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139 lines (132 loc) · 14.6 KB


MokaIR is an intermediate representation of JVM bytecode in mokapot. It is in a register-based, SSA form, and is designed to be easy to analyze. Please checkout the module mokapot::ir for more information.

To generate MokaIR from a method, use the following code.

use mokapot:jvm::Method;
use mokapot::ir::{MokaIRMethod, MokaIRMethodExt};

fn moka_ir(method: &Method) -> Result<MokaIRMethod, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let moka_ir_method = method.brew()?;

The following is an example of the generated IR from the method test() in

You may notice that there are lots of nops in the generated MokaIR. This because we indent to maintain a bijection between the original bytecode and the generated MokaIR. Such a bijection facilitates the analysis involving dynamic execution - the runtime information (e.g., coverage) can be applied to MokaIR without needing any remapping.

Address JVM Instruction MokaIR
#0000 ldc %0 = String("233")
#0002 astore_3 nop
#0003 iconst_2 %3 = int(2)
#0004 istore nop
#0006 iload_1 nop
#0007 iload nop
#0009 iadd %9 = %arg0 + %3
#000A istore nop
#000C iload_1 nop
#000D ifge if %arg0 >= 0 goto #0013
#0010 iconst_3 %16 = int(3)
#0011 istore nop
#0013 aload_0 nop
#0014 aload_3 nop
#0015 iload nop
#0017 iload_2 nop
#0018 invokevirtual %24 = call int %this@org/mokapot/test/TestAnalysis::callMe(%0, Phi(%3, %16), %arg1)
#001B istore nop
#001D iload nop
#001F ireturn return %24
#0020 astore_3 nop
#0021 getstatic %33 = read java/lang/System.out
#0024 aload_3 nop
#0025 invokevirtual %37 = call void %33@java/io/PrintStream::println(%caught_exception)
#0028 iconst_0 %40 = int(0)
#0029 istore_3 nop
#002A iload_3 nop
#002B iload_2 nop
#002C if_icmpge if Phi(%40, %64) >= %arg1 goto #0046
#002F getstatic %47 = read java/lang/System.out
#0032 ldc %50 = String(0x61 0x02 0xED 0xA0 0x80 0x62 0x63 0x64 0x65 0x66) // Invalid UTF-8
#0034 invokevirtual %52 = call void %47@java/io/PrintStream::println(%50)
#0037 aload_0 nop
#0038 ldc %56 = String("233")
#003A iconst_0 %58 = int(0)
#003B iconst_0 %59 = int(0)
#003C invokevirtual %60 = call int %this@org/mokapot/test/TestAnalysis::callMe(%56, %58, %59)
#003F pop nop
#0040 iinc %64 = Phi(%40, %64) + 1
#0043 goto goto #002A
#0046 iload_1 nop
#0047 ifle if %arg0 <= 0 goto #0051
#004A iload_2 nop
#004B ifle if %arg1 <= 0 goto #0057
#004E goto goto #0055
#0051 iload_2 nop
#0052 ifge if %arg1 >= 0 goto #0057
#0055 iconst_0 %85 = int(0)
#0056 ireturn return %85
#0057 iload_1 nop
#0058 invokedynamic %88 = closure java/util/function/IntUnaryOperator applyAsInt#0(%arg0)
#005D astore_3 nop
#005E aload_3 nop
#005F iconst_0 %95 = int(0)
#0060 invokeinterface %96 = call int %88@java/util/function/IntUnaryOperator::applyAsInt(%95)
#0065 istore nop
#0067 iconst_3 %103 = int(3)
#0068 newarray %104 = new int[%103]
#006A dup nop
#006B iconst_0 %107 = int(0)
#006C iconst_0 %108 = int(0)
#006D iastore %109 = %104[%107] = %108
#006E dup nop
#006F iconst_1 %111 = int(1)
#0070 iconst_1 %112 = int(1)
#0071 iastore %113 = %104[%111] = %112
#0072 dup nop
#0073 iconst_2 %115 = int(2)
#0074 iconst_2 %116 = int(2)
#0075 iastore %117 = %104[%115] = %116
#0076 astore nop
#0078 aload nop
#007A iconst_0 %122 = int(0)
#007B iload_1 nop
#007C iadd %124 = %122 + %arg0
#007D iaload %125 = %104[%124]
#007E istore nop
#0080 aload nop
#0082 iload nop
#0084 iload nop
#0086 iastore %134 = %104[%125] = %125
#0087 iload nop
#0089 lookupswitch switch %125 { 1 => #00A4, 3 => #00AF, else => #00BA }
#00A4 aload_0 nop
#00A5 aconst_null %165 = null
#00A6 iconst_2 %166 = int(2)
#00A7 iconst_3 %167 = int(3)
#00A8 invokevirtual %168 = call int %this@org/mokapot/test/TestAnalysis::callMe(%165, %166, %167)
#00AB pop nop
#00AC goto goto #00BA
#00AF aload_0 nop
#00B0 aconst_null %176 = null
#00B1 iconst_2 %177 = int(2)
#00B2 iconst_3 %178 = int(3)
#00B3 invokevirtual %179 = call int %this@org/mokapot/test/TestAnalysis::callMe(%176, %177, %178)
#00B6 pop nop
#00B7 goto goto #00BA
#00BA iload nop
#00BC tableswitch switch %96 { 1 => #00D8, 2 => #00E2, 3 => #00EC, else => #00F6 }
#00D8 getstatic %216 = read java/lang/System.out
#00DB iconst_1 %219 = int(1)
#00DC invokevirtual %220 = call void %216@java/io/PrintStream::println(%219)
#00DF goto goto #00F6
#00E2 getstatic %226 = read java/lang/System.out
#00E5 iconst_2 %229 = int(2)
#00E6 invokevirtual %230 = call void %226@java/io/PrintStream::println(%229)
#00E9 goto goto #00F6
#00EC getstatic %236 = read java/lang/System.out
#00EF iconst_3 %239 = int(3)
#00F0 invokevirtual %240 = call void %236@java/io/PrintStream::println(%239)
#00F3 goto goto #00F6
#00F6 iload_2 nop
#00F7 ireturn return %arg1