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Pharmacogenomic Evaluator And Caller of Haplotypes (PEACH) is a pharmacogenomics tool developed for the Hartwig Medical Foundation pipeline. It imports haplotypes and related variants from a curated JSON file, reports the presence of these variants in a germline VCF, and infers the simplest combination of haplotypes that explains the presence of these variants.

The germline VCF file can be annotated by either SnpEff or PAVE. When the VCF has been annotated by both, the PAVE annotations are used.

The two output files are:

  • A file that contains the determined genotype of the sample for each gene in the JSON, expressed in terms of haplotypes.
  • A file that contains calls for all positions of variants in the JSON file, including annotation and filters wrt both v37 and v38 reference genomes.



PEACH has been designed to work with Python 3.11.

  1. Download this repository. See for instance GitHub instructions.
  2. Install the requirements in one fo the following ways:
    1. Generate a local Python 3.11 virtual environment and install the requirements:
    $ python3.11 -m venv [path/to/new/virtual/environment, for example: ./peach]
    $ source [path/to/new/venv, for example: ./peach/bin/activate]
    (peach) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
    1. Install the requirements directly:
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run PEACH.


If you have installed PEACH's requirements into a venv, then remember to source the venv before running peach.

Example Usage

(peach) $ peach \
    --vcf input.vcf.gz \
    --sample_r_id COLO829R \
    --sample_t_id COLO829T \
    --panel /path/to/panel.json 
    --outputdir /path/to/outputdir/ \
    --version 1.0 \

Mandatory Arguments

Long Argument Short Argument Description
--vcf -i Path to germline VCF file of sample. For instance the germline VCF output from PURPLE. Calls should be wrt v37. Support for v38 calls is experimental.
--panel -p Path to a JSON file that contains the variants and haplotypes to test on.
--outputdir -o Directory to write the output to.
--sample_r_id -r The ref sample ID of the run.
--tool_version -v The version of PEACH. It is included in the output files.

Optional Arguments

Long Argument Short Argument Options Default Description
--sample_t_id -t N/A None The tumor sample ID of the run. Only used for the names of the output files and in the log. When not provided, use the --sample_r_id argument for these purposes instead.
--vcf_reference_assembly_version -a V37, V38 V37 Experimental: The version of the reference assembly wrt which the vcf has been constructed. Support for V38 is experimental. Default is V37.



PEACH has been designed to work with VCF files that follow the VCF Version 4.2 format, see specification. In addition to the required fields, each row should contain either an annotation field "ANN", as described in annotation format specification, that contains the subsections "Gene Name" and "HGVS.c", or annotation as created by PAVE v1.0. One of the samples in the VCF should have a label equal to the sample_r_id argument, and the "GT" subfield for this sample should be included and filled in with diploid calls.

The calls in the VCF should be with respect to a v37 reference genome. Support for calls wrt v38 is experimental.

One subtlety with the annotations has to do with calls with multiple sets of annotations. For SnpEff annotations, PEACH simply uses the first of the annotations. For PAVE annotations, PEACH uses only the annotations corresponding to the transcript ID's in the "canonicalTranscript" fields in the panel JSON. If a call has multiple PAVE annotations with a transcript ID matching one of the transcript ID's in the panel JSON, then an error is raised.


For an example of a valid panel JSON (with fake data), see example. Almost all fields in the example JSON are required. The only exceptions are:

  • "canonicalTranscript", which is required for handling PAVE annotations, but ignored for SnpEff annotations.
  • "variantsToIgnore", which can be used to ignore the specified variants when reading the input VCF. Additional fields are ignored.

See config for the panel JSON (with real data) that is currently being used in the Hartwig Medical Foundation pipeline.

Relevant differences between the v37 and v38 reference sequences for a gene should be included as an entry in the "variants" field of that gene where the "referenceAlleleV37" and "referenceAlleleV38" fields are different. The set of rs id's with such entries has to be equal to the set of rs id's with entries in the "refSeqDifferenceAnnotations" field of that gene. This ensures that the variant annotation for variants at these locations can be translated to v38 properly

PEACH does not (properly) support panel JSON files that contain (partially) overlapping genes. Variants in a panel JSON file are only allowed to (partially) overlap if they have identical positions and reference alleles.


PEACH outputs two TSV files. One contains genotypes/haplotypes for each gene, the other contains calls for all variants from the panel JSON.

Genotype TSV file

Name: [sample_t_id].peach.genotype.tsv

Column Example Value Description
gene DPYD Gene for which this haplotype is called.
haplotype_zygosity *1_HOM Called haplotype including zygosity. If no haplotype could be called, has value "Unresolved Haplotype".
function No function Functionality of this haplotype. Wild type has function "Normal Function". If no haplotype could be called, has value "Unknown Function".
linked_drugs 5-Fluoracil;Capecitabine Drugs for which this haplotype is relevant, separated by ";".
url_prescription_info; For each listed drug, a url with information on how to translate abnormal haplotype function into an appropriate treatment adjustment. Separated by ";".
panel_version DPYDpanel_v1.3 Name and version of panel JSON. Both are taken from fields in the JSON.
repo_version 1.0 Version of PEACH.
haplotype *1 Called haplotype. If no haplotype could be called, has value "Unresolved Haplotype".
zygosity HOM Whether haplotype call is homozygous (HOM) or heterozygous (HET). If no haplotype could be called, has value "N/A".

Calls TSV file

Name: [sample_t_id].peach.calls.tsv

Column Example Value Description
gene DPYD Gene to which the variant is related.
chromosome_v37 1 Chromosome of variant wrt v37 reference genome.
position_v37 98348885 Position on chromosome wrt v37 reference genome. If unknown, has value "UNKNOWN".
position_v38 97883329 Position on chromosome wrt v38 reference genome. If unknown, has value "UNKNOWN".
ref_v37 G Reference allele wrt v37. If unknown, has value "UNKNOWN".
ref_v38 A Reference allele wrt v38. If unknown, has value "UNKNOWN".
allele1 A First of the called alleles. Order of alleles is lexicographical order.
allele2 A Second of the called alleles. Order of alleles is lexicographical order.
rsid rs1801265 Rs id(s) of variant. If more than one, then they are separated by ";". Taken from VCF if available. If not, taken from matching variant in panel JSON, if match exists. If not, has value ".".
variant_annotation_v37 85C>T Variant annotation wrt v37. See Get_VCF Variant Calls and Annotate Calls with Panel Information for details.
filter_v37 PASS Has value PASS, NO_CALL, UNKNOWN or INFERRED_PASS. See Get_VCF Variant Calls and Annotate Calls with Panel Information for details.
variant_annotation_v38 REF_CALL Variant annotation wrt v38. See Get_VCF Variant Calls and Annotate Calls with Panel Information for details.
filter_v38 NO_CALL Has value PASS, NO_CALL, UNKNOWN or INFERRED_PASS. See Get_VCF Variant Calls and Annotate Calls with Panel Information for details.
panel_version DPYDpanel_v1.3 Name and version of panel JSON. Both are taken from fields in the JSON.
repo_version 1.0 Version of PEACH.
chromosome_v38 chr1 Chromosome of variant wrt v38 reference genome.


Haplotypes are commonly defined wrt a v38 reference genome. If the calls in the input VCF are wrt v37, then this requires a translation of v37 calls to v38 calls. PEACH extracts the required knowledge of the differences between these reference genomes from the information in the panel JSON. No matter with respect to what reference genome version the calls in the input VCF have been defined, PEACH always tries to translate these calls to the other reference genome by using the information in the panel JSON, resulting in dual calls with information for both versions. For haplotype calling we use the v38 information from the dual calls.

Define the VCF RG version as the reference genome version wrt which the calls in the VCF are defined. Define the non-VCF RG version as the reference genome version that is not the VCF RG version.

In broad strokes, PEACH does the following:

  • Extract relevant calls from VCF, where relevance is determined by the panel JSON.
  • Use information from the panel JSON to translate these calls to the other reference genome, where possible, and construct dual calls.
  • For each gene:
    • Determine for each variant how often each alt allele occurs (alt wrt v38).
    • Determine the unique simplest combination of haplotypes that completely explains that combination of alt alleles and counts. If there is no unique simplest combination of haplotypes that completely explains the combination of alt alleles and counts, then declare "Unresolved Haplotype".
  • Create output files.


First, the panel JSON is loaded and checked for consistency.

Get VCF Variant Calls

The calls for the sample sample_r_id are extracted from the VCF, and they are compared to the variants in the panel JSON file. Calls are ignored when none of the following are true:

  • At least one of the rs id's of the call matches an rs id from the panel JSON.
  • At least one of the covered positions of the call matches at least one of the covered positions of the variants in the panel JSON for the VCF RG version. In this comparison, the covered positions of a call or variant are the positions of the bases in the reference allele.

Let's call the remaining variants the observed VCF calls.

For each variant in the panel JSON for which there is no matching observed VCF call, a call is created that is homozygously the reference allele, an inferred VCF call. More specifically, a call is added for a panel variant when there are no observed VCF calls such that either:

  • The variant rs id matches one of the calls rs id's.
  • The covered positions of the variant (partially) match the covered positions of the call (for the VCF RG version).

The observed and inferred VCF calls together form the list of calls that will be considered by PEACH, which we will call the combined VCF calls.

The annotation and filter of the combined VCF calls are determined in the following way:

Condition Variant Annotation VCF RG Version Filter VCF RG Version
Homozygous alt or heterozygous observed call. From PAVE or SnpEff annotation in VCF PASS
Homozygous reference observed call. REF_CALL PASS
Inferred call. REF_CALL NO_CALL

If the PAVE or SnpEff annotation in the VCF has no HGVS coding impact annotation, then the string NONE is used instead.

Annotate Calls with Panel Information

For each of the combined VCF calls, an attempt is made to find a variant in the panel JSON that has the same VCF position and reference allele.

If successful:

  • If the rs id of the call has not been set, then it is set to the value from the matching variant.
  • Set the gene to the gene from the matching variant.
  • The reference allele and position wrt the non-VCF RG version are determined from the matching variant.

If unsuccessful:

  • If the rs id of the call has not been set, set it to "UNKNOWN".
  • Set the gene to "UNKNOWN".
  • Set reference allele and position wrt non-VCF RG version to "UNKNOWN".

Also, the correct annotation and filter wrt the non-VCF RG version are determined according to the following table, where an asterisk (*) indicates that any value is allowed:

Matches variant in panel JSON Type of call Call is homozygous reference wrt non-VCF RG version Reference alleles v37 and v38 are identical All alleles are reference with v37 or v38 Variant Annotation Non-VCF RG Version Filter Non-VCF RG Version
False * * * * Variant Annotation VCF RG Version + "?" UNKNOWN
True Inferred True * * REF_CALL NO_CALL
True Inferred False * * From "refSeqDifferenceAnnotations" field in panel JSON INFERRED_PASS
True Observed True * * REF_CALL PASS
True Observed False True * Variant Annotation VCF RG Version PASS
True Observed False False True From "refSeqDifferenceAnnotations" field in panel JSON PASS
True Observed False False False Variant Annotation VCF RG Version + "?" UNKNOWN

The only exception to the above table is that when the Variant Annotation VCF RG Version is equal to "UNKNOWN", we do not actually add a question mark when the table says we should.

Note that an asterisk does not indicate that every value is actually possible. For instance, calls that do not match any variants from the panel JSON can only be observed calls, not inferred calls. Furthermore, if there is no matching variant in the panel JSON, then PEACH does not know what the correct non-VCF RG version reference allele is, so it would be unknown whether the reference alleles wrt v37 and v38 are identical.

Let's call these calls with both v37 and v38 details dual calls.

Infer Haplotypes

For the haplotype calling PEACH only uses the v38 and general information from the dual calls, not the v37 information.

The goal is to find the simplest combination of haplotypes that explains the called variants.

Sometimes, more than one combination of haplotypes could explain the calls. As an example, consider the DPYD gene and two variants for that gene: c.1905+1G>A and c.1627A>G. Separately, these variants form the haplotypes *2A and *5, and the haplotype *2B consists of both of these variants together. A haplotype can contain multiple variants if these variants have a tendency to be inherited together. If each variant is called once and if all of these variants and haplotypes are included in the panel JSON, then, to take this combined inheritance into account, PEACH prefers to call the haplotype combination as *2B_HET/*1_HET and not as *2A_HET/*5_HET. If you want PEACH to call *2A_HET/*5_HET instead of *2B_HET/*1_HET in this situation, then simply don't include *2B in the panel JSON.

To make this more precise, define the length of a haplotype combination as the total number of non-wild-type haplotypes in the combination, where homozygous haplotype calls are counted as 2. PEACH will always attempt to call the unique haplotype combination of minimum length that explain all the variant calls. If there are no haplotype combinations that explain all the variant calls, or if there is more than one combination of the same minimum length, then the haplotype combination for that gene is called as "Unresolved Haplotype".

The only valid haplotype combination of length 0 is the homozygous wild type haplotype, valid haplotype combinations of length 1 always include precisely one heterozygous wild type haplotype call, and valid haplotype combinations of length at least 2 do not contain any calls for the wild type haplotype.

Note that when at least one of the VCF calls overlaps with but is not identical to one of the variants in the panel JSON, then the haplotype combination "Unresolved Haplotype" will be called, because this variant will be an observed VCF call that is not part of any haplotypes in the panel JSON.

Haplotype Calling Algorithm

Haplotypes are called for each gene separately. First, collect the dual calls that correspond to that gene. Then, extract the alt alleles wrt v38 from these dual calls, and count the number of times each combination of position (v38) and alt allele (v38) occurs. Use recursive descent to determine all haplotype combinations that perfectly explain all of these variants. If there are no such combinations, then no haplotype combination can be called for this gene. If such combinations do exist, then the next step is to determine the length of each valid haplotype combination. Find the minimum length of the valid haplotype combinations, and select the haplotype combinations whose length is equal to this minimum. If precisely one such haplotype combination exists, then this combination will be called for this gene. If more than one haplotype combination of minimum length exists, then no haplotype combination is called for this gene.


The data in these examples will be the completely fictional. The examples will focus on fairly "standard" situations, and they will exclude all information that is not necessary to understand these situations. For details on non-standard situations, see the more detailed subsections of the Algorithm section.

Suppose that the panel JSON contains the following variants and haplotypes for the fictional gene FAKE, and that FAKE is the only gene in the panel JSON.

Rs Id Reference Allele V37 Reference Allele V38 V38 Annotation for Reference Sequence Difference
rs1 A A N/A
rs2 TA GC c.6543GC>TA
rs3 GG GG N/A
Haplotype Variants (Rs Id: Variant Allele wrt v38)
*1 (wild type) None
*2 rs1: T
*3 rs2: TA
*4 rs3: G
*5 rs1: T, rs3: G

No Calls

If there are no calls wrt v37 in the VCF, then the dual calls are:

Rs Id Allele1 Allele2 Variant Annotation V37 Filter V37 Variant Annotation V38 Filter V38

The only valid haplotype combination that explains these variants is *3_HOM, so this is the haplotype combination that is called for FAKE.

Homozygous Wild Type

Suppose that the v37 calls are the following:

Rs Id Allele1 Allele2 Variant Annotation V37 Filter V37
rs1 A A c.8483A>T PASS
rs2 GC GC c.6543TA>GC PASS
rs3 GG GG c.4838GG>G PASS

In this case, the dual calls are:

Rs Id Allele1 Allele2 Variant Annotation V37 Filter V37 Variant Annotation V38 Filter V38

The only valid haplotype combination is *1_HOM, so this haplotype combination is called for FAKE.

Heterozygous Wild Type

Suppose that the v37 calls are the following:

Rs Id Allele1 Allele2 Variant Annotation V37 Filter V37
rs1 A A c.8483A>T PASS
rs2 TA GC c.6543TA>GC PASS
rs3 GG GG c.4838GG>G PASS

The dual calls are:

Rs Id Allele1 Allele2 Variant Annotation V37 Filter V37 Variant Annotation V38 Filter V38
rs2 GC TA c.6543TA>GC PASS c.6543GC>TA PASS

The only valid haplotype combination for FAKE is *3_HET/*1_HET, so this haplotype combination is called.

Multiple Valid Haplotypes

Suppose that the v37 calls are the following:

Rs Id Allele1 Allele2 Variant Annotation V37 Filter V37
rs1 A T c.8483A>T PASS
rs2 GC GC c.6543TA>GC PASS
rs3 G G c.4838GG>G PASS

The resulting dual calls are:

Rs Id Allele1 Allele2 Variant Annotation V37 Filter V37 Variant Annotation V38 Filter V38
rs1 A T c.8483A>T PASS c.8483A>T PASS
rs3 G G c.4838GG>G PASS c.4838GG>G PASS

The valid haplotype combinations are *2_HET/*4_HOM and *4_HET/*5_HET. These combinations have lengths 3 and 2, respectively, so the second combination is preferred. The called haplotype combination for FAKE is *4_HET/*5_HET.


PEACH does not support calling for multiple (partially) overlapping genes. If one wishes to attain results for (partially) overlapping genes anyway, split them across separate panel JSON files and run PEACH multiple times.

Variants in a panel JSON file are not allowed to (partially) overlap unless they have identical positions and reference alleles.


To run PEACH's test suite, including mypy, run the script test_peach. If you have installed PEACH's requirements into a venv, then remember to source the venv before running test_peach.

Version History and Download Links

  • 1.8
    • Update supported Python version from 3.6 to 3.11.
  • 1.7
    • Adjust PEACH to support UGT1A1 calling.
    • Specifics:
      • Ignore gene of variant in VCF and only use gene names from panel JSON.
      • Allow multiple calls at the same location if reference allele matches.
        • Needed for UGT1A1 *28/*37.
      • Add option to panel JSON to specify variants to ignore.
        • Needed for UGT1A1 *36.
      • Stop treating empty variant annotation as unknown variant annotation, but instead indicate as annotation=”NONE”.
  • 1.6
    • Make --sample_t_id argument optional.
    • Fix crash when PAVE_TI has "Number=." in VCF header.
  • 1.5
    • Add support for PAVE annotations.
    • Add optional "canonicalTranscript" entry in panel JSON.
      • This entry is required for parsing PAVE annotations, and ignored for SnpEff annotations.
  • 1.4
    • Change formats of output files to essentially being PEACH v1.0 output files with some additional columns, to avoid breaking the expectations from downstream tools based on semantic versioning.
  • 1.3
    • Update scikit-allel version to fix pip-install failure.
  • 1.2
    • Allow for different chromosome names wrt v37 and v38
    • Includes changes to the panel JSON and the genotype output file.
    • Improve clarity and consistency of logging.
  • 1.1
    • Add shell script peach for running PEACH.
    • Remove VCF filtering step.
      • Remove VCFTools dependency.
      • Remove filtered-VCF output file.
    • Add experimental support for input VCF's for reference genomes with version v38.
    • Change format of arguments to PEACH.
      • Arguments are no longer positional.
      • Remove arguments vcftools, recreate_bed and transcript_tsv, since they are no longer needed.
      • Add optional parameter for experimental v38 VCF support.
    • Change format of panel JSON.
      • Change key "url_prescription_info" to "urlPrescriptionInfo" for consistency with other keys.
      • Add "annotationV37" key for reference sequence differences, for support of v38 reference genomes.
    • Adjust format of genotype TSV output file.
      • Split "haplotype" column into "haplotype" and "zygosity".
    • Add script for running tests.
  • 1.0
    • First release