179.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 179.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 179.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 179.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 130.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 131.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 118.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 119.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB
Allocated: 119.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB,  Cached: 924.0MB,  Max Cached:  924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB

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Owner Author

heojae commented Feb 15, 2021

실험 Batch Size = 512

두 경우 모두, modelinput 의 사이즈는 동일하게 들어 갑니다. 하지만, modellayer 들의 output 을 저장하느냐에 따라서, 아래와 같이 다른 결과들을 낼 수 있었다고 판단됩니다.

  • 동일한 시작

    시작할 때에는 각 값에, 동일한 메모리가 할당 된것을 볼 수 있습니다.

------------------------------------ after upload model to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 44.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 44.7MB,  Cached: 64.0MB,  Max Cached:  64.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 539 MiB MB
------------------------------------ after upload input to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 338.7MB,  Cached: 358.0MB,  Max Cached:  358.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 833 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 338.7MB,  Cached: 358.0MB,  Max Cached:  358.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 833 MiB MB
  • train mode

    아래의 경우를 자세히 살펴보면, 1,2,3 epoch 모두 동일한 그래프를 그리고 있는 것을 확인할 수 있습니다.

    그러나, model의 layer 들을 거치면서, Allocated memory 가 계속 증가하는 것을 확인할 수 있었으며,

    NVIDIA SMI 결과 값 또한 증가하는 것을 볼 수 있었습니다.

    마지막 결과 값으로, 그래프 상 약 10876MB 정도, Allocated Memory 가 증가한 것을 볼 수 있었습니다.

    또한, NVIDIA_SMI 결과 값또한, 12165MB 인것을 확인할 수 있습니다.


접기/펼치기 버튼
------------------------------------ after upload model to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 44.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 44.7MB,  Cached: 64.0MB,  Max Cached:  64.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 539 MiB MB
------------------------------------ after upload input to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 338.7MB,  Cached: 358.0MB,  Max Cached:  358.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 833 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 338.7MB,  Cached: 358.0MB,  Max Cached:  358.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 833 MiB MB
Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 338.7MB,  Cached: 358.0MB,  Max Cached:  358.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 833 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1906.8MB,  Cached: 1926.0MB,  Max Cached:  1926.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2445 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1906.8MB,  Cached: 1926.0MB,  Max Cached:  1926.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2445 MiB MB
Allocated: 3474.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3494.0MB,  Max Cached:  3494.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4013 MiB MB
Allocated: 3474.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3494.0MB,  Max Cached:  3494.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4013 MiB MB
Allocated: 3474.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3494.0MB,  Max Cached:  3494.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4013 MiB MB
Allocated: 3474.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3494.0MB,  Max Cached:  3494.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4013 MiB MB
Allocated: 4650.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 4650.7MB,  Cached: 4670.0MB,  Max Cached:  4670.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 5189 MiB MB
Allocated: 4650.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 4650.7MB,  Cached: 4670.0MB,  Max Cached:  4670.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 5189 MiB MB
Allocated: 4650.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 4650.7MB,  Cached: 4670.0MB,  Max Cached:  4670.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 5189 MiB MB
Allocated: 4650.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 4650.7MB,  Cached: 4670.0MB,  Max Cached:  4670.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 5189 MiB MB
Allocated: 5042.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 5043.1MB,  Cached: 5064.0MB,  Max Cached:  5064.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 5583 MiB MB
Allocated: 5042.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 5043.1MB,  Cached: 5064.0MB,  Max Cached:  5064.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 5583 MiB MB
Allocated: 5434.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 5434.7MB,  Cached: 5456.0MB,  Max Cached:  5456.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 5975 MiB MB
Allocated: 5434.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 5434.7MB,  Cached: 5456.0MB,  Max Cached:  5456.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 5975 MiB MB
Allocated: 5434.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 5434.7MB,  Cached: 5456.0MB,  Max Cached:  5456.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 5975 MiB MB
Allocated: 5434.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 5434.7MB,  Cached: 5456.0MB,  Max Cached:  5456.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 5975 MiB MB
Allocated: 5826.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 5827.1MB,  Cached: 5848.0MB,  Max Cached:  5848.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 6367 MiB MB
Allocated: 5826.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 5827.1MB,  Cached: 5848.0MB,  Max Cached:  5848.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 6367 MiB MB
Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 6218.7MB,  Cached: 6240.0MB,  Max Cached:  6240.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 6759 MiB MB
Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 6218.7MB,  Cached: 6240.0MB,  Max Cached:  6240.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 6759 MiB MB
Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 6218.7MB,  Cached: 6240.0MB,  Max Cached:  6240.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 6759 MiB MB
Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 6218.7MB,  Cached: 6240.0MB,  Max Cached:  6240.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 6759 MiB MB
Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 6218.7MB,  Cached: 6240.0MB,  Max Cached:  6240.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 6759 MiB MB
Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 6218.7MB,  Cached: 6240.0MB,  Max Cached:  6240.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 6759 MiB MB
Allocated: 6610.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 6611.1MB,  Cached: 6632.0MB,  Max Cached:  6632.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 7151 MiB MB
Allocated: 6610.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 6611.1MB,  Cached: 6632.0MB,  Max Cached:  6632.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 7151 MiB MB
Allocated: 7002.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7002.7MB,  Cached: 7024.0MB,  Max Cached:  7024.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 7543 MiB MB
Allocated: 7002.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7002.7MB,  Cached: 7024.0MB,  Max Cached:  7024.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 7543 MiB MB
Allocated: 7002.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7002.7MB,  Cached: 7024.0MB,  Max Cached:  7024.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 7543 MiB MB
Allocated: 7002.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7002.7MB,  Cached: 7024.0MB,  Max Cached:  7024.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 7543 MiB MB
Allocated: 7394.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7395.1MB,  Cached: 7416.0MB,  Max Cached:  7416.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 7935 MiB MB
Allocated: 7394.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7395.1MB,  Cached: 7416.0MB,  Max Cached:  7416.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 7935 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7786.7MB,  Cached: 7808.0MB,  Max Cached:  7808.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8327 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7786.7MB,  Cached: 7808.0MB,  Max Cached:  7808.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8327 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7786.7MB,  Cached: 7808.0MB,  Max Cached:  7808.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8327 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7786.7MB,  Cached: 7808.0MB,  Max Cached:  7808.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8327 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7786.7MB,  Cached: 7808.0MB,  Max Cached:  7808.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8327 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7786.7MB,  Cached: 7808.0MB,  Max Cached:  7808.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8327 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7786.7MB,  Cached: 7808.0MB,  Max Cached:  7808.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8327 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7786.7MB,  Cached: 7808.0MB,  Max Cached:  7808.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8327 MiB MB
Allocated: 7982.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7982.7MB,  Cached: 8004.0MB,  Max Cached:  8004.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8523 MiB MB
Allocated: 7982.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7982.7MB,  Cached: 8004.0MB,  Max Cached:  8004.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8523 MiB MB
Allocated: 8178.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 8178.7MB,  Cached: 8200.0MB,  Max Cached:  8200.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8719 MiB MB
Allocated: 8178.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 8178.7MB,  Cached: 8200.0MB,  Max Cached:  8200.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8719 MiB MB
Allocated: 8178.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 8178.7MB,  Cached: 8200.0MB,  Max Cached:  8200.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8719 MiB MB
Allocated: 8178.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 8178.7MB,  Cached: 8200.0MB,  Max Cached:  8200.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8719 MiB MB
Allocated: 8374.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB,  Cached: 9078.0MB,  Max Cached:  9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB
Allocated: 8374.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB,  Cached: 9078.0MB,  Max Cached:  9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB
Allocated: 8570.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB,  Cached: 9078.0MB,  Max Cached:  9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB
Allocated: 8570.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB,  Cached: 9078.0MB,  Max Cached:  9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB
Allocated: 8570.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB,  Cached: 9078.0MB,  Max Cached:  9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB
Allocated: 8766.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB,  Cached: 9078.0MB,  Max Cached:  9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB
Allocated: 8766.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB,  Cached: 9078.0MB,  Max Cached:  9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB
Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB,  Cached: 9078.0MB,  Max Cached:  9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB
Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB,  Cached: 9078.0MB,  Max Cached:  9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB
Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB,  Cached: 9078.0MB,  Max Cached:  9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB
Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB,  Cached: 9078.0MB,  Max Cached:  9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB
Allocated: 8766.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB,  Cached: 9078.0MB,  Max Cached:  9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB
Allocated: 8766.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB,  Cached: 9078.0MB,  Max Cached:  9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB
Allocated: 8766.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB,  Cached: 9078.0MB,  Max Cached:  9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB
Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9643.3MB,  Cached: 9760.0MB,  Max Cached:  9760.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10279 MiB MB
Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9643.3MB,  Cached: 9760.0MB,  Max Cached:  9760.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10279 MiB MB
Allocated: 9158.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9643.3MB,  Cached: 9760.0MB,  Max Cached:  9760.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10279 MiB MB
Allocated: 9158.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9643.3MB,  Cached: 9760.0MB,  Max Cached:  9760.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10279 MiB MB
Allocated: 9158.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9643.3MB,  Cached: 9760.0MB,  Max Cached:  9760.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10279 MiB MB
Allocated: 9158.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9643.3MB,  Cached: 9760.0MB,  Max Cached:  9760.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10279 MiB MB
Allocated: 9354.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB,  Cached: 10442.0MB,  Max Cached:  10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB
Allocated: 9354.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB,  Cached: 10442.0MB,  Max Cached:  10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB,  Cached: 10442.0MB,  Max Cached:  10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB,  Cached: 10442.0MB,  Max Cached:  10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB,  Cached: 10442.0MB,  Max Cached:  10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB,  Cached: 10442.0MB,  Max Cached:  10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB,  Cached: 10442.0MB,  Max Cached:  10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB,  Cached: 10442.0MB,  Max Cached:  10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB,  Cached: 10442.0MB,  Max Cached:  10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB,  Cached: 10442.0MB,  Max Cached:  10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB
Allocated: 9648.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB,  Cached: 10442.0MB,  Max Cached:  10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB
Allocated: 9648.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB,  Cached: 10442.0MB,  Max Cached:  10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB
Allocated: 9746.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB,  Cached: 10442.0MB,  Max Cached:  10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB
Allocated: 9746.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB,  Cached: 10442.0MB,  Max Cached:  10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB
Allocated: 9746.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB,  Cached: 10442.0MB,  Max Cached:  10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB
Allocated: 9746.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB,  Cached: 10442.0MB,  Max Cached:  10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB
Allocated: 9844.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB,  Cached: 10878.0MB,  Max Cached:  10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB
Allocated: 9844.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB,  Cached: 10878.0MB,  Max Cached:  10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB
Allocated: 9942.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB,  Cached: 10878.0MB,  Max Cached:  10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB
Allocated: 9942.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB,  Cached: 10878.0MB,  Max Cached:  10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB
Allocated: 9942.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB,  Cached: 10878.0MB,  Max Cached:  10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB
Allocated: 10040.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB,  Cached: 10878.0MB,  Max Cached:  10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB
Allocated: 10040.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB,  Cached: 10878.0MB,  Max Cached:  10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB
Allocated: 10138.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB,  Cached: 10878.0MB,  Max Cached:  10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB
Allocated: 10138.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB,  Cached: 10878.0MB,  Max Cached:  10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB
Allocated: 10138.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB,  Cached: 10878.0MB,  Max Cached:  10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB
Allocated: 10138.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB,  Cached: 10878.0MB,  Max Cached:  10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB
Allocated: 10040.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB,  Cached: 10878.0MB,  Max Cached:  10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB
Allocated: 10040.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB,  Cached: 10878.0MB,  Max Cached:  10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB
Allocated: 10040.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB,  Cached: 10878.0MB,  Max Cached:  10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB
Allocated: 10138.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10572.9MB,  Cached: 10878.0MB,  Max Cached:  10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB
Allocated: 10138.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10572.9MB,  Cached: 10878.0MB,  Max Cached:  10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB
Allocated: 10236.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10572.9MB,  Cached: 10878.0MB,  Max Cached:  10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB
Allocated: 10236.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10572.9MB,  Cached: 10878.0MB,  Max Cached:  10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB
Allocated: 10236.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10572.9MB,  Cached: 10878.0MB,  Max Cached:  10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB
Allocated: 10236.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10572.9MB,  Cached: 10878.0MB,  Max Cached:  10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB
Allocated: 10334.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10768.9MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10334.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10768.9MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10768.9MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10768.9MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10768.9MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10768.9MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10768.9MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10768.9MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10768.9MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10768.9MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10481.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10768.9MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10481.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10768.9MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10530.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10768.9MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10530.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10768.9MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10530.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10768.9MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10530.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10768.9MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10579.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10903.7MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10579.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10903.7MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10628.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10903.7MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10628.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10903.7MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10628.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10903.7MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10677.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10903.7MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10677.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10903.7MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10726.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10903.7MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10726.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10903.7MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10726.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10903.7MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10726.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10903.7MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10677.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10903.7MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10677.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10903.7MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10677.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10903.7MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10726.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11050.7MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10726.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11050.7MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10775.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11050.7MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10775.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11050.7MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10775.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11050.7MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10775.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11050.7MB,  Cached: 11314.0MB,  Max Cached:  11314.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11833 MiB MB
Allocated: 10824.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12157 MiB MB
Allocated: 10824.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12157 MiB MB
Allocated: 10873.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12157 MiB MB
Allocated: 10873.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12157 MiB MB
Allocated: 10873.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12157 MiB MB
Allocated: 10873.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12157 MiB MB
Allocated: 10873.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12157 MiB MB
Allocated: 10873.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12157 MiB MB
Allocated: 10874.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12157 MiB MB
Allocated: 10874.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12157 MiB MB
Allocated: 10876.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10876.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 2 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 3474.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 3474.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 3474.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 3474.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 4650.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 4650.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 4650.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 4650.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 5042.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 5042.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 5434.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 5434.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 5434.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 5434.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 5826.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 5826.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 6610.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 6610.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7002.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7002.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7002.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7002.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7394.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7394.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7982.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7982.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8178.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8178.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8178.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8178.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8374.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8374.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8570.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8570.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8570.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8766.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8766.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8766.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8766.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8766.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9158.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9158.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9158.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9158.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9354.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9354.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9648.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9648.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9746.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9746.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9746.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9746.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9844.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9844.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9942.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9942.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9942.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10040.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10040.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10138.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10138.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10138.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10138.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10040.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10040.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10040.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10138.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10138.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10236.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10236.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10236.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10236.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10334.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10334.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10481.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10481.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10530.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10530.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10530.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10530.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10579.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10579.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10628.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10628.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10628.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10677.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10677.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10726.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10726.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10726.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10726.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10677.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10677.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10677.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10726.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10726.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10775.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10775.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10775.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10775.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10824.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10824.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10873.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10873.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10873.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10873.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10873.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10873.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10874.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10874.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10876.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10876.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 3 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 3474.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 3474.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 3474.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 3474.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 4650.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 4650.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 4650.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 4650.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 5042.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 5042.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 5434.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 5434.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 5434.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 5434.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 5826.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 5826.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 6610.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 6610.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7002.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7002.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7002.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7002.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7394.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7394.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7982.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 7982.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8178.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8178.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8178.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8178.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8374.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8374.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8570.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8570.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8570.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8766.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8766.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8766.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8766.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8766.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9158.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9158.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9158.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9158.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9354.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9354.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9648.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9648.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9746.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9746.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9746.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9746.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9844.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9844.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9942.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9942.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 9942.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10040.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10040.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10138.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10138.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10138.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10138.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10040.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10040.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10040.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10138.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10138.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10236.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10236.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10236.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10236.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10334.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10334.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10432.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10481.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10481.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10530.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10530.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10530.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10530.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10579.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10579.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10628.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10628.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10628.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10677.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10677.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10726.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10726.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10726.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10726.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10677.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10677.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10677.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10726.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10726.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10775.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10775.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10775.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10775.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10824.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10824.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10873.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10873.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10873.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10873.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10873.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10873.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10874.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10874.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10876.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
Allocated: 10876.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB,  Cached: 11638.0MB,  Max Cached:  11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB
  • inference mode

    아래의 경우를 자세히 살펴보면, 1,2,3 epoch 모두 동일한 그래프를 그리고 있는 것을 확인할 수 있습니다.

    또한, 모델의 용량input 용량 을 제외하면, 그래프 상으로는 3200MB 정도이고,

    그리고, 도중에 갑자기 증가하고 감소하는 것이 있는데, 이는 model layeroutput 을 의미하며, outputGPU memory 상에 계속 쌓이지 않는다는 것을 의미합니다.

    마지막 결과 값으로, 그래프 상 Allocated Memory 가 거의 증가하지 않았습니다.


접기/펼치기 버튼
------------------------------------ after upload model to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 44.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 44.7MB,  Cached: 64.0MB,  Max Cached:  64.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 539 MiB MB
------------------------------------ after upload input to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 338.7MB,  Cached: 358.0MB,  Max Cached:  358.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 833 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 338.7MB,  Cached: 358.0MB,  Max Cached:  358.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 833 MiB MB
Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 338.7MB,  Cached: 358.0MB,  Max Cached:  358.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 833 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1906.8MB,  Cached: 1926.0MB,  Max Cached:  1926.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2445 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1906.8MB,  Cached: 1926.0MB,  Max Cached:  1926.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2445 MiB MB
Allocated: 3474.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3494.0MB,  Max Cached:  3494.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4013 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3494.0MB,  Max Cached:  3494.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4013 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3494.0MB,  Max Cached:  3494.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4013 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3494.0MB,  Max Cached:  3494.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4013 MiB MB
Allocated: 2298.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3494.0MB,  Max Cached:  3494.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4013 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3494.0MB,  Max Cached:  3494.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4013 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3494.0MB,  Max Cached:  3494.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4013 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3494.0MB,  Max Cached:  3494.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4013 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1318.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1318.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1318.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1318.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 828.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 828.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 828.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 828.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 436.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 436.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 436.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 583.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 583.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 583.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 583.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 387.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 388.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 339.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4015 MiB MB
Allocated: 341.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 340.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 2 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 3474.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 2298.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1318.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1318.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1318.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1318.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 828.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 828.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 828.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 828.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 436.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 436.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 436.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 583.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 583.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 583.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 583.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 387.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 388.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 339.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 341.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 340.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 3 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 3474.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 2298.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1514.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1318.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1318.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1318.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1318.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 1122.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 926.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 828.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 828.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 828.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 828.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 730.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 632.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 436.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 436.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 436.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 583.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 583.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 583.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 583.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 534.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 485.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 387.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 388.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 339.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 341.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB
Allocated: 340.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB,  Cached: 3496.0MB,  Max Cached:  3496.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4023 MiB MB

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heojae commented Feb 15, 2021


위의 결과를 기반으로 정리를 하면 아래와 같이 정리할 수 있을거 같으며,

  • inference modetrain mode 에 비해서, 확실히 memory 가 적게 든다.

    inference mode 의 경우, GPU memory model layeroutput 이 쌓이지 않는 다는 것을 확인 할 수 있었으며,

    512 와 같은 큰 batch size 의 경우, Memory Allocated 가 3배 정도 차이가 나는 것을 알 수 있다.

위의 정보를 활용하여, inference 를 할 때, 보다 GPU batch 활용에 도움이 될 수 있을 것이라 생각합니다.

with torch.no_grad() 를 통해서, 여러 글들을 통해서, inference 를 할때 더 효율적이라는 것은 알고있었지만,

위와 같이 실험을 통해서, 알게 되고,

또한 아래와 같이 추가로 더 torchGPU memory 할당에 대해서 공부할 수 있어 좋았습니다.

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heojae commented Feb 15, 2021

또한, 이를 공부하다 여러가지 더 깊게 정리할 수 있었습니다.

  • Memory Management

스크린샷 2021-02-15 오후 9 09 40

  • torch.cuda.memory_summary()

위 함수를 활용해서, 아래와 같이 정리된 표로 나타낼 수 있으며,
스크린샷 2021-02-15 오후 8 50 24

스크린샷 2021-02-15 오후 9 12 22
스크린샷 2021-02-15 오후 9 17 07


이 자료들을 참고하여, torchGPU memory 사이의 연관성에 대해서 좀더 깊게 이해할 수 있었으며,

아래 대사를 통해서, total allocated memory + ~700MB 정도가 NVIDIA_SMI 를 통해 나오는 용량이라는 것 또한 알아낼 수 있었습니다.

The total allocated memory is shown in memory_summary() as ~10GB, which seems to fit the nvidia-smi output.
Note that the CUDA context will use additional memory, which will be visible in the memory usage in nvidia-smi (that's where the ~700MB are most likely coming from).

그래서, 이를 확인을 해보았고, 아래와 같이 비슷한 범위내에서 만족을 하고 있는 것 또한 확인할 수 있었습니다.
스크린샷 2021-02-15 오후 8 51 02
스크린샷 2021-02-15 오후 8 50 43

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