- N/A
- Fixed the issue that matplotlib style sheet is not included in the release
- Removed setuptools as a requirement
- Added Milky Way background images in far-infrared, infrared, and gamma-ray wavelengths
- Added support for fetching Hierarchical Progressive Surveys (HiPS) images as backgrounds
- Improved test suite coverage
- Enhanced documentation
- Minimum Python requirement is >3.9
- Added radius (r) as supported parameter for bokeh figures (Mitlasóczki Bence)
- Fixed a bug where ticks show up in between the all-sky plot and the colour bar when doing all-sky plot + scatter plot + colorbar (Camila Navarrete)
- Bumped Matplotlib minimum required version to at least v3.7.0
- Used new Matplotlib
API introduced in v3.7.0 to plot sky map with projections faster with less memory - Added option to plot galactic grid, equatorial grid and ecliptic grid in sky map
- Release on Github will push a release to PyPI too