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Releasing a new version to Maven Central Repository

Plaid-java is available at Maven Central

Setting up your Sonatype account

To deploy a new version, you need a Sonatype account. Sign up for an account here with your email.

Afterwards, ask someone (davidzhanghp@) to file a ticket like OSSRH-39496 for you.

This may take some time as we rely on folks at Sonatype to do this for us, so please be patient.

Setting up ~/.m2/settings.xml

We need to take your credentials from Sonatype and add it to your ~/.m2/settings.xml. Maven reads ~/.m2/settings.xml for user-specific configuration.

Using the editor of your choice, paste this into your ~/.m2/settings.xml file, replacing the username and password.

Fun fact: XML won't like it if your password contains illegal XML characters, so you probably need to escape it. Alternatively, just change your password to be more XML-friendly.


Installing maven

If you haven't, you need to install maven. Maven is a build and dependency management system.

brew install maven

Even though the system is commonly known as maven, the binary is mvn.

Setting up a GPG key

As part of the maven artifact signing process, you need a gpg key set up locally. If you have not done this, run the following command

gpg --gen-key

Fill out the prompts and you'll have a new gpg key generated locally. You can confirm this by running gpg --list-keys. Your new key should appear at the bottom.

You may see something like this.

pub   rsa2048 2018-05-01 [SC] [expires: 2020-04-30]
uid           [ultimate] First Last <[email protected]>
sub   rsa2048 2018-05-01 [E] [expires: 2020-04-30]

In the above example, 464ADCDE06A6F2D4BCCBCD610B8EB73128C3987A is the identifier for the key.

Later on in the process, your public key will be verified against one of several online key repos. To upload yours, run this

gpg --send-keys <key identifier from above>.

Publishing the new version

cd to plaid-java and run the following.

PLAID_PUBLIC_KEY=insertpublickeyhere \ 
PLAID_SECRET=insertsecrethere \
PLAID_CLIENT_ID=insertclientidhere \ 
mvn release:prepare

PLAID_SECRET=insertsecrethere \
PLAID_CLIENT_ID=insertclientidhere \ 
mvn release:perform

This will release a new artifact with a bumped patch version to the Sonatype staging maven repository. After it's pushed to staging, you need to do some mucking around in the UI to push it to production.

Releasing the artifiact

Login here using your credentials from above. Try searching for "com.plaid" in the search bar and see if the newest version is in the "release" repository. If it is, the release is out! It may take a couple of hours to propagate to other Maven repositories, so just hang out and check on the Central Maven Repository in a few hours.

If you don't see the newest version, continue below.

Click on "Staging Repositories" under "Build Promotion". On the top right corner there is a search bar. Search for "com.plaid".

This process goes:

  1. Artifact goes into a staging repo
  2. The staging repo is "closed"
  3. The staging repo is "released" (to the central repository)

Once you click on the staging repo, you'll be able to "Close" it. Closing it does some checks, verifies some things, but once it finishes successfully (it may take a few minutes), you can then "Release" it. Once it's Released, the artifact is successfully released as a new version. It'll show up under "Artifact Search" within Sonatype "Nexus Repository Manager" right away. It may take a couple of hours to propagate to other Maven repositories.

Updating the documentation (don't forget these steps).

  1. Update with the latest version.
  2. Update