Execute micro-mordred to collect, enrich and visualize data from any GitHub repository.
Here's the Reference.
Micro-Mordred is a simplified version of Mordred which omits the use of its scheduler. Thus, Micro-Mordred allows to run single Mordred tasks (e.g. raw collection, enrichment) per execution. We can find the implementation of micro-mordred located in /utils
directory and it can be executed via command line.
which is explanated in microtask-4 to setup the development environment, i.e ElasticSearch, Kibiter and MariaDB. -
Preparing a virtualenv:
python3 -m venv ~/venvs/gl source ~/venvs/gl/bin/activate
Installing tools in the virtual environment
pip3 install --upgrade pip pip3 install --upgrade setuptools pip3 install --upgrade wheel
Installing all GrimoireLab modules at once
pip3 install grimoirelab
The steps above can be find here.
Executing the
file with the parameterspython3 micro.py --raw --enrich --cfg ./setup.cfg --backends git
It executes the raw and enrich tasks for the git cfg using the elasticsearch.
python3 micro.py --panels --cfg ./setup.cfg
It executes the panels task to load the Sigils panels to Kibiter.