This is a python code that makes you get system information and get current CPU/Memory/Storage usage and sent these data via Azure IoT Hub using Azure Device Provisioning Service. You can monitor your device's status remotely by Azure IoT Services.
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IoT Plug and Play enables solution builders to integrate smart devices with their solutions without any manual configuration. At the core of IoT Plug and Play, is a device model that a device uses to advertise its capabilities to an IoT Plug and Play-enabled application. This project uses linuxdeviceinfo-1 or windowsdeviceinfo-1 as device model. Support following elements:
Element Type | Data Type | Linux Support | Windows Support | |
hostname | Property | String | YES | YES |
cpuInfo | Property | String | YES | YES |
cpuCores | Property | long | YES | YES |
cpuMaxfreq | Property | long | YES | YES |
biosManufacturer | Property | String | YES | YES |
biosVersion | Property | String | YES | YES |
baseboardManufacturer | Property | String | YES | YES |
baseboardSerialNumber | Property | String | YES | YES |
baseboardProduct | Property | String | YES | YES |
osVersion | Property | String | YES | YES |
osBuildNumber | Property | String | YES | YES |
memTotal | Property | long | YES | YES |
logicalDISKtotal | Property | long | YES | YES |
criticalTemp | Property | double | YES | |
ipLocal | Property | String | YES | YES |
ipPublic | Property | String | YES | YES |
highTemp | Property | double | YES | |
currentTempGPU | Telemetry | double | ||
cpuLoading | Telemetry | double | YES | YES |
cpuClock | Telemetry | double | YES | YES |
memFree | Telemetry | long | YES | YES |
memUsage | Telemetry | double | YES | YES |
logicalDISKfree | Telemetry | long | YES | YES |
logicalDISKusage | Telemetry | double | YES | YES |
currentTemp | Telemetry | double | YES | |
reboot | Command | YES | YES | |
setperiod | Command | YES | YES |
Open "" modify by following hint
export IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_ENDPOINT=" Put your DPS endpoint here"
export IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_ID_SCOPE=" Put your DPS ID Scope here"
export IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_DEVICE_ID=" Put your Device ID here"
export IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_DEVICE_KEY=" Put your Device Key here"
#export KEYPAD_INTERRUPT="DISABLE" #If KEYPAD_INTERRUPT set DISABLE, the program will never stop
export KEYPAD_INTERRUPT="ENABLE" #If KEYPAD_INTERRUPT set ENABLE, you can stop the program by pressing 'q' key
Please make sure you have installed python 3.7+ version. You can check your python version by
python3 -V
To make excutable please run
chmod +x
Then finally, run the script file
Please make sure you have installed python 3.7+ version.And set the environment variable. Install git inorder to run Excute the by git shell.
Finally you will see ”Device was assigned” on terminal or git shell, then the program will process monitoring system info and sent message to Azure. You can also use IoT Hub Explorer to confirm the message.
If there's any problem please pull an issue. Thank you.